>played my first campaign last weekend with my best friend.
>was super shy
>would love to be more extrovert
>but its too embarassing for me to self-insert into the character
>embarassing to roleplay
how do you guys do it?
>played my first campaign last weekend with my best friend.
>was super shy
>would love to be more extrovert
>but its too embarassing for me to self-insert into the character
>embarassing to roleplay
how do you guys do it?
Stop being so self conscious no one cares. If you remember no one really cares you can be free and have more fun!
Everybody else is in the same boat so just roll with it.
Being shy about roleplaying looks weirder at the table than doing it properly, so don't embarass yourself and roleplay.
Be creative. Make your character communicate mostly by hand gestures and so on.
I play online, in text.
I've been into PnP RPG's for like 10 years, and without text being an option, chances are I never would have started.
This user gets it as does great pun btw
You're literally just playing a glorified game of pretend as an adult with some rules to make it interesting. You're degeneracy has brought you this far, so now it's time to throw all self consciousness to the wind and embrace the role that you decide to play.
But honestly, it's just the same as pretending to be somebody else. Everyone else around you is expected to role play, so just jump in on the fun. If you're shy about it at first, just be quick and to-the-point with your role playing. You don't need to go all fucking Daniel Day-Lewis with your first character.
Also, watch some videos on youtube of ppl playing D&D and other role playing games. Do you see a lot of hostile judging of the people playing? (not their characters)
Yeah, just practice, keep going at it. It will get easier, and more natural, given time.
Throw yourself into the role.
You might be embarrassed, but Jim Darkmajick isn't. Let him drive for a while.
This kind of roleplaying is how I trained myself to function in social situations and overcome my Aspergers. You RP until you learn to fake being normal enough that the mask comes easy. I don't see why it wouldn't work for shyness too.
Everyone's embarrassed at first, but it wears off, especially if you're at a table where everyone else is doing it.
>how do you guys do it?
I practiced. Just like everything else, acting is a skill you can train.
You sound like a transsexual or effeminate blonde white boy that I used to molest back in my younger days nest to two others who meet your description.
I bet you're the kind of bitch that lets people stroke your hair, poke you in the sides and lift you up in the air, because you were raised by a single mother or in a mixed-race household because you're weak, and have no enthusiastic force of personality whatsoever.
Fucking Estrocuck, get ripped.
I'm not even male. Lol.
You're not the only Aspie to use roleplaying that way! Most of my social circle have no idea that I have it.
I don't get it
Whats the joke
Someone's got some personal demons huh.
If actually speaking "in character" feels unnatural and weird, try describing what they are doing, but be conscious of your body-language. Try to hold yourself, or assume a posture that is in line with the way your character is feeling.
Are they in a confrontation? Sit up straight and push out your chest, while the action happens. You don't need to force yourself to roleplay the rest.
Are they being seductive? Try smiling crookedly, or whatever they would do.
This is often more natural, and less weird to people than directly being "in the role", and it is a great way to communicate your char. feelings on a subject.
Fight me austrian fucking shit
>"How do I stop doing [thing]?"
>"It's easy, just stop doing [thing]!"
I know you mean well and all, but that's not exactly helpful.
A little booze does wonders!
Drink some alcohol next time. It'll loosen you up.
play via tekst
Don't taIk to a bunch of onIine nobodies. TaIk to your group about it. I'm sure they'II understand and wiII be supportive. It might be easier after a show of support and encouragement. We've aII been there.
I simply have no shame.
The big three.
Alcohol in moderation, practice in spades, and compartmentalize in an appropriate way for the amount of role play going on in the game.
It helps me to do a third person type of deal.
>Good roleplayer - I believe in my faith in my god and attack!
>roleplaynig for someone who's selfconscious - My character would believe in his faith and go for it. So yea I'd like to role to attack.
his whole life amounting to nothing, in stark contrast to the success he was promised by his parents and american television
I'm no noob, but I do both of these depending on comfortable I am associating my own actions with that of my character. It's a bit of a crutch, but it can help sometimes.
Simple. It's not You. It's your character.
You're shy. He is not. Pay attention to how non shy people behave then, in the context of the game, do that.
Trips and doubles speak words of wisdom.
Don't self-insert into the character. At best, you're only doing it a little bit with things you wish you could be.
Instead, think of it like acting. There's a little person that you've created, with feelings and goals and dreams, but you have to speak for them since they can't speak for themselves, and you have to try and keep as much to what they'd want to do as possible. Only consider your own feelings from a meta perspective.
You have to just try and enjoy it, maybe take a little time to warm up to it by practicing alone or with your GM. You don't have to be an extrovert anywhere outside the game table, remember that, and even at the game table you really only have to do it for your character if that's your character.
Sometimes it still helps to take a moment to disassociate from your character and explain things to the group.
>My character feels really strongly about this - let me quickly explain how they might react in this stressful situation, and how to avoid pissing him off IC any further.
>Sorry dude, I made it clear he wanted that wand more than all the other treasure. That's why I'm rolling to try and steal it from you.
Due to DnD, I usually stand out in any social groups and get leadership positions fairly quickly. People TRUST me. It's unnerving. I can get people to tell me their personal hopes and dreams in under 15 mins of conversation. People I just met. No one should have this power. It's open to abuse. Luckily, I can only act for 10 hours, at most. Then I need to slink back to my room and post on Veeky Forums in the dark.
There we go. Don't do that. Your characters (especially your first characters) should be based on you or something you're familiar with, but they aren't you. You won't be able to mentally separate yourself from your character at first, but that's normal. Once you can separate yourself and your character they will start acting on their own.
Also, everyone there 1) is also embarrassed and hiding it, or 2) used to fall under 2. It goes away with time.
Also is correct basically. If you can get your hands on alcohol, have a standard drink over the course of an hour, MAYBE two if you follow in the footsteps of history's greatest fa/tg/uys by weighing 250+ pounds. Any more will get you drunk and drunks and dice don't mix. Follow that pattern for the first couple hours and taper off. Weed in VERY small amounts can help too, just don't go overboard.
You know a troll has failed if its targets are baffled instead of offended. 1/10
Me also.
This is real (if way more limited in my case). A lack of shame without a lack of empathy or basic human decency is magnetic to a lot of people. Roleplaying is confidence-building.