...no not "who could win a fight" but who is the better leader/administrator? Who would you rather have in charge of your galactic empire, and which one is least likely to fuck it all up?
...no not "who could win a fight" but who is the better leader/administrator...
I'd side with the Emperor, he took a divided and warring humanity and united them, bringing about a new golden era of peace and prosperity... hell, if Chaos hadn't interfered (as they always will in 40k) Mankind would *still* be in a golden era.
That's just the point, he got BTFO by chaos. Would Sigmar or Palpatine have failed so hard?
Palpatine wasn't very interested in actually ruling after he gained power, iirc.
On the contrary, he wanted to rule for 10,000 years as the immortal Sith god-emperor. Everything he did was in order to maneuver himself into position to rule the galaxy, and then exploit his legendarily powerful henchman to explore the secrets of immortality. He only ever got through with the first half of the plan before he got necked. As an administrator, he's entirely unparalleled. He led both sides of a galactic civil war without either side catching on until the jig was up, and did so while tip-toeing around a caste of warrior-monks who can literally see the fucking future. The dude is nothing but plans upon contingencies upon stratagems. If he had accomplished his goal and plumbed the secret depths of the Dark Side, the galaxy would have known 10,000 years of Order.
Emps is a terrible leader, mainly because he refuses to really trust anyone with anything because he believes they'll fuck it up. That's mainly why the Heresy happened, because he was too autistic to be a trustworthy father figure and treated the Primarchs like employees rather than sons, but also expected them to trust him implicitly on the matters he kept secret, like Chaos and his Webway. The Imperium is a shitty place to live because this guy made nearly two dozen demigods and expected them to act like robots and obey him without question.
Palpatine has a longstanding political background and seems to have most things in order by the time of A New Hope. Really, his main problem was going all in for a planet sized super-weapon that ended up destroyed by a handful of rebels. If those resources had just been spent on more star destroyers, things may have gone better. Granted, this may largely be because Palpatine sees fit to delegate. He did puppet a war from both sides though with nobody knowing though, so that takes some skill.
A cursory read on Sigmar makes it seem as though he mainly got where he was by being really buff. He united barbarian tribes into an empire by being buff, rules for a meager 5 years before walking off to be more buff, and then buffed his way into being god. His main leadership qualification is hitting people with a hammer really hard and being a god. Sure, he re-made the universe and everything too, but that doesn't mean he's good at leading it.
Probably gonna go with Palpatine on this. He seems to have everything in order, and is mainly screwed over by Death Stars being hell on logistics.
>Who is the better leader/administrator?
The one who could win a fight.
>A cursory read on Sigmar makes it seem as though he mainly got where he was by being really buff
But he won. I don't really care how he won, he did and so far I've seen nothing in his lore that indicates he was a bad ruler. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Palpatine would have fallen to Chaos so hard it would probably rip a new hole in reality where Earth is.
>Palpatine literally becomes a full-blown Chaos God.
>Sith God of Chaos
>Will only take one follower/apprentice
I suppose when you get right down to the deep end of either side of the force they both look the same.
Yadda yadda balance and all that shit.
That's not what they mean when they talk about balance reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(the dark side IS the imbalance)
The Emperor is tremendously powerful and good at what he does, but his immense flaws mean no government run by him can ever be stable. He will always need an enemy and can never take the least bloody of options when faced with a choice, as he is ideologically flawed. His lack of humanity and inability to trust fosters dissension in his ranks and this ultimately led to his downfall.
Emperor Palpatine was an incredible administrator, able to run two sides of a war without problem while also preparing both governments involved for his eventual takeover. He however has little ability to inspire loyalty and has explicitly created a system where the chaos of treachery and ambition are the rule.
Sigmar is an inspirational leader capable of bringing extremely different and often hostile peoples together under the same banner and combining their talents to create a greater whole - a whole that, most importantly, everyone actually wants to be part of. He's not really a famed administrator, but he knows enough about his capabilities to surround himself with people that are.
On the whole, I'd rather live in a spess empire run by Sigmar.
He got out-keikaku'd by teddy bears though
He was a fine schemer, but he wasn't great at running a functional empire. He kept resorting to more extreme measures and ruled through fear. That lasted, what, a few decades?
Space Conan
Both Emps and Palpatine succumbed to betrayal.
You fail to realize for HOW LONG the emperor managed to keep things on course. And how quickly Palpatine folded in comparison.
Leto atreides
Sure, he'll rule with an iron fist for 5000 years, oppressing humanity and allowing trillions to suffer, but in the end you know it's all for the greater good of mankind.
Jedi propaganda intensifies
Tbh, that's where Malcador comes in. Emperor united mankind, went on a great crusade and found his kids. Meanwhile, Malcador was doing the finetuning of the Imperium to come. And after 10000 years it still kinda works. The circumstances are shitty, but what choice do you have if a literal god of superhell can claim your soul just because you get sick, enjoy yourself/your duty as guardsman too much or have a lot of hope and a goal to reach?
I see this was the Emperor just after the conquest of the planet Nintendo 64.
Sweet fucking Jesus that picture is bad.
>his boots are transluscent and show the floor behind them
> Sigmar
Political face and official diplomacy. Inspirational frontline commander.
He's there when you need moral up, settle internal disputes or negotiate alliances.
> The Emperor
Head of the science department. Also deathstar in battle.
