Finally feeling like the social system I've been dreaming of forever for my project is starting to click.
>Minor primer
The system setting is a meta-narrativistic one, where story logic is an acknowledged property and interacted with basically like magic. The categorization for types of narratives goes; Good, Evil, Grit, Appeal, Reason, Enigma.
>Social Scenes.
So my idea is that when a properly dramatic social scene occurs, all "sides" of the issue become represented by a disk, and all individual participants by a token or "lot". Each disk has a value for good, evil, grit, appeal, reason, and enigma.
Each character has 4 relevant social stats.
Charm, dignity, and severity are your three ability scores, determining the strength of social actions you take. Ego is kinda social HP and also spent to take social actions
Characters can spend Ego to use the social stats to increase or attack the value of a disk's stat (in the case of attacking a disk, people supporting that disk can roll to defend) The more Ego you spend in a social encounter the more "invested" that character is and thus the more they stand to lose psychologically.
Characters can move their lots to whatever disk they want. And when the social scene ends, they gain all that disks value in XP to their own narrative stats. So the disk they started on may have had its good reduced to -5, and the opposing disk had its appeal brought up to 3. Further, they only invested 4 ego into their disk so they don't have too much to lose. They move their lot to the opposing disk, meaning they will take that disks "side" in the resulting outcome of the scene, bribed by some appeal XP and threatened by the loss of some good.
Things like appearance and culture can affect the kinds of action available and their efficacy (a pretty, cutely dressed woman can use her charm to negatively target the grit of a disk occupied by someone who considers themselves masculine, i.e. "damsel in distress ploy")