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Remember Cadia edition

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First for Abby the idiot

what if cadia was really an alpha legion operative in disguise?

Ferrus Manus coming back, boys. Get fucking hype.

>Faction with very little fluff presence makes an appearance in the new book
I guess I'm happy about it.

End of Times 40k when, i want to see salt, tears and asshurt of everyone

I'm pretty happy so far.

Robo head is best head.


We've lost, what, one established character so far? And just a blueberry on top of that?

Pretty weak for an End Times so far.

Anyone else kinda happy that they blew up cadia? I mean maybe now regiments other than Muh starship troopers will get some time in the spot light

no, NO , NO! You are supposed to be assravaged.
Hope everyone gets mad when they nuke those shit rules


Maybe we will get new plastic guard?
doubt it

What should they represent?

go back to your whfb thread.

I wish they actually focused more on the Cadians but fuck the Guard I guess. That or they could have released rules/new models for all the Guard regiments there as well.

The thing is, 40k is probably going to receive the treatment fantasy deserved and will enter in a new golden age, with a fixed game, new lore and new miniatures, thanks to ne w CGO it only can get better.

Lord of the LegiĆ³n of the damned

Hi, I'm Belisarius Cawl and this is jackass!

Cadia explodes!

Fucking really? Abaddon and the Chaos forces are retreating! Better touch the pylons that I know nothing about in the middle of an invasion.

Imperium had already won and the fucking new Mechanicus character blows up Cadia?!

Abaddon Bitch Slap Celestine, proceeds to tell the world how evil he is in a saturday morning cartoon villain monologue. DISTRACTION CREED. Celestine stabs Abaddon and he runs like a bitch too his ship.

That for some reason has the only functional teleports when it previously stated that they didn't work.

Who the fuck wrote this?! GK mercy kill blood bath sounds good by comparison.

actualy i came from AoS :^)
WHFB death is best thing ever

threadly reminder that cadia was supposed to be 3 pages of blitzkrieg exterminatus from orbit in the firsts drafts.

Be glad you could kill even 1 chaos space marines

I don't know, I'm pretty sure Chaos would lose a few ships to the Imperial Navy if they tried to get a blitzkrieg exterminatus going, probably no battleships or grand cruisers, but definitely some escorts and lighter cruisers.

> :^)
yeah no, go back to your Deadgame whfb thread, salty fuck.
there wont be any endtimes in 40k. 8th is just minor rules tweaks.

>Who the fuck wrote this?! GK mercy kill blood bath sounds good by comparison.

Funny you should say that...



I vaguely remember having read something about "unarmed mens" employed by the ecclesiarchy, as a fighting force respecting the Decree Passive. They were some kind of high level martial artists.
I found the idea really cool, but now that I want to use it, I can't find any reference to such thing. Id I just make it up ? Or was it non canon content ? I'd like to know.

Been away for a week, we got scans or a leaked copy yet?

I'm a Tau player, these books so far have given me nothing but good stuff. I get to mock Raven Guard players and they killed of the biggest fucknugget in my army.

Things have been good to me so far.

Trazyn: "Grayfax, I choose you!"

*Inquisitor Grayfax used Exterminatus...

...it was super effective!

Abaddon fails to kill Creed and depowered Celestine who were helpless in front of him.

Both sides of the emotional coin I'd say. It's weird that the warp is only filled with the negative aspects of life, even though we know there are still good people in the universe.

Where's everyone getting the story of the new book?


>Fucking really? Abaddon and the Chaos forces are retreating! Better touch the pylons that I know nothing about in the middle of an invasion.
You do realize that Abaddon is only retreating because Belicarius touched those pylons, right?

>Tau players are actually happy about the rapid decline of their fluff quality

As a Chaosfag, this is really weird to see from the outside.

Realy? GW leaked the end of the book?

Decline? With Supreme Ethereal 'I am the greatest asshole in the empire' Aun'Va out of the way, Tau fluff actually gets to go somewhere good again.


>go back to your Deadgame whfb thread
just said i came from AoS
sure thing friendo

>rulebook is almost a thousand pages long with no fucking table of contents
>over two dozen codexes, each filled with critical faction-specific rules
>literally every single video on youtube gets a slew of rules wrong
How the fuck am I supposed to learn how to play this game
There's no reason for a 1000 page rulebook, just tell me what the stats mean and give me a list of what the special abilities are

so a well known alien villian shows up to help with a kidnapped inquisitor from his private collection? i wonder how hard it was to keep the black templars and sisters of battle or damn near anyone from firing on sight or flipping out

>Tau fluff actually gets to go somewhere good again.

