Just as Planned Edition
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Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
Just as Planned Edition
>army builder
>General's Handbook pdf
>OP image album
Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
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Steampunk duradin stuff. Maybe jetpacks. Who knows?
So how many unique posters do we get in these thread on average?
Is gaunt summoner still that good after the familiars nerf?
Reminder that this guys will be more than often on the batle very soon, so dont ever hope to field a slow melee focused list with no range option that have no mean to catch them
Anything from 60-90, depends how fast the thread go
Thinking I may mount my Skyfires and whatnot on just Screamers. I honestly hate the look of disks and much prefer the Screamers look.
Yes, just like Kairos.
Kairos got a slight nerf and he will still end up in 100% of the non tallyband of nurgle chaos list.
The only real thing he lost with the familiars is +1 to cast.
The only thing the gaunt summoner lost is +1 to cast*
I can already see 9 of them hanging with pic related in most games
Just played my first two real games today. 1000pts and I was Skaven.
I won both of them, I played against Fyreslayers and Beastclase Riders. Both games I just just tarpitted them with clanrats.
This game does not seem to have much tactical depth.
I've been thinking of starting Age of Sigmar, and The Nurgle Rotbringers have caught my eye. But how well do they perform while in the game?
What were the lists ?
>Plays an army designed to tarpit
>'hurr why do i have 2 tarpit bad game! :('
What does Kairos offer that the Lord of Change can't do just as well or better for 40 pts less, now that the reroll can't be used on initiative?
- Casting: Both cast the same.
- Unbinding: LoC can learn unbound spells.
- Melee: A melee build LoC is just as good as Kairos
- Durability: Exactly the same.
- Spells: Infernal Gateway > Gift of Change
- Shooting: Kairos does not have shooting
- Command: Kairo does not have a Command Ability
- Options: Kairos can't have command traits or relics.
Am I missing something here?
Blightkings are good, sorcerers are shit.
>sorcerers are shit
In what way? And what about the harbringer of decay?
We cant field 2 LoC in any efficient way so LoC + Kairos it is I guess.
Why not? Assuming the inbound Tzeentchian daemon lore isn't total garbage I would still use a second LoC over Kairos.
>in what way
In the way that their unique spell is mostly garbage and that his one ability is very limited; gaining maybe two wounds per game isn't going to stop anything from staving his face in.
Harbinger is good though.
Ok, so what units should I get for a fun and solid 1000p army of Rotbringers? And should I get some nurgle daemons in the future?
The old version with the familars is still on the app and costs the same as the one without, so feel free to include that instead.
That said, the gaunt summoner is outrageously good even with the removal of the +1 familiar. Infernal Flames will just cleave units to bits.
the lore is already available on gamesworkshop.com you can see the cards
and there
Make ' em basketballs.
Unless you've already forgotten about AGE OF SLAM
That would make me feel like a WAACfag, it seems cheesy to take the familiars...
My list:
Skaven Warlord
Warlock Engineer
Clanrats -10x
Clanrats -40x
Skyre Acolytes - 5x
Stormfiends -3x (ratling gun, warpfire, doomflayer)
Grimwrath berserker
Hearthguard berserkers 5x
Auric hearthguard 10x
Vulkites 25x
mournfang pack -2x
mournfang pack -2x
I'm not complaining that I had to tarpit. I'm just saying that's all I had to do. I literally just ran clanrats forward and had them get in the way for the first turns and scored enough VP that they couldn't catch up.
Hell, the Beastclaws tabled me on the bottom of turn 3 but I still had more VP so I "won"
Missions were Escalation against the dwarves and three places of power against beastclaws.
>I'm not complaining that I had to tarpit. I'm just saying that's all I had to do. I literally just ran clanrats forward and had them get in the way for the first turns and scored enough VP that they couldn't catch up.
I mean skaven is basically the counter to mortal wounds spam, had the beastclaw player tried to do something interesting it could have been more fun.
how can you win the meteor scenario if he has 2 turn with no skaven on the table to have points ?
I mean i admit you put a lot of effort as a whfb troll to actually make list but read the ghb next time.
also whfb was basically 4x50 skave strengh in number + IP + banner faggotry and 2 Hellpit abom.
ogre, chaos chosenstar, deamons, dark elves and high elves were basically "charge forward to win" and it was the block with BotWD or the biggest buff that won.
so AoS is just as "Deep" as whfb was, if you want every move to count try X-wing.
We didn't play the meteor one.
I've also never played WHFB. I'm a refugee from Warmachine since the local community disintegrated and AoS is the most played game locally.
