>the DM was using nothing but the spongebob OST as his campaign music all along
The DM was using nothing but the spongebob OST as his campaign music all along
How would someone NOT notice this during the first session?
he used it sparingly, and always the least obvious pieces
I'm imaging a very confusing game of Shadowrun with youtu.be
Your tip off should've been when he played Ocean Man, OP.
Well, of course. At the beginning the GM described it as "Spongebob meets Clockwork Orange," and the whole thing was a rather introspective deconstruction of Spongebob as a medium.
what's the soundtrack's name in the episode when they were telling the woman that they are all squidward
How about trying to find it for yourself
good luck
>That 3-digit repetition
But seriously, I'm pretty sure that's a relatively common stadium rave.
Or maybe I'm just going nuts.
>scroll through 400+ soundtracks of spangebab to find a specific one
>user gives me yet another list
i guess it would be easier to make one myself
Or... find that episode, then go to the credits.
normally i would say that you have an awesome GM and should be thankful but...
literally pleb-tier
never thought about that, thanks
your first clue should have been when the Ocean Man took you by the hand and lead you to that land that he understood.
>Spongebob meets Clockwork Orange
> introspective deconstruction of Spongebob as a medium
How do you even make a campaign like that?! I want it!
Honestly, aside from the intro and maybe 4 other songs, I don't think I'd recognize anything from Spongebob.
Even if I did recognize a song, I still would think that that's the only Spongebob song he used.
This. Also believe it or not, although most people obviously know and recognise Spongebob, not everyone actually watched it, at least not that much. I for example didn't even have any channels on which it aired as a kid.
>Spongebob as a medium.
Okay you HAVE to tell us about this campaign. I am much much more fascinated by this than I have any right to be.
I remember that meme.
I agree.
This. I never watched it as a kid, but I was familiar with it and came to know the characters and episodes through vox populi.
>as a medium
Seriously, what?
Sponge Bob has some top tier music
Well, shit. I didn't think anyone would be interested. I made that shit up.
Though if you wanted to run something like that it would be done with Toon, except serious, and, well, run like an episode of Ren and Stimpy.
As for spongebob as a medium... well, you can express anything with Spongebob Screencaps.
Basically it would be using spongebob to express something dark and ugly about humanity, life, philosophy, etc, but where someone might normally die or become traumatized... well, they're Toons.
It would require a particularly good GM though, someone who understands the difference between demonstrating sadism and humanity's ugliest traits in order to tell a story, and someone who shoves it into their setting because Muh Edginess.
I know you did, the idea just seemed so bizarre I had to reply and try to actually conceive it.
A Spongebob game with a dark twist seem like something that, in very specific conditions and with very specific players could actually work out great.
That's some good shit right there.