Change we need Edition
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Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
Change we need Edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>OP image album
Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
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Reminder that there is no right or wrong way to enjoy the game.
Dubs comnfirm but I was thinking that every way is right - even a WAACfaging when you are playing with other WAACfags
Going to play tomorrow at lgs against seraphon player with my bloodbound. I know that he uses some shitty combos with them and last time someone played against him he used kroak + vortex with massive summoning pool.
I'm hoping to get some success against him with these guys:
Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140)
- General
- Trait: Dark Avenger
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
Bloodstoker (80)
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Mighty Skullcrushers x 3 (160)
- Axes
- Khorne Mortal Battleline
Mighty Skullcrushers x 3 (160)
- Glaives
- Khorne Mortal Battleline
Mighty Skullcrushers x 3 (160)
- Glaives
- Khorne Mortal Battleline
Skullreapers x 5 (140)
- Daemonblades
Skullreapers x 5 (140)
- Daemonblades
Khorgoraths x 3 (240)
Brass Stampede (80)
Skulltake (100)
Total: 1500/2000
I'm going to try to drown him on those mortal wounds and use combo charging with skullcrushers. If leaves my slaughterpriest alone I'll pull Kroak from his throne and show how real men fight.
Good luck
So let's summarize from last thread:
Tzaangors went from "horrible" to cheaper Liberators with more and better buff potential and much higher damage output that can tank mortal wounds better. Thank god I didn't give mine chainswords yet.
Kairic Acolytes are overcosted, but being decently tough (shields) and decently shooty (scroll) sort of makes up for that, especially considering the lack of ranged weapons in the Chaos faction. Maybe run them next to Pink Horrors, those are a "Tzeentch Wizard" after all.
Ogroid is as mean as ever and one spell from the new lore makes him absolutely devastating in melee.
Gaunt Summoner on foot lost his familiars, which makes his unique spell much less reliable, but still a Saurus Guard killer.
Tzaangor Elite is pretty much mandatory to put on Discs, as they get those absurdly strong D3 attacks at D3 damage Discs on top of very good personal attacks. Shame they don't have shields, but that still makes them as tough, much faster and much, much scarier than Trolls.
Shooty Disc Tzaangors could be pretty fun if you have a Shaman to babysit them. I think Jezzails are still better, but these are tougher and more mobile.
Shaman has a pretty cool gimmick, with that potion allowing him one burst of fuck-you magic per game and his unique spell is basically a weaker but more reliable version of the Ogroid's. If he's not too expensive, he might be pretty fun.
Putting this here again
plz fill up, im not even remotely qualified to talk about this shit
oh also what ive written is copypasted from the other places unless the rules have been changed
maybe stuff works differently with other units in this army, no idea, but if you know then plz change whats been written
I'd say tzaangors are still pretty glass-cannon-y. I'm not sure a 1 in 6 chance reliably allows them to "tank" mortal wounds, and they've very vulnerable to battleshock - if I ran a big blob of them I'd be very tempted to use Inspiring Presence (anyone remember that?) on them rather than a special command trait.
does anyone have city of secrets to put on the resources section on pastebin?? I've heard it's a damn good read.
Here are my two cent:
- Tzaangors don't really compare with liberators. They are not as tough but have a bigger damage potential. I agree with other anons that said that they make for the perfect bodyguards for melee-centric heroes like the Ogroid.
- Kairics are overcosted to the n-th degree, but still provide decent all around power. As a screen for a ranged hero like the Gaunt Summoner they will do their job well.
- Tzaangor Enlightened are pretty balanced. Probably slightly overcosted, but they pack a lot of potential damage in a speedy if fragile. Guided by the Past is a great ability to force your opponent into making stupid decisions.
- Tzaangor Skyfires are difficult to assess properly while they are without points, but they look pretty fucking scary. Guided by the Future is also lovely.
- Tzaangor Shaman is mostly there to provide a mobile buff to the Skyfires and occasionally reinforce already engaged Tzaangor units with his spell. He's nice, but nothing exceptional.
- Gaunt Summoner still has its old warscroll availiable, which also costs the same and has the same rules and keywords. Use that to get that +1 to cast back and continue to cut units in half.
- Kairos got hit hard with the nerfbat. He's overcosted and underpowered now; the generic Lord of Change outperforms it in every regard now.
