>LotR thread taken by bump limit
Here's another. Finish you arguments here.
Question: why are Hobbits so comfy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Old thread, by the way.
I like reading these threads for the arguments and citation of text. Very intriguing to see opposing interpretations battle it out.
Was there ever a reason given for the mistrust Hobbits had for boats?
It seems odd given the number of rivers in The Shire.
They like being steady. They hate falling down, I assume.
They're so short, that it happens so rarely, that they haven't normalized it, that they hate anything that increases its chances, like hights or boats.
what maia is best maia?
Whoever has the thickest thighs.
Would you fuck a thick-thighed maia?
Is this map accurate?
What a dead thread.
ya, kind of a bummer. I guess the autists are busy with their wips. Lets look out for some sweet projects in the coming weeks.
>why are Hobbits so comfy?
They tend their crops all day, eat a small feast every evening, and spend all night fucking.
The elves wish they had it this good.
>and spend all night fucking
I'll keep bumping it for a short while though. Exhausted most of my topics in the last thread.
Topic- How did Elwe manage to bang a Maia?
Good luck.
If you're lucky, user, you will, too, someday.
Are there civilisation in the Rhovannion?
Elves and Beornings live in Mirkwood.
Men in Dale, and Dwarves in the mountains.
Holy fucking thank Galadriel. I have been looking everywhere for a LotR thread to ask this. Anybody here play the LotR Strategy Game? I was wondering if anybody here knew if there is a compiled rule book with all the rules and stat blocks for the models from the original release back when the first movies came out and the new ones from the Hobbit.
Obviously Gandalf
actually it's Sauron
>Not the Two Blue Wizards
>you will never snuggle a qt balrog
>Wanting to snuggle a literal demon
Okay, I hate to ask this, but could someone bump this dead thread while I sleep? I hope it'll pick up, eventually.
>Question: why are Hobbits so comfy?
Answer: they're not? I fucking hate the hairy, filthy footed fat faggots.