If an Ork believed his sword could be a gun, and he pointed it forward like a gun, would it start firing bullets?

If an Ork believed his sword could be a gun, and he pointed it forward like a gun, would it start firing bullets?

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If there was something on the gun that led him to believe it was, then yes. For example if the chainsword and the motor driving it was welded to the frame of a bolt pistol.

The ork can not just hold a length of bar stock and yell bang and expect rounds to come out.

Maybe the the teeth from the chainsword wold start flying off, but I doubt it. I was under the assumption that it took a lot of Orkz generating their WAAAGH field to start actually affecting things.

The best way to describe the Waaggh is more like WD40 for reality.

It doesn't make the impossible possible and even orks understand you have to have the basics of a gun to have a gun work.

At most, they might be able to fire a gun when it should be broken and they don't realize it's broken or out of ammo.

In principle, if he believed hard enough, yes.

In practice, a single ork isnt capable of believing it hard enough. You need a group.

No. The WAAAGH heavily supports Orky engineering, but it doesn't completely replace it. There is actual technology in there under all the reality warping, it's just technology that should be non-functioning. The sword couldn't shoot projectiles unless there was something that could potentially shoot them in the first place.

If every Ork believed it, yes.

One Ork believing something doesn't make stuff happen, it takes the collective belief of all Orks in the galaxy to make red paint produce momentum, for example.

No, he would have to convince a large group of orks to believe the same thing.
Though they seem foolish, they have an instinctive sense of what is orky and what is un-orky, so you can try to bullshit them about swords and guns being basically the same thing, but they don't have to keep listening to you for more than a moment when they could spend that time fighting.

No ya git, a choppa is a choppa an a slugga is a slugga, unless you'z got one o dem kombi-choppa-slugga wiw a shooty bit on da choppy bit a slugga-schoppa, or a shoota wiw choppy bit on da end.

Only a wierdboy woudl fin' dey could shoot wiw a choppa, 'ell even they'd have enuff sensa ta just throw it, unless deyd a's too mush mad'ash brew, den maybe dey's just shoto some uw dem brain bullits dey do wen really 'oppin mad.


An Ork isn't smart enough to pretend or think something is what it isn't.

>It doesn't make the impossible possible, but it does let a gun work when it's impossible for it to work.

his Nob would smack him upside the head and tell him to stop muckign about.

No you fucking retard. The Waagh doesn't make the impossible happen. It just makes Orks a bit luckier.

A gun that should explode in the hands of the user doesn't. An engine ignition that should fail works within one keyturn.That kind of stuff.

If Ork stuff worked on Waaagh pixy dust, the various Ork hunter Imperial Guard legions couldn't operate because they use Ork weapons without any Waaagh. Same goes for Diggas.

Rather it tweaks what is possible.

It's possible for the bullets to fire evne though the pin is missing, it's possible he crammed in more bullets than was supposed to fit in the drum.

In the same way that it is theorized that the Emprah is still alive because the Orks believe he is, it would definatly be possible for his sword to shoot bullets if the Ork *REALLY* and *TRULLY* believed it would.

Taken from: 1d4chan.org/wiki/Ork

«Ork technology works mainly because the Orks think it does. The official explanation is that the subconscious gestalt psychic field that all Orks generate enables their technology to function; the stronger the field, the more unlikely their technological achievements become. In older versions of the fluff, if you hand an Ork a pipe and convince him it's a gun, it WILL shoot bullets. They're like reality-warping Physical "Gods", only weakened by their stupidity and their preference to fight each other instead of uniting, hence why the Imperium still manages to survive in these dark times.»

It makes red things go faster and purple orcs invisible. Seems otherwise impossible.

Not impossible. Mek Boys still need to build the stuff, and it has to nominally function first and foremost. Outside the WAAAGH!, it jams and gets stuck on grit pretty easily, but a skilled gunsmith could work out the kinks and have a serviceable gun made out of it, f course you could just make a better gun. The best equipment that Meks make for Nobs and Bosses can actually run fine on its own, being a serviceable piece of machinery in its own right, even if it is still Ork Teknologee.

Orks can't throw rocks like grenades, believing they'll explode. They can't point twigs at people and expect bullets to come out. Orks by necessity still need to build tools and machines, fuel their vehicles, put slugs in their guns, and sharpen their blades. Their psychic field makes these things work better, but doesn't endow them with capabilities they never possessed beforehand. It's psychic lubricant that keeps teknologee that should otherwise jam working smoothly, lets trukks out of gas run on fumes a little while longer, and holds things together more reliably than if it was otherwise outside their psychic influence.

