Can 'stealth' be used as a verb?
Can 'stealth' be used as a verb?
yes, just like jew
shiggy diggy
Basically this
"Verbing weirds language." - Calvin
>jew jewing jewrusalem jews
Jew is the smurf of the modern world.
Like nigger and faggot. Jewniggerfaggot.
Ow, fuck! I cut myself on that edge.
That edge gave me a circumcision.
Mazel tov!
it's pretty terrible
You should use "Swooce" instead.
>still being obsessed with jews
jesus christ
Only when used within the context of stealth archery.
As in "The brave Nord stealth archer stealthed through the stealthy Northern plains."
A cheeky Jew. Here, have a golden star for your troubles.
I hope you wrote that on purpose.
Better question. Should the past tense of sneak be snuck or sneaked?
Underage pls go
>You should use "Swooce" instead.
>As the tired worker's back turned, perhaps to arrange papers on his desk, Corvo deftly swooced through the window to his mark
I can dig it.
t. dude obsessed with a jew
who knows? all language is malleable, english in particular
anyone who does should be gassed though
All language is made up! If it communicates the necessary information use it!
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Yes, but only by 13-year-old kawladoody faggots.
Not-retarded alternatives abound: to slink, to slither, to creep, to edge forward, to ferret about, to sidle, to crawl, to prowl, to lurk, to stalk, and that's off the top of my head, on a crowded bus, and exhausted by an empty stomach. You can do better, or your education failed you, or rather you failed your educators.
I hate this.
Stealth, Sneak, and Ninja are all appropriate words to use.
Depends on the system