Redpill me on TftL, quickly!
Tales From The Loop
a swedish artist draws cool shit.
Great art, a little suspicious that someone makes a thread about it every day but only gets 3-4 replies before the thread dies.
>Redpill me
Kill yourself.
>Redpill me on TftL
Max keks.
>some liberal cuck switzerland sjw faggot drew comfy arts i like but other people like it so its just cashing in on hipster 80s nostaliga and stranger things shillcuckshillniggers
>some liberal cuck switzerland sjw faggot drew comfy arts i like but other people like it so its just cashing in on hipster 80s nostaliga and stranger things shillcuckshillniggers
Basically yeah
I like a lot of the images because it has two interesting things (from a just looking at the pictures perspective)
1. A lot of them don't seem to have orbitally destroyed cities, so they look like the aliens just showed up and took over.
2. Some of them remind me of a combo Eclipse Phase/ Eve Online system, where the ship might be alive.
I've used Redpill here a bunch of times. Is it that bad?
Are you overloading on memes?
The intelligent way of wording your question is "Tell me about Tales From the Loop" or "Inform me about Tales from the Loop" or "I'd like to know more about Tales from the Loop."
Redpill is weird jargon from another board that has as much place on Veeky Forums as words like "manspreading."
I've used it before, but usually as the first reply in a 'stat me' type thread if I'm not familiar with the OP.
Good to learn it shouldn't be used in the OP.
yeah, it sort of carries some MRA connotations and stuff
Another good one is "Sell me on Tales from the Loop"
>Good to learn
Don't learn from tired memesters, son
this thread deserves to be archived, if only to use as proof to /pol/ that they really do transgress the norms of other boards.
You could fill the whole thread up with screencaps of /pol/fags trying to incite other /pol/fags to raid Veeky Forums, and all it would accomplish would be a bunch of fags claiming that /pol/ would never do that.
The most important question is:
Why is user carrying what appears to be a CRT monitor?
This thread had so much potential and disappointed me so much.
Because he's gonna hack the world
this motherfucker in the twingo is pretty fucked
>The guy using a shitty /pol/ meme speak word is literally incapable of just reading about something himself, he has to have it told to him.
What a fucking surprise.
tfw you will never be a savage robot with a comfy bamse blanket.
Is it just me, or does the car have a face like 0_0
Like it's just realized it's completely fucked.