CYOA thread

last throb

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What is this, a CYOA for ants?

>didn't save properly

And thus Commander Omni-Wall was born.



And user said, "Let there be OC," and there was gentle femdom.

Disclaimer: It's not entirely finished yet. But it's mostly functional so here.



>What system would be best used for a magical girl game?
BESM would probably work well in addition to the other systems mentioned. BESM = Big Eyes Small Mouths, it's all anime based.



Excellent work user! What's left to add to it? Will there be a second page of some sort?

> One day a young ninja named Kaneki was attacked by a Dead Apostle Ancestor.


>Already have gotten so much OC
>Multiple galleries that cater to my fetishes extremely well
>Now this

What a time to be alive. Cheers user

Ideal waifu generator?


>Christmas Cake
>Equal Height (6'2")
>Child Bearing
>Bob Cut
>Private Submissive
>Tattoos, Glasses
>Generous, Smugtacular, Charisma, Tomboy, Heavy Drinker, Cool, Pervert, Kind-Hearted, Idealistic, Laid-Back
>Lifting, Anime, Computer, Cooking, Lazing

>acquire Veeky Forums gentle femdom waifu who shares all of my most important hobbies
>get shredded and eat like a king
>nightly destructo-sex

Well thanks user, now I'm sad.

The finished product will be exactly 10,000 pixels long. It's basically one more section for choosing fetishes and whether she wants to enact that fetish on you, receive it from you, or wants it both ways. I decided to give it a bit more time for writing since I'm not quite sure how to write descriptive and appealing paragraphs for fetishes I don't have but are closely linked to gentle femdom. So I'll probably have it finished in eventually, but likely just a few days.

Even without that part the cyoa is still good to play, so knock yourselves out.

In general I would say that I like it (it's pretty hot), but those butt and hips size images are not exactly well-chosen. They're all very similar and not of a wide variety of size. Even the waifish size is average or even above average to be quite honest.


Posting for Beri.

Fresh Graduate


Regular Weight


Child Bearing


Sex Hair

Sexual Predator

Private Submissive


Neat Freak


Long Tongue

I wouldn't have made a build if there wasn't a Private Submissive option. Girls that are capable and forward on the outside but actually want to be dommed on the inside are my favorite.

Marquise Valeria Procula

>Habitable World 25
>Cities (Free)
>Mines (Free)
>Spaceport 30
>Hypernet Node 35
>Orbital defenses 45
>Construction yards 70
>Subterranean Cities 80

>Moon (Habitable) 100
>Mines (Free)
>Cities (Free)
>Spaceport (Free)

>Star (Sunlike) 110
>Antimatter Station 155

>Dreadnought 255
>Hyperflux Shields 260
>Teleport Bay 265
>Hospital 270
>Point Defense Turrets 275
>EMP Beam 280
>Anti-Cloaking Array 285
>Integrated Jump Gate 300
>Drone Hanger 305
>Drop Pods 310
>Onboard Constructors 320
>Siege Weaponry 325
>Planet Destroyer Weapon 415
>Armoured Regiment 440
>Antigrav Packs 445
>All-Environment Proofing 450
>Size Increase (10,000) 500

>Self-Repairing Vehicles
>Anti-Ageing Serum
>Industrial Antimatter

>Princess Theia 100

Everyone knew something wasn't quite right with her from a young age. But what could they do about it? She was the Princess' favorite cousin! They played together as children! Why not just stick her on a populated, but out of the way planet and forget about it? 15 Years later the population of the world of Temnaya Ten' and it's moon live deep in underground cities. Under Marquise Valeria Procula's iron fist, the whole society has been practically enslaved and is devoted to mining and building The Marquise's personal army, including one of the largest ships ever built and exhausting her planet's resources. The force may be impractical, but is truly terrifying to behold. Her obsession, strange as it may be, has at least led to the disappearance of pirates in the sector. Now that Princess Theia's grown and is looking for allies in her quest to become Empress, her estranged former playmate may yet be an even greater service to the galaxy.....


Also, no option for picking hair or skin color?

High School

Bee Stings
Bob Cut

Private Sub

Inhumanity (Animal Ears)

Neat Freak


A+ CYOA, though I have no idea what this has to do with femdom


>not finished
I can wait

This needs a Corvette/frigate and light/heavy freighter options

You can figure that out in your own, can't you? Or do you need your hand held the entire way? What about her eye color and favorite makeup, don't you need to pick that?

>Fresh Graduate
Just slightly older than me. Definitely don't want younger.
>Towering Giant
If I'm going tall, I might as well go all the way.
It is gentle femdom after all.
Without a second though.
For maximum hourglass shape, and balance purposes.
It was close between this or noble.
Because then I still have the option for long and straight.
Tad more than regular.
>Erratically Dom
I'd like to have at least a little bit of say in things.
>Inhumanity x5
I had no idea I was gonna be able to make her a monster girl. Even better.


>Black Sclera (Yellow iris)
>Scaly skin
>Extra arms
>Snake tail
>Strange skin

10/10 user. If anything, I feel like you're too generous.

/r/ing some cyoas that allow you to pick from a chart of team members to assemble the perfect squad.