I just wanna play wargames.
Lore of Fate:
- Bolt of Change: unimpressive, but I suppose it's a reasonable fallback.
- Glimpse of the Future: the Destiny Dice mechanic is pretty cool, but sacrificing one of your casts for a 50% chance to maybe get a useful die seems ill-advised
- Treacherous Bond: Look out, Sir! - AoS edition. On a two-cast wizard it'd be nice to have, on a Ogroid I'm not convinced giving up Fireblast for it.
- Infusion Arcanum (previously leaked): A melee buff you probably shouldn't need on anything but the Ogroid and even then it's iffy.
Lore of Change:
- Bolt of Tzeentch: still not amazing
- Arcane Transformation: Pumping up a Hero seems potent, especially with a reasonable cast value and it being permanent. That said, it only working once per hero limits it massively.
- Tzeentch's Firestorm: This is the MVP for me. 9d6, with every 6 causing d3 mortal wounds (can be seen is brutal. I hope the cast value is not too high.
I'm sorry, but i forgot to save the Tzaangor warscroll. Could some Kind user please repost it?
Here you go.
what army do i play if i wanna win
I accept all the shit thrown at me if this is the wrong place but I just saw stuff about recaster mail leak on yoyhammer (apparently from aos thread, hence the placement). I only have three (and the only big one is CCON) so I though I'd try my luck with any helpful anons.
Thank you kind user!
Beastclaw raiders and spam mortal wounds desu. Stonehorns & Thundertusk spam. Don't be THAT GUY though. They'll be nerfed/there'll be a new top tier army later.
Try once more, this time in proper English maybe?
Seraphon bring the most bullshit per unit choice if that's what you are after.
>They'll be nerfed
I hope so.
>there'll be a new top tier army soon
I really hope not. That is not a power level I want exceeded in the game
>>there'll be a new top tier army soon
>I really hope not. That is not a power level I want exceeded in the game
I was thinking more in terms of meta shift. Right now mortal wounds is the order of the day. As SkavenAnon said earlier, you can tarpit the fuck out of them with mortal wounds, and you'll rek them with objectives. I agree they're really stupid right now.
obligatory elves when post
Release Slaanesh, you filthy bastards!
Aelfs bullying Slaanesh or Daemonettes when?
What do you think the best loadout for a LoC will be? The Baleful Sword has Rend-2 which seems nice, but the Rod of Sorcery machinegun seems the best. I don't think you'd want to fly your LoC into combat.
No! She's ours now.
If the Twistbray can be a Mutant, they'll be putting out a ton of attacks at +2, yeah?
Rod of Gatling by far. The sword swings a patheic number of times and the claws are underwhelming.
Just hang back, pop Beacon of Sorcery, cast Infernal Gateway and, say, Firestorm of Tzeentch at 18", then supplement it with 2d6 elite-tier shots at the same range. Season to taste with relics and command traits as well as Destiny Dies.
I'm actually hoping to see a new Aelf faction that uses an enslaved Slaanesh as the base of it's army. Like they have a new breed of daemonette slaves that they use as Troop meat shields. Maybe they even created all sorts of new crazy looking things to use as models.
Is this list any good? This is basically all I own with the exception of a chaos spawn and some chaos warhounds
>Lord of Plagues (100)
>Beastlord (80)-Man Ripper Axes
>Malagor, The Dark Omen (120)
>10 x Gors (80)-Gor Blade & Beastshield
>10 x Gors (80)-Gor Blades
>10 x Gors (80)-Gor Blades
>10 x Ungor Raiders (80)
>3 x Bullgors (180)-Pair of Bullgor Axes
>10 x Bestigors (140)
>10 x Ungor Raiders (80)
>3 x Nurglings (80)
>Cygor (200)
>Chaos Gargant (180)
>Balewind Vortex (100)
Total: 1500p
>Slaanesh cucked by Aelves
>is it any good?
No. But at least you have some heavyweights to carry you.
I was looking at the Tzaangor Warscroll and I was wondering, is it worth to take the max ammount of savage greatblades? It looks worth it to me, but i'm not the best AoS player.
Good in what way? Is your meta casual or competitive? Are you trying to be competitive or are you trying to have fun?
Generally, if you have to ask if a list is good, you're not going to be ready for competitive anyway. But that's fine. Competitive play is honestly terrible at being "fun".
Why not go out and play some games at your FLGS for fun instead of worrying if your list is "good"?
