What do you do when you are Stealthy? If I wanted to train Stealth IRL, how should I go about that? Its all about concentration and breathing? watching the floor just in case you step on a dried leave?
Is it more a Wisdom than a Dex skill, Veeky Forums?
What do you do when you are Stealthy? If I wanted to train Stealth IRL, how should I go about that...
>What do you do when you are Stealthy?
>If I wanted to train Stealth IRL, how should I go about that?
>Its all about concentration and breathing?
Are you retarded?
>watching the floor just in case you step on a dried leave?
Are you retarded?
>Is it more a Wisdom than a Dex skill, Veeky Forums?
Seriously, are you retarded?
Other than avoiding making obvious noise the biggest difference is changing the way you step. Normally when you walk you're essentially falling forward and catching yourself over and over again, which produces a reasonably impact and therefore noise. How you step if you're being quiet is by putting all your weight onto one foot, stepping with the other foot, and once it's on the ground slowly transfer weight to it.
Doing this quickly is a matter of balance and co-ordination so it should really be a dex skill.
> No monkey skulls
The trick to being a ninja isn't to sneak everywhere. The trick is being unnoticeable and forgettable. For example, a slightly grubby high-vis vest, hard hat, and safety boots will get you in most places with shitty security.
Fun fact/myth that your post implies you may already know: the stereotypical "ninja" costume is apparently just what puppet operators wore in Japanese theatre.
In order to immerse yourself in the play, you gotta ignore the guys in black carrying the dragon about, so you're less likely to notice if one is getting a little too close to your front-row seat.
Again, it's probably a myth, but still neat
>more a Wisdom than a Dex skill
Dexterity isn't even an independent thing, flexible people are muscular.
It's just a gameist abstraction for the "thiefy stuff" statistic/attribute.
Not a myth, plays with ninja roles had the "ninja" dress up like (and double as) stagehands.
Out of the blue they'd stop being stagehands to pretend shank another actor, then vanish off stage.
Actual ninja were arsonist/mercenaries who dressed up like peasants.
Avoid making quite noises.
Loud noises are bad, but dismissible.
Quite noises make people get up.
>Out of the blue they'd stop being stagehands to pretend shank another actor, then vanish off stage.
Pretty much like a modern play having someone shot from the lighting rig when one of the crew pulls out a gun, or 'police' storming in from the main entrance to the theater to arrest someone on stage.
Actual ninjas just peasanted up close to you, stabbed your shit with an agricultural tool probably smeared WITH shit to infect the wound, then fled, changed clothes, and walked away casually.
For one-off assassination, maybe.
For proper raids, they'd case the joint.... maybe get a few people hired inside; then scale the walls with repurposed farming tools, kill everyone who's not trying to fight back, and set everything on fire.
>then fled, changed clothes, and walked away casually.
This part still happened.
They also *did* have secret ninja villages, insofar as most of a band would share a hometown.
They weren't so much secret as "who's going to bother asking?" though.
And they liked to encourage outrageous rumors about themselves. Supposedly, they were 10 feet tall and could turn invisible at will.
Here's a description of an assassination of a Hamas leader in an upscale Dubai hotel. The assassination team initially dressed like businessmen and women. When they got down to business the folks breaking and entering wore masks while the lookouts posed as a couple on vacation.
That last bit is one of the inspirations to Naruto, iirc, Kishimoto stated that he was inspired by all the fairy tales about ninjas.
Sneak, lurk and spy
Where do these come from?
> No monkey skulls
It's like they don't even know about the monkey skulls.
The best way to train in stealth is simply to act normally. If you do anything strange like stand around too long or look around a lot people will notice you are doing something.
I imagine if you look like you're suppose to be there 8 out of 10 you can get by until you have to produce credentials. Imagine how most office buildings are and you can just walk in if you have a suit generally or come in with tools and overalls and say that you ahve some work to do on an office upstairs soewhere. Unless the building's security keeps track of that sort of thing the rent a cop is not going to make much of a fuss about it unless you give them reason to.
Then again, casing the place and looking the part are essential to pulling this off as well.
>If I wanted to train Stealth IRL, how should I go about that?
Learn how to dress up and act like you belong and walk right through the front door.
See that arrow next to the post? Fucking learn to click it. Veeky Forums has a dedicated reverse image search. Use it.
Hate to rain on your gloating, but that's not even the source:
What specifically do you mean by stealthy? That's a pretty broad word.