Which would you rather have? An all-male party, or an all-female party?
Which would you rather have? An all-male party, or an all-female party?
Other urls found in this thread:
An all female party with an "unusually gifted" shota they raise and "take care of"
All female, the cat fights that occur when you bring a big manly barbarian NPC are the best..
Don't be gay.
All male party. It has a chance of feeling just gay, normal, or some sort of dude-bro trip.
With an all female party it won't ever feel "normal". It'll either be a grrrl power fantasy, or some kind of fetish or other non-genuine gimmick
Do you mean "party" or "gaming group"?
I'd lean more towards all-female if it's both party and gaming group. Mostly what I want to avoid is male players playing female characters.
Sometimes it works out fine. But it often does not.
That's not an all-female party you dumb fuck.
Dude party. Getting a whole bunch of knights/barbarians/fighters to dispense some good ole' two-fisted action or romantic three musketeers-styled adventure is worth more than any amount of magical girl yuri.
All-female in appearance but all-male in performance and personality.
All-female. At least it would be more original.
Well, two questions: do NPCs count as part of the party? And does the shota need to be played by a player for you to get your jollies?
>the cat fights that occur when you bring a big manly barbarian NPC are the best..
Has that actually happened to you in a game?
>all female party
Please, it's one of the biggest roleplaying cliches.
An all-male party tends to be the most common and most natural right behind all-male plus one female, at least for most media. All female either tends to be either what said or just a rare all-female player group playing their own gender.
Women playing women can be a thousand times worse than the cringiest dude playing a female character, because at least the guy will get called out on it (or pummeled). There are a lot of betas in our hobby, sadly, and the Pussy Pass is as real as real gets.
I think you're vastly underestimating how cringey dudes can be.
>Pussy Pass meme
But it's still more original than all-male parties.
I think you're vastly underestimating how cringey women can be.
>implying men giving women preferential treatment doesn't happen.
Nigga you for real?
Unequivocally wrong. All male parties virtually don't exist and haven't for a long time, there's always a woman, usually two or three. All-female parties, on the other hand, are as common as it gets.
I've got horor stories about this very thing. You'd be shocked how a seemingly mild, attractive nerdette can be hiding a monster under her skin and never get called out on it because bullying a cute girl is verboten among nerds, who tend to lean liberal, feminist, and beta.
I'm saying it's small potatoes compared to the preferential treatment men give men. You just don't notice it because it benefits you, and you disproportionately notice it when there's a benefit you don't get. It's a very human instinct.
Even among Obama's White House staff, for example, there was the recurring problem of people ignoring the ideas of female employees, even when they would later listen to the same idea when a male employee said it. And this happens CONSTANTLY. The White House staff case is only notable because (a) it shows that it still happens even among people specifically aiming to be progressive and inclusive, and (b) the way the women figured out to get around the barrier.
Kinda the same deal. Because all-male parties, or teams with all-male membership, stand out less to you, you don't notice how common they are.
Not to mention even if we were to accept the premise that they don't exist anymore, all-female teams have been around for so much less time that they're still more original by default.
>I'm saying it's small potatoes compared to the preferential treatment men give men. You just don't notice it because it benefits you, and you disproportionately notice it when there's a benefit you don't get. It's a very human instinct.
I'm sorry, did you just pull the "muh privilege" card on Veeky Forums, of all places?
Now I'm curious, how did the female White House staff get around the barrier?
Fuck off with your social justice self-pity or self-hatred, you dumb fucking cunt. Men are biologically programmed to treat women (potential mates) better than other men (potential rivals).
They voted for Trump.
Suppose Alice proposes an idea and the person leading the meeting doesn't pick up on it. Then Bertha might say "Well, what Alice said is blah blah blah blah blah." Or maybe they then go to report the results of the meeting to someone else and if it gets left out, then Carrie might say "Oh, and Alice suggested blah blah blah blah blah". And since they were all doing this, it got harder to ignore their ideas or for a dude to try to take credit for it.
Then they've done a pretty crappy job of it so far.
That's happening because the Dems don't actually care about equality; they only pander to those groups for votes. These are the people whose first major political action was advocating slavery, after all.
Not if it's a reverse trap.
Not really sure why it matters, frankly.
All girl, I guess?
Feminism is a joke. Look at your own post, it's literally "No, I'm right, and you're just blind because you're a boy." This goes beyond a political disagreement, you've been fucking brainwashed. The idea that truth can't even be apprehended unless you're part of a certain group is one that is the rightful province of religious cults. Seek help.
