
How do you guys deal with politics getting brought up when your in a game. My group is mostly liberal which isn't a problem they're great people but they bring up politics all the time and get mad when i give a differing opinion, normally i would try to ignore it but then they ask for my opinion anyway.

I point out that we are playing (insert system here) and not Diplomacy.

So the grotesque over-investment of energy into national politics, a subject over which we possess both minimal knowledge and control, was mostly a result of the cloying isolationist and self-segratory nature of internet echo chambers, and is not to be reflective of our daily lives, especially since, this far, the only actual usage of the unmentionable beast's pending executive authority was to admonish his party members on their priority of dismantling the already toothless ethics committee, a tweet which apparently carried enough weight to make them *stop*, perhaps we could just wait until something happens before we crassly speculate with wild hyperbole?

And would it kill you to use a fucking coaster?

Tell them no politics at the gaming table (or whatever table) if it's your house or you're the GM/DM. If otherwise, tell them "you won't like it" when they ask for your opinion.

>associating with libs

user, no.

Ban Pol from the table
find another group

The answer as always is to kill yourself faggot.

Back to /pol/ you goddamn cuck.

Are we talking legit liberal, or shrill SJW 'liberals' berating you for cultural appropriation when you put something Aztec into a game?


Pretty much everyone who is identified as a liberal in modern America is the shrill SJW type of "liberal".

Actual liberals are now considered conservatives.

its hard they arent sjw but they are far left like they dont hate me for being white but if i said a word like faggot they would flip their shit


Figure out what your problem with them is and then call them on it. "Can we please not derail the game for an hour over immigration statutes AGAIN," "Why do you keep asking if you're not going to like the answer," "Stop ganging up on me," whatever your specific issue with the situation is, find it and communicate it. Sometimes this will require multiple applications, often this will require a discussion all by itself.

But if it's bothering you, it's better to talk about it with your friends than just let it sit.

That OP image is amazing, btw. Excellent taste, sir.

oooh, oh, how dare they censor you.

tell 'em you're not comfortable discussing politics at the table, faggot.

>they arent sjw
>if i said a word like faggot they would flip their shit

>can't say whatever I want to whoever I want whenever I want
>god damn SJWs oppressing me

Showing your powerlevel, buddy. Faggot is a sometimes word.

It's one thing to not like what someone is saying or not find it appropriate for the situation, it's another thing to flip your shit over it. The fact that they cannot convey that they dislike something being said in a normal human manner is really telling that these people are just more of those new age liberals that need to shove their views down everyone's throats.

And besides you're gathering to play a bloody game, don't act like this requires the formality of a goddamn boardroom meeting..

There's people making the push that "faggot" should have the same connotations as "nigger", which can generally be assumed to be a shit-flipper in most mixed company.

Not saying I agree. But if the whole group except you thinks that way, it's on you to know that and not push the big red glowing "flip shit" button.

Found the cuckold.
They're pathetic cowards, then. Don't use faggot as an insult, but if there are queers in the game itself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling them faggots.

"What word do you want me to use, 'gay'? Gay means happy. Gay means joyful. I'm happy; I'm joyful; HE'S a faggot."

>thinks there's something wrong with being gay

get a load of this faggot

>american usage of "liberal"
This is why we can't have nice things.

If they are character who does discuss politics (clerics, royalty, rogue bussiness men.) then allow it within reasonable parameters.

If they ain't, tell em that it is messing with immersion and try their best to stick in context.

If they continue have a group discussion on what they want out of the session. If the group wants to insert politics into the mix then make sure everyone is onboard and not just on guy going off tangent.

If you personally don't want it and the group does want it you're going to have to allow them sometimes and sometimes put your foot down and refuse.

And finally tell them if they want to include politics then they should react negatively if there are dissenting voices. Tell them this is make believe and a safe place to experiment with personas but only so far as it fits the narrative.

Or you can cast fire IV and obliterate the party for wasting time discuss politics with the BBEG

It's not exactly pathetic cowardice to tell someone who's being a cunt for no good reason other than "muh freedom" that they're being a cunt.

>disparages "muh freedom"
>uses muh freedom to disparage muh freedom

You have the freedom to call him a cunt and he has the freedom to call you a raging faggot.

You are both perfectly equivalent.

Yeah, being in favor of equal pay for equal work, as is law of the land, gets you branded a misogynist alt-right nazi.

I'm not disparaging muh freedom, or anywuhns freedom. Just pointing out that people devoted to being cunts for cuntiness' own sake tend to use it as their first and best line of defense when people ask them to stop being cunts.

