>Your character's name is wrong.
>Either change the spelling or change the pronunciation.
It was a name I made up, game takes place in a fantasy setting.
That GM thread I guess?
>Your character's name is wrong.
>Either change the spelling or change the pronunciation.
It was a name I made up, game takes place in a fantasy setting.
That GM thread I guess?
>That GM thread I guess?
Sounds more like a "That Guy" thread.
What was the character's name and what fantasy setting?
>Your character's name is wrong.
>Either change the spelling or change the pronunciation.
is your GM M.Night Shaymalan?
>have a character who I'd a wannabe knight
>play him as enthusiastic, naive, driven
>DM tells me during a session that I need to stop roleplaying him coming up with or suggesting plans unless I spend experience on a knowledge skill
>wait until game time the next week and say I quit
Petty of me, I know.
Final Fantasy 11, Vana'diel
The name was 5 letters long, had one consonant, three vowels, and a y.
He had no problem with the name itself. Just that I was pronouncing it wrong following the guidelines he believes the race's naming conventions followed.
Literally the difference between a 'who' and a 'ho'.
But if the setting uses certain language rules or nomenclature, that could be something you need to change. If the setting is using Tolkien Elven you shouldn't be making a grey elf named Bob. If there's Arab inspired Halflings, you shouldn't name one Dennis.
Why can't you make a name that fits the setting/culture/etc?
stats only have the affect on a character that they do mechanically, intelligence affects the number facts your character knows, ho quickly they can learn new skills and their ability to cast certain kinds of magic, in D&D that is all intelligence determines
Just change the spelling or argue the pronunciation rules
Not really worth getting your panties in a twist over
I did. He just doesn't like the way I pronounce it. I actively had a race specific name picked out ahead of time specifically for this setting.
He just disagrees with me about how the fictional name I invented is pronounced.
Yeah, he wasn't hearing any of that.
I don't see the issue here. Just change the spelling to conform with the naming conventions, then. Otherwise it could be seen as confusing, for no good reason.
Then sick it up and use his pronunciation. He's the GM, he makes the rules, and this is a tiny detail that you shouldn't fight over.
I recently saw a post in another forum by a guy who made a NG Paladin in 5E. The DM tried to tell him he should intervene when a PC was going to do something against the law but not evil because he expected him to be LG or "why play a Paladin at all". Cocksmoker also tried to tell him that a Druid shapeshifting was "Scary magic that your not used too" to farther along the shitpickle
I swear to god In the 3.5 days I never saw the amount of idiocy and self-assued assholeness that I tend to see nowadays. I cant pin the blame on 4E either since a LOT of what I see is a lot of guys acting like old Grognards as mentioned above
I did argue the pronunciation rules. We disagreed.
The name and the pronunciation is important to me for personal reasons. I've already politely let him know that if the way I pronounce this character's name is going to be an issue then it would probably be best if I stepped away from the game. He really wants me to play, but he feels so strongly about the pronunciation that he'd probably rather not have me play then have to hear me say it 'wrong'. I offered to let him write the name however he wanted to on his personal notes and I would do the same on mine and that wouldn't be a big deal, but he insisted that if I signed anything IC that I would have to use his spelling and I refused. It was just a major red flag that I should probably step away from the game.
I was just trying to vent somewhere. I forgot that most that guy threads OPs tend to be assumed to be in the wrong by default. My bad.
>He's the GM, he makes the rules
not how it works, rules only have meaning if people agree to follow them, if the table decides they don't like a certain rule then it ceases to be a rule
>walk away from a game
>just because I can't have my special name
What kind of self- important entitled faggot are you?
Except that is how it works. The GM lays down the rules, the players follow the rules. If the GM wants to change or add rules, it is perfectly within his right to do so. If the players don't like the rules, the door is over there.
No it doesn't
If he's talking about what I think he's talking about, the GM's would not have cared and forced him to change his name, regardless(Gotta keep that rated T for Teen rating, eh SE xD).
In fact, if he got into a prolonged argument with them, they would have probably just tossed him in this jail area for the next X number of days. (He would have logged into an area like the one in the video and would have been essentially been able to do nothing).
Interestingly, if I were to set up a yell bot in the game's main city, that just yelled profanities over and over again, it would have take the GMs longer to imprison/ban me(assuming they even give a fuck) then it would have for them to deal with a name.
