Please explain how this is possible.
Everything means everything.
Please explain how this is possible
Other urls found in this thread:
Ah, hey, you're that user who was salty about the Elf thread, then tried to do a poorly done Zelda thread, then some other thread, aren't you?
It's all in the phrasing of the OP.
Nobody cares, user.
Do we even have mods ?
If yes, they are obviously ok with it.
Maybe you only cannot post about nothing, like here.
Probably some salty liberal white Knight, sjw, or woman butthurt about what you posted and whined at a mod until they took it down.
Pretty much the only way Rule 1 applies is in the OP. The Elf thread you're so mad about falls under the category of Roleplaying.
Also, active janitors and mods aren't stupid. They use the board too. They read into intent as much as they do subject matter.
wtf dude.
You know what? I think it's time I spoke the unspoken rule.
To start, no, not everything is Veeky Forums related. That's just what some anons say when they want to post offtopic things on Veeky Forums.
But, the key thing is that Veeky Forums should be somewhat tolerant, and be willing to have an occasional offtopic thread, just to see if it churns up some ideas for a game. The basic rule should be that one thread isn't an issue, but it's when people try to repeat threads that we start to see things like offtopic generals pop up.
In general, if people stick to the one-of rule, there wouldn't be much of an issue with the occasional off-topic thread, because it would only last until it disappears, and that's it. It's when people keep try to keep making off-topic threads that it becomes easy to recognize spammers, shitposters, and others who are trying to alter Veeky Forums through brute force.
Veeky Forums is for traditional games. We should all act in good faith and not try to hamfist all of our other interests here unless we are actually trying to use them for games.
Not the OP, but you made a common fallacy.
Veeky Forums is NOT the roleplaying board. It's the "roleplaying game" board. It's important to understand that distinction.
before this thread gets deleted, can someone tell me why the fuck I got banned for saying this?
Spoilers read something like
>1: I'm really good at it
>2: like you
it's pretty obviously light hearted banter, and was directly relevant to the thread. the user I responded to made the same post but its opposite, saying he goes out of his way to be nice. all I can think of is that even alluding to an idea of 'community moderation' wrongthink now or something
fuck you moot
And here comes the asshole who thinks he is the true source of what Veeky Forums is.
Psst, you still have your 40k and mtg garbage threads. There's just now occasionally a thread you don't like so you shit yourself like a Democrat voter
Yeah yeah, we all know you're really talking about Quests.
Nah, Role-playing is allowed on here. Mages Guild, Pathetic Marines... It's really a matter of getting the idea to stick more than anything else.
I'd rather have off-topic than generals.
I think most general fantasy discutions are not off-topic because they are concerned with settings, not ?
>It's all in the phrasing of the OP.
That is verifiably false.
In these threads and countless others, the OP did not give any written or graphical indication that they were discussing a traditional game of any kind.
If the OP's words do not mention a traditional game, and the OP's image does not mention a traditional game, what else is there to judge?
He's not wrong
I know right? It's like tumblr moved in and thinks they own the place
40k and mtg are traditonnal games.
Oh look, we're doing this again.
Honestly? How much discussion is had in a thread until it reaches something sustainable as Veeky Forums before it gets reported.
It's like /pol/ moved in and now thinks everyone they don't like is Tumblr.
I don't know why you are bringing up SJW and Tumblr in Veeky Forums and I really don't think you are right about them being the reason is thread was deleted.
Veeky Forums was better when it had quest threads but people weren't required to make their quests on Veeky Forums.
/pol/ has no problem with elf threads, lewd threads, or waifu threads. Just the feminazis and betas of that echo chamber Hugbox.
You're totally right it's awful here. You should really gb2/pol/.
You mean Hiro?
So... does /pol/ want to see fireworks?
Find an SJW with a well established RPG Tumblr. Then link them to one of Virt's particularly offensive posts, located on his Tumblr. Then watch as it turns into a Feminazi shitstorm full of hugboxers getting so triggered they have an aneurysm.
Oh, yeah, I reported you in that thread. You were being an ass.
For what it's worth, I liked your post. You polesmoking coalburning fucking faggotmaster.
Oh my God, are you people still treating Virt as a name to conjure by? He was not worthy of this notoriety. He was no Jim Profit reborn, he was just an occasionally annoying tripfag troll who got WAY too much attention because Veeky Forums was hungry for a new celebrity shitposter.
Stop name-checking him and making him more infamous, if you keep giving him more attention, he wins.
Nah, I just want to see Shit get flung. The only reason the guy hasn't been kicked from Tumbler is that he remains in obscurity. He's been banned everywhere else, why not there as well, for shits and giggles?
Just want to let you know something:
"Everything is Veeky Forums related" isn't a rule
Then why would someone post it in a thread?!?