Yes, like now the writers can focus even more on the Tau's objectively superior strategy, tactics, philosophy, technology, discipline, soldiers, commanders, fleets, defences, industry and all that, while continuing to wipe their asses with the rest of the setting for their own amusement, contuiniung the ever-present circlejerk of 'lel look at how retarded everyone else is,' that's slowly transformed the Tau from an interesting faction to an insufferable pile of shit.

All Pics are from iTunes and Black library ePub preview, are available for everything

I'd like for the Tau to actually encounter that 'rest of the setting' some more. The vast majority of Tau conflicts so far have been Tau vs Imperium, and it has become boring.

Is this bait? I'm pretty sure this is bait.

that's why the rules need to get fucked, make warscrolls like AoS or some shit

... Aside the Tau versus Ork, Tau versus tyranid, and Tau versus daemon conflicts.

Wait, which blueberry got squatted?

Bubble of Stupidity that Protect Tau space needs to go.

It is not even funny to see Imperial commanders, not doing grim dark or hell even grim derp. They just go full retard when fighting Tau.

Which is a continuation of the WHFB universe. And an abortion is still a death.
So user was right, dead game WHFB thread

>implying he isn't rewriting AoS from the ground because the game is shit
You know this to be true.

Which were one-shot conflicts that barely got expanded on. Maybe Tau vs Orks for Farsight in his novel, but that about ends it. The rest barely got a mention in any of the Tau novels, they just defaulted to the Tau vs Imperium conflict.


I liked the part where Trazyn see Abaddon escapes and he just put back his tesseract labyrinth on his robe because he escaped........ For the time being.

You're forgetting his uses millions of body-doubles.

The Templars/Sisters probably killed the first few hundred that arrived.

Then why feed it? Report and hide.

>How the fuck am I supposed to learn how to play this game
>There's no reason for a 1000 page rulebook, just tell me what the stats mean and give me a list of what the special abilities are
3 things:
1)the rules aren't even close to a thousand pages.
2)the reference sheet is in the op.
3) you're a retard

The irony is this is why everyone used to hate Eldar. But now the Eldar are in such a shit place nobody feels anything but sorry for them.

To be fair, that is true, but that is simply because the Tau are in a relatively boring part of the Galaxy. Their only enemy is really the Imperium.

>implying chaos would ever win a space battle
The imperial navy is without a doubt superior to chaos. Abby somehow beating them and destroying cadia from space would be even more retarded.

Less than the Cawl fucking the pylons after the Imperium won. For some fucking reason.

wait a second, i know of an arrogant jerk in a metal suit that does what ever he wants and silly things from time to time

>Sending an anti-psyker to deal with the leader of the second most non-psyker race after crons

Bravo imperium.

Trazyn goes to mars with a stolen Cawl relic from his ship at the end. Trazyn is not interested in Abbadon.

So 40k wasn't always so grimdark?

Easy to spot bait, that or you're literally not made for this game, the game isn't that complicated, if this is too much for you I'll rather recommend you the dawn of war game series instead of the tabletop game.

say what you will, those assassins are very good at murdering people. psychic or not.

Eh, I can at least somewhat believe that a magos messing with necron tech could lead to bad things. It all depends on how they handle it in the next couple of books. If it does end up being "the magos pressed a button and the pylons blew up, abby won only because of imperial incompetence and the imperium gains absolutely nothing from the pylons exploding" then it'll be worse.
But unless it ends up being that bad, then chaos defeating the imperial navy would be far more unforgivable.

Daily reminder that the Culexus possesses the training and conditioning to use the Etherium, which separated himself from physical reality enough that none of the Tau's sensors or soldiers could even detect his presence until he revealed himself, dude can just walk up to a commander in the middle of his own encampment, snap his neck, reactivate the Etherium and walk off, he's easily the most dangerous kind of Assassin for individual targets in a warzone.

I wanted to be confused as to why this affected everyone except the ethereal. After all, they're the only thing remotely close to psykers in Tau.

Then I realized the douchebag is probably using the same shit that lets him influence the others into following him to redirect most of the effects into his troops, sparing himself.

What a fucking cunt.


He is kinda interested, he probably let it slip for the moment and wait until he's vulnerable again.

