Warmachine/Hordes General

15 pts of free solos edition

Mk3 list building: conflictchamber.com

Warmahords chat: discord.gg/KmXzbwD

Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
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PP Youtube (gameplay tutorials, tournament coverage, and announcements)

Latest Errata (the actual January one):

Theme Forces:
files.privateerpress.com/op/errata/Theme Forces.pdf

Steamroller Rules

The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs

Table of contents for all NQ issues

Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Fluff wiki:


Warmachine/Hordes Army Creator (WHAC) .apk

>WTC List Statistics

>WTC Objectives Statistics

>WTC Lists

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This sounds surprisingly non-terrible:

Skorne when????

My bet is sometime this week.

It's the waiting faction. We need to wait a bit more.

Waiting is not Hoksune.

It is if you cut yourself.

How does this look? Decent amount of shield guard, MAT, Blessed, and anti spell. I'm desperately trying to find a reason to use the Avatar, Boundless Charge and Durst being focus strapped is the best one I got.
War Room Army

Protectorate of Menoth - Durst Theme

Theme: The Creator's Might
75 / 75 Army

Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith - WJ: +28
- Hierophant - PC: 0
- Indictor - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)
- Indictor - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
- Indictor - PC: 15
- Templar - PC: 15
- Templar - PC: 15

Avatar of Menoth - PC: 20

Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0
Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4
Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

THEME: The Creator's Might

GENERATED : 01/15/2017 09:39:28
BUILD ID : 2034.17-01-07

>I'm desperately trying to find a reason to use the Avatar
Make the most of it. EoT takes the last bit of validity he had out of the game.

Well there still is the focus thing, also Durst can't run Eye in theme. It totally should have been his jack though.

Has anyone started making a GRIND table?
What arena are you most excited to play on?
Do you have a particular model you're looking forward to smashing other bots/beasts with?

I'm really looking forwards to Kallus2 for some reason.
No idea why, I hate just about every Legion unit other than hellmouths and grotesques.
Kallus1 was cool because of the incubi spawning feat.
Probably won't be getting something like that w/ Kallus2 tho.
But it'd be cool.

Waiting is suffering.

Suffering is Hoksune.

Nice try Hungerford. I don't know a single person at my store who is excited about grind.


The only time my LGS talks about GRIND is in the context of "I wish they spent less time on pet projects and more time on the actual game we like to play."

Grind could be nice. Fixing Warmachine would be nicer.

>The only time my LGS talks about GRIND is in the context of "I wish they spent less time on pet projects and more time on the actual game we like to play."

I see that a lot, too, and honestly, I think that's one thing that's really been putting me off the game recently. Nobody seems interested in doing any of the narrative league stuff or trying out special scenarios or alternative game modes or anything like that. It's just all Steamroller all the time.

Your stores sound really boring, but mine does the same thing. I'm hoping I can generate enough interest at my store that I can justify building at least one GRIND table.

My store has around 12-20 regulars playing Warmachine. Usually 6 games going every night, with other people talking/eating/painting in a social atmosphere. We have 2 Press Gangers who make it a point to show up every week, and are more than happy to teach new players battlebox games.

My stores are awesome for the game. We would just like development focused on it so it can be the best game it can be, without stupid projects like GRIND being around for a few months until PP gives up on it, like they did with MKI and MKII GRIND.

Fuck, even PP drones aren't excited about it.

The first page of that GRIND forum literally has 8 years worth of posts.

Not that interested in grind. Very interested in colossal wrestling.

Imagine a wargame with things like arm locks and head locks. That'd be cool.

>things like arm locks and head locks
Played so many games with those, nobody ever used it.

Because PP couldn't be bothered balancing them.

I just didn't find them fun. Why spend points on something that can "tie up" another warjack when I could just take a smasher for a few extra points?

Got my ass kicked today.