There are options for hair styles. Those are mutable and could change literally day to day. Skin and hair color is permanent. It just seems like a really backwards way of doing it to me.


>Physiology 1
>Choose Appearance 1: Similar to the left of pic related
>Sustenance 1

>Language 1: English
>Processing 2
>Social 1
>Quick-Witted 2
>Knowledge 2


Greetings, human! I am Resollthi Tetharr, representative of Ziawauid Deaimim, the Provisor of External Affairs of the Sophonity! Your species has been sending radio signals out into space for several decades, and have been received by the Sophon Republic. After much deliberation, my superior has decided that now is an adequate time to "extend our hand in greetings", as you humans would refer to it, and I have been entrusted with the first contact procedure. After analyzing your planet, it has been found that you were the head of this extraterrestrial contact program for quite some time, and as such have been designated as a suitable first contact advocate. I would request that you assemble your academic contacts for a technological demonstration, as a measure of goodwill. We amidst the Sophonity look forward to conducting many experiments alongside your species' intellectuals within the laboratory!

I wasn't sure about adding skin color, do you think it would improve your experience? To be honest I probably won't add hair color no matter what though.

Why? And I just felt it kinda weird given the fact there is option for hair style. Styles change all the time, but there's no picking something permanent?

I'd be fine coming up with it on my own, I just found what was included and what was included to be kind of strange.

*what wasn't included.



I've made a terrible mistake, I have the unfinished version saved.

That said, there probably won't be very many responses anyway now that player submitted companions are closed.

I can't not finish posting it at this point though.

Yeah, I'd imagine we're all pretty burned out on it.


You better go back and save the player companions.


So, is Forth-Wall Awareness what is says on the tin, or just like philosophical understanding of the universe?

College Student

Average Breasts
Average Behind
Long and Straight
Mostly Equal



-College Student (19)
>Size Ratio:
-Equal Height
>Physical Build:
-Regular Weight
>Breast Size:
>Butt & Hips:
-Average Behind
>Facial Features:
-Bob Cut
>Sex Drive:
>Romantic Attitude:
-Mostly Equal
-Double Amputee (both arms)
>Personality Traits:
-Bant Master

you fool

That's a really fucking silly thing to nitpick. He already has limited space and you want to waste it on picking between being white or being a nigger?

Why include hairstyles then?

How do the changes from Form and Perversion differ (if at all) in regards to stuff like permanence, dispellability, and suitable targets?

Is the permanence for others from Perversion A undoable with itself, or would I need Form B+ to return them to their previous shape?

Is Perversion enough to return mana batteries to normal?

I'm confused. Why did you call this Femdom? Looks like an average waifu builder.
You also seem to have mixed up the breast images. What you call small is average, and what you call average is busty. But maybe you're using anime standards?

Name: Ra'ak
>Adult Mage
>Avian (Crow)
Conjuration: Recall
Artifice: Null Object

The Northern War

Reborn as a small, black bird, nobody would have ever expected that such a little, fleeting thing would grow to be one of the most valuable spies in the entire Xerian army. Master Ivan and Ra'ak were "selected" for the draft early on, and it became quickly evident that their abilities would most likely best be used for sabotage and spying on the enemy.
The bird, with such a small frame, was frequently mistaken for just that, a bird. A wizard's familiar couldn't be something so mundane, especially in wartime when so many other crows were present. Any chance that they'd be found out was quickly stopped, for as soon as Ra'ak was in danger, he found himself back at his master's side. But the war would be long, and only time would tell if they both would survive...

Ars Goetia is pretty legit, and Yellow Ring isn't hard either, but I'd go with the D&D Ring and take Lucid Dreaming, Autohypnosis, and Knowledge (Religion). Even if I can't use Sanctum Spell-Storing Item, and even if I can't use Lucid Dreaming to create real items, I can definitely use Lucid Dreaming to contact people, Autohypnosis to remember everything I've seen or read, and find somebody with a craft ring to supply points from ritual sacrificing to, and pick things up from there.

Baron Sigismund Badenhaldt

>Dead Planet "Teach" (+Metal Mines, +Subterranean Cities, +Orbital Defenses, Spaceport) [65D]
>Moon "Callahan" (Habitable) [45D]

>Battleship "King Phillip" (+Point Defense Turrets, Hyperflux Shields, Drone Hangar) [-10D]
>5 Cruisers (+Hyperflux Shields, +Point Defense Turrets) [-60D]

>TECHNOLOGIES: FTL Inhibitors [2], Self-Repairing Vehicles [1], FTL Sensors [0]

>AGENTS: Brana [235I], CaladriusA5 [215I], Georgia Lorentz [185I], The Hellhound [140I]

>FREEBIES: 1 Battleship "King William"

>ALLIES: Rathe Manufacturing [115I], Captain Sasha [90I]

>FOES: Princess Theia [140I, -10D], Gilbereth Ertin [150I, 0D]

>FURTHER ALLIES: Assassin's Troupe [125I], Baron Gregory [100I]

>FURTHER SHIPS: Battleship "King Malcom" [50I], Jump Gates [40I], Armoured Regiment [25I]

>FURTHER AGENTS: Scarlet Demonde [0I]

It was forty years ago. A pirate by the name of Siegfried went on a rampage across the galaxy. By no means was he powerful enough to take on the entire Imperial Fleet - but he was persistent, he was cunning, and he was nearly uncatchable. He became so much of a nuisance that the Powers that Be made him a deal - his raids against the law-abiding citizens of the galaxy would cease, and in turn, he would be granted a barony of his very own. Lands and titles, which would pass to his sons, and their sons, and their sons.

