So GW just released a picture of the new Lord of Change model. Thoughts?
New Lord of Change Model
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nice troll link fgt
Love it, but I'm a freak who's a sucker for anything avian. I play Raven Guard and slap as many bird skulls on things as I can. I'm like one of those Space wolf fags, but with birds. So YMMV.
They're having trouble with the link right now. It's from the Warhammer 40,000 facebook page tho.
Checked on their page, it seems that you can also build it as Kairos Fateweaver too.
How he looks from behind?
like a bird
I like it overall except for the eyes. The old one had an intelligent look, but this ones eyes look like any dumb beast.
>HURRRR DURRR the 30 years old shitsculpts are better.
Not sure - I'd like too see it with a darker and more subdued paint scheme. Seems like GW is continuing their trend of overly detailed models, but that's actually perfect for a tzeentch miniature.
Another thing I notice is that the feathers on the edges of the wings look a bit too 'solid'. They look less like actual feathers and more like shaped ABS (which they are). A more skilled painter than I could probably freehand some better texture on their, but it's a shame that games workshop is sacrificing realism for an increasingly blocky, even MOBA-esque aesthetic.
I particularly hope that this figure isn't monopose. The fantasy giant kit is so good, with a ton of extra heads, arms, birds, arrows, a squished goblin, even a fleeing peasant. It's a great kit because of how packed with goodies and options it is. With the wonderful giant in mind it breaks my heart to see all the large monopose monster kits the have succeeded it, who have only an alternate head or rider at best.
>The old one had an intelligent look
It wasnt an intelligent looking model, it was basically a Skeksis from Dark Crystal.
What on earth is a MOBA-esque aesthetic? You know that's just a style of vidya gameplay?
good enough to buy one, i was wondering when they'll show up big things for DoT releases
Holy shit after all these years of no notable Tzeentch releases, GW are determined to rape my wallet dry.
just as planned
New Kairos when? Glad they finally updated it though.
Actually there are certain rules to it. You can read guidelines for DOTA modders - there are recommendations on how to balance models and colors.
Dual kit, you can build either Kairos or a LoC
I like the new Harlequin model better
Oh, that's cool. Looking forward to comparing the new Kairos to the old one.
Now all they have to do is update the GUO and KOS so the Daemons line finally starts to look decent.
Nice, now it actually looks like a demon and not just some big shitty bird.
Can we expect new unclean one next?
Depends, are we done with tzeentch model catalog?
Big bird, screamers, 3 types of horrors, chariot, flamers, heralds, all done, Khorne is done as well.
Khorne still needs better flesh hounds.
We've moved on.
I guess either nurgle or new edition stuff is next
I really want Tzeentch Warriors like Nurgle's Blightkings or Khorne's Skullreapers.
>Khorne still needs better flesh hounds.
Honestly, Khorne has enough. Slaanesh gets the least amount of love of all four gods, so they should honestly be next.
I would ideally like to see all the troops get re-sculpted for each God, then the elites, then the big boys
Looks good, but I would like to see it in some other paint schemes and some other angles. I think I might still be partial to the old model, though.
Happy for a new sculpt at last, not happy it'll cost about £90
I was going to go with chinacast anyways, so I am not too worried.
I'm fine without this, Tzeentch is not about winning battle through brawn
Let the other chaos gods have elite infantry, Tzeentch can dominate magic instead
>tfw you hate memes but you still get a lil' ego-chub when your shit gets reused.
I liked the old Chaos warriors book where tzeentch had no dedicated sorcerer in the Lord section, tzeentchs warrior lord was also their sorc.
I'd give anything for WAR style Tzeentch's Chosen
Don't deny the memes, user. Embrace them. Breathe in the roiling waves of the Empyrean. Ascend beyond your mere mortal shell.
>The old one had an intelligent look, but this ones eyes look like any dumb beast.
That's because 'Eavy Metal didn't paint pupils in the new model's eyes.
You got him first. It's just the Glottkin without the riders.
Nah not really, they still sell the old one in the store.
Kinda reminds me of a peach.
Lord of Change Gfur porn is on the rise.
