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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Gonna reply here.
The hunter one is no longer fiat backed pierce everything and kill it, no more of the whole "make everything scared:" from drop in, the builder one has changed from hold your hands over a pile of metal and make a ballista to get it in your inventory first. Finally no more evade everything
Keep in mind that Genius is based off science--the stuff that I AM RIGHT is based on is stuff like atomtech 50's worlds or steampunk cities iirc, not stuff that operates off shounen logic unless it had something to do with technology.
A better way of doing it would be based off technology from mecha shows or action movie logic or what have you.
Reposting the build and the finished writefaggotry. Lemme know how it looks.
Jump 03: Megaman Classic
Canon: The Protomen
Origin: Wily Number [900]
Apparent Age: 20
Pun Power
Civilian Mode [800]
Combat Optimized - Aerial [700]
Elemental Affinity - Ice [500]
Unique Architecture [200]
Special Weapon - Freeze Gun
Beam Saber [0]
Mega Buster [100]
E-Tank [50]
E-Balance [0]
Assistant - Tempo [400]
Sniper Joe [300]
The Sons of Fate [600]
Thank you Moth-Shaped-Person! I was trying to come up with a better explanation when the Archive hit. This Bancho-user is a better idea than what I had.
Would the effects of Primal Fear be increased if I am substantially more powerful than someone, even if I don't show them my abilities? Or is there a hard limit to when other beings can "shake it off"?
>Dr Fate level
That could be anything from barely city level to fighting cosmic gods and rezzing billions of people at once.
Yes they would be increased if you're stronger than someone by a wide margin. I'll add that to the Jump.
>Bancho's questions about Genius
You don't pick an effect and just get it. That's not how GtT works. So this doesn't collapse into twenty questions, here's an example (from pg42 of the rulebook).
>Geniuses deal with non-repeatable phenomena and with deep weirdness, and reliable research is extremely difficult for the Inspired. When a genius uses a theory about the universe to build a wonder, her hypothesis might remain internally consistent, but it will also face competition from other hypotheses that are apparently equally valid.
>For example, let's say a Progenitor builds a healing machine based on her ideas of Orgone Energy. The genius tests the machine, and it 1) works and 2) confirms the genius' hypothesis about how the universe works. But then another genius comes along with a device that functions in precisely the same way, but he based it on completely different principles. He's muttering something about "quantized life force." But his principles 42are also consistent. Neither theory can be falsified with reference to experiments run with the other genius' wonder, yet both theories are, obviously, inadequate to explaining the true nature of the phenomenon, which allows both the Orgone Healer and the Quantized Life Energy Healer to exist. And if the two geniuses reconcile their theories ("seen from a ninth-dimensional perspective, quantized energy looks like Orgone Energy; the transformations become mathematically trivial"), a third genius comes along, and her healing machine uses nanomachines that have no place in either theory...
You might be able to produce a device that applies Shonen-like traits to someone, but you'll need to exhaustively qualify exactly what that means, and come up with a mechanism by which it functions. Mages can just say things are X and get what they want. Geniuses say "I want X. Maybe if I Y, I can have it." The universe will help them out if Y is unfeasible, but it won't just hand the final product to them.
Could you pull a The Hermetic Order of the 28 Spheres and have things seem more like magic? Alchemy, artifice, magitek, and the like?
Maybe if i feed someone the proper blend of vitamin megadoses it'll cure their cancer and make them immortal? That guy was nuts.
So... Do you make it?
Good stuff.
Not crazy enough. Think more along the lines of "Maybe if I feed someone the proper blend of vitamin megadoses and apply an electric current it will magnetize their cancer cells, allowing them to be torn apart by magnetic fields and pulled out of their pores."
Don't worry, it's Bancho. He's almost certainly committing enough stupid stuff to get Illuminated within the first week of the jump. Then the rules loosen a bit as I recall.
that actually seems Balance a pretty good,I'm really liking this jump so far I think I might take it next. Since no one has been tossing me like I've been asking. I'm loving these other perks. By the way, I'm going to build me a Mid century Ranch house that is clearly 2 feet in the air with no means of support.
well all right then that kind of makes sense. do you think I could use this to grant people spiral energy?
I feel like that's a sentence fragment.
Let's just split the difference and call it Madam Vashti/Artax level.
oh okay, so if I say "Deviations in Probability i.e. the magic of statistics arise from natural phenomena and can therefore be analyzed and reproduced, in fact I do have Isolated samples of both luck and narrative Weight why can't I use them to Tear away at baseline causality and promote everyone to the protagonist of their own story?" that would work?
