Am I a piece of shit for using counterfeit MTG cards? I want to play Modern but $500+ for a deck is unreal. Will I get caught?
Counterfeit MTG
Even if you get caught play dumb and say you traded for them.
People really can't do much about it, just say you'd $500 out of pocket if they're fake, unless you're at a sanctioned tournament they won't care. I've been to multiple FNM's where a friend has used fake ass proxies and they all just didn't give a shit after he played dumb.
>Are you a piece of shit?
You're taking the piss out of the secondary market, so I'd say no. If WotC sold singles cards directly, it would be a different matter.
>Will I get caught?
Depends on the sett- quality.
What do you mean taking the piss out?
I have no interest in trading my proxy cards. I just want to play my favorite stupid card game without having to dump thousands of dollars into it.
It is not the trading. It is lost sales to a random vendor that is 'the taking of the piss.'
Either way, don't worry about it. You do you and if someone calls you out, deny deny deny.
Am I a piece of shit for selling fakes and making over $2800 off of a $100 investment?
I don't give a fuck. We'd stab each other immediately if it meant paying rent. Don't act all high and proper you cunts.
I gotta let the heat die down before I get my human proxy's to sell more though.
You're a piece of shit for playing Magic at all, so no big deal.
>tfw could have sold my LEDs and dual lands to furnish myself a new drum kit
If I knew for sure I wouldn't get fucking caught I would do it in a heartbeat.
How do you sell yours
So you just hate the game?
That doesn't make sense.
All the money I made pretty much went into buying real versions or toward pimping out Edh decks.
Free money meng.
1, have no conscience.
2, have desperate friends who need money and essentially live off the grid.
3, advertise locally. Have human proxy friend (and even his/her own proxy's) meet up with the mark.
4, hope for the best.
Worst case scenario have your friend plea ignorance. Leave no trail and at worst your proxy will be labeled a fake seller locally. It never got past that.
To add, female proxy's work wonders. The cards will be under far less scrutiny and their lack of knowledge for the game comes off naturally and to your favor.
it's fucking cardboard and the only person you are hurting is the investor/mtgfiance jews, i wouldn't even consider feeling bad about it.
Where do you guys buy yours?
I used to think counterfeits were fine, but I can't really stick with that anymore.
The fact of the matter is, that of the prices were reasonable, I would prefer to buy wizard's product. That means there's some value I respect to the IP, and buying counterfeit is going against that.
So my only recourse is just not to play when the prices are beyond insane.
That being said, I do think that wizards should abolish the reserve list, and counterfeits are only going to increase the pressure on them to do so.
If you're not playing in tournaments with them then personally I don't see anything wrong with it. I have fake power and stuff like that for my cube because fuck spending thousands of dollars on that.
It's only a matter of time before they become virtually perfect.
I've traded proxies for real cards THEN sold them.
Ye. Trading at big events is a good way to fence your good for real mark or equally valuable counterfeits.
I'm probably not going to get a real answer but here I go. Anyone have a link to where I could get some proxies? I've been wanting to buy some duals and fetches for legacy since playing manaless dredge is fun for a while but fuck paying that price.
You are on your own after that point.
Look for Villa Zheng
You are a piece of shit
If people want to colect something, at leadt they deserve to get what they want
You just are money wise
They wanted cardboard. They got cardboard.
Even though I'm pretty pro-proxy myself, I do agree selling them and trading them for real cards is scummy.
Being a piece of shit gets you ahead in all aspects of life. I would recommend trying it. You might even become president.
Thanks bros, so in terms of quality what should I look for? I already plan on double sleeving to minimize scrutiny
Also lmao if you think your loser ass making a couple thousand bucks is even comparable to a man who built multiple casinos and hotels. Your name will never be remembered and when you die no one will shed a tear.
>secondary market, so I'd say no.
I care about FLGSs a lot more than WotC.
Show me an LGS with copies of commonly proxied cards in stock.
You're fine as long as you don't place in tournaments. I think they only do random deck checks in the top 8.
Those betas just don't know how to get ahead in life. But we true patricians know. It's a dog eat dog world, only the strong survive.
*sheaths fedora*
they'll also do deck checks if the autist you're playing against calls over a judge. even at a flgs, but that's uncommon
If your quality is good your opponent won't be able to spot a fake through a sleeve because they aren't looking for it.
The only way to combat edge, being even edgier.
>Am I a piece of shit for using counterfeit MTG cards?
If you use them to play with, no. If you try to sell or trade them, yes.
Every time
>I'm selling counterfeits to people as if they were real
You're shit
>I'm playing counterfeits as if they were real
You're perfectly fine.