Also, about the White House staff, considering that no good ideas have come out of that building in the last eight years, kudos to the men who tried to stem the tide by ignoring the shrill whimperings of the same bitches that shed literal tears when Donald Trump walked in.
That was 150 years ago, dude. That's like saying we need to increase copper production or else we'll run out of material for haypennies. Democrats became the party of equality gradually, with a huge shift following the passage of the Civil RIghts Act and Voting Rights Act. And the South was so upset that they couldn't force black people to use separate water fountains that they've voted Republican ever since.
Kinda, but you don't really understand what you're saying from an evolutionary psychology point of view.
Men are programmed to treat women better. They aren't programmed to listen to them, or give them 'rights', because 'rights' are a social construct created at a point when the impact of evolution and instinctual development had already essentially tapered off.
Now watch as people get triggered by the phrase 'social construct'.
All-female(male) party.
Are you trying to trick us into another thinly-veiled /pol/ thread, OP?
All male seems typical, and if adventuring is anything like drunk hiking and camping with friends I already got an idea of what that's like. So all female just for something different.
C'mon, man. You can do better than that. I believe in you!
You're not a feminist on 4-chan, you don't believe in what you say. What are you? Are you a /b/-tard or polak?
False flagging r9k robot
And the time when all-male parties of adventurers was the norm was even further ago. You parrot liberal talking points well, but don't forget that key to the Democrats becoming the "party of equality" was LBJ's plan to keep blacks poor and hooked on welfare. It wasn't like the Democrats became good guys and the South got angry because they're evil cartoon villains, it's that the Democrats learned how to racebait and use welfare to create a voting plantation, and white Southerners voted to protect their property values and keep a criminal underclass away from their kids. Live in the real world.
See You will never make any headway by telling people that they don't understand because they're blinded by privilege. We're not talking about voting, either, we're talking about ignoring That Girl when we wouldn't ignore That Guy.
>tee hee marxist buzzwords are le epic troll XD
You need PTSD to be triggered. It's not like we're all veterans and you just screamed ALLAHU ACKBAR and set off bottle rockets outside our bug-out shelters. Don't be a cock to people with a real mental disorder that costs a shitload of lives each year, it lessens you as a person.
One manly man and a bunch of femboys.
this fits the bill the best, no slips about jews or race so not pollak, not brain-damaged so not b-trard
stop taking a bait
What you get is magical realm, nothing else. I've been there.
I don't say this often, but this is good bait. Saved.
No, for real! I understand your skepticism. I've got a Pinterest board for this stuff and everything.
But seriously, this is Veeky Forums. You should be less surprised than this.
"Trigger" is a word with many meanings, even within the field of psychology. Depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders. Strictly speaking it just means "to cause", or "a thing which causes".
And on Veeky Forums it's often used to refer to when people get fanny-flustered over little things. And that, in turn, arose from Veeky Forums users trying to mock Tumblr users who would tag posts to avoid, say, causing someone to have an anxiety attack, then got overzealous about it.
I'm not even sure you're responding to the right person, I don't give a fuck about privilege and have no interest in changing opinions or political views. I merely observe and attempt to explain.
Its only magical realm if you, or your DM associate women with only sex and sexuality.
>I'm saying it's small potatoes compared to the preferential treatment men give men. You just don't notice it because it benefits you, and you disproportionately notice it when there's a benefit you don't get. It's a very human instinct.
but thats wrong. in fact it is exactly the opposite of right. academics have studied that, and they have found that men DO NOT give preferential treatment to each other, but women get preferential treatment from everyone.
Do you have any sources on that?
No rush, if you need to re-find them or anything.
>Which would you rather have?
>A party full of useful beings that are generally bigger, stronger, more resilient, more brave, with denser bones, better able to sustain damage and with better mental traits for survival, combat and exploration?
>Or a party full of a priviliged leisure class that have spent their lives getting shit thrown into their laps by virtue of having a vagina?
Friend, even the biggest feminist would rather have firemen than "firefighters" saving her from a burning building. This goes double for the group that is expected to save the world from some kind of sleeping terror.
I would prefer a party of people who are straight and playing the character of the sex they are.
Leave the creepy shit out of my games. Fine for you guys and whatever you want to do. But I would prefer you stay away from mine.
>No, for real!
