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Let the pain end edition. How did your characters die?

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My character died when her village got mindcontrolled somehow into a mad frenzy for some kinda negative energy orb, climbing over each other and each other's corpses to get to it.

She's the one who made it there first.

She got better. Arguably.

Kyra is cute

What happened when she touched it?

My Inquisitor died when he was caught and executed for murder. He had staged a murder similar to a string of killings that had happened at the hands of a cult in his city hoping that the city he was in would invite his Inquisition to come investigate so he could then begin purging the magic users of the city in secret.

No idea, I quit.
Probably "lol so everything he did never happened and his character was just an NPC that got raped and you guys looted, he never roleplayed anyways because I was ignoring him when he was which counts as him not doing it, you guys gain a level".

or something along those lines.

In a different time, in a different group, I had far more spectacular (well, to those studying the new painting on the wall or the way someone fell to their death, anyways) demises. Those were fun and memorable.

>How did your characters die?

Burned to death by a pair of surprise round flamethrowers manned by goblins. Turns out the DM built that trap explicitly for my character, because I'm the big tough tank and the DM took my high HP as a challenge.

Turns out even the tanks can die. The DM wasn't expecting this. He wasn't expecting it so much, that when I declared my character was dead he started bargaining with me about how I could be in "critical condition" or "there's ways to bring you back."

In the end, it was the rest of the party begging me to come back that I did, albeit with hideous burn scars and a severe disgust towards all things fire. That character only lasted two more sessions until the Fire Gnome Alchemist played by an energetic 16 year old did as he always does and chucked his AoE bombs into combat with me in the blast radius, claiming "who cares, he can take it."

My character ended up driving his bastard sword through that Gnome's gut, causing a huge ruckus that wound up killing all forward momentum for the campaign.

Well, she can be. Look at how she's rocking this finger jacket.

Everyone else died. And so did she.

She woke up an unknown time later as some kinda undead plant thing. Everyone else was still dead though.

Was fighting an iron golem that our jackass mage had managed to power up by throwing a fireball at it--when the GM had described it absorbing fire from the surrounding area--I lured it out onto a pier and let the rest of the party start targeting the pier itself to drop us into the water.

Took one round too long and my guy got his chest caved in, but at least they managed to drop the pier. The golem just died instantly in a pillar of steam.

Reign of Winter one of the first encounters was a bunch of faeries and they all opened with Color Spray.

That doesnt sound fun.

>undead plant thing


>How did your characters die?
You know how Vital Strike isn't very good? Yeah, it's pretty good when it's a Mythic Rune Giant cutting you clean in half.

Yeah, DM's pretty accommodating about wierd stuff, even if the actual effects of it are super fucking vague. Dude's one of those 'perpetually at least low-key sick, terrible sleep schedule' types.

But yeah, I just offhandedly mentioned undead plantpeople one time and he was like 'I can make this work'

I mean, on an actual mechanical level, her racial abilities are actually pretty fucking appalling. But oh well.

>good image
>good question
Stay and never go.

You know there's the chance you stand amongst the minority, right?

Stop getting so mad about anime images, friend. Just let it happen~

Vital Strike gets a lot better the larger your base damage dice are.

Speaking of, second most embarrassing character death- half-orc paladin bitten in half by a mythic hippopotamus he thought was a log.

>Dat Seoni
>Valeros looking heroic for a change
>Merisiel looking like something more than a freaky beady-eyed monster
>Kyra... You do you

How can Kingdom Death do in one image that Paizo was unable in a hundred?

I try. Usually the old thread doesnt make it to page 8 so I can post.


By not having a shitty artist?

KD has a much bigger budget for art, and needs a lot less in the way of writers.

>paizodrones see their characters rendered by someone other than Wayne Reynolds and start coming buckets
It's not that Kingdom Death art is particularly good, it's that their art coming from the dogshit awful hack who has plagued TTRPGs for nearly two decades now.

>The Pok'tel Empire once ruled over an archipelago of eighteen islands for 1,000 years, achieving its zenith from years 450 to 780
>Then it went into what many thought was a decline, as it gave up its coastal holdings and gradually vanished from sight altogether
>The Pickleweed Confederacy is made up of thirteen city-states and has rapidly developed a maritime tradition, its neandertal, human, oread and undine citizens forming into sortition-based assemblies and elected councils
>One extremely rotund oread by the name of Zoa Jadebelly has amassed great wealth from "adventuring" (steamrolling) the Dog Rider Plains of the exotic south
>That wealth now fuels her research into a ship that will take her to the remains of the Pok'tel Empire
>Some in the Pickleweed Confederacy see the only result of her journey as the return of an Empire often remembered only in nightmares
>The PCs find themselves being approached by Zoa's agents one evening
>The next evening, a neandertal approaches them with a counter-offer
>One PC keeps seeing a strange ship on the horizon, and every dream involves a step pyramid carved from quartz,every level ringed by flowing water and greenhouses...