Tzeentch's birdbois are the sexual combination of Ridley from Metroid and Falco from Starfox.
Case in point, the Fire warrior Ps2 game's final boss Lord of Change fights Exactly like Ridley.
That and Tzeentch probably did crossdress once to get assfuckd by Slaanesh, once.
>>Lord of Change
OP is a faggot once again
>The kit can also be used to create Kairos Fateweaver, the notorious and fickle two-headed Daemon of past and future destinies. We’ll have some shots of this build for you very soon.
Pretty good. Still would have like he wasn't opening his mouth like all other monsters GW does, but pretty good.
Puppetswar has very good models for that. Their service is good, albeit a bit slow to process orders.
You have Tzaangors and Ogroids.
But everyone knows that real bad boys always stick their tongue out at people.
Huh are those new? I don remember them being two-headed
>tfw no Tzeentchian spellsword unit
Looks gorgeous, but I'm hoping there is more than the 2 karios heads
>no undies
>Le glottkin troll xddddd
wow its been a long time
wtf is there dust/spiderweb on the blade??
clean tjat whit you mofo
I thinks it's supposed to the blood steaming off the searing blade
>that post
>wanting to have shitty beast eyes rather than wise bird eyes.
diff user, I'd mount a better head on that thing if i were fielding it.
take your own advise
Meh. I'm not a fan of GW's new aesthetic direction. Models aren't more detailed as much as they just have more stuff on them, and there is a difference.
This model just looks overly busy and crowded.
I honestly prefer the metal one.
Yep those are bigger ones, came out a few week ago.
Hm those might make cool beast of nurgle bases, as they are described to be somewhat hound-like, though a third head would be idea for nurgle reference.
Appreciate the effort, but it's just on the wrong side of overdesigned with too many unneeded details that are more distracting than anything.
Magnus was perfect though.
They also sell individual heads so I guess you could buy a batch of full models and a batch of heads and GS a third head on.
Oh yeah I could.
I think he would have been better with a Machiavellian smile. And by that I mean a smug face.
A LOT of this is just the paintjobs, 'eavy metal team doesn't seem to understand that highlighting everything and painting it in high contrast colours isn't necessarily the best idea. A different paintjob would make this look brilliant, but it's the red and orange fire, the fifteen shades of blue on the feathers, the white underbelly, the gold on the staff and all the highlighting everywhere, under studio lights, that make it just look like a clusterfuck.
i don't know, it was nice, but you ended up with an horribly costed model between the god stats and wizardry. A good idea flavour wise, but deifnitely made it a chore for players.
nice model,but nostalgia is too strong and i will stick with the not so detailed one
I can't even tell what the fuck is going on with that thing!
I'm not. I want my favorite army to be more than just support troops. I feel they should have a heavy magical inclination, either spell casting or buffs when around spells, but sometimes the march of change is lumbering and salient while looking to beat you over the head instead of stab you in the back. There are many paths to change.
Cool model, badly chosen paintjob.
Curious what optios we'll get, hoping for full robes.
Tzeentch has decreed that robes are for faggots.
Get swole.
Just paint him with pupils?
Spotted the basecoat + dip in devlan mud crowd.
Huh, it's the Iconic D&D 3.5 Sorceror.
Guess he really does live up to his position.
I like it. Looking forward to the new AoS rules.
Too bad his 40k profile won't be updated until 8th edition drops. Both of the new Greater Daemons are too squishy for their size and stature.
Spotted the asshat.
Everything being so sharply accented makes the whole thing look overly busy to the point that it's difficuölt where certain poarts and and others begin.
Also the green on the wings. Why green?
Look, I love going all out on some paintjobs, I spent forty fucking hours on my imperial knight last year, but you have to know where to put the emphasis. It's a good idea to spend hours highlighting the front and shoulderpads of a model, as that's what you want people to be looking at. Not a good idea to put the same amount of effort into the back and legs, as those aren't points of interest and if you make them too elaborate, it will just make the model looks messy and OTT detailed.