But to answer your question, no, not at all. :^]
Each additional attack gained makes the greatblades more interesting.
so, if you take 20+ tzaangors you should probably take max greatblades, a twistbray mutant and then load up the rest with shields.
sounds extra heretical
So no other guy as mutants other than the twistbray? I could work that.
>Hell, the Beastclaws tabled me on the bottom of turn 3 but I still had more VP so I "won"
Border of War I take it?
Then that was a strategic error on the Beastclaw player's part. He should not have committed to killing everything you had but kept some forces back to capture objectives for a few turns and score objective.
You won because your opponent made a strategic mistake.
You also immediatly lose when your opponent tables you so you dient win both games regardless of points
>so, if you take 20+ tzaangors you should probably take max greatblades, a twistbray mutant and then load up the rest with shields.
So you can keep the extra attacks on the greatblades for as long as possible? in that case 4 shields > 4 attacks. Which I suppose makes sense.
Bingo. Well, at least I'd assume so. I mean, I haven't had a chance to test that out on the able yet.
I think you're right though, the attacks with the greatblade are much more valuable than the 3+/4+ no rend attacks, so you want to keep them hitting as hard as possible. Plus, shields help against mortal wounds which is nice. I really love Tzaangors how Tzaangors look and I'm glad they look pretty nasty.
>I really love Tzaangors how Tzaangors look and I'm glad they look pretty nasty.
Slav tier writing. Meant I love how they look and I'm glad they buffed the warscroll...
Can someone upload during these days the videos of the Grand Tournament of upcoming this saturday/sunday??
Newbie player here, how exactly does rending work? I played my first game the other day and everything went well, but for some reason the rending just doesn't make sense. My opponent was not much help. Can someone explain it to me?
>Newbie player here, how exactly does rending work? I played my first game the other day and everything went well, but for some reason the rending just doesn't make sense. My opponent was not much help. Can someone explain it to me?
It's quite simple.
You basically subtract Rend from their Save. For a concrete example. Imagine I have a unit with a 4+ save, and you have a -1 Rend. This means that their new save is (4 + 1) = 5+.
Rend is basically armor penetration, and it's really good in almost every situation.
Damn. I feel dumb now. But thank you very much. So, if something had higher rend amount, how does that work when save rolls go up to 6? Is that basically unavoidable damage?
>You basically subtract Rend from their Save
Not quite. You subtract rend from their Save ROLL. This is basically the same, but for abilities that e.g. "if you roll 6 of higher on your save do a mortal wound to the attacker" then it affects that too.
A rend of -1 means subtract 1 from what I roll for my save - e.g. a roll of 6 to save becomes a 5 and soforth.
It's almost the same as changing the save, but subtly different.
>Damn. I feel dumb now. But thank you very much. So, if something had higher rend amount, how does that work when save rolls go up to 6? Is that basically unavoidable damage?
Not necessarily. You can have abilities that buff your save (for example Mystic shield), and they only work if the unit already has a save. However, in most cases, yes, rending above 6+ would mean that they can't save it.
The game is over as soon as you are tabled, but you still go to VP on who wins. Any of the scenarios state that whoever has the most vp when the the game is over wins, and in the case of a tie, whoever destroyed more points.
Wait, so does that mean I do the damage or you get a better save chance?
Yeah, big time. I honestly didn't expect them to buff Tzaangors much beyond maybe getting another attack for their main weapon.
As is they are a pretty exciting unit with a lot of interesting interactions.
So say you have a unit with 5+ armor. I hit you with a -2 rending attack. You save becomes a 7+ now. You cannot save that attack if they have no modifiers to their save such as cover, mystic shield, or stormcast buff.
I'm torn atm if I should start a Tzeentch army. Already got a mixed Skaven force and a Dark Elf force which is largely in the box unpainted.
Considering to sell the Dark Elves and just get some Tzeentch as a new side project. Would allow me to still field them with my Skaven while still offering me something else to paint.
However, I'm afraid that I'm only hard for Tzeentch since it's new and that I'll lose interest once they are no longer the new thing.
You still save worse the lower the Rend becomes, i.e. a 4+ save with Rend -1 becomes a 5+, with Rend -2 a 6+ and so on.
It's just a semantic difference that's relevant for some special abilities. Don't worry too much about it for now.
I get that, but this anonIs saying that the rend reduces the save amount, doesn't that mean the opponent gets a better save chance? Or is that for me?
>Wait, so does that mean I do the damage or you get a better save chance?
Sorry if I explained it badly. Let's take my fictional "if you roll 6 of higher on your save do a mortal wound to the attacker" unit.
