ITT: Post Magic cards that would make for great heavy metal album covers
ITT: Post Magic cards that would make for great heavy metal album covers
A lot of them would.
i adore the 10th edition terror art.
>heavy metal
Rock on, bird dude. Rock on.
Plenty of space in this one for Album text
Basically anything related to the Rakdos
I'm disappointed with all of you.
Glory to Orzhova
Honestly the only two guilds I actually like are Orzhov and Gruul. None are bad but those two are the most interesting.
Orzhov and Golgari for me. Simic and Izzet after them. Gruul was always kind of dull for me. Ymmv
Golgari, Izzet then Simic are after those 2. I hate Boros with a passion though.
Is there a Kirin that won't work as a metal cover?
I don't like Boros for the most part, but it's the colors to play for MLD edh.
MLD's not fun. I play Orzhov stax so I can't talk though
What if I said MLD super friends? Then at least one person gets to have fun
Ew. I can't see how you or anyone else could enjoy it. I mostly play casually but I bet in a cut throat meta it would be more fun.
Any text would have grey+light green to match the art.
I only play that shit in the most degenerate cutthroat metas that need a dick to come in and fuck all the assholes. When I'm not being a killjoy I like to play my Naya good stuff mayael deck. Much more enjoyable for the board.
My Orzhov stax was made not to be a douche deck because I like to play it but my dick everyone deck is Oloro fuck everyone.
Oloro is a decent one for most groups, though you have to have enough counters for early game combos if you're in a really spikey meta. Doomsday decks and whatnot
What are the characteristics that define a good heavy metal album cover?
it's gotta be metal
The sickest flavor text
prog rock
That's not a metal album, that's clearly a expermental indie band album.
Sigarda always makes me think of Valykries by Blind Guardian.
>Have you ever been so scared you vomited your entire musculature which was vomiting your skeleton and your skeleton was vomiting you?
How about a reversal: Album art that would make great MTG cards(stat me optional)
T: Gain control over all Moon type cards.
>ITT: Post Seb McKinnon
Almost everything that man draws would fit perfectly in this thread
Last one
Is this card meant to have three individuals on it, or a progression of one individual? Cause those ain't the same wound on any of them.
I think it's supposed to be a progression. The card is Grim Return, and that's what the flavor implies.
I figured as much, but i just couldn't not point out that's not the same wound.
most of the mill cards would actually work for this