- Lord of Change's new melee profiles look sweet, but the machinegun stick is just amazing. The improved durability is also nice to have.
- Totally agree on the Ogroid Thaumaturge. Relics might improve him further, too.
- Magister is the most boring thing in the list, probably. His spell isn't horrible, but as he cost the same as the Gaunt Summoner or the Tzaangor Shaman he looses a lot of appeal.
- Fatemaster I don't know what to make of. Maybe if you use his command ability in conjunction with the Destiny Dice from the allegiance trait?
It's not out yet.
Greetings Cultists of the Transient Form and welcome to Tyrones guide to Tzeentch. Do you even lift? If not, follow these steps and you too can have a naty physique, and get all the
Tzaangrills like me.
1. Read the sticky scroll
2. Do SS + Lore of Change
4. Squatz and Oatz = Huge gainz
5. Gultes for the sloots
6. Always follow the advice of the natty Lord of Change, including skateboard squats. Kairos, please come back to the Mortal Realms.
7. If you are a Tzaangirl, pls be in Phoenicium
8. Are you an archeaologist? Because I have a large bone that needs examining.
9. tfw no Ogroid boyfriend. No homo.
10. Nurgle; not even once
11. Use proper spellcasting form or you will be taking a trip to Warp city
12. Slaanlets, when will they ever learn?
Lastly, To the person that disliked this scroll immediately after it was posted; Khorgos I know its you. Your deadlift form is whack. Le Goreaxes are ready bitch. Khorgos pls go.
Does someone have city of secrets? I'm told it's a very good read but my LGS still hasn't gotten its hands on it.
Crown of Command is practically the only artifact Chaos ever brings anyway, so battleshock isn't that bad, I suppose.
I mean, assuming the tzeentch relics aren't so amazing that they blow everything out of the water, of course.
see in response to , which is the exact same fucking question four posts above you.
Are...are you having a stroke, user?
playing for bloodbound without bloodsecrator
yeah, u win..... or not
And I'm the exact same person for both posts. For some fucking reason my goddamm internet crashed, thought the message hadn't been sent and sent a new version of it again. Happy?
Plus it's fucking bullshit because I know of a guy on Dakka Dakka (a brit) who has it.
Could someone give me a piece of advice ?
>Have enough cash for 2 SC boxes and one or two smaller models like Lorg of Plagues
>Want to build a Nurgle 1000 points vanguard list for casual games
>I like Daemon unit models but also prefer Mortals as heroes and leaders
>"Daemon Hero of Nurgle" and "Chaos Wizard" abilities synergy looks good but Mortal heroes don't trigger the first one
>Not sure if mixing Daemons of Nurgle box with Slaves to Darkness will grant me enough integrity and consistency
So the question is - Am I tied to only daemons or only mortals of Nurgle? If not, how should I mix them to capitalize on as many of their abilities as possible?
I understand why you have recommend me this list and thank you, but it looks very jejunely to be honest. I'm not saying it is not effective but running an army with 80% of points made by same units is not very appealing
Would Tzaangors work in a regular Brayherd army?
Does he have a digital copy? because physical copies are sent out early all the fucking time, but no-one will bother scanning them if they come out digitally anyway.
sylvaneth is officially the worst army to build because you also need to buy shit load of overpriced forests. prove me wrong.
>overpriced forests
>not using broccoli
pics or stfu
>he can't make his own forests
doesnt matter. its still the worst army to build because you have to do stuff that other people dont have to like building fucking forests out of shitty materials etc.
use those mad moddeling skillz of yours
make something beautiful
My biggest issue with making my own wildwoods is the 'balance' aspect of it, i don't wanna make them too big because that'd be the rudest thing.
a flgs should have multiple wyldwoods for sylvaneth players at the ready for play
what would /aosg/ agree would be the most balanced dimentions for a wildwood base, ignoring the official model?
>not playing at LGS with at least 6 pads of forests available in their terrain base
10 seconds on google
Eh, sorta. They obviously lack the Brayherd keyword (though they *do* have the Gor keyword, for what it's worth), so Brayherd buffing ain't gonna happen, and the really want a Tzeentch hero for escorting, but they pack a lot of punch and you can still throw Inspiring Presence and Mystic Shield on them.
