Steel and circuitry rule where once flesh and blood walked. The God Beast Amok is undisputed master of this strange planet, but events are unfolding which with change the world forever. Armageddon is coming...
Metalzoic is a story written by Pat Mills (Nemesis the Warlock, Slaine, Requiem Vampire Knight) and illustrated by Kevin O'Neill (Nemesis the Warlock, Marshal Law, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman) about some of their favourite subjects - robots, animals, robots that look like animals, psychotically violent anti-heroes, environmentalism and ludicrous action. Originally published for DC's Graphic Novel line in 1986 and reprinted in 2000AD in progs 483-492, Metalzoic presents a world at once intimately familiar and yet utterly alien, and one which would make an excellent setting for an action game. Predators lurk among in the refinery jungles. Submarine sharks prowl icy waters. Electric train snakes haunt dark tunnels. All are locked into the struggle for survival and the great circle of life crushes those who don't get out of the way in time.
There's even some squishy humans if you're into that sort of thing (you utter weirdo).
And finally some supplementary reading. I'm not 100% sure, but I think Speakeasy was an 80s fanzine.
Austin Richardson
Good shit.
Levi Richardson
Chase Allen
Glad you enjoyed it! I was beginning to wonder if I was alone in here.
Henry Bailey
Levi Rivera
I do find Kevin O'Neil's comments about Transformers and Macross at the end there oddly amusing.
Elijah Martinez
Michael Taylor
Some bits and bobs from the 2000AD edition, mainly covers. Unlike the DC version, 2000AD's was in black and white, as at the time they could only afford to print the centre spread and covers in colour.
Nathan Fisher
Jose Wright
One of my all-time favourites.
Nolan Rogers
Cameron Harris
Last one. I thought I had a higher-res version of this, but apparently not. Oh well.
Hope you enjoyed this!
Robert Reed
Thank for the sotrytime, OP.
Ian Martinez
bump for reading
Jace Jenkins
Oh Bull. Shit. Unfolding himself from being compressed into a sphere? COME ON!
Luis Powell
Do not question the ways of Pumping Iron, for it is a powerful and mysterious act of muscle wizardry. Also a bit more of a plot hole than it first appears, given that its meant to be Armageddon tapping into the magnetic field of the earth, which in some parts of the story is said to have cut out completely.
Pat Mills returned very briefly to robot animals much later in these memorable pages from Requiem Vampire Knight.