>Dead man walking.
High levels of corn detected.
Seriously though, that was pretty good stuff. I want to know what happens next.
I am not arguing with that and am in fact making that part of my plan. bad ideas:the jumper, remember?
What motivates your Companions, Jumpers? Why do they follow you?
What, if anything, would make them give up on the adventure and leave you?
I haven't decided yet. I might make a part two to this, or leave it ambiguous. Not sure yet.
Glad you liked it, tho.
Illumination counts as death Bancho, in game at least.
>Madam Vashti/Artax level.
Who's that?
>Superhuman precision?
I'm actually the one who asked about that. I said I was going to use it in a combo with a power from another jump and you disallowed it because of that.
okay what kind of death? ,because I May have stuff for that, like stuff that maintains my sense of self No matter what,stuff that makes it so I can't lose my mind Further,stuff that gives me new lives of All three of my bodies are completely destroyed. , I am largely a late game tank spec jumper.
top-tier wizards from the same universe,
Artax is primarily A Evoker, He once made a wand Which managed to destroy a midrange medieval city.
Let's see, jump two.
Kamen Rider Hisei Part One
Unknown Amnesiac (free)
Nice Boat (free) Free boat, I'm not complaining
Good Cook (free)
"Luck" (900)
Goofy Innocence (800)
Awakening (600) Patterned after an ant
Psychic (400)
Seed of Light (100) Darkness was tempting for anti-Shonen powers, but would rather avoid being on a Rider's hit list and Agito is a belt.
Quarry (-100) Honestly seems rather nice for naming stuff like "Grongi" or "Idiots who are the fruit I was cultivating for Lockseeds" I mean second one isn't as much of a problem due to infestation no longer being an issue, but it's still Invess running around.
Riverprone (0) Well I've got river insurance from my boat, so may as well.
Was thinking of cross classing, but the Agito line is just so amazing for utility, especially early run. Probably play backup to Kuuga, because while lying low to avoid the supernatural serial killers might be the smart option the Grongi are the sort of thing that I don't feel comfortable doing nothing about when I have the power to prevent the hundreds of deaths they cause. Maybe throw some Lockseeds and Drivers to the police force, with explicit instructions not to use the summon function without damned good reason. Maybe see if I can help prevent that first Agito from killing herself. Still watching through Kuuga though so not really sure on a lot of the surrounding circumstances there.
like say the width of a human hair would work But molecular manipulation is kind of out there.
Frisk: I protected her and guided her on her journey, and she has decided to follow me on my own.
Asriel: Saved him from being a flower, gave him a new soul and helped him reconcile with Chara before they became one again.
Alma: Managed to calm her anger, and offer her a life free of her father and people who wanted to use her. Frisk and Asriel helped a lot.
Malefor: It's his punishment for his evil actions, and a chance for redemption. Rest of the group is keeping an eye on him, but they are trying to help.
Nana: I was a father figure to her, and protected her from all the shit that would have happened to her.
Bass: Beat him in a fair fight, and I offered him a chance to grow stronger. He took me up on it, and though he won't admit it, he's grown fond of the group, especially Nana. He and Malefor usually get into fights, though.
The only reason they would leave is if I lost my way and became truly evil. Well, most of them would, Malefor still has to stay.
Jump 158 Halo-Covenant
Race: Huragok (100)
Background: Drop In (0)
*Thoughtfully Faithful (0)
*Reclaimer (400, Discount)
*Fool, They ordered me to do it (100)
*Divine Origin (0)
*Total Understanding (400, Discount)
*Forerunner Trove (400, Discount)
*Human Data (200, Discount
*Surrounded by Idiots (+100)
*Ire of the Heirarchs (+500)
(not only do I have no idea what I am doing… someone was a little cruel to suggest this)
NOPE! Nope, nope, nope, nope! I’m out. So as if being a floating ball of tentacles (though oddly cute and humanoid do to perks) wasn’t bad enough I was supposed to be helping the covenant to destroy humanity.
I promptly uploaded every virus I could in to their systems, and escaped on Yuki my cabbit ship because there is no chance in hell of that. They were understandably a little upset with my choice to leave them. Perhaps I could have left on belter terms but I just found them to be revolting based on pure principle. Anyways my sabotage managed to delay them long enough we got away.
I headed for the first human world I could find… where I was promptly captured, They debated about dissecting me but being able to talk and giving them free technology and information seemed to win me at least enough credibility to live. I also warned the covenant would probably be not far behind since I wrecked their systems before leaving.