Khador Army - 75 / 75 points

(Irusk 2) Supreme Kommandant Irusk [+27]
- Kodiak [13]
- Kodiak [13]
- Behemoth [25]
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [4]
Winter Guard Field Gun Crew [4]
Winter Guard Infantry (max) [10]
- Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]
- Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard [4]
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (max) [13]
- Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich [4]


Mercenary Army - 74 / 75 points
Theme: Operating Theater

(Cyphon 1) Cognifex Cyphon [+29]
- Wrecker [14]
- Wrecker [14]
- Wrecker [14]
- Wrecker [14]
Cephalyx Agitator [3]
Cephalyx Agitator [3]
Cephalyx Agitator [3]
Cephalyx Mind Bender & Drudges (max) [11]
Cephalyx Mind Bender & Drudges (max) [11]
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges (min) [8]
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges (min) [8]
Cephalxy Overlords (free)

Well, what do I say, it was all on me. I played to passively with Behemoth (I kept Big B behind a forest in the middle of the table, so he never got to charge anything the whole game) and walked into the killbox like a giant noob.

I did a good job clearing the Overlords and most of his infantry in one big mini feat + spray turn, but the remaining 5 or 6 drudges were enough to spray away my entire unit. The Field Gun survived the battle, but it never got into a good firing position, do to how anti-shooting the table was build.

I don't think my matchup is that bad, I just have to make sure that my Kodiaks can't be Gallow'd into a charge despite the -3 debuff from my own feat and use behemoth moth aggressively than shooting at infantry. Focus down the monstrosities and try to airburst the unit leaders of the Bender units.

Does anyone have the Protectorate Command book?
It's not in the trove

I like it, try it out and tell how it went.

I don't play Cryx. I just like to theorycraft.

I think this is every person who says that Cryx is currently ok.

It definitely isn't. But there's some stuff in Cryx that is ok and Denny1 is definitely one of them.

There's nothing in it but new art. Don't bother.

But what if I want to take a look at that new art?
And yes, I want to take a look at some cool pictures, hopefully improved from some less stellar pieces in the old books

So what is this crap about a new spooky scary faction I have been hearing about?

There's only so many years you can tease something for without providing anything concrete before people stop caring.

Think of a creepy farmer demon Halloween faction.

Its that.

One of their casters is supposedly abailable at Smogcon so we should see something this month.

Are the blister (Variant) warcasters the plastic versions, or are they metal? I know in the Box they're plastic, but I don't need another damn battlebox

The concept art is in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=e15h-fR1rGg

Enjoy the $10 budget LARP acting.

But I want to read the (((lore))) :^)

If it's a blister caster it's usually metal. It should say on PP's page for that mini.

They're metal. Same model, but in metal.

It does say Blister, but, I wanted to double-check only because I know they are plastic in battleboxes. Figured they'd be lazy and only make it once.





You did a good deed today.

You're welcome

It's such a nice-looking bird, but, holy crap is it shit on the table.

That is some godly paintjob.

Can we bring back the QUALITY meme?

Because holy shit, the QUALITY.

>muh $120 display model


Request a replacement piece, or better yet get a tally of all the damaged pieces and request them all at once.
That's probably the coolest part about PP, that they'll replace virtually anything without proof and absolutely anything if you HAVE proof. Worth the cost to me, honestly.

How can you take this photo, see your disgusting fingernails and then decide to post it on the net.

16 Jan.

The changes will not make them competitive.

That would be valid if it were a one off occurence. The hydra kit is trash. The picture on the box is probably the studio model that had production issues and easy then postponed for the plastic release. Hence rules for 3 years with no model. That is also not a one off occurence.

PP has a lot of room to grow.

I don't know. Ask the guy who posted it. I just reposted this QUALITY work.

Most of the PP forum/facebook posters have disgusting nails and can't into a fucking lightbox to save their lives.

More gross Flesh Hooks

Am I talking about him or the Hydra? :^)

Terrible, absolutely terrible.

Like seriously, chink companies pumping out $1 bags of 100 plastic army men can do it better.

I kinda just went through the five stages of grief after the Mk.III transition and now this.

These themes are pretty shit m8, not because I can't use them but because they reward you for doing nothing.