Anyone is free to be a cunt if they so choose. But no one has to game with 'em.

And literally no one said that you should be forced to game with cunts.

Oh look, equilibrium. Funny that. If someone calls you a faggot call them a cunt and then continue on with the game. Anyone who falls into histrionics over words is a raging faggot.

>"how do I stop getting into political arguments?" asks OP.

>"fuck off you conservitard librul SJW /pol/ cuck!" replies Veeky Forums, sagely.

And anyone who makes a point to piss people off just because they can instead of acting like an adult human in society is a cunt. Equilibrium!

oh shut the fuck up


just shut the everloving fuck up

>How do I censor speech I disagree with?
I mean that's really what these threads are about. It's not "Let's stop political discussions, guys!" It's always "How do I stop political discussions I disagree with?" I realize most gamers are social nitwits by necessity, but the kind of snowflake-ism that once infested D&D is now mainstream. If words affect you to the point where you cannot function in a social setting, you're probably autistic. They're fucking words. "Muh politics" has nothing to do with it.

I once gamed with a literal hobo who ranted on and on about how gaming is against his religion. We ignored him. He talked and talked and we ignored everything he said, prompted him to roll when needed, and had a good time because of it. No one raged about "STOP TALKING RELIGION AT THE TABLEREEEEEEEE" because we weren't snowflake faggots.

Exactly right. So what's the issue, snowflake?

i found a set of them their so fucking cool

>how do I keep polticial discussions that have a history of going bad away from the table so that we can avoid something that has caused us problems before?

>did you mean "how do I censor my tablemates," COMMIE

Seriously, you find me one social setting where some topic of discussion isn't off the table, I'll show you a circlejerk of barely functional /pol/tards. We make certain exceptions for other people or we get ostracized: that's the social contract we live under and we gotta deal with it.

im not trying to censor them they dont like my views and bring up politics which leads to fights

As the DM of a group with wildly disparate political opinions, I eventually had to impose in-game penalties for anyone who brought up politics. You talk politics at my table, you lose XP.

*I* talk politics at my table, everyone else gains XP. [Spoiler]I was the worst offender

yeah i know faggot isnt a word to say in public to strangers but i figured if your with your pals it wouldnt matter

Honestly, if they are friends of it out. Not the politics themselves but something like:

>Hey, could we please keep politics out of the talk during games? It causes needless fighting and wastes game time.

im not the dm sadly the dm is a great dm but new to it so we get derailed more often than we should not always a horrible thing but still

>how do I keep polticial discussions that have a history of going bad away from the table so that we can avoid something that has caused us problems before?

Translation: I can't speak to other adults like a normal human being and I fear confrontation because I'm a faggot. I cannot tell another human being why they are wrong and move on with my life, I have to passive-aggressively hint that I dislike their opinion.

im probably going to try something like this next time or just say im not going to say anything because you guys wont like it

>shit that never happened.

But even in made up story both of you seem retarded. You playing with some guy ranting about the game and his religion and then the hobo playing the game if he feels it's against his religion.

Because he was a hobo and retarded. He was trying to bum a ride off us and ended up sitting at the table for two hours. We weren't going to stop the game (because we aren't faggots) so we just continued on like normal adults.

>I can't speak to other adults like a normal human being and I fear confrontation because I'm a faggot.

Translation: I believe that saying whatever the fuck I want to whoever the fuck I want regardless of what they think of it is "speaking to adults like a normal human being". I don't understand why people don't seem to like me.

Or you could have told him to gtfo like a adult.

>can't ask a crazy hobo that no-one knows to leave instead of sitting and interrupting our game for two hours

>"normal human communication"

hahaha, holy shit

>Treating some harmless person like he's an animal.
>"normal human communication"

I bet you crawl into a fetal position when a stranger sits next to you in the library.

First post, actually the best post. Good job.

Yeah, dude. I sure do have a hard time dealing with people I don't know. Unlike you, who spent two hours with a stranger walking all over what you were trying to do, and just playing around him.

its like being a cuck but with hobbies

First of all: you mentioned politics within a three hundred internet-mile radius of /pol/ so this thread is already guaranteed to be shit, because nobody seems to be able to answer a damn question that has the word "politics" in it anymore without personally telling everyone exactly what their opinion is on racism, social justice, Trump, libruls and or fundies, etc...

That being said, just be upfront with them and tell them that you have opinions that differ from theirs and that, while you don't mind discussing with them on some other occasion, you don't come to game sessions to get chewed out over your politics.

This is what the internet does to people.
It removes their ability to understand what is and is not good speech for polite company.