I should have known it was a trap. Once my father perished, my older brothers were quickly 'removed' by the agents of the Crown. Now only I, the youngest, remain.

By the time they came for me, however, the captain of the Black Moon Pirates had already gotten word that her oldest peer's sons were being picked off. I owe her my life.

Come what may, I know the Princess will never leave me in peace. Like my father, I've no chance of beating her in a fair fight. So I'll fight like a pirate. I'll play dirty. I'll cut corners. I'll get the worst of the worst on my side if I have to.

Bring it on.

>Fresh graduate
Around my age but with a steady income.
>Towering Giant
I don't understand why not everyone takes this, you want the best genetic match right?
>sexy hair
>sexual predator
>publicly traditional
it's always important to keep up the veneer of normalcy
>no extra traits
these seem like drawbacks to me
>neat freak
I've got to say, I really enjoy this section
>video games
all-in-all a nice level of customization
what if companion sections in non-waifu CYOA's worked like this?

This formatting looks familiar...


Haha, no way. I'm not that good at formatting. My CYOAs look like shit. user who made this new gfd CYOA has got it down pat.

>Electra Lechten

Being woke isn't a mental disorder

Quick, I need three edgy armor ideas besides "plate mail with skulls on it," "magic tatoos," and "chainmail made of literal chains."

Trenchcoat looking black armor.

Armor that gets nailed into your skin. Armor that is made of bones. Leather armor made from human skin.

Armor made of the literal flames of hell, which shall burn to ash anyone except its chosen wearer.

A vampire's cape and suit, with bloodstains for extra edge.

Whatever the fuck pic related is supposed to be.


Armor literally made out of rusty razor-blades.

Window Washer (Somewhere inthe midwest that's just populated enough to have a few thousand people. Somewhere with grass for her large feet to frolic in. Concrete is shit to walk on with bare feet.)
Arabian Nights (Wear a fucking watch that goes off like a motherfucker after a couple hours, then four. Just make sure...)
Ascend ( put a pebble watch in my body and make sure it's running on 'the power from your daily motion' or something.)


Repostin things, are we Angel? Or are you a shitposting clone?

You're just not thinking edgy enough. Don't think plate mail with skulls on it, think molten metal forged into ever burning plate by the pain and suffering of the damned. Don't think magic tattoos, think the souls of the damned and the darkness they hide in ground into ever changing ink forced into one's body. Don't think of chainmail made of chains, think of vengeance forged into metal binding and wrapping around the one that holds hatred in their hear.

Live corgis sewn together

Shirtless with magic purple glowing tattoos.

There is nothing wrong with spiked, skull covered heavy armor.

>pic related, an assassin and overall pretty decent guy

Metal alien skull bikini that vomits lava

Who is he?

Oh shit, is that King Hassan?

It's one of my favorite builds. And lots of other people liked it when I made it to.

>Modern Crusade
>Mechanized armor

Papa Hassan is such a cool guy. Dude proves that skulls and spikes ain't so edgy.

Free plate of dates with every camel purchased!

In Ascend, it says "Monster Mast" instead of "Monster Mash".

New Island CYOA by me :

Tried to post it here directly like 10 times, didn't work.

Text is way too small for me to read at all on the full res image from imgur. Looks like it may be interesting though.

Pages are different widths, and the first page is over 1900 pixels wide.

Gonna make it into a 3 pages format then

>Window Washer
>Monster Mash
>Shadow Bride
My evil plot is to take the Window Washer as my bride, and to be able to have same-size romantic trysts with her on spookyween.

Monster Mash.
Mechanized Armor.

Monster Mash + Cheshire means eternal monster mode, more or less. Mechanized Armor will insulate against accident and murder. The three of these will also boost combat potential.

Now what to do with it?

Solve the immigrant crisis in Europe. Violently.

I gotcha, bropai.

1 of 4 pages.

2 of 4

3 of 4

Page 4 of 4

>Monster Mash
For a new, superior, form.
>Combat Trainer
To git gud, and to get a comrade and guns.
>Monster Capsule
For reconnaissance and permanent transformation from Monster Mash.

You have my PKM.


Elely confuses me. Does she retroactively adjust to whatever level of strength you pick, is she always at a hypothetical tier 4 version of power and would always pick on you no matter whether you were a brawn or brain person, or is she just some master fighting technician?



The femdom part hasn't been added yet, it's the missing piece.

I'm the same guy who made NTR Quest and Mental Ilness quest and all the other stuff associated with those CYOAs.

Doomseer and only Doomseer.


Mental Illness quest is the best Cyoa this year