No theme lists allowed in my Steamrollers, for sure.

The new themes are pretty underwhelming. We were expecting actual game changers like the teased Ranged Skorne idea, or at the very least something along the lines of what we got in MK2 themes. These are just boring and uninspired. I just look at it like this:

- Don't take your faction's OP units.
+ Get a few free Solos/UAs.
+ Battlegroup/Army gains a bonus.
+ Get a small game bonus.

They're not necessarily bad, just BlAnD. They just work so much better for those certain lists (e.g. Karchev) that don't actually lose anything. For everyone else, you gotta weight pros/cons. As Circle, is it worth not playing with Sentry Stones and Hunter's Mark to get an effective free 10-15pts in solos, and something for my warbeasts?

I'll wait and see what our command books have before I make that decision.

So the warmachine rules and cards are going to be free

Meaning they expect to make all their money on their models

Then they make that hydra and expect players to just pucker up and eat whatever falls out of their assholes. At least GW knows how to make models.

With the quality displayed above, you're probably safer just going with GW.
That quality assurance let that out the door makes me think there wasn't any.

>So the warmachine rules and cards are going to be free
The rules and cards have always been free. The big book is just full of fluff and shit; smart people spent $5 on ebay for a digest.

Printed cardboard is literally pennies of the unit's cost.

>The rules and cards have always been free

No? It used to be that if you wanted to legitimately see the models stats without buying the models you needed to buy the book. And you had to buy the prime rulebook for the rules. Now prime is free, and all cards are going to be available digitally for free as well, and model rules aren't going to be in the books. They are 100% divesting rules from physical media.

Oh. Well, most everyone downloaded the card PDFs people uploaded because nobody really gave a shit. If you had the model, you should have the rules. PP is just affirming what everyone has already done.

"most everyone" as in Veeky Forums. That's not most of the userbase.

It's an alt sculpt for a unit.

in b4 no skorne errata tomorrow

Thank you very much. I actually went back and fixed some of the things that this pic revealed, like the gem wasn't finished and the lines of the menofix on the shield were a bit wobbly. I should take a new pic, but I'm in the middle of a crunch trying to get everything I want to play done for Captaincon

Wow this game is dead.

Not as dead AS YOUR DOG!

People on the forums are defending it too. Fuck that. This shit costs too much money to look like that.

What sucks is when a theme doesn't even disallow the strong stuff, just encourages you to keep using it. Gotta love the Khador and Menoth themes. Character jacks/beasts are still in too if you have a bond.

They might have been more fun if they were balanced.

ETA is this or next week. The more I think about theme forces the more I dread seeing the Skorne rework.

Like restricting cryx some of its worst units and then giving a +1 starting roll instead of a blanket rule to their undead models that helps them not suck dick?

I'm talking about Power Attacks, which are slowly but steadily getting removed from the game.

I'm actually surprised that they are reducing power attacks when now the focus cost is less of a restrictive factor.

Why do griffons look more like they're half-bodybuilder than half-lion?

Because PP can't seem to design warbeasts that aren't beastmen or a wurm.

Gotta have those open fists for all those armlocks.

We need more quadroped heavies. Lug at least looks neat for one. But most warbeasts look like beastmen!

So, my upcoming Iron Kingdoms campaign has three Circle of Oroboros characters in it...I know jack shit about circle should I just make them be a bunch of eco-terrorists?

Its not actually about nature. Circle just wants to give off that image. They just know enough about the devourer wurm to know that he derives power from nature in the physical plane. If enough nature is destroyed, the wurm will turn his attention towards immoren, probably ending mankind. I dont know why exactly they put up the eco terrorist front.

Also, there are those that worship the devourer wurm without being members of circle. Some kossites for instance.

Quick Circle rundown.

So in the IK setting, there's two major gods, the Wurm and Menoth. The Wurm represents pure chaos and the natural world, while Menoth represents civilization and order.

These two gods spend most all their time fighting each other, seeking to defeat the other. This fight takes place in Urcain, but it has the chance to bleed over.

