>Want to get into 40K
>Buy cheap army online
>Find the nearest store to play with people is ten miles away
>And it turns out I can't paint at all
Want to get into 40K
>be me
>poor /pol/ack living at the edge of nowhere
>single spess mehreens squad costs almost 1/10 of your monthly payment
>buy them anyways
>turns out painting triggers an autist within you, you can spend hours doing it
>paint anything you can
>sadfrog.png 'till the next month
it can get worse, brother
Relax, user.
Despite with Veeky Forums says, most people can't paint for shit.
Work on your stuff til it looks good.
Get pewter models if you can, beceause it's cheep to strip with acetone and re-paint
Jesus fuck, 10 miles is like a half hour by bike, you fat motherfucker.
Everyone sucks at painting when they start. Just stick to the basics and work on getting clean coats down and learn how to use washes and you'll already be in the top 90% just because you actually paint your shit unlike most people. Hell even 3 color standard looks ok at tabletop distance. Remember, you're going to be looking at these things from 3-4 feet away usually, you really don't need to be that good.
>10 miles away
Do you not have a car?
>can't paint
You'll get better with time. My first few models looked like crap but I'm already one of the better painters in my group and I've only been doing it for about a year. It's really not bad once you get some practice in. If anything my trouble spot is making sure I get all the mold lines cleaned up. I almost always miss one that I don't notice until I'm already midpainting or there's one I can't quite reach and it bites me in the ass later
next time try to paint them well
Is a bad idea to glue the models before painting them?
In most cases - no. Super glue usually leave gloss spots. Model glue can damage coat.
>gluing places that will show on the final product
>letting glue seep out of joints
Learn to glue, pleb
Only glue what you need to. The less the model is constructed before painting, the better, so you can reach all details.
>>And it turns out I can't paint at all
Have one free picture from my Duncan folder and git gud at painting
Pro tip, don't play 40k, the price of game to shitty player base ratio is too nasty.
If only my hands didn't always shake...
You should play on those shaky shaky mexican instruments
the thing is, I do. They look far better than the stuff my 40k-mate paints. I'll probably show them up some day, if anybody allows me to borrow their camera.
Prop them up on something for fine details, use the shape of the model to guide the brush for the normal areas and shading.
Try placing the model about 4 inches from the edge of the table rest your forearm on the table. That's ya shaking done with.
t.professional level painter with shaky hands.
Yeah I like to look at the pic of Duncan's first model. It shows how much you can grow if you stick at it.
Forgot the pic
>>And it turns out I can't paint at all
It always starts that way.
I glue most of the mini together, and when you're just starting you might as well glue it completely and not worry about the spots you can't reach like behind the weapon. If you're using a black primer it won't be noticeable.
I highly recommend a liquidy plastic cement with a brush applicator, like Testors's. If you prefer superglue, also get one with a brush applicator. Krazy Glue makes one. Superglue can be snapped off, especially after putting the model in the freezer - maybe use it for arms so you can remove them to paint the recesses. But definitely use plastic cement for small items that you don't want to lose, and I prefer it in general because it melts the plastic just enough to fill/hide gaps.
Prime on a non-humid day, and thin your paints. The cool colors, blue, green, and purple, are much easier to start with than red, orange, yellow, or white. Black is easy to paint to a low standard but tricky to do well so I wouldn't start there either.
Always rumembah ta thin ya paints 'n get a nice, fine tip on ya brush!
Always rumembah ta thin ya paints 'n get a nice, fine tip on ya brush!
alwas rumembah ta thin ya paints 'n get a nice, fine tip on ya brush, fuck you
Please don't swear. Duncan doesn't, and neither should you.
keep at it. left was when i started two years ago, right is this month