Purple Orks are a meme, not an actual thing. If you've bought that then you've been Punk'd harder than Demi Moore. Red is easily explained as being a psychic focus for Orks, but could otherwise simply mean a Mek is subconsciously compelled to paint a trukk he tuned up better, and Orks understand this intrinsically as with most other precepts of Ork Kulture that are genetically ingrained in them.

red ones go faster largely because all meks know red unz' go faster and they like fast things, so put more effort into them

purple is a shitty meme, red skull kommandos the best of their kind blacken themselves and their weapons with soot.

Almost every race in the 40k setting, including humans, has technology and abilities which depend on their psychic powers. Orks are not unique in this respect and their abilities do not break the laws of the setting; psychic powers are finite and can only do certain things regardless of how hard you believe in them even though they are in some sense fuelled by belief.

So basically, no. A weirdboy might be able to do it, in the same way any serious psyker can make blasts of energy appear out of thin air, but an ordinary ork or even a horde of ordinary orks can not make arbitrary effects happen.

You know 1d4 chan is for memes and jokes, not actual background information, right? All that stuff is just shit that retards on threads like this spouted off and started repeating because they found it amusing.

Dat wouldn't happen, cuz every boy knowz da diffrence tween a choppa anna shoota! Unless some mek went an made a propa kombi shoota out of it...

They sure as hell can cause arbitrary effects.


I hate this meme and want it to end. All the Ork gestalt does is allow their shitty technology to function when it probably shouldn't under normal circumstances. It doesn't cause fucking miracles just because an Ork wants it to happen.

This doesn't really say much more than what others in the thread are saying. Paint seemingly amplifies effects and their crude tek works reliably while they have enough of a field to effect it.

No, that's fucking stupid
stop being stupid.

>not recognizing the difference between situational and definite truths

A rock cannot shoot bullets. A broken gun might.

It's not just some special ork magic.
Every psychically sensitive race can effect the warp with their beliefs and feelings.
>sister of battle act of faith

No, at least a squad of orks would need to believe it's a gun. that being said, orks are smarter than that.


If da choppa gots one o' dem fancy empty barrels at da non-choppy end, 'den maybe, if dere's a trigga, it might go bang. ONLY if ya load it first, and point it at the git you want to krump, wit' at leas' FIFTY other Orks doin' the same.

Dis is simple engineerin'. Don't be a zoggin' moron.

One ork? No.
5000 orks? Maybe. But I doubt they would sincerely believe in that.

Also this, this greenskin is right.

Isn't dat wot weird boyz do?

The exact effects of the Waagh field vary from author to author, edition to edition. Early on, the Waaagh just made it so the very ramshackle and shirt Ork weapons and equipment somehow functioned without falling apart, giving them tremendous luck almost. As time went on this was flanderized until Orks were legit retards whose equipment only functioned in their hands because Waagh

At their core though, Orks actually do k ow what they're doing. Their understandong of technology is ingrained, savant like. It's not science to them, it's just something they do. Remember they were created to basically be living weapons. As such, they can produce their own arms from just about anything.

Orks know sticks and rocks are not guns and grenades. That's why they have Meks, grotz, and lots of captured human slaves to build for them.

How far the belief powers can go depends on the size of the waaaargh.
Things like midly flawed guns working fine just need a small waaargh something like shooting from a sword would need one absurdly large.
You could probably do teeth flying off the blade at about half armegadon size

>The exact effects of the Waagh field vary from author to author, edition to edition

Waaggh = kind of a slightly toned down version of 'toon logic. Now if only the Mechanicum could build an extractor....

>As time went on this was flanderized until Orks were legit retards whose equipment only functioned in their hands because Waagh

is there any source for that?



So it depends on psyker potential.


Especially . It's varied, but has never been as extreme as some people in this thread would think.

Ignore any source that mentions purple as a colour of effect. Purple has never meant anything in GW crunch nor lore; it's just a fan joke because "you never see any purple orks, do you?"

1d4chan is bad at the best of times, and very bad at knowing what WAAAGH! does.

Lexicanum is better than 1d4chan, but doesn't note the contradiction that Ork weapons have been known to work in non-ork hands - if unreliably.