He's not among the minority though.

It also had Mythic Vital Strike, which means Vital Strike is just about doubling your damage, instead of only your damage dice.

I rather like how Kyra looks. She's got that proper pointy look that egyptianesque makeup tends to produce.

It can be multiple things.

I mean, it's not like Reynolds art is the ONLY THING EVER that people have seen, they HAVE things to judge KD art against other than him.

I hear that armorist is shit. Does Symbiotic Knight archetype help offset any of the weaknesses?

How good is Shifter? How east is it to do a viable natural attack build with it?

WAR has some good art, but it's usually reserved for non-human creatures, or at least when the humans are very small and/or far away.


I, for one, prefer the first. It does less damage on average, it does extra damage more consistently.

There's also a chance you're actually a duck.

Pic related is also official Paizo art.

Honestly, Wayne Reynolds is one of the biggest reasons I had trouble immersing myself into the setting or campaigns. The world and lore are serviceable enough, but that godawful hyper-detailed vaguely pulp comic look they had going for so long made me see the system in *all* the wrong lights.

I can't help but still worry that the popularity of PoW is going to push me out of the running for games that allow it. I don't really like any of what the Warlord or Warder it has to offer as much as, say, Paladin or Swashbuckler or Cavalier, but the TIIIIEEEEERS argument makes me feel like I might as well not bother applying if I'm never going to be as good as anybody else in the party at skills, combat, or even just my character archetype.

>anime images
>homosex loli fetish bait wank material
These are not the same.

working on Culdranth's abilities.

So far ideas are.
miltimind: Queen Culdranth rolls initiative 5 times. First roll is her main initiative., the rest are her other heads. Main initiative acts as normal, other subsequent initiatives get standard actions.

Mutable: Queen Culdranth can assume the special abilities and breath weapons of any dragon as a swift action once per minute. The strength of these abilities is equivalent to a dragon two age categories younger than her.

Lethargy curse: if queen Culdranth does not move or doesn't receive damage for three rounds, one of her heads fall asleep. This repeats until all extra heads are asleep. If it continues she becomes staggered. Moving 20 feet or taking 10 damage cures this.


No one IRL plays PoW.

>fairies opening up with Color Spray to tell you that spring will never be here

Is this real life?

If you're going to give her stats or abilities, might not want to post about them. Chances are somebody's going to start building their character specifically to take her out.

It's actually because Kingdom Death isn't tangled up in that freaky hellscape of "we're sex-negative but we're actually huge perverts but we need to not offend anyone" that Paizo suffers from.

It's all about being clear with your commissions and having an honest vision of the end product. Paizo doesn't, Kingdom Death does.

True, but I don't have the time or connections to play IRL more than once every few months, so I gotta stick with Roll20.

Culdranth should not have abilities.

She's a quest-giver and fuck-buddy, not your foe!

KD also has a much smaller product in general.

Welcome to Pathfinder and 1pp martials
Though, Paladin isn't bad, and in terms of damage and saves it can still perform adequately in the same competency ballpark as the PoW classes.
Or you could just wait for Spheres of Might

My group does. We got a Bushi, after testing through a ZweiSen, and he fulfills his role as major damage dude very well, and the player is glad h can do stuff in combat that isn't full attack.
Granted, said player is still not the best at RP, but he's not the best at optomizing either, and he has the rest of us to help him make his character and to drag him into RP scenarios.

And he's definitely having more fun than when said character was just a Sword Saint Samurai.

Just because she's promiscuous doesn't mean she'll be fuck buddies with just anyone! At least that's what I assume.

"Sex-negative?" I always assumed Paizo would be protesting (loudly) that they're "sex-positive" since that's usually a big SJW thing--say you're all for sex and how healthy it is to have a sex drive, when what you mean is that it's okay for certain people (usually either your personal clique or women in general) to want more sex but for anybody else it's evil and icky.

Kingdom Death is a much more focused game in general - It knows what it wants to do so has a lot of focus. Pathfinder attempts to be everything at once to appeal to the widest audience

Pazio doesn't give a fuck about "sex-whatever", they just don't want to be a convenient target for the legbeards who hate fun and games.

We have had multiple hour-long meetings on this.

Is PoW that good?

Also for anyone who has a problem with it: Why? It seems fun, and good. What problems do full initiators bring?

Yup. For all those times when you're rolling 15 or 16, definitely worth doing less damage.

I need to find a game where I can play a cleric of Lamashtu and -really- get into it.

150 damage pounce at level 5.

