Designers not understanding their own games

>DM: You find yourself in a hallway it branches to the left about 30 feet ahead.
>Player: Ok, we will carefully approach the turn and take…
>DM: A translucent purple hexagon sails noiselessly around the corner taking up position in your back ranks
>Is it… hostile? Do I get an attack of opportunity?
> No.
>Before you have time to react the Drow wizard is hit by 12 consecutive melee attacks, seeming to emanate from hexagon, but with no visible attacker. He is instantly eviscerated and falls to the ground; his body covered in claw and teeth marks, like he was mauled by some great beast.
>Also … a Fireball I guess explodes on you, engulfing the rest of the party. Plus you can’t attack the hexagon in any meaningful way. There’s also a crocodile or some shit trying to bite you.

CR 6

>DMing a game for a bunch of ungrateful, rude, metagaming shitlords
>getting tired of the players deliberately fucking up the game wherever possible particularly this one drow asshole
>decide to end it all, kill them in a big pile of bullshit
>"uhhh do u even know ur own game?"
hi kevin, I know you're still buttmad. little princess has his own post on Veeky Forums now. have fun with your friends.

Passive Aggressive much?

First post best post

Not even mad.

Shit first post. I'll try and salvage this.

>Ork Nobs
>18 Points
>4 points more than a Marine
>Statisically worse at shooting, close combat and morale
>Only two melee weapon options for a unit associated with close combat
>The only melee weapon that can break through 3+ armour is 25 points

It hurts.

>defining gw as game designers
wow they really bamboozled you user

Yep, exactly what I was thinking when I read OP. GM was tired of their shit, especially OP, who probably plays a Drow.

>Instead of talking things like human beings he decides to be a passive aggressive faggot
Well, you aren't better than OP, you are both faggots

if people communicated like human beings and stopped being autistic this board wouldn't be even half as entertaining

>CR 6
>metagaming shitlords
>proving the point
Look, user, a GM is not obligated to use statblocks one for one from the book, especially if players will immediately go looking up the creature. Wolfweres were created expressly to fuck over players like that.

On the other hand: Stuff like 'It gets to make 12 attacks before init is rolled' is clearly the GM just trying to be a dick.

Obviously hyperbole, and it clearly had a surprise round.
It may not have even made the attack, OP's situation sounds like the party got ganked by a troop of invisible opponents. We can sit and theorize about the circumstances all we want, we weren't there, and I'm basing what I said entirely off what was said in this thread, ie someone throwing out that a "CR6" encounter was apparently what was supposed to be whatever it was from a book, not from the GM's own mind, and that is a surefire sign you are dealing with poor players.

The player and GM relationship is a pretty delicate one, and requires a lot of trust. especially from the players.

The DM's goal is to run a good game, he is the performer. He has a story that he wants to tell and most DM's want to deliver the best experience that they possibly can.

Good players need to trust that the DM is going to do that and shouldn't question the liberties that the DM takes. The DM is not meant to be "beaten" or outsmarted by his players. Nobody has a fun time when it's the players vs the DM.

Doesn't seem like a situation that would cause a surprise round if they saw it beforehand.

I'm not saying the players are all good people (We don't really have much on them) but this also does stink a bit of GM fuckery.

>Doesn't seem like a situation that would cause a surprise round if they saw it beforehand.
It technically would, it got the drop on them, moving to attack before they realized it was.
That is a surprise attack, RAW when it comes to 3.PF.

>Surprise round
>When the PC saw it and even reacted to it
That's not how surprise rounds go

user, if something pops into view and begins attacking, that is a surprise round.
The player was the one asking questions, and proceeded to jump the gun on making aoo's when you can't make them on something you didn't have line of sight for it's approach, the way you do not if something comes around a corner at you.

B-but spess muhreens h-have to be the best cuz they're the main protagonists of the (((hobby)))

>I'm a passive-aggressive shithead

>>defining gw as game designers
>wow they really bamboozled you user

Every 40Kek thread evar!

Yes, then explain why marines were one of, if not the worst army in the game for almost 15 years.
People like to ignore that part, marines didn't becme even midcarders until 5e.

Because of GW's fall to absolute crap and their relatively recent rise back up with some smart decisions. Space Marines, however, remain busted.

can anyone deliver the pasta where a GM kills his imperial guard players' characters half a dozen times in a row as a warm-up to Dark Heresy?

Yes, NOW, as of the last 5 years.
10 years ago, they were the worst of the SM armies.
25 years ago, they were the worst army in the game, bar none.
You mean All Guardsman Party?

>> the Drow wizard is hit [...] instantly eviscerated
And nothing of value was lost.

You're both dicks
Now kiss and make up

commander farsight
>grants bonuses to deepstriking
>has a melee weapon
>cannot deepstrike and charge on the same turn

>dedicated anti-MEQ unit
>cost 18 ppm (4 points more than marines)
>1 shot at bs 3

>dedicated heavy cqb unit
>40 ppm base, upgrade to 50 ppm
>no invuln
>literally no way to give them an invuln in combat

It's a Sharn from 3.0 iirc, so It can move its portal into place as a free action during the surprise round. Then make its attacks, and then cast a spell, all before the PCs get a single action.

is this real life

Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide.

No escape from reality.

Open your eyes,

>a GM is not obligated to use statblocks one for one from the book
Then why even bother? Honestly no one loves homebrew more than I do, but at least pretend to utilize the rules as written to some degree. If you're a GM and you want the party to die, they will die. Don't try to dress it up as "the party fucked up" when you want to be a cunt for whatever reason, even if that reason is "the party are also cunts." Just put them in a force cube that immediately gets filled with antimagic con poison. Done.

You can homebrew something based on an already existing monster without it being OP. It'll be more threatening due to the element of surprise, but if the party can't figure this out, they probably deserve to suffer a little and learn.

Are you saying that you designed D&D?

And you can play one!

Look up to the skies and see

>Fireballs functioning as fireballs

There's literally a massive fucking post on this in dragon magazine which states that the Fireball used in D&D is purely magical, does not take up oxygen so it doesn't justify a daze effect, or knockdown for being an fireball which carries explosion and force

To salvage this thread, let's talk about D&D having creatures and spells that are practically invincible without a specific spell that hard-counters them such as True Seeing or Death Ward.
Personally I'm not a fan of that. Of course magic should be able to drastically change the conditions of a fight, but if it's all-or-nothing then there's no room for creative thinking, either you have the hard-counter spell or you don't.

The GM is GOD. Do not anger God.

What? What does that have to do with anything? All OP said about fireballs is that one happened. Do you not know what the word "engulfed" means?

He might be an asshole god, in which case you might be better off finding a new god.
But you still don't anger god.

>I shouldn't have to take precautions
>I should be handed victories

fuck off

>Following the book

>You should have just guessed that you would suddenly encounter a monster that's never been mentioned or hinted at before, that's totally immune to everything except for this one spell in a game that has thousands of spells!

>He has a story that he wants to tell

The worst DMs has this attitude. A good DM does not have "A story he wants to tell". A good DM has a world set up that the players can act in.

God is worthless without the faithful, do not make the believers turn away.

Entirely subjective.
If the players want to experience a good story, a good GM will have a story he wants to tell.
If the players want to free roam, he will have a good environment to explore.
If they want to H&S he will have a tablet with random encounter generators and quick battle calculators.

That's when you stop a game, not continue it badly, you piece of shit.

This. Shitposters here need to get over the idea that their opinions are a universal gospel.