He's there when you want to engineer supersoldiers or need something death.
> Palpatine
Head of the secret service and closed-door diplomacy.
He's there when you need schemes inside schemes and deal secret negotiations.
Still need a dedicated administrator.
Together they start civil wars, all of them.
I mean, Yoda and Palpatine both have wrinkles, but past that they're not even remotely comparable.
Malcador/Guiliman, maybe Horus.
He hadn't finalized his control over the galaxy. He pushed too hard and too fast, and lost it. If he had survived ROTJ, everything would have ben graavy
>Would Sigmar or Palpatine have failed so hard?
It took the cooperation of four gods to stop the Big E.
Meanwhile Palpatine got stopped by his own disgruntled subjects.
I'm going with the swolest of them all: Sigmar
>I'm going with the swolest of them all: Sigmar
lel, faggot
Big E
>Losing to 4 Chaos Gods
>Is a corpse
>Lost to disgruntled citzens
>Currently winning vs the 4 Chaos Gods that the Big E is losing to
>Is a Literal God
It's really no contest.
>there already is a sith god of chaos
>we just don't know because he only has one champion in the entire galaxy
>Only won through selling souls to the worst evil of all: Corporate Balance Sheets.
Sigmar managed to unite elves, dwarfs, orcs, giants, ogres, mythical monsters and even nagash into a vast, realm spanning empire that lasted for thousands of years before it finally came apart. Even after getting his shit pushed in by chaos he didn't die like a certain failure, but instead regrouped and is now currently leading a winnable battle against archaon.
He's not evil or inhumanly autistic, and he is an excellent diplomat. Sigmar is by far the best leader out of them 3 going by his AoS feats
Those digits. Sith chaos god is here.
I kinda want to expand on this.
>post a badly disguised Ulric
Have a real emperor.
I'll be honest.
I don't know much of Sigmar besides the very beginning of AOS fluff.
But I know enough of the other two to figure out Sigmar is probably the best of the 3 (with Palpatine being worst)
Where did that gay-ass Sigmar (apparently) pic come from?
I think it's AoS art. Doesn't really match up with his typically more primitive look. Conan Sigmar best Sigmar.
>it's AoS art
Every time I come into contact with the game. It gives me more reasons to hate it
old Star Wars EU already kinda did this with Abeloth
>based on the concept of embracing the dark powers and the inner darkness
>distinct from tzeentch in that he doesn't represent change for ambition sake, but truly accepting corruption and intentionally seeking it out
Do you have the one of him on his throne? I'm on my phone and it's a great emperor conan
nice conan illustration, faggot
Agreed 100%. Wormperor is bestperor
>yfw the Rebels caused the deaths of trillions by overthrowing the Emperor
the good guys
>yfw the rebels were so shit they couldn't deal with the empire remnant and let it rise to power again
Best leader/administrator right here
Which is to say Emps when he was little...
Sigmar, hands down.
He forged twelve tribes of savages into an Empire that in its infancy saved the Dwarves to ensure an alliance forever.
How is this a question?
> ctrl+f
ONE JOB, Veeky Forums...and you passed!
Freedom ain't free.
>Emps is a terrible leader, mainly because he refuses to really trust anyone with anything because he believes they'll fuck it up
>tells Magnus not to use sorcery
>he uses it
>tells Lorgar to stop pushing the religion
>he still pushes it
Not his porblem, that those who were supposed to be grown men, were fucking manchildren.
>palpatine got BTFO by jedi
>sigmar got BTFO by chaos, because he did absolutely nothing until the last minute
>emperor died for our sins and continues to save humanity on a daily basis
what kind of question is this?
Literally /OurValiantWarlord/
>>emperor got BTFO by a whiny brat and turned into a flashlight
But Luke was the one person who didn't fuck Palpatine's shit up
>Betrayed by his closest subordinate.
>Lets his world get eaten by chaos.
>Betrayed by his closest subordinate.
All of these guys have demonstrated poor leadership abilities. I'd have to side with Emps though, at least his Imperium survived his "death".
So did Palpatine's.
The Emprah created a government that fell to corruption and insanity when he stopped being in charge.
Palpatine ran the Empire by the same philosophy as the Rule of Two, setting his subordinates against each other in a Darwinian contest to be at the top, but the second he's not there to curry favor from, the system collapses.
Sigmar created an Empire that (for the most part) is good, has the best interests of it's people at heart, and the government didn't go to shit the second he was gone.
Sigmar is the clear winner.
He also has one world to rule.
The Emperor of Man ruled tens of thousands of of worlds, some worlds each containing billions if not trillions of citizens. All using the wreckage of a previous golden age. Literally, he took the last surviving scraps of a Galactic Camalot and forced something together by will alone.
Emperor Palpatine ruled a galaxy with similar numbers but but had a comparitivly intact galaxy to work with. He didn't have literal God's warping the minds of his people to turn them against him, just a few assholes who were able to channel luck with weak psionics. Palpatine's plan was the result of thousands of years of work by his predecessors as well, not just himself. While he was a mastermind (and obvious Tzeenetch worshipper-from-another-brand) he didn't do it all himself.
Sigmar is a fuck. Palpatine was best by circumstance. The Emperor did the best with what he had left.
>Palpatine's plan was the result of thousands of years of work by his predecessors as well, not just himself.
Is there some "Sith master plan" article on Wookiepedia?