Is it possible to meet women to date while playing tabletop? Have you had any such luck?
Is it possible to meet women to date while playing tabletop? Have you had any such luck?
oh yeah, plenty, but they're the female equivalent of insecure lonely neckbeards like you
Married one. Though to be clear, I met her at work. Overheard her talking about D&D, asked to join her party and never left.
Thought I had a chance but I got cucked by my kid brother.
>Is it possible to meet women to date while playing tabletop? Have you had any such luck?
Only if you don't mind never being part of the group again after a bad breakup. All "your" friends will side with her. It sucks because that was the only group in 50 miles.
>beta orbiters backstabbing a bro over a roastie
lol cucked
Met my fiancee playing online and we're livibg together now. Getting married in September.
Not so much cuckoldry but proving that this kind of people has no spine whatsoever.
I say user's better off without them.
My first serious girlfriend I met through playing Vampire, we dated for around 3 years. Tried to replicate it with another girls, got cucked by more assertive and charming roleplayers.
2 players have been a continual problem for me in a game we are in, and it has gotten to the point, after many talks and a lot of handwringing, that I have dropped that game altogether.
However, the same people from the first game are in another game that I am running, and it's at the point where I have no desire to game with those players at all in light of the constant headache they have been.
The crux is that they have no shown the same behavior in my game that they did in the previous one. Is it being That GM to tell them to pack it in because of their behavior in other games? Is it justice?
I ask because the players are my ex and my boy's, ie the gm of the game I left, current so.
I used to date a girl that I've met while playing VtM.
She had a great body, nice big boobs, natural red hair.... Wet dream of every fa/tg/entleman.
We broke up because reasons.
I moved from RPGs to miniature gaming and there's pretty much no girls.
Nice numbers. The only ones from the group I'm still good friends with are the lesbian and my exes brother.
>Playing with women
>Playing to get pussy
> Be me
> Play Song of ice and fire RPG with my usual group
> GM invites a new girl to the group
> Girl makes a secret Targaryen bastard special snowflake character with some "house rules" towards generation
> GM and girl have lengthy skills (e)RP sessions in the middle of the game
In short, GM got pussy, but the game was ruined. Make your GM fap before the game if he's so glad and there are girls at the table.
2/4 of the girlfriends I've had I met through d&d.
It used to be that if you met girls playing tabletop or other nerd hobbies they were high quality. The WoD games always had interesting girls playing in their heyday and DnD did too but to a much lesser extent.
Now that geek stuff has gone mainstream(professional cosplayers, streamers, etc) they get showered with attention by hordes of desperate losers on Instagram just for wearing a Zelda shirt or something. The attention goes to their heads and if you date one you're in for a world of pain.
>Being this delusional about state of affairs by late 90s and early 00s
>"It's popular, so it sucks" memery
>Le fake nerd girl bullshit
Have you considered killing yourself?
Grognard gatherings usually lack girls because they have more interest in the roleplay aspect, so most female players I met were playing generic half-elf druids and just got along to get a chance of pretending to be in a fantasy world. The ones actually making very strong fighters are hard to come by, but in places where there are lots of new-wave players, like the ones who started with D&D 5th edition, you can find much more variety.
Never flirt during the game if you haven't noticed any kind of appreciation at least a bit before, and even if you do, limit flirting to the absolute minimum. Don't fucking ruin the game for others at the table. Thow one or two jokes at her, the end. If she gets along, she'll show even after the game.
I got together with my third gf by playing Pathfinder (she was kind of a half-grognard style player) and with the current one playing Call of Cthulhu. She also plays D&D5th and some other stuff.
Nice contribution faggot
ITT: Bunch of perma virgins boasting about their insecurities and issues as if they were a positive thing
>Contribution to a bait thread
Where do you think you are right now?
In Omega General thread, becuase this thread is so beta it went omega
Met my longtime gf at university, first on our course but then we got in the same tabletop game. It happens.
It's certainly possible to meet single women through tabletop.
Well that's a fair point. I mean shit my ex (I'm btw) left me for an art major at her uni.
>Only if you don't mind never being part of the group again after a bad breakup. All "your" friends will side with her. It sucks because that was the only group in 50 miles.
Had this happen to me 10 years ago. She made up stories about me. Then fucked another dude in the group. And when she got tired of him told everyone he hit her and started fucking one of the other guys. She's still a queen bee/nuclear drama generator to this day.
She also did crazy shit like just abandoning an apartment she just signed a lease on to go live with some guy from WoW and adopting animals she couldn't care for.
Cluster B personality disorders. Not even once.
I dated a woman I met playing DnD, and have been married for the last 4 years to her. It helps to actually be a human and not a lonely disgusting neckbeard
I did. Shitty story though. I joined a Shadowrun game ran by a friend of a friend and met a girl there. And it wrecked my marriage. My family is angry at me and I only get to see my daughter 6 days each month.
>And I wrecked my marriage.
Fixed, you fucking dummy.
> Having an affair while married
You deserved it, you filthy degenerate. I hope your life is terrible now.
Attaboy, user.