If you brought them alongside an Ogroid Thaumaturge, it'd be pretty decent, I think. Maybe do a headswap on the Thaumaturge to make a Tzaanbull?
>play seraphon
>use bastiladon
>one-shot a bloodthirster
Laser Lizards are the best.
Unless you choose Scythes over Swords. Then you are enjoying the game in the wrong way.
At this point I am doing this intentionally
I have a malus darkblade model, and am thinking of building an army around him. Should I wait for dark aelfs, or start putting together some from what is available right now?
any pics from anyone who built their own stuff with a guide?
>I have a malus darkblade model
Ayy, I'm doing the same only I'm just using the Malus Darkblade Warscroll for my leader.
>Should I wait for dark aelfs, or start putting together some from what is available right now?
I chose to use what's available now so I'm making a Khaine theme based army centered around the Daughters of Khaine with a few other Dark Elf and Order units placed in.
Since Malus is on a cold one, maybe you could use the Order Serpentis army as a base with large groups of Cold one units and include some other diffrent cavalry units along with other order units to aid and buff.
Nice. My all time favorite book series is the Darkblade series so I wanted to do something with that. As if, he and spite were reincarnated in the mortal realms, does his usual thing, finds himself at the head of an army/warband and adventures ensue. What kind of lord do you have? Because the model I bought seems to have gone thru alot, such as green stuff and was painted what seems like mutiple times so it looks a bit odd. I really dont mind getting a lord and using him AS malus for aesthetic purposes. Cause I know if someone tries to be that guy I can say I have the actual model( Ive met people like that before.). I also have a Seraphon army almost done, so itll be neat what kind of narrative I can forge here.
Mastery of Magic:
When making a casting or unbinding roll for a Lord of Change, change the result of the lowest dice so it matches the highest.
Ayo hol up, is you be sayin this Lord of Change gets his magic power... through repeating digits?
I liked the Darkblade series as well so I know where your coming from.
>What kind of lord do you have?
I'm using a a stand in dreadlord and like I said, I'm using the Malus Darkblade Warscroll for him. I'm actually trying to kitbashed a model to fit the theme of the army, a sort of champion of Khaine. I'm planning on doing a lot of kit bashing for the army so it'll all have a general look.
If your looking for a new new Malus model that's more up to date, then you can try kit bashing with some cold one knights and the Dread Lord model from the Lord on Black Dragon kit. A buddy of mine did that and he got a decent good looking model with his skills.
Yeah, that seems to be the way to go, since dark elves currently have a limited lord selection. Only a couple on foot, none on a regular mount, and the others on huge dragons. I wonder if I could do what you said and then use the dragon as something from the monster arcanum? Ill probably will have to tinker with it on paper. Im thinking of maybe using a dreadlord and dragon as spite and malus, but try to find a balanced rule and skill set.
Is there any reason to not just take MSU units of Tzaangor and Pink Horrors for the free coin flip mortal wounds?
You got bodies for objective and free mortal wounds at 18". That has to be worth something.
>dark elves currently have a limited lord selection. Only a couple on foot, none on a regular mount
There's the Dreadlord on Cold One warscroll in the Exiles pdf that you can use.
You could also try using some Order Draconis lords or units. Maybe even try looking up the old High Elf warscroll pdf too for the hell of it.
We're all gonna make it.
yo /AoS/ !
i have a question, i'm going to play in a local tournament, at 1000pts with said list :
exalted with impaling spear
4x5 horsemen marauders with javelins
20 marauders with shield and axes
20 blood-marauders with heavy weapons
5 wrathmongers
i was wondering who i should use as my general, either the exalted hero for the bravery buble, or the slaughterpriest, since the base comand ability works fine, and the exalted get 7 attacks ?
Selfbump this
As you said, Inspiring Presence is plenty, the additional attacks on the Exalted Deathbringer are tasty and Brutal Command is fairly shit as far as Command Abilities go.
Give somebody the Crown of Command and you have two units immune to battleshock.
how do u guys carry your army to the store?
Why do you limit yourelf in such way ? just save a bit more and buy 2 sc box nurgle and a GUO.