It's a misinterpretation of the Intent of the statement "Veeky Forums is about people who play Traditional Games."
This board isn't about allowing off-topic discussion. It's about allowing the freedom of subject matter to contribute to the board. The reason why none of us can stop responding to bait isn't autism, it's that deep down, we know about fifty posts down the bait thread something interesting might come along that provides a nugget of inspiration in something Veeky Forums-related.
Well, when you put it that way...proceed.
dubs of truth.
The only son of a bitch here that makes a lick of sense, good words my man.
No, moot. it's his fault for selling out Veeky Forums, he's been cleaning it up since 2011 and put the final nail in with the banning of sage
I want tumblr to leave
a lot of those are perfectly acceptable for Veeky Forums imo. they all deal in settings, concepts, fictions that especially DMs use as inspiration when building their settings. the worst thing for a community is over-moderation.
I'm not defending OP being a whiny little bitch, though, ban him for making a thread and bitching. I'm just saying that it makes me sad that those threads aren't considered welcome here.
Honestly, there's a difference between being classic callous attitude that Veeky Forums has and what you were doing.
You make fun of the Newfag for making Newfag mistakes, not because he's a Newfag.
*sigh* I think it's terminal. Very, very sad...
We'll do you a solid, though. You go post somewhere else and we'll post here to quarantine it.
Might I suggest gb2/pol/?
Honestly we're more Reddit than Tumblr. Still Progressive, but... almost sensibly so? I mean, I know that there's more than a few people here who have a gay guy in their group.
That's what you meant to say, right? RIGHT?
I wasn't being remotely abrasive. You're just too new to recognize when it's done in humor, and are trying to project your distorted, foreign-bred expectations of what Veeky Forums should be onto the existing community.
I mean, look at this cancer: & it looks like this guy was right
But in any case, I've already accepted that Veeky Forums is no longer my home years ago, it's been lost to the same people who've worked so hard to destroy TTRPGs, videogames and comic books. Enjoy yourselves, tumblr.
I mean, just look at this shit. It's appalling. And transparently admitting that it's entirely politicized. whatever, you've already won.
It's getting late and I'm not all here, but is this a fucking joke or what in the hell am I reading here?
Yes it's terrible you shouldn't have to put up with it. On behalf of the board let me apologize for their behavior.
You should really find folks that share your spirit and go post with them. And not here. Somewhere else. Like over in /pol/. Which you should go back to.
And you! Why the fuck are you bumping this God-forsaken fucking thread? Your mother didn't teach you to sage your shitposts?
A couple them are admitting that Veeky Forums is unsalvageable. user would be best off just leaving.
Are you two the same two from that dice fudge thread?
If I say yes, is that a good thing?
no you make fun of newfags for revealing they're a newfag. if you can tell they're new, that means they're supposed to be lurking
Who and where? Might be; I don't remember every post I make.
It's not good or bad, it's just a thing. You have a similar posting style. I'm curious if it's a kind of culture that grew out of a certain general or something, or it's just the same individuals getting around
It was in the last few days. It was a heated argument with two or three posters arguing in favor of fudging against one or two against it that lasted until bump limit
I get the philosophy of that post: Veeky Forums as a crucible rather than a hugbox.
Image in FPBP in this thread said it best.
Your post could technically be considered flames, but I would have to say you were probably being an ass elsewhere.
Or did you think that saying "FATAL is worth playing" is a bannable offense?
In the future, I'd recommend advocating presenting posters with harsh reality and vicious assessments of their worth rather than openly spraying vitriol on all before you like an indiscriminate drunkard.
>It was a heated argument with two or three posters arguing in favor of fudging against one or two against it that lasted until bump limit
Still? I thought we resolved that.
Didn't post in that thread, sorry.
>Or did you think that saying "FATAL is worth playing" is a bannable offense?
it fucking should be.
Threads on Veeky Forums have actually dissuaded me from fudging as much as I used to.
Take the "Cinematic Battle" example:
>Fighter crits the enemy with a climactic critical strike, pulling off an impressive move and bringing it down to 1hp.
>Bard anticlimactically hits it for 3 damage with a slingshot and it dies.
Now, you could make the argument that it would be more cinematic for the impressive blow to finish the enemy off.
However, I consider that a failure of narration:
>Staggering from the fighter’s blow, the enemy wavers, but bears down on the group.
>The bard quips a clever line and shoots straight and true, striking it between the eyes, with an audible crack, it reels from the strike against its skull and collapses.
Unless there’s something like the enemy happened to be the fighter’s personal sworn nemesis that he vowed to slay himself, I see no reason to fudge.
Fudging rolls is like eating fudge.
Eating only fudge all the time is sickening and disgusting.
Eating fudge with every meal is too much is to be avoided.
Declaring that nobody should ever eat fudge for any reason is categorically stupid.