While they weren’t too pleased I managed to rig up some absurd tech (Rick & Morty Tech + Maddest Science yet from Tenchi Muyo + Light of Orcan from Warframe + Craftsman of the Gods from Viking Saga) along with Stop raiding me you bastards from Unholy heights I was able to turn a small outpost in to an impenetrable citadel.
(to be continued)
But why? Absolute precision in and of itself isn't powerful.
The humans didn’t know what was happening all they knew was I had placed a forcefield generator around the place that was tanking continent Killing class attacks and that the weaponry I was putting up was killing the largest covenant ships. I also went ahead and broadcast the schematics to the rest of humanity along with several other neat little Ideas to put them on par or exceed the technology of the covenant
We used Replicatetors that I built (Digital Sorcery from Fate/Extra – Heroes Feast& Create water) for Supplies and despite having to manage a bunch of humans running around like chickens with their heads cut off I managed to defeat the fleet they had sent after me. I realized that it wouldn’t be the last but I needed to hold out long enough for my ideas to go in to production. It would likely take years. However somehow I managed to pull it off. Humanity’s tech soon rivaled or exceeded the covenants. Even the tools of the forerunners were no longer a guarantee of victory and the Covenant was lost. They had no idea how to innovate or improve.
It began to farcture and fray faced with a foe it couldn’t defeat. They hated me but I managed to win some friends among the humans who through some coaching I had approach the covenant with a peace treaty. I had hoped they would take it but they refused. Unfortunately humans do know how to innovate. So when they redoubled their war effort, they died horribly, eventually they were forced in to a full and unconditional surrender. I regretted the massive loss of life but… I realize I can’t save a warlike bunch of races who’s only purpose was expansion and subjugation of other species from themselves
yeah,and who do you think is going to get yelled at when you go Phoenix on some planet you don't like?
>...and promote everyone to the protagonist of their own story?
"Everyone's already the protagonist in their own story, it's just not good for anything because they've all got equivalent quantum weight- the beneficial probability pull cancels out. But maybe, just maybe, I can steal some from one person and hand it off to another! The subjects would need to be fixated on the target at the time of the drain, though, so certain types of attention-grabbing behaviours would be beneficial..."
>"Everyone's already the protagonist in their own story, it's just not good for anything because they've all got equivalent quantum weight- the beneficial probability pull cancels out. But maybe, just maybe, I can steal some from one person and hand it off to another! The subjects would need to be fixated on the target at the time of the drain, though, so certain types of attention-grabbing behaviours would be beneficial..."
as I said the last thread. This is the kind of thing that makes my Jumper punch you into a sword and then feed you to his sword
Well, I mean, it's still line-of-sight. So unless you had teleportation (yet another completely unrelated power) or massive amounts of speed (yet another) or really good vision (and another), it's not exactly something you're going to want to use.
No one? Bancho, you're more likely to get yelled at for interrupting balance than you are for allowing someone to buy a completely valid ability and using it in a combo from someone else's jump.
reposting for pride
Reminder that on SB, an E10 Exalt can take on Dragon Ball Super's top-tiers and win.
user, do note that Misc Meta improves over time, so if your Jumper can handle starting off at "width of a human hair" and being patient it will /eventually/ Get There (wherever There is).
Or if you're impatient, pick up perks like Legacy Of Use or Gamer's Skills to accelerate the process, or find an alternative that's better at getting you that level of precision - perhaps Omega Telekinesis in X-Men, or maybe a Stand in Jojo, or a Symbiote from Symbiote?
>Legacy Of Use
That only works for items, senpai.
I don't even care about getting it anymore. I just thought it was stupid to rule against it because he didn't like that I was comboing with something from another jump.
True, you just need a softcap Perk and it seems like an entirely reasonable ability for a stand or symbiont. hell I'll just allow it.
Edge of my seat. So did Dead Man make it?
There will be a perk for that in the Renaissance Man line.
>Do you think I could use this to grant people spiral energy?
Not really spiral energy. More along the lines of allowing folks to work with GN Particles or something that tries to be science but isn't really.
Most likely? Yeah it is.
As in it is identty death that you 'willingly' allowed to erase your own psyche for power. It's death.
Such a theory could lead to a Wonder, yeah.
I'm trying to make a Jump or I'd be all over this.
Until you can viably break the three tick barrier I don't see that happening. DB Super is too fast.
