EDH/Commander general

Lots of Creatures? Lots of Fun Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Topic:
What is the next card you really want to put into your favorite deck and why?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What is the next card you really want to put into your favorite deck and why?
Inspiring Statuary in Nahiri because now my swords can ramp into wraths and true conviction.

When and why did Commander start being called Commander?

Being monowhite is hard edition

Not quite so hard when your Commander's very own ability gives you card draw.

Every Sram deck should run Flickering Ward.
Repeatable card draw for WW.

>Lots of Creatures? Lots of Fun Edition

Here's a question for you all:
>Karametra player has Karametra and Soul of the Harvest in play with 10 lands.
>He reveals Whitemane Lion and says he intends to cast it 5 times.
>He asks if you'd prefer if he did all the draws and all the searches together instead of alternating between them to save time and not have to shuffle 5 times.
How do you respond?

He must do it according to the rules. Maybe I want to counter the lion the 3rd time he plays it.

When people started using any legendary creature and not just the elder dragons.
And scroll rack/land tax.

>What is the next card you really want to put into your favorite deck and why?

Pic related into Breya eggs and selvala Brostorm combo. Why? Because it goes infinite in a billion ways.

Nah. Each search affects what he is able to draw and vice versa. Doing either 5 all at once would skew things, albeit slightly.

Maybe he shouldn't have played a commander requiring so much shuffling.

I have been playing EDH for years, but I looked up the elder dragons only now. All except one are absolutely terrible.

In my group, myself and the other Karametra player offer to do this, with the condition that the draws are resolved before the searches. We're aware it's not following the rules exactly, and normally the group is OK with it. I guess my group is just more concerned about time than following all the rules to the T.

Lemme guess

Help me /edhg/, im rying to build azami but I'm never feeling good when goldfishing. the maybeboard is cards I cut or still have to acquire, which of them should go into the main? what should go out? Any advice is welcome.

Should I bother building Kruphix or should I just stick with my Vorel deck? I want to play big stompies but I'm worried Kruphix will just turn into generic U/G good stuff where as at least Vorel has kind of a theme going on.

Is Yidris storm fun? I really want to play him, but I don't know in which direction to go. So far I just took the preconstructed deck and added a little bit of mana fix.

>>Just buy it, you'll end up doing this with every deck you make.

are you speaking from experience?

Im not op but this is great advice

Yeah, wasted waaaay too many hours brewing and less hours having fun.

I'm not saying brewing can't be fun but making perfect mana bases is time konsuming

It's fun yeah, not particularly amazing.
Just jam a bunch of cool shit, Treasure cruise/dig through time are auto includes.

You also need to actually get yidris in for damage to turn him on so your're gonna wanna give him wings or prot colours.

I hear the storm build is fun, mainly just a fuck ton of rituals, past in flames, and the standard storm payoffs.

A weakness it that counterspells are ass if you cascade into them and can really fuck you, so you need to think of other ways to keep him alive.

Oh shit sorry you said storm already, I'm a fucking aut ()

>What is the next card you really want to put into your favorite deck and why?
Same as just in a Kozilek deck instead of Breya. It's so fucking silly.

Anyway, I'm wanting to brew something with pic related, but I can't settle on a partner, just something besides Bruse or Akiri. I'm thinking maybe pairing him with Kondo and going for artifact tokens or sonething.

Some kind of middle ground, maybe split the deck for him rather than shuffle each time?

Alright, I think I will give storm a try.

people really need to stop thinking they work at Wizards. all of your designs are terrible or broken.

Ravos/Silas Tokens ft. graveyard shaninigans?

If you're looking for something out of left field, that might have some promise.

There is not one custom card in this thread, what are you talking about?

You can cascade into the swords, that's worth considering. Helps him get in more often and keeps him alive.

Some of the people who stick to the general/containment thread are alright.

Fuck the /co/ guy who posts capeshit all day though

>atraxa at almost 20€

What the hell happened?

Waifu-shit and being good


>No cmd2016 left anywhere
>Rumour it's out of print
>She's the most poular by far, despite not being that good.