Sometimes fudge is damn tasty and if you add a little, it can make a person’s dessert amazing even if they don’t know it’s there.
Just don’t go putting it the damn tuna casserole.
But that's the thing, I wasn't hostile in that post, the only insult I said was "..cancer, like you" which was meant to be nothing more than an endearing jab. What I seem to be banned for is encouraging the idea of hostility. It suggests that I was banned for expressing wrongthink. It's like saying, "announcing sage shouldn't be a bannable offense" and getting banned for it - not because you announced sage, but because you spread treason against the crown. It's a terrible precedent to set. Perhaps if a mod disagreed with your verdict too, you might get banned for your post.
So it was you? Can I ask which general(s) you frequent and if that your posting style is its culture or just your own? Veeky Forums used to be one shared culture but now it's very fragmented.
I don't care about this shit.
This is just a traditionnal games imageboard damnit, I don't give a shit about Tumblr, /pol/, or testing the worth of the posters here.
>the banning of sage
>I want tumblr to leave
You need to kill yourself
It was a small, minor flame that advocated the widespread flaming of anyone deemed soft or weak.
It was advocating a caustic board posting style indiscriminate of post content, but based on the perception of the poster.
It was against the spirit of the board.
As such, it was not really that bad of a post.
Which makes me think you were also being an ass elsewhere.
>It's a terrible precedent to set.
Yeah. I'd be terrible if people started citing it and other precedents.
If widespread bans for being mildly unfriendly start becoming a trend, then that's a concern.
I got a warning ban for drunk posting once.
I deserved it.
>I don't care about this shit.
Nor should you.
>This is just a traditionnal games imageboard damnit, I don't give a shit about Tumblr, /pol/, or testing the worth of the posters here.
It's not about testing them, despite that happening.
Now, if some dumbass posts something stupid about a subject you care about, do you:
A. Tell him it was stupid and maybe why
B. Ignore it
C. Tell him his opinions are worthwhile and valid.
Now which one do you think most of Veeky Forums answered?
It's about caring about the tg shit you care about and discussing it frankly with zero handholding.
It can be done politely, but often isn't. But this is Veeky Forums.
>So it was you?
Was it me in that thread? No.
Read the post again and you'll see I was surprised this is still an persisting issue.
I am the jackass that replied to my own post with off-topic copypasta and a Woody Allen quote.
>Can I ask which general(s) you frequent
No generals. I pick threads as I find 'em.
But I read every Drawthread.
>if that your posting style is its culture or just your own?
Mostly my own.
I pick up colloquialisms here and there that I like.
>Veeky Forums used to be one shared culture but now it's very fragmented.
Got another copypasta about that.
Not necessarily a bad thing, but change is change.
It was a joke and was (at one point at least) in line with the spirit of the site and the board. Global Rule 3: Newfags shall be shamed.
In any case, it's for the community to decide what is and isn't board culture, not the mods. Unless the mods disagree, in which case they've every right to mark up that belief as officially against the spirit of the board and worthy of a ban, I suppose.
How about this ?
It's hostile and unconstructive, for sure, but it defends the new order. Where does that sit? Probably safe to assume it's a bit like how you can be however political you'd like, except if you lean to the right, in which case now you get banned for being /pol/.
Anyway, we all deserve a ban for posting in meta, I'd remind you to sage, but that's another ban right there.
>I am the jackass that replied to my own post with off-topic copypasta and a Woody Allen quote.
And screencapped it too, twice, it seems.
>Was it me in that thread? No.
Ah I misread that. You didn't need to answer the questions. The debate was so fierce because it was being criticized from the old school perspective, so it stretched beyond just the topic of fudging. But there was 2 persistent posters that were somewhere inbetween master baiters and a raid from some den of terminal cancer, just a whole bunch of this style
hysterics in coordination for hours. Very surreal.
>Where does that sit?
It's a one line post containing only the suggestion that the quoted poster kill themselves.
If everyone reported every one of those, they'd never stop reporting. (and might get a warning, then ban)
If the mods banned everyone of those posts, they'd never stop banning.
Yours had content, intent, and as I said, not severe enough of either for a ban imo, so imagine something else was going on.
Perhaps a conspiracy.
Perhaps a vendetta.
Perhaps you were being an ass.
Speculation seems a waste of time to me.
But, if you never act like an ass, then got another ban, you'd know for sure that wasn't it, wouldn't ya?
Not sure where the first guy was going, but the second guy's emphasis was clearly a telegraphed WINK-WINK NUDGE-NUDGE.
I've been playing the ass for more than a decade and I'm not going to stop now. Banning me for it is okay, still bullshit, but it's not, as I said, setting a very troublesome precedent, unlike banning for conspiracy/wrongthink. If you all stuck to your roles as the ass, too, we wouldn't be in this spot