WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

Watch Duncan paint ugly models edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Reinforcements are en route

>Previous Threads:

reposting from last thread as timing was kill.

Jesus Christ.

Just got some Blood technical paint and put it on my NL instead of the red paint.

Just don't forget less is more with that shit.

Did I put too much down? Wanted there to be a bit because it's you know, NL.

This is my updated model from a few days ago - i think i fixed up the base, i removed the grit from the sides too.

I painted the paints and the inside of the robe grey, but now im not sure that will look good? Anyone have any ideas for a good fabric color to go with the orange?

Nah, just an adult Sunstalker.

No that's fine, but don't make it the endless recurring theme of having nicely painted models drenched in blood it detracts from the model.

Make it the exception rather than the rule.

Grey is fine, although it's worth googling and learning about Colour theory.

drybrush/10 - consider a medium thinned wash to combat the chalkiness of your drybrushing.

>>Grey is fine, although it's worth googling and learning about Colour theory.
are you saying i should color it blue?

Paint it whatever colour you want, it's up to you. I said Grey was fine.

But pale blue does compliment orange, hence colour theory.

there's a reason it's heavily used on film posters etc Warm - cold etc.

But I cannot stress enough, paint it whatever colours you want, if you dislike even the notion of painting that colour you're going to have a bad time when it's on your entire army.

Old one looked better.

all that's been changed is the base, some silver on the rotary loader of the rifle, and the pants and the inside of the coat being colored grey - if you're seeing something else, its just a trick of the light from the photo

user's of the WIP thread, need some advice. I picked up a box of Skitarii and I am completely stuck for a colour scheme. Does anyone know what looks good on mechanicus save the usual martian red?

lemmie post some stuff

I painted mine loosely based on Fallout New Vegas's NCR rangers.

I'm actually surprised how few people I saw do the same, to be honest.

Painting bases for a herald of ruin kill team, i think i need to work more on the transitions on the red and maybe brighten the grey and red more, what do you guys think?


A bewildering question as the logically answer is whatever colours you like.

But my advice would be to download the Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus codex from the 40k general thread and look at the army examples in there.

I think they have multiple fleshed out Forge Worlds and their colours.


the codex has really uninspired color schemes, there is the default red/cream, then there is white/red, red/white, red/black, black/red, and then i think there is a blue one and an orange one

while of course the best thing to do is pick what you prefer, i can understand wanting to have a canon color, rather than a homebrew one
-my advice would be to go have a look at the skitarii painting guide pdf and the codex look in the 40k general OP

show us your first mini :)

I ball hard for that Hazard one. Gonna build a Vanguard-based army fluffed to recruit from indentured forgeworkers who are dying of radiation poisoning anyway and accept augmentation as a way of bringing glory to the Machine God through their deaths.

Hoping it isn't too offensive mixed with some black/yellow 'warning' stripes on the kastelans and onagers.

Keep it Mechanicus /wip/

Here's my WIP Cawl.

I did a bit more after the picture but progress is pretty good so far.

Can we see, user? Sounds dope.

remember tho that the orange color scheme is the Ryza pattern, one of the official colors

I absolutely love how the detail on his armour plating is coming together. Keep us posted mate.

Smooth application / 10

One day i'm gonna buy a box of these guys just for the hotline marsami scheme, that shit makes me rock hard.

I'd almost forgotten how shitty and chunky GW golds are until I watched the Celestine video.

I remember, yeah. That's the only one I like, bar maybe this one, but I've already got some necrons in the works that use a lot of white and red.

I think I might miss out on the red inner lining, too. Maybe substitute it with black or cream.

Meh, they're alright.

I was ok with this job using their range.

i went with grey, and you can see how dark grey is

Ah, I think I can see it now. Looks good user. Initially I thought you'd gone with white but I see you've just etched the hems of the robe with it. I like it.

The blood would probably just be at the base, but this is a test model anyway.

Orange dick/10

The robes looks really nice but the metal parts are top level. Good work user

Wip of this big fella. What do you think of the overall scheme?

I need some help.

I'm a pretty shit painter, the total of my abilities is generally just prime > basecoat > wash > drybrush.

I'm painting Dark Eldar, basecoating with Naggaroth Night, wash with Druchii Violet then drybrush Xereus Purple.

This works alright on infantry, but I'm strugging with the vehicles, because I can't just wash/drybrush them, and so they've all ended up like, a shade lighter than the infantry.

What could I do?

I like it.

I disagree. Mostly.

I just used quite a bit of Liberator Gold and Retributor Armour while painting Magnus and it went on smooth and perfect. Auric Armour is fine too, but I've had some bad experiences with Balthasar Gold.

pretty good, my dude

i think you should wash the greens some more, but that might just be me fancying the very organic look, even on the exo

Don't drybrush or just follow the armour plates more carefully when you do. Also you don't really need to wash naggaroth night since it's very dark and the finish of a wash works against drybrushing since it is too smooth and it rounds off edges.

Please never post this again.



Nice, user.


Also, fucking saved. I was looking for a NL version of that.

May it bring you many keks.

And how do you get your white for the skulls so smooth? Just
>muh multiple thin layers
or a secret paint? It's so annoying and I can't keep it out of the mouth grilles I just might make the skulls grey or something.

It's not as smooth as it looks, to be honest. White still plagues me, but I'm getting better. Thin coats was what I tried. If it gets in the grate, I used the corner of a paper towel to absorb the immediate run off, and when I was done, I put Nuln in there to make sure it was dark.

Currently doing a Lamenter Kill Team



Obviously any advice/opinion is welcome
The quality might vary a lot given that it's my first miniatures in literally 5 years


BTW, thank Veeky Forums for the yellow advice. it worked as expected

Last one that I have build/paint

Thanks user, I'll try that.