In real life, I've got an awkward name that looks, on paper, like it could be pronounced the same way as a popular name (regional variant, it's a historical name).
I've had people tell me that my name is wrong in the past; I've had people tell me to correct it.
If people are willing to do that in real life to real names, then what's to stop them from sperging out about fantasy names?
>>I made this name for my character
>>No you didnt I choose how it works
>>Isnt that bullshit?
>>Entitled faggot also your horse dies roll to see if you cry and how hard I am a great DM fuck you
Enjoy having no players to play with
I made a character. It fits the setting, is at least relatively thought out, and it's being rejected because a single letter in the name is off. Rational people call that a red flag. Politely stepping away from the game now is better than mid session when some other inane bullshit happens. So you can shove contrarian opinion up your ass.
Hey Al.
>If the players don't like the rules, the door is over there.
which is exactly my point, there is always a choice of whether to follow the rule or not, even if the other option is to just leave, the GM then has to question if enforcing that rule is worth losing players over
Either someone decides it's not a hill they want to die on, and the game goes ahead, or people can't compromise this and don't game together (and it that situation they really shouldn't)
This, when I was born the guy on the register insisted to my parents that my name is wrong and that he wouldn't register me with that name. The worst thing is that it's a fairly common name, this guy just was that obnoxious and sperging about a letter on a name.
>bend over and take GM's dick because he should decide about your character more than you
If he can't convince his GM that his name is spelled right then either
>he's actually wrong, confirming that OP is always a faggot (no exceptions)
>his GM is wrong and is a top level autist who will not listen to reason, in which case leaving the game before more autism ensues is the best option
>What was the character's name and what fantasy setting?
I P Freely
I was in the fence of not giving a shit if you and your GM choose to be autistic.
Then I read this:
>I offered to let him write the name however he wanted to on his personal notes and I would do the same on mine and that wouldn't be a big deal
Okay, fair enough resolution
>he insisted that if I signed anything IC that I would have to use his spelling
He is insane, why would this matter.
>and I refused.
Because it's insane?
Then good for you.
Because it matters how your imaginary character signs their imaginary name in a hypothetical imaginary scenario that may never happen in a game that hasn't started?
Then, please, for all that is good in the world, work it out with some sort of compromise with your GM.
The idea of two different groups being ruined by you nutbags is just awful.
>It was just a major red flag
Yes, yes it is.
I'm not gonna pretend I'm not a nutbag. I'm on Veeky Forums at 6 am complaining about playing pretend. I'll admit it's a little of column A and a little of column B. It's not a big issue and I know that. But it's the latest in a series of small minor grievances that I've been willing to ignore that have over time grated on me to the point where this has become the last straw that broke the camel's back.
And don't worry. I don't play enough to actively seek out a new group.
>5e gritty realism
>the party levels up every session, we even leveled up twice in a couple sessions
>we're all level 9
>finally meet the GM self-insert evil wizard
>we piss him off cause he's an condescending asshole
>he puts some vague curse on us
>no immediate noticeable effects
>murder his shit super hard
>end of session, no level up
>next session, no level up
>next session, no level up
>next session, no level up
>next session, no level up
It's been two months now. Remove curse has done nothing.
While I pity your suffering, that's a hilarious and creative idea. Some good potential there.
>But it's the latest in a series of small minor grievances that I've been willing to ignore that have over time grated on me to the point where this has become the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Now I'm convinced that, for whatever reason, he's sick of your shit and, rather than spending an evening alone with a magnifying glass, a flashlight, and a mirror to hunt for his balls and deal with you directly, he's been trying to passive aggressively annoy and harass you into leaving.
I don't know the truth of your situation is, but that is what I am choosing to believe for my own peace of mind.
The good news is that would definitely make him That GM, so there's that at least.
My name is Rhuobhe. I dare you to pronounce it correctly.
Just kidding.
How can someone be THIS retarded? It's a fucking name
>says it's 5 letters long
>doesn't say what it actually was, or how he was pronouncing it.
I'm 90 percent sure it was some pun, and probably a sex joke that the GM felt was inappropriate for game tone.
To be fair a childrens cartoon shouldn't teach the kids wrong spelling.
Television already make the youth go stupid.