>Is PoW that good?

Right now, no, because Broken Blade, Primal Fury, Scarlet Throne, etc. are totally shitting everything up with more low and mid level damage than anything Paizo.

God damn.

You can be a barbarian with maneuvers.

See, I can have fun playing a martial. I don't mind full attacking, I'm good with not trying to snag the spotlight *all* the time.

But when I fear that most GMs are only going to look at stats and say "TIER 4 REEEE" regardless of who presented story hooks and personality, I feel like I might as well get a different hobby.

Molthune Knights, Dragons and maybe Rise of the Jade Regent might work.

Hell, Rise of the Jade Regent might be an interesting one since you're effectively wiping out a rival cleric (Nualia) and taking over her job, only this time focused on breeding and midwifery more than the whole Nightmare Murder thing.

PoW is, in general, quite good.

Most of the detractors that haven't really looked it over and are just on the bandwagon say "it's over PoWered" which is a nice little Portmanteau, even if it's not really true. low level initiators tend to be stronger than standard classes, yes, but that's a pretty low bar, and they don't scale as hard as casters.

The other side that actually has some level of truth to it is that PoW characters have answers to basically everything, which can make it difficult for GMs to challenge the players without doing a PoW based arms race.

For me, it's mostly that I don't want to have to learn a new language and keep looking up what are functionally spells just to fight.

I feel it's not Path of War itself that irks me, just the toxic atmosphere some of its fans tend to create. You know the ones, the guys who staunchly defend this niche of Pathfinder's material, but then when questioned on why the numbers are so important, they whirl around and say Pathfinder is shit and shouldn't be played for fun or roleplaying.

We're talking about a company that explicitly removed "brothels" and replaced them with "dancing halls" in Kingmaker because they thought it was too "sexual."

>implying havng a tier-4 damage dealer isn't a huge boon to a tier 2 sorcerer.
Sometimes I just want something dead without spending six spells or all of my mental energy.

>You can be a barbarian with maneuvers.
You keep saying this, but Primal Disciple Barbarian is still not much of an improvement of standard Barbarian.
I mean, they can't even get Spell Sunder, and it doesn't stack with any of the other fun archetypes.
>inb4 you can feat your rage powers
to that I say, why the fuck would you waste feats on that when you are already feat starved in the first place?

But damage like that doesn't matter when there are low level spells that make interacting with HP sub optimal.

Okay, I won't shit post anymore, I'm sorry.

On a more serious note, how do I do 150 damage pounce at level fucking 5? Shit.

Broken Blade + something

user, you and said GMs don't understand how Tiers work.
Tier 1-2 is bad design. You WANT the game to be comfortable in the T4-3 camp, since it gives everyone a chance to specialize, be good at their job, and still not be completely useless outside of their niche but still require group diversification

>when what you mean is that it's okay for certain people (usually either your personal clique or women in general) to want more sex but for anybody else it's evil and icky.

Is this why Merisiel and Kyra have maintained an adorable relationship in the comics, but Valeros consistently fails at picking anybody up and is usually the butt of jokes for it?

Yeah, that is literally the exact reason for it.

That came from reciprocity, mostly. For every "it's totally fine to be doing 3d6+power-attack+strength twice a turn at level 1" There were also "fighter can get dimension door that's broken it's not even mundane". There was a *LOT* of screaming.

Eventually, PoW fans won out over here, while its detractors won out on the paizo forums.

Well, I'm glad somebody thinks so. I'm fairly glad I don't know how tiers work, honestly--I'd rather not think about power levels when I'm thinking about what class I want to play, like it's fucking DBZ or some shit.

>monogamous relationship is superior to being a slut
...are you upset with this or not?

Are you suggesting there's anything wrong with being a slut?

I mean, I'm scared about playing a Fighter or Rogue since those are Tier 5 and will be outshined. Even UnRogue will be outshined, except slightly less easily. I like feeling as if my actions DO have a positive impact for the party instead of just being some random mook.


We really should re-name them.

Its more of a "how much narrative influence can I exert without the DM setting it up for me"

Armorist is too slow at doing the things it wants to do, and doesn't get enough magic to make up for it. Shifter is a great natural attacker build, it's similar in tier and function to the 3.5 totemist.

Only if you're a gross slut.

What is the greatest class/archetype combo for a detective in Gestalt.

Investigator/Rogue with rogue going into Sleepless Detective?

What rogue/investigator archetypes though? Phantom Thief for rogue? Empiricist/Conspirator for Investigator? Maybe Sleuth as well?

What do you want to shine at? Sneaky combat damage? You can try playing a Slayer, that's solid Tier 4.

Wayne Reynolds is the Rob Liefeld of fantasy art.