No you're not real, this threads were popping up for months on Veeky Forums, same thing with different coat of paint ">can accept dragons, can't accept woman warrior", "women are trash warriors and are all sluts", "all male party or all female?" and in comments it turns in the same shit of talk about IRL woman. How many posts it took this time? Thirteen. I'm fed up with this manufactured controversy and false discussions. You two can go back where you came from and it's not Veeky Forums
All male
>surprised by bait
>on Veeky Forums
Feminists do not survive on this board, the adventuring party is inherently egalitarian.
>"Trigger" is a word whose meaning expanded when shrinks realized they could make more money by preying upon stupid and weak-minded people
Buddy, I know it's not good to admit to being mad on Veeky Forums, but I've got buddies that didn't come back right from Iraq or Afghanistan. Don't compare some fat cunt who cries over mean posts on her tumblr to the friend of mine who literally has spasms every 4th of July because of the fireworks. He survived an IED attack. Fuck your feminism, fuck your anxiety attacks, fuck your fat cows claiming to be triggered.
The only thing those Tusken Raiders have right is how they treat your kind.
I'm just telling it like it is. An all-women party is a one-way ticket to magical realm each and every time. Also, I'm not a feminist, so I don't care about your arguments that blame me for not putting up with their shit.
Not that guy, but:
The first source I found with a cursory internet search.
So, you want an all-male party plus a girl who drops out when she realizes her boyfriend won't pay more attention to her silly shenanigans than the game, basically?
>>this thread
Here's what I've got:
I could keep going.
Believe me, there's no one who's more fed up with that shit than me.
>Believe me, there's no one who's more fed up with that shit than me.
Leave this threads and never return, either you're a baiter and you'll let actual all-male vs all-female party discussion be possible or you're not baiter and you will safe yourself time
mah nigga
No, it's a thinly veiled /r9k/ thr-
>Feminists do not survive on this board, the adventuring party is inherently egalitarian.
You made me think of what a feminist adventurer would be like, and to be honest I'm surprisingly entertained.
>Lady Roxanne of Femiscira, better known under her nom de guerre Big Red
>She joins a male barbarian, a male wizard and a male priest in their quest to find the Magic McGuffin
>Before they even leave the tavern (because it's always a tavern), she notices that women are highly underrepresented in this party
>She pressgangs two barmaids into the party, which also has the added benefit of deconstructing the "slutty barwench" trope which is harmful to women
>After that they meet the king, who will inform them of the details of their mission and provide them with the provisions they need
>Big Red notices that this hereditary monarchy is a patriarchal construct that oppresses women
>Hoping it will speed up the salvation of the universe, he leaves the mission briefing to his only child: a beautiful young lady
>Big Red pressgangs her into the party because the "helpless princess" trope is sexist
>The adventure begins
>During the first day, the princess faints from exhaustion
>Big Red berates the princess for confirming the "weak girl" trope, while at the same time chastising the party for having a female-unfriendly marching schedule
>One of the barmaids dies during an encounter with gnolls, which she considers sexist because women are disproportionately likely to die in combat (she cites zero sources)
>She refuses to offer her a funeral because using a corpse to penetrate the earth is highly phallic and patriarchal imagery
>Due to their newly adjusted "feminist" marching schedule, the party arrives at the keep of the Dark Lord too late
>He has already used the Magic McGuffin to gain immortality and send the world into a new era of darkness
>The BBEG threatens to tear her limb from limb and leave her for the birds and wolves
>"That's ablist!"
my "he's right you know" meter is off the charts!
Not that it's entirely inapplicable, but that study is about favoritism within one's gender more than to the other.
But as a bonus, it includes more citations for me.
>As a result, men and women alike automatically
associate male gender with power (Rudman, Greenwald, &
McGhee, 2001), evaluate male authority figures more favorably
than female counterparts (Rudman & Kilianski, 2000), and more
readily misattribute status to unknown men than to unknown
women (Banaji & Greenwald, 1995).
>or you're not baiter and you will safe yourself time
I don't have anything else going on today.
Nope, just normal people. Which has actually been my experience. Girls playing girls, boys playing boys, nobody pretending to be the other.
My current campaign consists of three girls and two boys (three if you count me, the dm).
I'm fine with drop in and drop out characters by the way, just let me know a session or two ahead of time.
Your definition of "Feminist" sure is afraid of fire and wants brains from the wizard.
I mean you may as well say every single environmentalist is some PETA tier eco terrorist.
See, the problem I was seeing was that it kept hopping back and forth between whether it was aware of the fourth wall or not. The strawman thing barely registered because of how poorly the story as a whole was put together in the first place.
I'll remember that next time an environmentalist academic proposes the solution for global warming is to kill 90% of meat eaters.
