He is obviously an SJW, in most of his videos if there is a chance to mention inclusiveness he does so, even if it is not relevant. It is really annoying when people do that when talking about games, because there is no fucking discrimination in gaming, it is all up to the group and most people arent dicks. What he says about DnD other than SJW bullshit is actually cool, but boy is it annoying to hear his white guilt, silly americans,
Matthew Colville - SJW DM
>Mention Inclusiveness
Not being a racist asshole doesn't make you an SJW, user.
Nothing wrong with trying to make people feel welcome.
You gonna list examples or just talk shit? Because i'm the Queen of England for all you care.
Go back to /pol/, nobody cares about your fucking strange witch hunt
Is this a five minute argument or the full half hour?
Who gives a single shit?
We're supposed to have white guilt in tabletop games too now? Why? We invented the RPG and the wargame. It's not like we kept out minorities for the 2 and a half centuries we singlehandedly developed the entire field, they just didn't have anything to contribute. Why are we supposed to be guilty? Aren't they appropriating our culture by muscling their way in?
Literally who? Stop giving attention to random people.
>reeeeee anyone who does not belong to our gamergate club will be DESTROYED by le anonymous leejun
Who gives a shit?
His videos are not monetized, I can keep watching them without supporting him
Posting on Veeky Forums again, your Grace? How the once noble House of Windsor has fallen.
Fuck off retard.
Is that you dawnforgedcast? Still bitter he is much more popular than you?
Who cares ?
DFC is that you? Are D&D youtubers fighting proxy wars on Veeky Forums now?
Or maybe you like op don't have anything to contribute
I think he is great. You however should go back to /pol/ with your shitposts.
A guy on youtube that talks DnD and just wants more people to play it.
The great war of our time.
Where do I subscribe to your blog posts?
He looks like a comfy guy
Go o glad kexchoklad
Not being a racist means not seeing race. Whining about inclusiveness presupposes racism.
>To not be racist you have to be unaware of racism!
Defensive racists sure are pathetic.
>Not seeing race
Are you blind are just retarded?
Everyone sees race. Being inclusive just means not being a dick. Not making racist jokes at the table (You wouldnt think it'd be an issue, but I've seen it a lot)
>he mentions inclusiveness even if it's not relevant!
My God, OP, how fucking horrible.
>We've arrived in the age where "I don't see race, I just see a person" is a racist statement
What a time to be alive!