>I'm fairly glad I don't know how tiers work, honestly
user, that's not a good thing.
Tiers work on everages, and should be used by GMs and players to know what the everage power level of the game will be to help them change things around and alter scenarios so that EVERYONE at teh table can contribute evenly and so that problems are fixed before they happen.

They exist so that the players can be conscious of not overshadowing the other players, and so that DMs can change things around so that the Wizard doesn't take the game over while the Core Monk faps sadly in the corner.

Tiers are not about Power. Its not "Power Level" persay, its "average effective built-in Narrative Control, given everything else being equal"

So I don't really like initiating. I've heard that DHB made an alternative, are they any good? Has anyone tried them out?

The main problem with the Armorist is that it's a Gifted Blade, SoP version.

Except it gets a drastically stunted enchantment list for its gear, and instead of bladeskills, gets "okay, choose a single Bane type. You can now purchase that for your weapon enchant" talents.

Was lazy princess deleted?

>You keep saying this, but Primal Disciple Barbarian is still not much of an improvement of standard Barbarian.

Level 4 vanilla barbarian vs. level 4 Primal Disciple, the Primal Disciple is 10000000x better.

Level 8 vanilla barbarian vs. level 8 Primal Disciple, the Primal Disciple is STILL better, just a bit less so.

PoW hasn't really 'won' over here.

People bitch constantly, and I'm just not a fan in general.

The biggest problem with PoW is that it seems like the designers thought you could solve martial problems by throwing more numbers at them, when that was never the issue to begin with. It's not bad per se, but its success has more to do with being okay in a field of crap competition than it does with it actually being "good".

The GM's roommate used his account and his OC to make the game, then he found out and deleted it. He said he might GM it for us sometime, but not any time soon.

I haven't tried them, but they looked okay.
M group prefers PoW, so I haven't had much of a reason to look too far into them.
Though since I plan on introducing them to SoP, I'm hoping they'll adopt SoM if its good.

Also, I try to avoid the "REEEE DHB" shitposting that gets prevelant here

I'm worried about the Int/Wis split. Though I could just have barely enough wisdom to cast spells and use them for utility.

But I shouldn't have to enter a different class entirely just to be a thief with good sneak attacks. I guess I can just try it, though.

GM's housemate was using the account owner's OC to host the game, account owner found out and closed the game, said he may open it in the future but that the setting wasn't meant for use yet.

...that sounds like an "lol hacked account" thing.
you don't use many of your spells offensively, at least the investigator doesn't.

You're headed into dangerous territory.
I still remember that KODT comic where they'd found the stats for the abrahamic god.

>Are you kidding? He has 4 attacks per round and regens six per! He kicked knuckles' ass...

When you stat out major major NPCs, that means you're going to put them - consciously or not - in a position where those stats are to be used.

Next thing you know a planet-sized hammer of light powered by literal courage is being swung down at it, and there's nothing you can do unless you cheat.

Is Valeros a gross slut?

Given that the setting was definitely looking incomplete, it didn't seem entirely unreasonable.

>I finally get to play pathfinder on Tuesday


I don't quite understand what you're saying. Are you complaining that some classes are better than others? Yeah, it's annoying, but it's a fact of this game.

Possibly, but it wasn't like Lazy Princess got much attention compared to the other games that were getting circled around.

Mostly just figuring out vaugly what she can do if and when d he join s you in combat against some insurmountable foe

I'm currently gestalting Daring Champion with Bard and a dip in Paladin. What would I have to gain by replacing Daring Champion with, say, Warlord?

I'm not entirely sure I want to give up the flavor of it (and the opportunity to start throwing around panache) just to be able to use maneuvers that might be less sound than the relative basic bitch-ness of precise strike.

Well, he's a fucking white male, sooooooo

Because rage powers are almost universally better than feats anyways?


Tier 2:
Lore Master Fighter

Weird caster that doesn't have spell slots but can use consumables without expending them.

Tier 3:
Mutation Master Fighter
Bootleg Alchemist Gunslinger
Wyvern Rider Cavalier

They have a lot of good utility to go with a bit of casting. Wyvern Rider is REALLY strong.

Tier 4:
Base UC Fighter
Warmaster Fighter
Bloodtainted Fighter
Base UC Gunslinger
Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger
Construct Tinkerer Gunslinger
Base UC Cavalier
Hound Master Cavalier
Knight of the Patchwork Banner Cavalier

They are all high tier 4, similar to how a vigilante is high tier 4.

He's kind of an ethical slut, most likely to chat up a barmaid but won't hit on a girl a) who's clearly in a committed relationship or b) when they're in the middle of a battle or other crisis.

Of course, to Paizo, he's a gross ugly whore just by virtue of being a mostly-straight male.