Haha lol wtf. Whether you're playing modern, standard, block constructed, or commander, it's never okay to netdeck. Get of your high horse, you little pathetic 2 year old SJW swine. DesolatorMagic cares about his fans, you only care about the money, cheating, and speculating on cards. As Des pointed out, you baby netdeckers should all go cheat at some other LGS, and leave us who actually respect this game alone. Did I mention how expensive it is for you losers to netdeck? I made a mono white lifegain modern deck using the card Peace of Mind and Lich's Mirror, it costs 20 dollars and wins every game agaist so called tier 1 netdecks and can only lose to itself. Have fun with your boring decks, mine are the true ways to play Magic.
Haha lol wtf. Whether you're playing modern, standard, block constructed, or commander, it's never okay to netdeck...
>here are my unsolicited opinions on recent political events
>did I mention that I am a member of the alt-right?
>stupid liberals, am I right?
>this is a channel about a card game by the way but all I do is play fallout
>wotc sucks, wotc is bad, wotc are doodoo heads, ect...
>did I mention how much I hate netdeckers
every video ever
Hello my name is John
No, he plays Command And Conquer now.
I just want him to stop showing up in my recommended videos.
Hover over his videos when it's recommended, click the x that shows after a second or two, it'll hide it; you should see an option to hide all rec's from him.
Don't forget to unsubscribe first, it won't work if you forget that.
Hahaha, but I'll do the rest
A hater of netdecks is like an incompetent engineer.
A competent engineer performs research and then, to the best of his abilities, develops a product. He investigates his options and chooses the best design. Often it will resemble other inherently efficient designs. Sometimes he will prove a better understanding by squeezing out additional performance with his own subtle innovations and methods.
The incompetent engineer doesn't perform research. He then misinterprets his inability to perform research with "being creative". He then confuses his inability to tell the difference between good and bad designs with "being open-minded". Finally, he confuses his ability to ignore reason and champion a terrible cause with "being a visionary". What the incompetent engineer doesn't know is that his design was probably conceived, evaluated, and rejected by the competent engineer; and that took very little time and effort due to his superior evaluation skills. Of course, the incompetent engineer never learns this because he will not perform research.
A lifetime of pursuing bad designs horribly stifles his ability to learn and improve, and his evaluation skills suffer so badly that he loses his ability to recognize good designs. This results in a mentality where creating superior designs without copying them in inconceivable, even if that is completely illogical due to designs needing to be created before they can be copied.
Finally, the incompetent engineer transitions away from valuing his own competence and sets trivial and asanine goals for himself that have nothing to do with showing, learning, or employing useful skills. He then confuses his ability to meet these goals with superiority over the competent engineer.
>Tfw got Ajani as my promo
Kill yourself
Kill yourself.
K ill yourself
Kill yourelf?
Kill yourself,
while it's blatantly unfalsifiable that it is not "okay" to netdeck(who the fuck do you think you are you little piece of shit nobody has to live by your arbitrary moral standards), it's true that playing to the meta >>>>> netdecking if you want to win.
I've gone 3/4 4/4 with retarded decks in standard before. I was kicking ass running possibility storm for awhile, for example. dropping worldspine wurms on turn 3 sometimes niggas didn't know what to do with their MBD MUD esper control crap once possibility storm hits. once or twice a night drop a borborygmos/enter the infinite combo in some netdeckers face on turn 4 how humiliating god I miss standard being good.
Kill yourself
stop replying this is my thread now
Can you report someone for shitposting so hard?
Kill yourself'
Kill yourself.
Remove yourself from all internet connections for two weeks. Your IQ should go up.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
oh you done it now
yes, /b/ belongs on /b/
OP's post is fine though.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Now everybody join in
Kill yourself
Become an hero
End you're're life
Try killing self.
I'm a useless sack of shit but I can still prune this board.
Kill yourself
whatever makes you feel better for not being able to do anything but just copy better players then yourself.
FYI, every netdeck started as just some guy's deck. an actual good player makes most of these decks, then you wannabe losers copy it card for card because you think it'll automatically make you as good as them.
though, only if the deck is as braindead and foolproof as possible. if it requires actual skill and intellect to use properly, you will likely ignore it.
Don't forget he has a history working in every industry ever
And now for a non copy-pasta post.
