This is now your cleric, Veeky Forums. What do you do?
This is now your cleric, Veeky Forums. What do you do?
Induce a TPK and reroll, hope for a better one.
The whole party is then immediately revived due to some divine intervention.
Stop adventuring, cut any contact I have with her and live out my days as a blacksmith.
Die is a stupidity-induced TPK, most likely.
Accompany her to the end, secure in the promise of plot armour and lewds.
Gently, yet firmly, hold hands while assaulting her.
Leave the group.
Start murdering my loli wizard and having my cleric resurrect her so she can cast explosion again repeatedly. I figure we can get a few hundred explosions off a day instead of just one.
>Bully the wizard
Put her on a literal leash and keep an eye on her. She can be pretty OP once trained up, but her maxed Intellect of "Below human average" will be trouble if not monitored properly.
Buy her a proper pair of pants, for starters.
The entire series turns into a comfy Fantasy Village Comedy Romance Anime. You spend your days working in the village while your which works as a shrine maiden and healer.
Your story is the background noise to another Fantasy Action Adventure series, and vice versa.
As a goddess of water, she must be able to let water flow freely.
you're mistaken, Aqua wears normal panties but she makes them invisible because if anyone seen them it would be too lewd
she looks cute, we must protect her
Call the Crusader a slut while stepping on her back and force her into constantly revealing maid uniforms.
... what she loves it?
sell her body for dosh, give her 30%(while saying that it's 100%) cut so she won't protest
Roll to seduce.
Cheese time. Aqua has several times the CR of the rest of her party (though to be fair, her party are all un-optimised, with the rogue having the second highest strength in spite of the fact he's a basement dwelling neet because the cavalier dumped it all in constitution and the rogue himself having less health than the wizard) and several goddess-related abilities. Pair her with a competent follower like a Paladin or another cleric, and watch as they deconstruct the campaign.
You forgot to factor in one little thing.
Or pair her with a bunch of other maladjusted losers and watch as they deconstruct the genre.
Rape. Rape is the only answer.
You could probably trick her into having sex with you, since her intelligence is below average.
Start selling holy water, make big dosh, buy fuckton of skill stones and make myself mage-king
>deconstruct the genre
I want This Troper to leave and go read Jacques Derrida
Except she is too selfish to be willing to create or sell any except for her own benefit and she herself can't raise her stats since she is already maxed (poor thing. forever stupid)
Apply fist to face vigorously and repeatedly, then go blasph-er, hang out with the entirely normal shopkeeper.
She's dumb as a rock, how hard is it to trick her into doing it? She has to pee eventually
And she will keep acting terminally idiotically which will force you to spend all of your earnings into paying for the damage she causes or end up in getting hanged or something
Lock her in a cage and sink it to the bottom of the nearest ocean for unlimited holy water.
Fucking shit.
I sneak out and go piss off a Dullahan, maybe he'll shanghai me into their shitty faction or whatever and I'll get away from that useless female.
She can't get in trouble if you keep forcefeeding her water, user!
I'm not exactly sure about specifics mind you, but it's gonna involve a hell of a lot of bullying. And her healing our frustrations all night every night.
>And her healing our frustrations all night every night
Don't be silly, that's what succubutts are for!
If you can't find a way to trick her into doing it, then you're probably more retarded than her.
>bottom row, 3rd succ
You can't fool me twice
Wiz pls, you're fat enough already
>bottom row, 3rd succ
>You can't fool me twice
U wot? You mean she looks like a trap?
Because all anime looks the same to me, yes she looks like hideyoshi.
Threaten each kingdom with making a monthly Axis Cult festival if they don't give me a shitton of money.
Also become accountant of the Axis Cult and fool them into pulling shady schemes while secretly taking a huge cit of the money for myself.
Sounds good, user.
Play a tranquillity monk so I can make sure I can survive and save the others.
Leave the rest to our scumbag bard to deal with.
>cavalier dumped it all in constitution
Darkness did put a shitload of points into strength too, though. She could break Kauzma in half with little issue.
No , she's a Con based crusader with maxed Str but never learned swordsmanship so she isn't proficient with any weapons. But she's great at wrestling and unarmed combat.
Bitch took the tavern brawler feat but didn't bother to learn how to use her weapon.
To bad she is in a system that use DEX to calculate BAB.
Yes, this is the only reasonable answer. Leashes are the solution to all rowdy party members.