Surely they'll print some more like they did with C13 and Mind Seize. R-right?

Highlander is a trademarked title. When WotC started officially acknowledging it and releasing stuff for it, they needed a name they could put on product and selling something called Highlander would be a no-no.

Well they just did this with Eternal masters being out of stock. "Reprinted" (aka bought out of storage) a bunch just in time for christmas.

They may be attempt to generate a "scarcity" mentality so people are ravenous when they do reprint.

Still a cunt-ish way to run the company if it's true.

dogTron BTFO

>What the hell happened?
Also speculations at Legacy or modern use


and run it in their Uril decks, bust out Verduran enchantresses and Kor Spiritdancers and you just draw your deck

give me some good goblins to put in my goblin goon squad deck


They'll release a "second print run" right on time for tax refunds!

Atraxa is not Modern legal or Legacy playable.

In Green decks How many 4 cmc Skyshroud's claim/Explosive Vegetation like cards do you play?

Tons. I personally prefer harrow and primal command, but it depends on many factors. They're almost universally auto-includes, and I would use no more than 4 good ones.

The party don't stop


So, kinda got into an argument wether Baloth should give its bonus, if I control Nissa, Sage Animist since my commander is technically Nissa, Vastwood Seer. Any definite answer?

Name your 10 most wanted reprints of non-resserved cards that haven't been reprinted in modern border.
>Withering Boon
>Quirion Ranger
>Flame Rift
>Aether Flash
>Phyrexian Altar
>Darkest Hour
>Nether Shadow
>No Mercy

Yes "commanderness" is attached to the physical card, therefore it is your commander if it face down, in your hand, in your deck, transformed, or torn to shreds.

You do really wonder what they were smoking when designing legends.

The dankest shit.


Adding on to what said.

Clones of you commander don't have the "commander" quality in regards to these abilities only the original card.

I wish they'd go back and bring these guys into the modern age, slap legend onto the nephilim and etc

but no, we can't "retcon" cards, for seemingly zero fucking reason

Here's mine if you want something to compare to.


There's also one in the AER that cost 1W and can return itself to your hand for W. I think it gives +1/+3.

Someone once posted Ayli Cleric tribal, that kind user still here?

As another/co/mrade yeah he's kind of shit.

They kind of did it Time Spiral.

>none of the same colors
looks like a maro job

it was less about optimizing mana base and more about making my gimmick work. originally the idea was:

>dimir deck, loot fun fatties into the grave, reanimate them

then it became

>dimir deck, loot fatties into the grave, cast living death, twilight's call or rise of the dark realms

and then finally

>dimir deck, loot fatties into the grave, cast living death or twilight's call, tutor for archeomancer, cast him, recur living death, sac the entire board, cast living death again ad infinitum

it seems like genuinely the best way to handle my gimmick but it's a bit repetitive. i don't always do it, i have other ways to reanimate, but living death is just the most efficient one, it's my main wincon.

This doesn't annoy me in magic, but hearthstone annoyed the fuck out of me when it introduced standard.
They were basically admitting that they didn't even want to fucking try to fix the game as is, and just wanted to leech more money out of everyone instead of doing what every other fucking game since 2006 has done, and patched it's broken cards.
But nope, apparently when you put an item's abilities on a card, it becomes untouchable, and patching it would be worse than hitler, so it's better to make half your collection literally unplayable instead of patching 4 cards.
I understand the sanctity of the card in magic, because that's a physical game that can't be patched (although, *cough* oracle), but come the fuck on with hearthstone, I spent weeks getting those naxxramas cards and now I can only use them in wild, which is like legacy if everyone could get the power nine for zero effort.

What's the discord for?

I didn't realize I was apparently using luxury basics until someone pointed it out to me. I wonder how many people actually knew and thought I was consciously pimping out my deck.