Aside from what I assume was a primer mishap and some splotches of colour and sloppy recess shades, they look fine, user - although I'm not sold on the yellow bolters. In my opinion they should be all black.

Give the face a wash and highlight and thin your paints, they look a little chunky in certain parts. (the banner, backpack etc.)

Good for 5 years away though.

(That's Racist ^^)
Thanks mate, well I was doing Blood Angels before stopping but when I saw the Kill Team box I said "Why Not".
I liked the Lamenters lore, and I think the fucker would deserve a bit more in terms of stories/books.
Though Yellow paint is fucking annoying to get good

I've heard doing a yellow and purple /50/50 mix is a good basecoat for doing yellow.

Currently I am using Averland Sunset

Crop your pics and make them into a collage, you've used 6 post and 15MB where 1 post and maybe 3MB would do. There are apps to do this on your phone, before you trot out that excuse. This also means people don't need to reply to multiple comments. and generally makes things easier to follow.

Yellow bolter cases doesn't really work: red or black would look better.

Primer surface looks rough.
Skin could use more contrast, looks quite flat as-is. Shade deeper and highlight higher.
Metallics look chunky, esp on , remember to still thin them. Just because it's a metallic doesn't mean it should cover in one coat.

All that said, they'll look fine on the table, just not in close up. Something to work on as you progress.

>Crop your pics and make them into a collage, you've used 6 post and 15MB where 1 post and maybe 3MB would do. There are apps to do this on your phone, before you trot out that excuse. This also means people don't need to reply to multiple comments. and generally makes things easier to follow.

Sry for the pictures. We'll do next time.

>Primer surface looks rough.
>Skin could use more contrast, looks quite flat as-is.
>Shade deeper and highlight higher.
Metallics look chunky, esp on (You), remember to still thin them. Just because it's a metallic doesn't mean it should cover in one coat.

Ok, I though that metallic didn't need to because when you thin them they get very transparent and unhomogenous

Started on the bandersnatch itself now.
Still got a lot to do, the skin is going to be even paler and I'll be blending up from the rock he's coming out of.

eek that base yellow still isn't good enough by it's self since it goes all thick and chalky like a lot of gws brighter colours.

Hoenstly, I liked him better before the OSL.


So, as someone who's also wants to start painting yellow (Imperial Fists mainly), I'd like to ask:
1. What undercoat should I use? I've heard good things about both, white and gray undercoats, though personally I'd get a can of gray, especially with Genecults backlog
2. So as I've read here ( ), Averland Sunset isn't really good - any substitutes or suggestions what could I do to make them better?
Thanks in advance WIPanons, may your brushes always have a nice tip on them.

Can someone recommend a good clear matt glaze?

Some of my models are too shiny and I want to make it more matt.

Damn, takes me back to when I was 8 and got those for Christmas, great work dude!

8 years since I started this hobby and it's the first time I don't fuck up the eyes


Pretty good, but try to use washes.Results will be much better.

>that visible seamline along the nose
user, your work is far from finished.

so did I. If I try OSL again in the future i'll learn from my mistakes and hopefully do better.

Nice detail work, especcialy on the plasma gun.

As the others said, consider using more, thinner layers.

Maybe add some minor highlights on the metal and skin bits.

Still working on Celestine.
Going out to buy cork for the base.

Where does one find tiny feet like that?

DE Scourges.
You'll have to remove the big toe claw and do some fitting though, hence the current rough look (will have to smooth them with Greenstuss later).

I think its looking great.

My first Vostroyan.

I think the winged skull on the gun could do with a black wash then going over with metal again. At the moment it looks really flat

You're right, it does look flat.
Thanks for pointing that out!

You should make an all-over wash with Agrax Earthshade, then repaint the non-shaded area with the same one you already used, and then highlight if you have lighter paints of the colors you own

any guides for painting metal like that?.... i always struggle with metallics

nice feet

Thanks for the suggestion!
I washed the gold and leather parts with Agrax and highlighted them.
Does Agrax on Mephiston Red look good, or should I get another color for the wash on the uniform's cloth?

Agrax will work fine over red. It will tone down the brightness of the color a fair bit though. So often people then do another coat of red on the raised areas. The advice people are giving is good, but keep in mind you'll need to paint a lot of these guys. I'd try to keep it as simple as you're happy with.

based Dunc

Not him, but explain. What problems in the model with this solve and why?

As far as I can see there's plenty of contrast there in the shadows, if anything I'd be suggesting pushing the contrast with an extra highlight.

What wpuld you use as a Jokaero conversion? Starting Inquisition, but everything is out of stock.

So guys, anyone have any experience with Purity Seal? I wanna get it to spray my minis down when I'm through painting, but I've heard horror stories about it completely fucking up ruined models.

How about mixing in teal with a grey for the ruins, with some kind of dark volcanic looking color for the sand, with bright green moss and lichen for foliage

also just while i'm on my pulpit a base isn't just there to be neutral, good choices can really help frame a miniature. There is a whole lot of room between the far ends of totally neutral and overwhelmingly and abrasively garish that you can play in.

Don't buy purity seal. I pay my markup to GW for everything else, but purity seal is a bad product and you should not use it.

That said, I don't have any real recs for a replacement if you're UK based. Testor's Dullcote is supposed to be great.

I'm in the US, hit me up with recs my dude

They may be referring to how weird it looks that the white of the eye transitions immediately to the lightest skin tone on the model - they don't look recessed, they just like googly eyes painted on

testor's dullcote is pretty much the beginning and end of the discussion - you can buy it on amazon