But you explicitly didn't. If you had just worked with the Sperg initially when you came up with the name, then you would have never had an issue. You are no different than a player wanting to name your paladin Peenus.
Give us the fucking name, faggot.
>Play DnD for the first time
>Tell my friends about it, they express interest in playing
>Read about DMing, want to do a semi-serious campaign
>Offer to DM and explain how everything works
>One of them wanted to name his Wood Elf Scallywong, another wanted to name his Dragonborn "big toast" in Lithuanian and now wants to back out because I won't let him
Am I bad DM or what the fuck?
Nah, your players are just memesters. I've dealt with plenty before. See upthread. The paladin named Peenus is an example I had to deal with.
What the hell are you talking about?
>Pick up some merchant skills
>Suddenly we're either getting minuscule amounts of loot or no loot at all
I can sort of understand why he's doing it as having all of us carrying top tier weapons and armor would break the game but it's still irritating
There is one country (one of the Scandinavian ones like Sweden or Denmark, I can't remember which) that only recognized 700 legal first names (which, of course, all have a particular spelling) and makes the parents choose the name out of a book essentially when a baby is born.
in the UK certain names are banned: you cannot name your child duke, prince, baron etc as the inbred parasiteds that stole the country don't like it.
That would be Iceland.
It gets even worse though, because they don't have last names in the same sense as us, instead they're known as "[First name] son/daughter of [father's first name]"
>autistic neckbeard waddles up to my table
>sigh internally
>"alright user, what's your character's name?"
>"akihakikabaaqudghaale420memeking XD"
>"No. Either change the spelling or change the pronunciation"
>He's clearly consumed by autistic rage. His face turns beet red and he starts sputtering about 'muh fantasy setting'
That player thread, I guess?
Honestly, if I didn't know Lithuanian, the second one might be okay.
So wait, there's a hundred guys named the equivalent of John, son of John?
>What kind of self- important entitled faggot are you?
I think you might have some issues. He is indeed entitled to NOT play any game he doesn't want to play.
>If the players don't like the rules, the door is over there.
Now you're playing it both ways? Not playing is both "self-important entitlement" and what's expected of any disagreement with the GM?
Where do you think we get the surname "Johnson," user
Something like that, yeah. Knowing someone's address is often a bigger deal than knowing their name.
There's only 300 000 or so people living in Iceland though, so it's not a colossal problem.
Fucking Skrebutis. Goddamnit.
The difference is, unlike Iceland, 15% of the population isn't named John Johnson.
Then again...
700 first names, 1400 surnames, 980 000 possible combinations for 330 000 people.
Other user had it correct. It's pronounced "rove."
Or "rob" if you're an Amerifat.
I could see "Robe", but fair enough.
>It gets even worse though
What is so bad about, you titlingaskítur?
Just because you don't like doesn't mean it's bad!
There's probably an amusing number of "John Johnsons" and at least one "John Johnson Jr."
Here is a list of Icelandic names and how many have that name from 2005.
Blue are Icelandic names.
Red are foreign names.
The more you scroll down the more you see weird names like: Fífa, Bogey or even fucking "Virginia" (no it's not pronounced like the state).
>a hilarious and creative idea
Well, it could be. But it sounds like the GM is just punishing them for killing a bad guy he thought was super cool and they should have all loved but they didn't. I've seen that ruin a couple of campaigns. I even had a GM straight up tell us that it wasn't fair that we killed the bad guy, because, "shouldn't he get to play, too?"
Mistake was made, red are not just "foregin" names there is just no info about that name on the "Icelandic National Registry".
the guy's parents are special snowflakes who don't follow their culture's naming conventions. Its not like cultural norms are physical laws that everyone is bound by.
did Bjork's parents actually choose her name from this book?
I would try to roleplay a stupid guy differently than a smart one but it's not like low intelligence means you NEVER HAVE IDEAS EVER
so OP are you ever going to post the name and/or why it's so personal and important to you?
What's the Dragonborn player name was? I assume "Skrebutis", which is hilarious.
If I need a name, I just take a fitting noun from the culture my character is based on. So if I play a warrior from !NotArabia, I might name him something like "Battle-hardened" but in Arab.
I'm honestly retarded.
Hey Veeky Forums, does any of you have that greentext about that GM masturbating under the table during the game?
Or any other greentext stories since my folder recently went to hell.