Again, it depends a lot on the circumstance, but the eavy metal team seems to have forgotten all reason and are now the polar opposite of the spray + agrax earthshade crowd, and put as much effort into the head as the ankle (seriously, look how hyper detailed those legs are), but because of the horseshoe effect, their models look just as bad
TLDR: If you highlight everything, nothing stands out
Like so?
>loyalists of Tzeentch are making huge gains un just these past few months
>click here to find out their secret
Sororitas Rundown:
- R&D on the entire line is complete, and the range is all new in plastic.
- 5-model combo-unit Sisters infantry kit
- 3 model Sisters unit on 50mm bases kit
- 5 model Sisters unit on 32mm bases kit (different from the infantry unit listed above)
- Sororitas combo unit vehicle kit "A" kit
- Sororitas combo unit vehicle kit "B" kit
- Sororitas Walker/Monstrous Creature vehicle kit
- 3 clampack Sororitas characters
These are on ice and only await release scheduling by GW.
via the birds in the trees 2-10-2015
Warhammer 40,000 Summer Campaign this year:
Sororitas and Space marines are the Imperial side
Tzeentch is the focus of the antagonists with multiple new kits:
- Plastic Lord of Change
- New Tzeentch Daemon unit
- New Tzeentch CSM unit (perhaps new plastic Thousand Sons - Rubric Marines)
Member this Rumor? Maybe the rest is true too.
>Puritans hate him!
Slightly better, but the problem of every ridge and edge being overly accentuated remains.
That's not green it's turquoise and it's part of the harmony of blue.
Learn a bit about color theory and color schemes before judging professional paintjobs.
>that post
>wanting a shitty sculpt rather than something actually decent because eyes painted different
just fuck off
I do hope so. It seems to be the current trend at the moment at GW to use really agressive highlights. It looked kinda cool on the Dark Eldar models when they first started doing it a few years ago, but here and on a lot of their recent models it just serves to give everything a stylised vidya game aesthetic
>because eyes painted different
you mean those extra, swinty eyes with the rounded head with more incommon with a strike or jay and not a vulture or eagle.
>having taste this bad.
come the fuck on redcoat.
>wanting a shitty sculpt rather than something actually decent
never said i liked the old one, less busy then this one but still too retarded to have much appeal, except the head.
the head is the only good thing on that model.
conversely the worst thing on this model
GWs inhouse painters make lots of models look amazing.
I'm a pretty good model painter, but there's no way that LoC would look that good if I had done it. Way too many details, advanced techniques, etc.
10/10 model otherwise
Hard highlight are great, but they need to contrast, if everything's a highlight, nothing is.
Case in point. Here the problem is that they're only using four base colours, but they're all evenly distributed throughout the model, making it look like a jumbled mess.
I've seen very good paintjobs for these models before, if the details on the horses were painted in grey instead of gold and removed that horrible fire effect ( or emphasized it to take up more of the weapons and actually doing some cool effects with it) it'd drastically improve the colour balancing to put the emphasis on the rider.
There actually isn't much different between this and the old awesome archaeon model. You could choose to paint him up in the most garish colours possible too, the professionals simply chose not to back then.
Yes, but all the turquoise is localised to the top of the model, it's wingtips and staff head. If they either distributed the turquoise more around the model, to take the emphasis from the wings, or let the wings blend into white instead, it would have worked better. Just look at the old lord of change, it's wings blend into red, which is on various other points on the model and it's fleshtone is a reddish pink. They didn't introduce an entire new primary colour (green) exclusively for those wings, they made the colours work with the rest of the model, because they didn't want the wings to stand out like a sore wing
Aw shucks, now it looks like some retard still thinks this is 2009, the last time when when googly eyes on 40k models were funny.
Might as well tell a few chuck norris "jokes" at the store.
Wait, shit, googly eyes stopped being funny?
Not that user, but somebody forgot to tell me, 'cause I chuckled.
I think it's the screaming expression. That's what makes it funny.
Holy shit just fuck right off of here you sack of salty virgin shit.
Preach it, brother!
I really like this one more
Fantasy rubricae
What's that gray liquid on the floor
>You have Tzaangors and Ogroids.
Neither of which are Tzeentch Warriors.