A special player

hi there!
me and my rpg group are playing dnd 3.5. (and i love it )
we have a special player in the group... and today i will tell you about him.

he is plaing a...1/4 Wild elf, 1/4 Wood elf and 1/2 Drow. his classes are 3 sorc, 2 Cleric (of elistrey) and 3 ranger. he wants to go mystic theurg for dual progression. He is allso going stong on the alchemy skill and is trying to get the DM to make it stronger, so he can use a lot of alchemist fire to do dmg.

i sometimes want to kill the char... just so he has to make a new char O_o

i once dmed a session, just for the heck of it with the group (dm has a dm pc... so he just played his char)... during this session the hald drow did some amazing things. he is chaothic good and wants everyone to get along and stop racism against drow, because they are missunderstood and there are good drow. but when i made them fight alongside a orc, that helped them, he tried to kill it riht away, because orcs are EVIL! and need to die because ALL ORCS ARE EVIL. at the end of the evening the village where they where fighting some random culd was burning down and there where some kids in burning buildings... he saw them but thought "everyone here is a cultist and needs to burn! even the kids!"...is that good?

i just dont know how to deal with that char and player O_o

what the fuck

Amazing! Why don't you tell us more about this campaign and that player so we can help you..

sry for the spelling mistakes, my english isnt the best and i just typed it out of frustration without checking again.

For those who want to post this in the next that guy thread

Could you rephrase, preferably in one or two sentences?


the player: the guy is a genius! has a PHD in Bio Physics and studied medicine afterwards... and is now a doctor.
he ALWAYS plays Elves (no matter the setting) and most of the time he is in a misunderstood organization or group. he is allways searchingfor the "i win" button. he tends to try to help his "group" of npcs, so they get stronger in the setting... even if it goes against the group. because of this i allready killed... i think 3 or 4 of his chars. the most amazing char afteri killed his char was a new char that had revival powers, so he tried to reviev his old char... guess who i killed again XD

ok the campain is a fairly standart dnd campaign. group of missfits somehow band together (lots of ppl joining in bars) and somehow stays together, even if some (a half drow) characters dont contribure ANYTHING to fights and out of the fights. till now we managed to doge the plot alltoghter (or the dm wanted to give us time to get to know the characters.. i dont know).. looks like soon we are supposed to start the "main" campaign.

OP, I think this may be the wrong website for you.

the group
Human bard + warblade + Assasin - face of the group
me: chaos gnome Wizard + Malconvoker going into Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil (i tend to roll horribly... so i started to like powers that just work...)
some shadow human (?) warblade + shadow dancer and shadow blade... dont know exactly (dm pc)
a swanmaiden human Ranger (girl new to rpg)
a wizard chaos mage human


Holy shit this is some good copy pasta potential.

Good work OP, been a while since something this good was done.

I'm proud of you OP. Good work.

Not him but I think he's reffering to your grammer, misspellings and emoticons. Also your posts are a bit verbose and inconcise.

I'm not saying you should leave, but you should probably work a little on that.

well don't stop now OP, I want to hear more

Honestly, this

Ok, Sry on my way to learn group. So now fromphone. But it has auto correct. He tends to ignore the group and play with npcs and take as much time of the session as possible. After the village burning he lost his cleric powers and thought his goddess died, because he didn't do anything wrong. Than he burned down a forest, to vent his anger ingame. He always assumes, that if you are sad, you can just destroy random things. That lead to moping around and some nice ingame talking about religion. When my character told him, that maybe he is not following his religion right, he told me to shut up and not talk about his religion...afterwards we found out, that he never read the elystrey part of the campaign setting...

Maybe tonight I will sit down and write it all down... All the glory of playing with him for 10 years... But he is a good friend... So we can't kick him from the group

>Maybe tonight I will sit down and write it all down

Please do

>shut up dont talk to me about my religion

Why his fantasy so grounded in reality

Your whole group sounds like That Guys, he is a special snowflake and a bad roleplayer and you have killed 3 or 4 of his chars? For real how doesnt this group disband? I mean i dont wanna go BADWrongFun, so if you are having fun go ahead, but...
I think you rly rly needd to sit down alltogether and create a (new) party that has a reason to stick together, wont kill each other, has interesting charakter interactions and work on your roleplaying