And probably fuck more posts, but I don't give a shit to list them
Who is this qt?
>If I mix in factually accurate and insightful quotes with extreme quotes, I don't have to engage with any of them!
>I am very good at this.
>I should get a trophy.
>A trophy that says I am very good at this.
>I don't have anything else going on today.
I expected nothing less, you're the reason Veeky Forums goes to shit, but of course continue this farce, not like we have whole boards you can talk about gender equality and previleges. At least such threads wouldn't go to 400 replies
abit late but, I think you've got the wrong door is two blocks down
Whoops, almost forgot
>extreme or deliberately out-of-context quotes
What about a bunch of amazons and a sissy?
People can't honestly believe anything's better then an all guy road trip of adventure and gay undertones.
Maybe I'm biased because the best in party roleplaying I've ever experienced was my swashbuckler's "Heterosexual life partner" thing he had with the paladin.
Funny how you don't have a problem with the guy bitching about "Pussy Pass".
Almost like when someone talks about what they perceive to be issues of equality, you only mind if they're at all critical of you, so your issue isn't really with the material being off-topic at all.
Almost like you're holding one group to different standards than those to which you hold another group.
I wish there was a word for that.
Why not a princess (male)?
How about a munch of manly men and a single femboy?
All female()
I dunno, man, you ever been to an all-girl board game night/sleepover?
I mean, I would assume not.
Kinda by definition.
But they're fun.
Why not a male warrior, a priestess with a bigger dick than him, and a sorceress with an even bigger dick?
I used to get stuck hanging out with my friends girlfriends a lot because I was the token faggot kid, actually taught them all d&d and was possibly the best group I ever had. Still prefer the bro-dude roadtrip though.
I prefer
We're talking about real life, man.
>a male warrior, a priestess with a bigger dick than him, and a sorceress with an even bigger dick
>I used to get stuck hanging out with my friends girlfriends a lot because I was the token faggot kid
Aw. I'm sorry, dude.
>Still prefer the bro-dude roadtrip, though.
Whatever floats your boat.
I wish there was place you could discuss it, the other guy already shut himself so we're two left off topic, I wish this to be last comment disturbing the thread
All futa
Who is Megan?
All-male party, since we would actually be able to get something done.
Only something like 5% of WOMEN identify as feminists anymore, and the reason why is simple, because nobody buys the whole "Oh, it's about equality" line you spout when you're on the defensive when the rest of the time you're going on about the evils of mankind and how women are oppressed by men farting louder than them.
If you've got Kik or Skype or something, we can discuss it outside Veeky Forums. That tends to be more productive anyway.
>Only something like 5% of WOMEN identify as feminists anymore
What's your source on that?
All female to tell the truth, though is better than either
It's a lot higher than that, at least for women 17-25. Y'know, the time they go to college and do a 180 on their personality.
See, the reason I ask is because that's wrong. It's incredibly wrong. And I want to know where you go that wrong information.
I want you to think "Why did this source give me this information? Why did I consider it an accurate source? Do I still think so?"
all-male party is more focused on task of killing BBEG. In all-female party you BET, there is at least one horny faggot who will make his character a biggest slut in the kingdom and probably will try to seduce and have sex with the said above BBEG
Sources so liberal I almost expected a WaPo link. Reading them, there's not a lot of hard science, but a lot of assumptions, namely that if men weren't evil pigs everything would be equal. The truth is, there are a lot of areas where men are flat-out better, because we have evolved to be doers where women have evolved to be childbirthers.
Here too, you take a natural reaction to women making poor commanders and try to spin it as irrational bias.
Favoritism is exactly what we're discussing, by the way, so take that half-baked argument and put it back in the oven.
>Only something like 5% of WOMEN identify as feminists anymore
Only because feminism has recently gotten a bad name. Press women, even vocal anti-feminist women, about feminist issues in conversation and all of them will be at the very least indifferent to them if not downright sympathetic. Only a tiny minority of women bothers to think about men as anything other than eternal opressors or a tool to be used for their benefit.
Just to name an example, the pro-female bias of courts (especially divorce courts) is infamous (as well as a result of the feminist lobby) and most women are at best indifferent to this. It reminds me of how Sam Harris described Islam: you have a miniscule core of radicals, a small circle of active sympathizers and a huge ring of passive sympathizers, with only a tiny sliver at the edge that argues against all of the aforementioned.
That's literally what feminists do, though. I know being a basement dweller is the norm, but you've heard about them whining for lower standards for the military and firefighters because women can't meet them, right?