>It's weird that the warp is only filled with the negative aspects of life
It's because the positive ones are trapped in Nurgles basement or some such

>leader of the second most non-psykic race got killed by the anti-psyker assasins
Bravo tau

The artwork is inaccurate to the fluff, Aun'Va freaks out even harder than everyone else in the room in the book and ends up running away like a bitch before the Culexus catches him.

what s the first ?

Did Cawl survived? Please tell me he survived! He jwas just released and is an interesting character!

not just anti-psyker, but anti-everything. blanks make normal people, and those of other races, go nuts, depending on how...blank they are.

dayli reminder that your fanfic isnt cannon

Necrons. Tau have very small souls, Necrons have none.

He survived. Every named character, except possibly probably kell, survived.

Trazyn tell Cawl to go to cadia and help cawl how to Pylons Work os a trick to get the relic that protects cawl in is ship


>Do you know what the Etherium is and what it does?
>Did you read the book in which the Culexus casually evades the detection of the Tau until he reaches Aun'Va, even while within their direct line of sight?

This isn't difficult to deduce at all.

No citation, abstract, non written deduction from "the book in which", this will get you a {Citation needed} in most of internet.

yea its your personal fanfic

I thought Ethereals used pheromones rather than psychic powers to control the other Tau?

The fact he's not reacting is probably just weeb mental discipline, there's at least one bit of fluff where a captured Ethereal doesn't react to torture.

Helping the forces on Cadia is just a trick for cawl to trust him

>it's a dumb frogposter doesn't know anything episode
Not even him, but it's not his fault you cant be bothered to know the fluff

I hope they don't kill of the Patron Saint of Thiccness, but since it's GW and she's essentially a Sister, it's pretty much guaranteed.

>Necrons reduced to a meme character doing shit for the lulz
>AdMech just incompetent retards that blow up their own fortress
>Abaddon fails in the objective of the last 10,000 years of effort only to be saved at the last minute by the aforementioned AdMech retardation
>Sisters show up only to get bitch-slapped by Abaddon
>Cadians practically non-existent on Cadia
Holy shit, if GW was intentionally trying to write a shitty book that pissed off every fanbase involved, then Fall of Cadia would be a masterpiece.

>blow up their own planet


Nowhere to go now but down. Way, way down.

>Holy shit, if GW was intentionally trying to write a shitty book that pissed off every fanbase involved
As a necron player I'm fine with how Trazyn was depicted. It's basically how he always acts

Gotta wake up Dragon for necrons to have their (demon)primarch stand-in.

That being said, what are the primarch stand-ins for other factions?
Marines - primarchs
AdMech - DAoT super machines
Non-marine IoM - Living saints out of nowhere
Eldar - Ynnead/other soulamalgamations
Deldar - ????
Tau - Venom Snake O'shovah
Orks - Ghaz with gorillion^2 boyz waaaagh energy
Daemons - Even greater daemons
Nids - Bigest(er(est)) nids

That's not what happened though. The Imperium won *because* Cawl activated the pylons, which then shredded Abaddon's mostly daemon powered army apart.

Alrighty then, let's get to the sources:

Warzone Damocles: Mont'ka depicts the Culexus as pic related in multiple occasions. This, alongside the well-known fluff that the Culexus Assassin possesses the Etherium, a device linked to his Synskin and Animus Speculum (look up Culexi anywhere and you'll see this), that allows him to phase out of reality and cloak his physical aura, leaves little to no room for doubt.

Speaking of which, how the hell did that Culexus manage to fuck with the purely technological equipment of the Tau?

>AdMech just incompetent retards that blow up their own fortress

I love the AdMech as much as anyone, I play Skitarii, but come on, this isn't something new for them, the fact they spend their lives hunting for ancient super-weapons which they almost always immediately switch on without any idea how it works is part of the appeal.

I always liked the idea of the perception filter, or to make people not want to notice you.

Not as much, no. 3rd edition is when things took a nosedive.

>Anyone else kinda happy that they blew up cadia?
As Death korps player


Are you satisfied, you sons of bitches? Are happy at what you wrought?

How many will broken on the anvil of setting progression? How many will be sacrificed for your insatiable hunger for story advancement?

You did this to us. You asked for this. You caused the ruination of the setting to begin.

The only way he fucked with the equipment was by being virtually untraceable, an effect of the Etherium and his ability to phase. The Tau haven't met many individuals with phase-tech before and so likely wouldn't have their own phase sensors/