OP wants to suck his railgun if you catch my drift.

>This is what WS2 looks like

That is clearly a burst cannon.

Hey man WS is weapon skill not weapon strength.

I guess what I'm saying is its not the size of your muscles but how you use them.

What's an Ogryn's WS then?


>being this autistic

>four rotating penises

By the Emperor

user's talking about fellating his penis.



Do you even know what board you're shitposting on?

Fuck off back to you unfunny cunt

>he's even got a bag of disgustingly huge prostate stimulators

jesus fucking christ


Needs to do more arms and legs, torso is ok I guess. It looks like he has sub-40cm guns and that is DYEL.

Tau Fuck off please


>posting buff tau
>not posting blueberry on overcompensation-hoverbike

They grow them BIG in the Enclave.



After that assassin incident Tau made their own. They are so rare that you can fit 6 in a formation.