Yup. Where do you think Guðmundsdóttir comes from, if not Daughter of Gudmund.
But user, he IS the bad guy. The GM is even the bad guy across multiple dimensions. He even said that the guy should "get to play", which means you just took down one of the most evil types of person out there; dimensional interloper.
I always thought Bjork was one of those one-name celebrities
Nope. She just goes by her first name because Bjork rolls off the tongue a lot better than Bjork Gudmundsdottir.
>GM straight up tell us that it wasn't fair that we killed the bad guy, because, "shouldn't he get to play, too?"
As a GM who often considers the BBEG "my character", I have to say that your response should have been to tell him that character death is a natural consequence of his actions.
If my BBEG dies like a little bitch, then that's my fault.
If my BBEG dies in an epic struggle with the PCs, then that's Mission Fucking Accomplished.
>If my PC dies like a little bitch, then that's my fault.
>If my PC dies in an epic struggle s defeating the BBEG, then that's Mission Fucking Accomplished.
Actually that works both ways.
On the other hand, we have such gems as -awn (pronounced Dashawn, 'cause the dash don't be silent) and Abcde (pronounced Absidy.)
The mother read the wristband and thought the hospital had named her daughter something pretty.
Sisters, clearly.
And the one more, nearly related:
>Ab-ben Dawn
a friend saw this on a DVD cover and thought it was the name of a cool fantasy land.
I pronounced it correctly, and once he scraped himself together from weeping with laughter at himself, he abandoned the idea.
For myself?
Came up with the name:
Spelled it "Poleram" until I showed it to someone.
I dunno, -awn is a lot rarer than La-a. At least in my experience. Do know one of them named Tekuila though.
>[First name], son/daughter of [father's first name]
That's metal asf.
Well, I'm a bit disheartened that this is what you've choosen to believe. I can't control how you feel though so I'll just have to accept that. But for what it's worth, he's not the actual regular GM of our group. He's another player who's planning to start a campaign. He's actively tried to work with me to convince me to stay but he won't budge on this issue and I just can't imagine playing in his game at this point would be enjoyable at all.
It wasn't. I just don't want the name out there. But I concede that it does look suspicious so I apologize.
The only issue here should be you and your GM racing to accommodate each other to the point that you both accidentally change and then have a laugh about it. Both of your stubbornness is despicable.
Besides, the compromise is clear as fuck. People name their kids bastardized spellings of shit all the time. My father-in-law's name is Joesph for fuck sake. No one calls him anything weird, but he occasionally has to say "it's actually spelled e s not s e". Bam, problem fucking solved.
"My name is Aron"
"Wait A-ron?
"no, like Aaron"
"But you don't spell it Aaron?"
"oh. That's weird"
"I guess. Anyway..."
I came up with the name in 5th grade. I altered it to fit the setting before he had even asked me to. He just doesn't like the way I pronounce it.
Fuck off already. The fact that you won't tell us the name, coupled with the claim that some combination of fantasy vowels you made up off the top of your head is important for cryptic 'personal reasons' is proof enough that you're a gigantic faggot and That Guy.
>touchy Icelandic nationalist
Kekked heartily.
Just say the fucking name
Their is no reason for you not to say it
>DnD is about levelling up
Holy shit kys. If stats are the only way you can measure character development then I pity you. You've obviously been trained by some terrible GMs into viewing everything through the lens of mechanics, and maybe, just maybe, this current GM might cure you of it.
There's one reason, user.
Fine. It was 'Kunto'.
Why does how you might sign your name in game at some point, maybe, matter?
There is a classic Simpsons episode where Bart loses a class election despite winning over his classmates.
At the end, Homer cheers Bart up with a talk that includes the phrase, "Let the baby have his bottle."
You and your GM both need to be a grown ass adult and let the other have this precious "win" over something that doesn't matter, or admit to yourselves that you are being a mewling baby as well.
>I just can't imagine playing in his game at this point would be enjoyable at all.
Admittedly, this is probably true.
Sounds a bit like a jap saying cunt
May want to change that
I go by my middle name.
Name issues come up, they get solved, the end.
yeah you're that guy. your GM is just requiring that things make sense in the setting you are playing in. don't whine about it.
Yeah hate to break it to you, you're That Guy.
>makes sense
>why's that?
>he's been acting like a kunto all thread