It's gotta come from somewhere, Bancho, and if the source is easy then it's probably other people. If you go full Illuminated, you won't even care.
Think carefully about using the perks from a setting with "the Transgression" in the title. It's technically possible to get by without hurting anyone, but it won't be neat or clean.
Check the text.
>By truly mastering the self you may have this apply to you as well.
Don't know exactly how one goes about "truly mastering the self", and I don't think my Jumper would manage it, but it sounds like a worthy endeavour in itself for a Jumper who wants to do that sort of thing.
And how is this going to be relevant to anything we do here ever?
It's settings like those that make me wary as a Jumper, because they make you your own greatest threat without even needing to take a drawback...
What the fuck? Not quite sure how I missed that. In terms of "truly mastering the self"? Probably "enlightenment". Maybe even just the path to it.
>Only be A Dick to assholes,power and responsibility are directly proportionate,I am more powerful than Many Entire nations .
my Jumper has lived by these words for over 5000 years and he's not about to throw that away for a couple of nice tricks. this is going to get tricky.
Because the communities inter-mingle. It's only a matter of time...
Hey eagerDigger, if you're around I've got a Kamen Rider question.
Do I have to buy Devil in Disguise to Companion Anhk? Because it's the closest option I see to him. I'm already taking "I've got to be the one?: OOOs" and I'm pretty sure can come up with a way to save him, but I don't want to just snatch him up for free.
Or does he fall under The Other Guys option that isn't finished?
>That last line
Kickass. Corny, but awesome all the same. Great work! I appear to have missed the other jumps in this chain though; for my curiosity, what were they?
Are there any perks that let you "absorb" ammo and medicine vidya style? I want to have the Doom mechanics the jump misses before I head in.
How goes the Ogre Battle jump? I was diggin the way you did the fluff, really captured the feel of the games.
I think so? At least for medicine I remember seeing a perk that instantly grants the benefits of anything you eat, so as long as you ate medicine...
Devil in Disguise is OC, the OOO companion option is rather explicit about containing Ankh.
assimilation from worm lets you do that I think
Eh, they probably could if Super continues in the same vein as the other Dragonball stuff.
Just raw strength/energy bolts can be perfect parried and counter attacked, with infinite damage to get through their toughness. Probably need a Solar for it though, or some Shrike/Godspear tier Artifact.
More interestingly, I wonder how Dragonball would deal with gypsy curses or an Avada Kedavra?
I mean like absorb it on contact and have it attracted to me, like in the game.
Pretty sure that's not how that power works.
They'd probably just dodge Avada Kedavra. It's really slow by Dragon Ball standards. Might get a person with it before they figure out to dodge it instead of tanking it. But death is cheap in Dragon Ball.
on a similar note, if you pick up EX item creation in fate and give it some time. You can probably gear up enough to solo Dragonball since that stuff runs on power levels and A rank noble phantasms have conceptual supremacy
It explicitly mentions absorbing ammo for weapons you absorb, doesn't it? or you could go to Devil May cry and learn the trick to modifying weapons so they don't need ammo
Dragon Ball's lack of hax bullshit gives it really terrible compatibility against exalted, especially Solars and the UCS.
>It explicitly mentions absorbing ammo for weapons you absorb, doesn't it?
No it has your power provide the ammunition for any weapons you absorb.
>infinite damage
You see, that's bullshit.
Well there's my reading comprehension fail for today. I totally didn't notice that last line. Them coming as a set is a bit of a problem, but thanks.
I'm almost done! I have to redo some fluff on the items because I had an idea on how to handle it better, then it's just the Drawbacks to write up. Drawbacks are being a pain for Ogre Battle though. I'm seriously lacking 100 and 200 level ones and I'm welcoming any suggestions.
Also, thank you. You asking about Orge Battle made my shitty day much better.
Detention gets discounts on FISS, but do they gain a discount on the 'pay 100 to upgrade a single trait' portion too?
Could I just by the first level wholesale and then by every tier of a single trait after that?
Yep, it's like fighting caped Baldy you want conceptual supremacy and percentile based bstract harm like being able to cast butcher knife or use spiky Shield
doesn't the storage deck from borderlands do something similar?
no, the upgrade does not have a discount. It's a Upgrade not a purchase of the ability
More like arbitrary damage, as in Fiamma style as much force as necessary to leave the enemy in X state. (usually a pile of ash, which the charm provides if the target wouldn't leave any ash normally)
Huh, that's true.
Wonder who would be stupid enough to stand there and try to tank the really slow, unthreatening "ki blast".
