Idiot Chess Player

Check this shit out

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Who the fuck even does this opening

I've been working almost exclusively on my English opening game.


The fuuuuuck....

What did he mean by this?

Maybe I can scare him into going back behind his line



He threatens you with the other knight next, right?

Bit late for that now...

Okay, how does black extricate himself from this mess?

White, I mean






He's not even trying by this point....

Nobody cares for a play by play of your solitare chess game FAG

Also, the chess engine I'm feeding the post-mortem through literally can't even that he just did that

Did you absorb his chessence?

And then he resigned
What was this guy smoking

I care, user

Second. I also care, user.

I think you might want to give this guy some lessons in how to play chess. Perhaps starting with openings (and what you are trying to get) and endgames.

Wot da zog