It has a save of 5+ for example. If I get attacked by a unit with no Rend, I get to deal mortal wounds to you on a 6.
If I get attacked by a unit with -1 rend, when I roll a 6, I add the modifier(-1), and then it becomes a 5, so it doesn't deal the mortal wound.
This works both ways. If I have Mystic Shield (+1 modifier to my save roll), if I roll a 5 I add the modifier, giving me 6. I can then deal the mortal wound to the attacker.
Hopefully this is clear :)
Oh ok. I get it now. You see, he was playing khorne daemons and had just told me that "they just do a lot of damage because they are a strong army" so I didn't know what to make of that.
So this is for you as the player, so then against your opponent is like ?
So rend for you is a good thing, and rend for your opponent is a bad thing.
>So this is for you as the player, so then against your opponent is like ?
>So rend for you is a good thing, and rend for your opponent is a bad thing.
Yes. Rend is always bad for the player who is recieving attacks. -1 rend is more common than -2 rend and -3 is quite rare. Some units can ignore all rend, some units ignore rend of -1 (so a rend of -2 wound still work as normal).
Thank you!
I'm wondering if the go to battlelines for Tzeentch will be 2x Tzaangors 1x Horrors, as the Horrors have the Wizard Keyword. Kairic seem overcosted.
I can see two big Tzeentch themes. Either big Tzaangor squad that will get buffed up to hit hard or multiple small tzaangor squads to throw out mortal wounds with the banner.
Kairic's are just okay. They are pretty much just pink horrors with their scroll and being next to a hero with decent melee attacks, but no magic. Maybe take them all with shields to atleast give them a 6+ ignore all damage save since they probably won't be getting much with a 6+ anyways.
I wanna see what we can do with Enlightened. They sound okay on paper with -1 rend and 2 damage each and with 4 wounds and 16" move they can easily get to where they need. I think the true winners are Skyfyres. Just the ability to shoot 24" away for d3 damage and with decent buffs, you can cause a decent amount of damage. Taking a squad of six with buffs from the Shaman, and unless you can get some good buffs from Tzeentch or Alliegence or take general chaos, you can get +2 to hit on them. So that's mortal wounds on a 4+. with the rest of the dice hitting on a 2+. Right away 6 mortal wounds is nice. Evening going next to Damned terrain and taking a +1 hit but d3 wounds just to mortal wound on a 3+ might even be worth it. I can see them being a great counter to teleport retributors with being able to snipe out the Knight Azyros, or any buffing hero. And two six man squads can easily delete any monster threat. And while I don't think they're better than Kurnoth hunters with 2 shotting attacks each at d3 damage, the mobility is nice and using fate dice to alpha strike a scary monster is always good.
Thoughts on the Blightking? Really still new to painting human flesh/armour
Sorry guys double shift with liek 6 hours sleep killed me
Maybe elves get corrupted by slaanesh while they are holding him?
Kairics are overcosted like woah. 140 is 40 to much, at least.
Big Tzaangor squad with an Ogroid Thaumaturge seems very solid. MSU Tzaangors I am not sold off unless you go by RAW and stock up on Pink Horrors as well and start slinging around dozens of Mortal Wounds.
The Enlightened seem fairly fragile for a small melee unit, but they are fast and strong, so there's that. Meanwhile, the Skyfires are very appealing at range, but I could also see them as close-range support. I mean, slam both Enlightened and Skyfires into something with a Shaman close by and the enemy has to make a few uncomfortable choices due to Guided by the Past/Future on top of all the shooting and magic.
Maybe Slaanesh gets purified by the elves while they are holding her?
>warscrolls on app
>skyfires and enlightened are 160
>skyfires are strictly better than kurnoth hunters
>cost less points
>MSU Tzaangors I am not sold off unless you go by RAW and stock up on Pink Horrors as well and start slinging around dozens of Mortal Wounds.
I'm tempted to agree. The risk is that for 2k we end up with 3x20 Tzaangors which uses up a lot of points. Could there be space for some Warriors, Marauders or Horrors in there? Warriors are expensive but could do work as a tarpit. Marauders are nice b/c cheap. Horrors have wizard keyword and might be nice with Tzeentch lore freeing up Mystic Shield/Arcane Bolt.
You're clearly a very new to this. Keep practising for a year or three.
Take a few pink horrors and a few tzaangors with a thaumaturge and you can have anywhere from 8-12 dice. Getting a few free arcane bolts is not bad on top of the daemons castign their own spells, granted if the spell lores are decent for them.
Strictly better except when anything hits them. Then they are really shitty.