The number of times it has been possible for someone to just randomly shell out for a 75 card netdeck, card for card, and take it to an event with no practice or anything, and still do well? Those are few and very, VERY far between.
If you blindly netdeck, you will often get BTFO. This is because decks are almost never powerful enough to, on their own, just win. It requires playing the deck and practicing enough to understand not just WHICH cards are in the deck, but WHY they are in the deck and HOW they work to get a win.
A good player will test several decks, and pick the one he likes best. He will probably make an exact copy and test and practice. From there he'll discover cards he dislikes or can't use effectively and removes then, replacing them with cards that either do the job better, or are better suited for the opponents he expects to face.
This is all before he even considers putting together a sideboard, which is probably the most important part of the deck. After all, half to 2/3rds of your games will be post-board, and this is where you seperate the good and great players from the merely okay players. To sideboard effectively, you have to know the rest of the format. What decks are you likely to face? Are they favored to beat you? How can you interdict their game plan to swing the odds in your favor? Also keep in mind your opponent is doing the exact same thing - and does their planning change yours?
This kind of counter play, and even counter-counter-play, is what makes deckbuilding so vital. And it's why blindly netdecking is bad, but putting a shitpile together in the name of originalty is worse.
Kill yourself.
Honestly? Any deck is pretty easy to play if you know what kind it is and the decklist.
Kill yourself
Fuck off I'm not done, only one form of OP validation is allowed.
Kill yourself
Kill self
End it while you can
Kill urself
End ur lyfe
>though, only if the deck is as braindead and foolproof as possible. if it requires actual skill and intellect to use properly, you will likely ignore it.
Naw, that's when they complain about cheating, or janky topdecks, or mana flood/screw.
I've had the exact same person pitch a fit about losing to netdeckers, when I'm playing 80% of some dudes T1 list, pitch a fit about mana/screw when I'm playing $20 worth of jank.
Delete this fucking thread already
also kill yourself
I haven't seen this kind of shitposting on Veeky Forums for a while.
Kill urself;
Thanks im trying
Kill self
It's not too late to kill yourself
Please Go Away.
Guess who
Kill yourself
I'm here to shit up bait threads
No force on earth but a ban can stop me
Kill yourself
It's all tumbling down take the easy way out
Quick get in the bag
Down the valley not across the river
It's me again kill yourself
Friendly reminder to end it before you gather any 'courage' you're holding onto
isolate urself makes it easier
Tell ur family ur into horse dick they wont miss u
Beep boop end ur life
Chop chop
You can't run from your destiny
Kill yourself
At least tag all my posts you lazy fuck
There I did it for you
Kill yourself
yes good
(You) (OP)
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yes good
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(OP) (OP) (OP)
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(You) (You) (You)
yes good
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
(OP) (OP) (OP)
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
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(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
0080 (OP)
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
Implying you're not all spooks
I did some good work this thread huh.
Kill yourself.
No more of these threads.
I'll be watching.
u wot m8?
>claimed to have worked in IT
>bitched how none of his team knew how to program
Wow it's almost like IT and software dev are different career paths or something.
All of desolator's videos reek of autism and stories that didn't happen. I guess he's good for cringe humor though.
>can only lose to itself
Literally dies to actual Rakdos, or to Vampires. Especially Rakdos, because it has R/B destruction.
Are you some sort of stupid faggot
This thread is over
Tell that to literally anyone who posts on these boards. Threads get bumped all the time, whether they deserve to live or not. New posts come in addressing the early aspects without reading the whole rest of it.
It's the state of things. Even if it's stupid to post in a poor quality thread, it's just as stupid to fuck up on basic board tendencies. The only thing good that can be said about your post is that you bothered to sage.
not mad, genuinely curious about what OP's on about.
>unsolicited opinions
"Unsolicited" as if that applies to a guy's youtube channel.
I'm convinced this man has some sort of psychic power
Every time he opens his mouth I want to jump out of a window.
It's gotten to the point where just seeing his reply to another youtube video elicits the same reaction.
Bumping because I desire more autism on display
>implying not letting others force their arbitrary moral standards on others isn't an arbitrary moral standard
nice hypocrisy, faggotron
It's not.
It absolutely is, and you're objectively incorrect if you think otherwise, because you're incapable of understanding simple syllogistic logical structures, which is pathetic, honestly.