1d10, please?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Sure, why not.
Why Was The Chapter Founded?
Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"
Okay, good start!
Now, 1d100 for when this chapter was founded
Rolled 88 (1d100)
Anyone else around?
I'm here. First time in one of these.
Hope I didn't fuck up the roll.
I don't think so, but these threads take a bit to pick up momentum, ANYWAYS!
When Was The Chapter Founded?
41st Millenium
We are very new!
Another 1d100 would be wonderful!
I did....Where do I type my roll command?
put it in the options field
Seconding this. The sticky says the email field. There's no email field anymore
Rolled 93 (1d100)
Let's go.
Thanks a bunch.
Who was the Chapter's Progenitor?
the Raven Guard
One of my favorite chapters! Wunderbar!
1d100 for geneseed purity, please?
>Raven Guard
Ah, the ones I always forget about.
Rolled 42 (1d100)
I meant 1d10 but I'm going to be counting as a 4
Our Gene-seed purity is 100% identical to the base Rave Guard Gene-seed, so no rolling for mutations.
1d10 for chapter demeanor, gentlemen.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Chapter Demeanor
Scions of Mars - Flesh is strong? *BLAM* No.
1d10 for Chapter Flaw?
Rolled 9 (1d10)
What is the Chapter's Flaw?
Chapter Cult - The practices of the Chapter are wierd and probably quite unsavory.
We should figure out what these practices are later
Roll 1d100 for the chapter's hero
They cook with absolutely zero spices. Plain boiled chicken for every meal!
Rolled 83 (1d100)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Alrighty, the hero is a company captain! The 1d10 that I've rolled is for the company the hero is captain of.
1d100 for the deeds of legend
Rolled 87 (1d100)
Is anybody still here?
Rolled 6 (1d100)
Looking good so far
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Deeds of Legend:
The hero was lost to his Chapter in a warp accident, yet his descendents have cause to believe he lives still and may one day return to them in glory.
This is my favorite book cover, ever.
Roll me 2d100, for the chapter homeworld, and homeworld terrain.
>Scions of Mars
>Wierd Cult
getting interesting up in here lads I like it keep going
Irony, because I play Grey Knights...
Rolled 75, 95 = 170 (2d100)
an attempt is made
>temperate civilized world
Huh... not... terribly unique but it's all in the fluffing.
Maybe we're Apple Marines. iMarine. We worship the spirit of Jobs
Great attempt!
Homeworld: Civilized World
Homeworld terrain: Temperate
We recruit from space Montana, I don't came what you say!
Roll 1d10 for how we rule our home world.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Rule of homeworld:
Distant rule - "You see that castle up there? It's inhabited by the mighty sky-warriors of Emp-rar. Sometimes they come and steal our children."
Next up, roll 1d10 for the chapter organization, please?
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Attempting to roll.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Chapter organisation:
Codex-adherent - You boring basic bitch
Would you kindly roll another 1d10, for combat doctrine.
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Combat doctrine:
Siege warfare
We are Raven Guard successors, that take after the imperial fists? Seems kinda cool.
1d100 for the chapter's beliefs.
Rolled 3 (1d100)
What form do the Chapters' beliefs take?
Revere the Primarch - "Our Spiritual Liege is better than yours!"
1d10, please?
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Stealthy Siege Warfare. We tunnel.
we live UNDER our civilized world, stealing recruits in the night. WE ARE FUCKING MORLOCKS
At what strength is the Chapter?
Over Strength: Some Chapters maintain more than the prescribed ten companies, though it is rare for more than a handful more to be fielded and even then only temporarily. It may be that the Emperor’s Tarot has predicted terrible losses ahead, or that the Chapter simply regards its numbers as optimal and cares little for the dictates of the Codex Astartes.
2d100, for the chapters friends and enemies.
Rolled 5, 28 = 33 (2d100)
Administratum and Orks. I'm Ok with that as long as we're Morlocks.
We're stopping the Orks from ruining our beautiful bureaucracy.
friends with: the Administratum
enemies with: an ork warboss (I know what we are rolling up next!)
so, to recap:
Why Was The Chapter Founded?
When Was The Chapter Founded?
>41st Millenium
Who was the Chapter's Progenitor?
>the Raven Guard
Gene-seed purity
Chapter Demeanor
>Scions of Mars
What is the Chapter's Flaw?
>Chapter Cult
Chapter Hero?
>5th company captain
Deeds of Legend:
>The hero was lost to his Chapter in a warp accident, yet his descendents have cause to believe he lives still and may one day return to them in glory.
>Civilized World
Homeworld terrain
Rule of homeworld:
>Distant rule
Chapter organisation:
Combat doctrine:
>Siege warfare
What form do the Chapters' beliefs take?
>Revere the Primarch
At what strength is the Chapter?
>Over Strength
Roll 1d10, and then give me 5 colours for the marines?
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Black Grey Red Brown Gold.
should roll using this
Super stealthy techmarines? These guys sound like they could be operators to me, all tacticool
As long as we don't make them too Reasonable.
super stealthy UNDERGROUND marines with ancient stealth mining machines
Mole Marines were already made.
Ok, but still - subterranean sappers who live in ancient tech ruins beneath the surface of their civilized world. They perform siege warfare via sabotage and wetwork, as opposed to grinding defenses down
>implying literally nothing written counts as a chapter
besides, there's plenty of old tg chapters with newer mirrors
>actually look at it
>just a fucking meme thread
we should just fucking do tunnler marines, goddamn it
You have to keep that as your name now.
What if we kept this as the history, stole everything of value from the meme thread, and updated the wiki page to be our own. Mole Marines get a page, and our shit gets made.
Also, Deathwatch stats. Whenever we do these threads we never get around to creating stats.
I think that's a good idea, but not editing the existing page. Just make a new one and say it's a spiritual successor
Either way, let's cannibalize the old thread
Think we got created join the Cadia crusade but got caught up in a large Ork WAAGH that prevented us from participating?
If we're going to stick with mole Marines, maybe we should name them Space Moldwarps or Subterranean Guard or Mille Tapidae or something
Stone Scions
Sons of Stone
Earth breakers
Stone Ravens
Basalt Raptors
Deep Warriors
Core Breakers
I see them as a chapter of extremely stealthy combat engineers and sappers. In good with the Administratum because they once collapsed a rebel hive city with no collateral damage to the rest of the planet, which was full of records.
This, the Administratum likes them because low collateral damage and low cost.
>Core Breakers
This gets my vote
>Basalt Raptors
I cast my vote.
>Core Breakers
Aye to this.
thirding Core Breakers
So named because once they used mining drones to punch into a planets mantle and cause a spontaneous volcanic eruption beneath an enemy fortification
Well, it's a double entendre. They attack at the core of the enemy, they dig into the "core" of the planet
That's kinda stupid
Core Breakers sounds like a Chaos Warband but okay.
Thirding Core Breakers, shortest and most accurate name
I go with Basalt Raptors
I vote for
And his name shall be Dan. Lieut Enant Dan.
what kinda mining equipment would the core breakers use?
Truly, there is no hope in this bleak and unforgiving future