>I like Daemon unit models but also prefer Mortals as heroes and leaders
Then do what you like
>"Daemon Hero of Nurgle" and "Chaos Wizard" abilities synergy looks good but Mortal heroes don't trigger the first one
>>Not sure if mixing Daemons of Nurgle box with Slaves to Darkness will grant me enough integrity and consistency
It's casual nobody cares,and you have a budget and idea of an army so limited that there is no other way to pull the list anyway
I think it was said in the other thread by another user, if budget is a reason buy 2 box of knight and a deamon prince, its what people on budget generally field and its strong and consistent
or why not just take a deamon prince instead of 2 mortal nurgle heroes ?
How to build an army around Arkhan and his Start Collecting! box? What more should one buy? Another Skeletal Horde box for more skellies, cav and another Mortrarch for diversity? Malignant box for more cav and other stuff?
Is double Mortrarch list viable?
>What more should one buy?
A mounrgul, some battllines, morghasts
>just save a bit more and buy 2 sc box nurgle and a GUO
But GUO looks like a shit - literally. I know it's good but I had hoped that I can somehow replace it
>why not just take a deamon prince instead of 2 mortal nurgle heroes
I don't really like non-nurgle daemons aesthetic. Mortal heroes look so good I had hoped that I could use them in army that is both effective and visually appealing
>if budget is a reason buy 2 box of knight and a deamon prince, its what people on budget generally field and its strong and consistent
As I said - I find it a little bit boring desu. With such broad variety of models it looks like a waste of possibilities
>you have a budget and idea of an army so limited that there is no other way to pull the list anyway
Then let's say I'm accepting the fact that Lord of Plagues and other mortal heroes are no choice for me. How can I run daemons without using GUO with same budget as now?
This is how I plan to play it. I want a squad of skyfyres deleting high value targets. While a blob of msu tzaangors pink horrors with one or two other wizards are a loose battle line that moves up.
Figure getting like 4 squads of tzaangors and 2 squads of pink horrors and either gaunt summoner or the thaumerturge will allow like 12 to 16 dice depending on where the shaman is at who will be running around near the squads of skyfyres for that +1 to hit. The summoner can toast roast a squad or take the thaumerturge for more hurt on high value targets.
Malignant box is nice in that you get more cavalry (hexwraiths are aces, but black knights are okay, too), since you need ten of them anyway. Spirit hosts are great when it comes to annoying your enemy, and a coven throne is okay as well. Not a fan of the mortis engine though, it's too expensive for a one-use bomb.
On the other hand, a second SC skellies isn't half bad, either. More cavalry again, plus skeletons, which you will always need more of, and the oportunity to build one of the actually good mortarchs.
After that, get morghast archai, one or two wight kings and more skeletons.
thanks for the answer, but the warlord traits and artefacts will be roll randomly before each battle
>But GUO looks like a shit - literally. I know it's good but I had hoped that I can somehow replace it
Thats why everyone use glottkin or pic related, they are the Updated Guo. I've never seen an olg GW GUO on a table since those 2 are out, and Nurgle is literally one of the most popular army.
They are objectively lightyears ahead of the GW shit GUO.
Unless you limit yourself again because Cor'bax inst called "Great Unclean One" on the GW website while it was created by FW due to popular demand to fill that role.
Yes they are "expensive", but... no other way around
>I don't really like non-nurgle daemons aesthetic. Mortal heroes look so good I had hoped that I could use them in army that is both effective and visually appealing
Then you limit yourself by the aesthetic so I don't see the problem but i dont know what you expect people to say if you like the SC box for its price and the Mortal heroes for their style
>As I said - I find it a little bit boring desu. With such broad variety of models it looks like a waste of possibilities
I had not read the thread completely, sorry, but then again you limit your army possibilities so much that I don't think your army could be called "such a broad variety of model", but then again it's all in the eyes of the beholder.
>Then let's say I'm accepting the fact that Lord of Plagues and other mortal heroes are no choice for me. How can I run daemons without using GUO with same budget as now?
They are choice for you tho, just field what you like to field, I play Freeguild and Death (mainly death) with armies that are obviously shit but i still enjoy every second of it because its casual games, if its really for casual aesthetics and fun trumps all
I dont know how its possible to run deamon without GUO with the same budget tho.. A Soul Grinder ? I really dont know.
the glotkin bro can be make into a gret unclean pretty easily, if you are into modeling stuff
Anyone know where to find epubs or pdf's of the "Grand Alliance" books? I can't seem to find them in the master post's links or searching online. :/
You will find none. There are trolls shitposting that they are for free on app but it's not true. If you want one, you have to browse 1d4chan and find what you need
It's called the App or checking the GW website.