>We /adv/ now
I really don't need any other boards than Veeky Forums
Gotta be smarter about side-projects, user.
Make a gmail account you and the third both have the password to. Type out messages to each other and just leave them in the drafts box. Only open it up in Incognito mode.
Gotta think creatively about "dates" too. IE, I'd always meet up with her at this Salvadoran restaurant. We'd usually be the only white people there so it was safe. Remember, six degrees of separation and so on.
Sure, it's like driving while black. It's inevitable, and inevitably sucks. Cuffs may be involved.
If a woman is out at a store playing a Tabletop Game, she's probably there to play a Tabletop Game.
Immediately swooping in to attempt to date her is - more likely than not - going to fail. It's also probably going to encourage her to go to another store / hobby shop wherein her mere proximity is not going to send neck beards into a breeding rut.
Don't hit on ladies just because they're at the same store / hobby shop and playing games there. More likely than not you're just going to lead to your store's female gamer count decreasing by one. Treat them as you would any other regular at the shop / store. If you become friends, start to hang outside the store. If that turns into dating, great! If it doesn't, enjoy +1 to your friend count.
Or you can, you know, stay loyal instead of acting like a nigger.
The 90's!!!
Tore up so much 4-7/10 goth pussy, gm'ing VtM.
Such a shit game...but the sluts were great.
Hay, thx betafag!!
What is an omega perdonaloty like?
You ended up dating her, but your kid brother fucked her, and you jerked off to it.
I dated one, but she was fickle past the point of my tolerance and left her.
I'm no expert in sociology, but for the most part when people go to a hobby store / shop? It's not looking for a date. It's to do something related to the hobby.
Let me propose an example to you: Let's say some guys in your hobby shop find you hot (yes, I realize that you're probably a guy. Yes, I realize statistically you probably aren't interested in them. No, it does not invalidate this point but actually serves to drive it home). Whenever the both of you are there, they try to flirt with you. They try to hook up with you. They are persistent, and they are well enough liked / tolerated by the store that nobody tells them to stop or they'll be asked to leave.
What do you do in this hypothetical example / scenario? I'm going to go out on a limb and say the answer's not going "Score! Now I get some cocks AND have someone teach me how to play the army I've been running the last few years!" Now imagine that in this hypothetical scenario you have hooters and a warm pocket instead of a dangler and coin purse, and answer that question again. Does it change whatsoever?
If you want to go out with someone who is a regular at your hobby shop there are ways to do so. Ways that, coincidentally, have higher chances of success AND a lower chance of driving the hobbyist in question from your store. Those ways are not "Swooce on over when they're trapped in the middle of a / planning for a game and roll for moxie".
Not that guy but I've picked up women in all sorts of places, it's not about the location but about whether or not they're looking to date someone in general.
I realise that you're probably autistic (you certainly come across that way) but for most of us it's pretty easy to tell if a woman is interested and follow that up with an introduction and seduction attempt. If this attempt fails then so be it but I've never scared someone away by asking if they'd like to go see a movie.
Well, yes, but only if you think of it in the right way.
Tabletop can be a good way to meet people in general. Some of those people you meet will be women. Some of those women may be interested in dating you. But going to play tabletop for the express purpose of meeting a woman is setting yourself up for failure, because the girls you'll meet playing tabletop are 99% most likely not there looking for a date. They're there to play tabletop. You should be there for the same reason, or else you're going to be that creep that wrecks a perfectly good game because he's creeping on all the girl players.
That being said, if you're not a creep, and you meet a girl playing tabletop, and you hit it off and ask her to hang out outside of a tabletop session? Nothing weird about that. Just don't try and turn the tabletop itself into a dating thing.
This man is correct, OP: You can meet women through tabletop, but trying to use tabletop as an excuse to hit on women is both bad, and an exercise in futility. Instead, use it as a chance to get to know people in general, and if one of those people is a girl who is interested in dating, well, score one for you!
Nope. Never met a single woman playing tabletop games. Not one. Not even a "Hi, I am Barb," followed by never again seeing said imaginary woman.
Thx betafag.
You've never actually picked up a chick, have you?
>Actually using the phrase "picking up chicks" in the Year of Our Lord 2017
Have you?
I don't "pick up chicks", but I have had several relationships with interesting women I met under a variety of circumstances. You know, like happens to normal people.
>Is it possible to meet women to date while playing tabletop?
>Have you had any such luck?
I would not class it luck. More of a well disguised misfortune.
Yes. Fucking her as I type this on my phone
>Inb4 phone poster
Two of my friends got married a while ago, and they met when I invited her to the game I was DMing (that had him in it). I also dated her best friend for a while, but it didn't work out.
That said, it largely depends on luck and avoiding the creepy types of guys. If everyone in your group bathes regularly, acts (relatively) normal around women, etc you have a (small) chance of getting such a girl into the group.
yes they "officially" dated the DM in a group of all my high school friends but were also fucking every other member besides me and now I don't have any friends besides the DM
That sounds like a lot of bullshit to go through.
Why not just suck it up and try to make the marriage work you faggot? Better than paying alimony for when she (eventually)catches you?
I met my wife through our college gaming club.