Probably Yamcha.
Yes. Yes, it is.
It's still something that can be done.
>doesn't the storage deck from borderlands do something similar?
No but that would be a good storage option for absorbed ammo if a combo is needed for this.
Er, the wording of the FISS text indicates that you /can/ purchase traits individually? Are you thinking of the final Rank 6 that is /only/ available via upgrading the individual trait purchase?
>you get one jump
Hero BBS. Immortality, magic, even limited multiversal travel...
>can an ACU build an ACU?
Yes and no.
Yes: an ACU can build the factory that builds ACUs.
No: ACU factory schematics are not normally supplied to ACU Commanders (even sACU schematics are only normally given to veteran Commanders), and ACUs are both heavily black-boxed and their AI hardwired to prevent being captured, let alone reverse-engineered (even by their own Commanders).
Your options are: ACU factories would be part of a Full Colonization Package, so suck up to your faction's High Command and try to schmooze a FCP from them, or get a perk that allows you to bend AIs to your will like silly-putty and tell your ACU to unlock itself for reverse-engineering. Or do something else along those lines.
Jumpers, when you took on a Grail War, how badly did you troll them?
Was it by sheer impossibly power or did you do shit like grab that one girl squirrel from The Sword in the Stone and have her hit on Saber while pointing out that Guenevere could no longer stand between them?
Does FISS grow?
>Unfortunately, the boosts granted by FISS are entirely based on meta-ability and cannot be improved in any conventional way, nor are you necessarily a very powerful FISS.
what if you reverse engineer Tediore technology and apply to those guns?
I'm saying you can't get the Discount for the upgrade,nothing to do with rank six.
It depends on your age, if you're a kid when you get it, it will grow in proportion to the difference in strength between a child and adult as you age
I don't into reading comprehension.
They could just get something like the Omniking to blow up the universe, the Solar might perfect defense through it, but then they end up in the infinite void of nothing.
Technically, you could also use the stuff from the Forged Alliance scenario. Doesn't that give you the schematics for all the tech the four factions have?
I unleashed a saber face virus, in prototype, where there is no saber face. As for how I made it, I got to be pretty close with Mordred in King Arthur.
What kind of strategic nuke can you weather? I assume a modern one, but who knows?
Oh, yes, that would work too.
Some kind of minor thing with Chaos Frame?
Pumpkins everywhere?
Deneb's Pumpkin-man experiment goes wild?
a small one,think more like little boy at 30 yards
For the record it is the absorbing of ammo vidya style not the finding or using of ammo that I'm having an issue with. I just really want to emulate the Doom Guy fully and completely.
I know there are more practical and more easily found options to get infinite ammo but I don't care about practical, the cool factor is where it's at. For the fun man.
Wait, if you're a kid does it start lower than what the description says? Or can it grow even higher than the description?
Also, why is the strength so ridiculously disproportionately low compared to the speed and durability?
>it will grow in proportion to the difference in strength between a child and adult
Wait. Do you start at where you buy with CP as a kid? Because that's several times stronger from that alone.
>I got to be pretty close with Mordred in King Arthur.
So will you call Saber your father in law where people can hear you?
UG I'm rereading it now, she Rebalanced this entire table!
grow higher
yes,but bear in mind, it doesn't get better With conventional methods.
>Discount does not apply to FISS individual trait purchases.
Does that also apply to the "any one power" discount you can get from being in Cristina Kyle's homeroom or from being a Teacher?
>this entire table!
Eh? Looks about the same to me.
Why is the strength so much lower than the speed and durability?
No, that sounds awkward, I'd rather just call her dad.
It'll get you a second discount on FISS but again , an upgrade is not a purchase and not eligible for discounts.
the meta has a bias against strength over 50 tons,so I went along with it.
>It'll get you a second discount on FISS
Wait - we only get one rank discounted?
Uh, that contradicts your previous posts where you said Rank 5 would let you take a direct hit from Little Boy (10 kt). Rank 6, if it's a city buster, would be more like 1 Mt. And the text uses the phrase "shrug off", not "survive".
Actually I did the math on that one (just to check whether you could actually move your body at top speed considering drag) and the strength is within ballpark of the speed. Remember, that's up to 50 tons across a (ostensibly) human-sized pair of hands.
I don't suppose there's any way you'll change it? The meta's changed a lot lately and there are a lot more higher strength options now.
If you have both discounts on FISS does that mean that it'll cost 375 to get the full rank 5 FISS? Are there any ways to make use of the 25 missing CP?