Well, I mainly just want to see the details and requirements of the various formations from them. :/
Slaanesh when?
>Poster from last thread said Tzaangors were 10 for 180
>Warscroll says they come in batches of 5
>t-thank you
You fucking moron, are you that incapable that you need spoonfeeding for every little fucking thing? Can't even muster the brainpower to look at →, →, →, →, →, → or →? Jesus, talk about being fucking stupid.
Or maybe you are just too lazy to look it up on the app or
Matched play min and max models for units are different in a lot of cases.
It isn't that unusual. It is the same for a lot of units. Generals Handbook minimum overrides the warscroll minimum.
>[post deleting intensifies]
>but i dont know what you expect people to say if you like the SC box for its price and the Mortal heroes for their styl
I hoped there is some kind of gimmick I didn't notice that will make a mortal-daemon mix viable.
Skeleton Horde - Arkhan, Hexwraiths, Skellies
Malignants - Coven Throne, Hexwraiths, Spirit Hosts
Skeleton Horde - Neferata, Hexwraiths, Skellies
Morghast Archai - is one box enough?
Both available Wight Kings
More Skellies
Sounds like a pretty good buying plan to me. Do I need 15 Hexwraiths? How are Grave Guards? Banshee? Cairn Wraith?
Newfag here
Wanna start with a small army of sylvaneth
I get that the dryads are your standard troops, but the thing is theyrw my least faveourate models, while the treekin are my faveourate
So just wondering if its viable to have treekin as battleline on their own or are the dryads something you really need
Treekin aren't part of the Sylvaneth force anymore, unless you mean some other models like the kournoth hunters, but they would require some minimum investment of battleline troops to be used either way.
what do you call treekin, the oop model about to be written off or the revenant spirit etc ?
What are Slaanesh Daemons lists like in this game? Are they viable? Will they get me labelled a WAAC faggot? As a boipucci of She Who Thirsts should I even be upset about being called that?
Treekin are part of the Sylvaneth forces. They have the Sylvaneth keyword.
Sorry I meant Tree Revenant
I think youre best bet is to field the maximum number of greater daemons of slaanesh at whatever points number youre shooting for with the minimum battleline of daemonettes. Maybe add some daemonettes on daemon steeds 1 or 2 minimum size units max or alternatively a chariot or two.
I don't think its a strong army at all.
I would like to hear other perspectives on the subject.
So is tzeentch way stronger than a comparable nurgle force? It seems like he shits out wounds before nurgle would ever reach him.
10 Hexwraths are plenty. Instead consider either a third box for more skellies, a ten-man Black Knight unit and Mannfred or just one box of black knights and more skellies in general.
Morghast Archai are very beefy, but also expensive. Two are plenty for a start.
While the dryads are very good for numbers and their stopping power Tree-Revenant are very good too. The difference is that you need to keep them away from the thick of battle and instead troubleshoot heroes, artillery, take objectives...
Tallyband of nurgle would stay the top tier waacfag tournament list easily
Oh. My bad!
Better at range, sure, but in comparison Nurgle stuff is cheaper and more durable.
From what I've heard they're an "all in" kinda army, where you either win hard fast, or lose hard fast
So I managed to find my old Al-Ulric Model and decided, know what, I' gonna make a Cult of Ulric in AoS.
Should I just run freeguild or is there a way I can add a little savage bite to them?
I'm building a 500-1000 point force so no tallyband. I just bought the SC Nurgle box, but these Tzeentch models just seem so much stronger. Before my fat lards could make it across the table they'd get blown to shit.
What will after tzeentch?
take drones, sayl or chaos knights then.
tzeentch isnt dealing more mortal wounds than hurricanum spam or glade guard casi mortal wounds or anything from destruction.
If anything ut makes plague toad of nurgle more mandatory than they were already
Steam head duardin then Freeguild, if the rumor engine is true
It's very strong at first, but when people understand how it works, it becomes easily counterable.
It's very solid, but not even remotely WAAC.
It's perfectly mid tier.