Enter the Circle. A very important distinction is that the Druids of the Circle are not worshippers of the Wurm, even though basically all of their minions are. No, the goal of the Circle is to attempt to maintain the balance between the Wurm and Menoth.

See, the problem is that if either one of the gods were to ever gain a definite edge, it could resort in immense devastation and even the total destruction of Cain. If the Wurm defeats Menoth, they fear it will set it's sights on Cain without it's enemy to distract it, and if Menoth defeats the Wurm, they fear it will flee to Cain to escape.

So their goal is to attempt to maintain the balance between the two gods as much as possible. A big issue right now is that the industratal revolution has caused mainkind to grow far more civilized and powerful, which lends Menoth power, so they fear he will soon become too strong. This is where Circle gets the eco terroist rep, and it's not entirely unjustified. Just worth noting that the Druids don't want to totally ruin civilization like the Tharn or the Wurm's worshippers do, they only want to prevent it from becoming too strong.

It's also worth noting that the Circle is a fractured organization at the best of times, and has very heavy political undercurrents in nearly everything they do. All sorts of other shit can be going on that has nothing to do with their main goal.

>Also, there are those that worship the devourer wurm without being members of circle. Some kossites for instance.
And everything in the "Circle Orboros" faction that is not a Blackclad Druid.

Along with some Trolls, Pigs, and even some Gobbers.

It's also worth noting that in the old books, the Wurm was pure CN, and was absolutely allowed both good and evil worshippers. He's no more evil than Menoth is, they're purely on the law/chaos spectrum.

Yeah I get the whole 'muh-balance' thing and its more protectiong ley-lines and shit. I'm hopnestly thinking I might have a blackclad develop a bond with them that's using their murder-hobo nature to accomplish political ends. Such as having them attack Khadoran convoys as he's being covertly paid off by cygnaran officials.


Tomorrow, I'm going for assassinations.

Can't wait to see how my opponents are going to rage at a DEF 20 caster without their shitty throw abuse.

They can still throw your shit at them and boost the hit. I'm pretty sure that if the deviation distance is 1" it's still a guaranteed hit. If they throw a heavy a 1 or 2 will still hit.

So in the fluff, what is the purpose of the Protectorate? Does Menoth actually support their actions?

He supports them in the same way he's supported any menoth worshippers. Supposedly Harbinger has a more or less direct connection to him but how often they talk and what Menoth cares to reveal to them is not well understood. The Avatar is supposed to be a Warjack that is driven by Menoth's own fury and doesn't listen to anyone. The problem is, Menoth has typically been portrayed as a very stand off god who was originally pissed about humans worshipping the Wurm, his archnemesis, more than about them not worshipping him. It's hard to believe he fully supposts the extreme actions the protectorate takes, and I speculate that he doesn't understand, or care to pay enough attention to understand, that the people the PoM are burning as heretics aren't Wurm worshippers and that some of them worship him.

So he supports them in the same way PP supports Skorne. Got it.

Yes, but I'm not a retard, so I won't let anyone throw my own things into my own caster.

The problem previously was that everyone could just throw their own light jacks at high def models and circumvent that stat completely.

>Waiting is not Hoksune.
Waiting is 100% Hoksune. Just go out in the desert and mortify your flesh a bit while you wait. When you get back, you'll have not only a new skorne errata, but also the ability to shrug off blows that would kill a normal man. Bonus!

From what we've seen, it appears to be a fan port of Malifaux Neverborn to WMH rules.

Part Lion, Part Bird, Part Bodybuilder... ALL COP

>So, my upcoming Iron Kingdoms campaign has three Circle of Oroboros characters in it
Sounds like a blast. An RPG party of chaotic-neutrals is always a good time.

>I dont know why exactly they put up the eco terrorist front.
Circle keeps up their various "fronts" for the sake of their allies. They're like the fantasy version of an espionage thriller cabal. They're secretly manipulating everyone behind the scenes, and pretend their aims are sympathetic to the various terrorists / freedom fighters / minor nations that they get to do their dirty work.