I looked at the decklists for those cards and never saw anything I'd use

But that's a sweet basic

i love it

Fuck the colors. It is one CMC less, same P/T, and some useful abilities. I care about playability, not color ascetics.

your deck looks fine, i bet if you goldfish some more you'll get plenty of turn 4-6 kills, or turn 7 kills with oppresive interaction on turns 3-6

Yeah, I like it colorful. Still haven't really found a mountain I'm in love with, though.

have you checked out all the lorwyn color pair panorama lands?

my favorite mountain from that block is the one from the izzet pair

i usually get turn 5-6 kills, but I feel like the deck whifs very often

The morph one that creates goblins

na, fucking play the game right u autist.

Beautiful wife, wonderful life.

I would want each instance to resolve separately---so five separate shuffles. Mostly because I know how much people dislike repeatedly shuffling their decks.

In addition to what suggested:
Legion Loyalist
Reckless One
Skirk Prospector

I want to play mono blue jace and take many turns, how much of my deck shoulnt be counters.

No more than 8 Counterspells should be fine, you will probably pack 4-5 ways to recur them as well as other bounce effects.

What is your LGS playgroup like, EDHG?

These are the "rules" of my LGS commander event, where the Spike players dominate with shit tier battlecruiser decks.

>no lifegain
>no storm
>no extra turns
>having a penalty for using "op" cards that is insignifigant
>but stax would be fine
Fuck your lgs

>[Omit second out if three players]
>Be the first to successfully wrath the board (Remove 51% of permanent type, minimum 5)
>1 point for casting your commander
Man what

>-4 points for using an infinite combo
Do they not realize combo is an archetype?
>-2 points for storm
And STORM is considered better than COMBO?
>-2 points for one extra turn
just one measly extra turn
>-2 points for gaining 50 life
Is this too OP or something

How stupid is the house restricted list

Don't forget "free points for playing Oloro"

>What is your LGS playgroup like
the EDH players at my LGS are either cancerous as fuck combo playing spikes that treat the game like legacy or mega casuals who get mad if you do anything to them before turn 15 and build really really terrible decks

honestly unless i need a specific card that day i pretty much never go there anymore

The house restricted list is mostly stax cards to "discourage degenerate games" Last time I saw it, I realized I couldn't play my Teysa Pillowfort because Plat Angel, Blazing Archon and Winter/Torpor Orb were on there.

Note that you can take 1 extra turn but taking 2 extra turns is a penalty.

Yesterday, I played Ezuri, Renegade Leader and got ganked each game for "being really fast and aggro-y" because playing a well-curved deck is 2hard4spike.

What are some nice non-mainstream tribes? I need a new nice tribe deck in my life.

Is bloodmoon on the list? Id love to lose that point just to see how butthurt people there would get.

Goblins. Give in.

I didn't know torpor orb was considered staxy.
What you should do is go for the lowest score possible, though.


>not mainstream
They're as mainstream as zombies, elves, wizards, and angels for their respective colors.

join us.

hence, "give in".

jesus that sounds horrible, i would never play there or buy anything from them

im scared to lose my playgroup. im still with my first playgroup and i dont wanna find some shitty LGS looking for people to make friends with.


That's an awesome name. And it works nicely with Krenko

A bit too many rules for my liking, but then again, I never cared for scoring anyway. If I infinite combo everyone out of the game, and they win a "i'm too babby to put interaction into my deck" victory, then so be it.

I´m choosing between these three now
1. Clerics
2. Spirits
3. Treefolk
Which one shall it be?

>Platinum Angel and Blazing Archon are on the restricted list
Fucking hell man, I'm sorry the players at your LGS are such shitters that they can't handle easily removed, do-nothing, 7+ cmc creatures.

Here's a story about an autist that I played with the other day:

>attack him once on turn six for 5 damage because he was open.
>proceeds to target me with every ability / spell / creature he has for the next 6 turns
>Totally ignores everyone else at the table despite their massive board states.

Why god. I hate this fucking guy.

Doran big booty beats with treefolk tribal subtheme is pretty fun. You get to run jank shit like Tower Defense.

I don't think I've ever sern merfolf edh, aetherborn could be the new hotness.

Is 38 lands too little for gitrog?