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Explain this image
That St.Thomas Moore's Utopia where England should be.
Contrary to popular belief, Detroit is really far away from Hell.
Belfast, Marseilles and Beirut, on the other hand, are pretty close - all in Pandemonium. (they're the closest real cities I can see so far that aren't concentration camp locations)
Auburn is the closest US place I've seen so far (in Wrath)
Are these, like, MRI screenings of the brain with certain activity. or something?
What a shitty map.
>Let's render gold worthless by making it a sign of criminality and immorality
>Then we can use all the gold our own people don't want to become an economically dominant nation in the world
PCs and their hare-brained schemes
>it's a fantasy world map that fits neatly into the shape of a standard printer paper with less than 1/3 empty ocean
You get an A for effort, but if you tried to design a spheroid earthlike planet, you failed.
Is there a fucking coordinates index? Can't find my town.
>Dublin is on the continent of wisdom, in "Goals", near tranquility
>Not on the island of "I'll fookin cut ya m8"
Author clearly has never been to dublin
>belfast is in pandemonium
That's a map
what's Ulthuan doing here ?
It's a pretentious map.
>Babar's Kingdom
I lol'ed
Heh, Hollywood is on there at least 4 times: once in Delusion, Gluttony, Pride and Envy
Zooming in as far as I can before getting too blurry, weirdly enough it seems like the closest IRL place to hell is Sharpesville - not exactly a nice place, but it's closer than Auschwitz or Treblinka
there are 6 cities called "Bacon" scattered throughout this map, can you find them all?
where do the Soviets fall on this map?
How can Hollywood be in envy and the land of babel at the same time?
Some sort of weird terraformed moon perhaps?
It's a real shit hole.
It's also in Delusion, Gluttony and Pride.
Mind you there's a few places like that IRL (generally in the US, but other places settled by colonists have it too)
Looks like mostly in Elysium and south from there, but there's at least one up in Aspiration
>We need name for that group of islands.
>Yeah, it's like archipelago or something
Finest lazy worldbuilding.
>the feels when you can't find West Virginia, but know that we'd most likely end up either in aimlessness or ignorance.
A bunch of enlightenment propaganda.
Romanticist master race. Emotions are good, you fucking Vulcan-wannabes.