You typed no and then agreed with him...
user, she can't even hit a target that's standing still and is bigger than her
>Veeky Forums
this needs numbers for rollan
I disagree, everyone already knows pink a best-cubus.
I want to see an episode of a standard Western live-action but with fan-service shots like these. Like an episode of Bones where it will randomly cut to a close-up, down-the-blouse shot of the scientist chick's cleavage in the middle of a conversation.
>Standard live action
Prison School had a live action adaptation
Fanservice? In the West? In live action? In THE CURRENT YEAR?
I have a high-heels fetish, shit makes me rockhard.
But nips and their 2Ds always have these shitty mom-heels. It makes my penis retract back into my body out of disgust.
It's not about who's best but what fate has deemed you deserve, user.
Be that guy, obviously.
>shitty mom-heels
You don't like professional heels that skirt the edge between decent and sexy? Next you're going to tell me you don't like office ladies in tightly fitted skirtsuits.
Give her the old lickeroo
Considering Aqua this is something that makes even too much sense
Worse: it's canon.
Oh god
>2nd row, 2nd from the right
Just found my reason to go adventuring.
Oh, no, no, no, you're not gonna twist this around.
These blocky-ass shit heels that make little more than an inch of height difference are NOT sexy, NOT SEXY!
Office ladies are hawt but only if they have decent heels.
Put a collar on her and then slap her whenever she says anything even remotely annoying.
Aqua is shit. SHIIIIIIIIIIT.
Read again, the invisible panties is a joke. She is just going commando.
Kazuma is actually super well optimized
He's essentially running a gimmick build based on his stupidly high Luck
All his combat skills are "those". You know, the abilities that are really good but underutilized because they rely a lot more on RNG than other base skills. He just happens to Crit every time with them. And all his utility/ease-of-living skills make him good at social-fu or positioning to use his gimmicks.
Thats why when he's with "normal" people shit gets done. But when he's with the 3 idiots one of them rolls a 1 at the worst possible time in every scenario and so it turns into a clusterfuck that forms the backbone of the series comedy.
And that's why The Chivalrous Thieving Group sections are so satisfying to read. Kazuma's demigod luck and Chris' divine luck essentially form a zone of "Natural 20s on EVERYTHING"
>Chris and Kazuma teaming up
I'd start reading the LN if reading on a computer screen wasn't tedious as fuck.
I love how Konosuba draws and animate their breasts for some reason.
Why would you separate a Slav from his tracksuit?
Baywatch was what, 15 years ago?
Actually, she probably doesn't wear any panties at all. There's a lot of evidence to it, not the least of which that kazuma tried to steal them. And failed. He isn't capable of that unless they simply aren't there.
You see user, that's the other side of having a fetish, the part that no one tells you about.
When you start noticing the best part about something, you also come in contact with the worst of it.
You can tell people "high heels are my fetish", and they will only understand that every footwear of the sort counts, not that there are good and bad ways of pulling them off.
is that a fucking snail
Name her Lyn, hold hands.
I feel it's the same when you say you have a thing for people of a particular ethnicity.
If we go by anime version, that may be a proper explanation. However if we go by LN, the other explanation is that Aqua doesn't really care much about sex or humility, in which all the trinkets she carries around are much more important to her.
"It's a racing snail!"
Strength does not equal accuracy. Especially in a system where swordsmanship is a skill that you need to put skill points in.
Western cartoons are full of fan service, just a different kind. I've noticed western cartoons and even movies will go out of their way to include a scene with sexy girls tied up and gagged.
Rolled 60 (1d100)
Roll for succubutt/succuboobs
Rolled 77 (1d100)
Wew lad
Cum inside her ass daily.
Rolled 87 (1d100)
Show me who of you is gonna visit me tonight
I was hoping for 73-74 but okay.
>That look that says,"That's it? It's not just hiding?"
user, your loins are a disappointment. A disaloinment.
Rolled 55 (1d100)
Roll me like a damn fiddle
Finally, something good comes out of this thread.
Rolled 2 (1d100)
Just realized these are dubs. If only they were quads.
I'm honestly surprised that's the only semen demon in the entire picture I'm not attracted to in any way
>Consider the following
I probably shouldn't spoiler these so people can see the filename.
Wow, if only I could PUNch you in the face for saying that!
Seriously tho my dick is enormeous compared to the average nip, so shut your mouth