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>Watch your Style
>Walk straight
>Never conserve glitter
>And never, ever trade fashion tips with a dragon

Fashion Edition: Killing chummers WITH STYLE

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>the catsuit in Cutting Aces has capacity 10
>exactly enough capacity to fit Ruthenium Polymer Coating 4 and Thermal Dampening 6
Holy shit, CGL hit the nail right on the head for once.

I've figured out how to make a troll dick fit inside of a pixie in 4e.

I don't know what to do with this new information.

and what have you found?

How to fit a troll dick inside of a pixie.

Well what are you waiting for?
Tell us!

Hidden Pocket from Spy Games.

Turn To Goo doesn't get an object resistance test, so clearly people shouldn't either.

Hidden Pocket Pussy -> Dick disappears seamlessly.

Does anyone else think that the list for tricks you can teach to critters is a little....redundant, in some cases? I'm look at some of these tricks and find myself thinking "do you really need to 'teach' an animal to do that?" and "is that really a 'trick'?" Let's look at Patrol for instance:
>Patrol: The critter is trained to protect a certain object or area as designated by the trainer. They first attempt to Intimidate any intruders they encounter; if the intruder doesn’t back off, the critter attacks them using whatever means are at its disposal.

I've never met a dog that wouldn't bark at anyone and everyone who walked by its yard, even people it knew, nor have I ever met one that wouldn't bark at anyone and everyone who rung the doorbell or knocked on the door of its home; in fact, I've met many who would bark at you before you'd even reached the door. So for dogs (and most territorial animals too, I'd reckon) the first half of Patrol is completely redundant. And if you have a dog with an aggressive disposition, I don't think you'd have to teach it the second half either.

I could go on about other tricks, but that would just be rambling. Point is, there's just a lot of stuff that should be far easier to teach to some species than others, some stuff that could probably be taught as one 'trick' (like rolling Attack, Bodyguard and Patrol into one "Aggressive" 'trick') and some stuff you probably wouldn't even have to teach, but there's no provisions for any of that.

Do we have a discord?

>you can stick your dick into pixie pussy, but it turns to goo
What's even the point of that?

No no no. I'm saying turn to goo doesn't force an object resistance test on people. Hidden Pocket doesn't either.

Ergo, it's more like the dick stretches and completely fills whatever orifice it's pushed into, with a pixie, is not much. But then realize a single hit gets a meter of volume into their cunt.

17 inch pixie takes 32" dick. Do the math.

Hate to eat a post with this, but I remember when 5e first came out, a lot of anons said the math in the books was off. Is there a more recent printing with not whack math?

>17 inch pixie takes 32" dick. Do the math.
I doubt trolls are anywhere near that well endowed, but I see your point.

Indeed. With two hits, you could pull a claymore out of a pixie.

Would that get me the crown of England?

This thread is going places. Places!

I dunno. with 6 hits you can smuggle 6 cubic meters of stuff.

I think.

You're missing an important bit
>as designated by the trainer

Is the owner of the untrained dog able to freely designate the areas and objects that the dog will and will not protect? Or will the dog keep barking at mailmen and cats no matter how many times the owner says not to worry about the lawn?

For reference, that's 1500 gallons.

>Pixie, do you think love can bloom even on the battlefield?
>Yes Trolltacon... assuming liberal application of magic.

So I recently stated up a gorgon metatype for an upcoming character and included a little bit of background. It's a human metatype because I felt like there aren't enough of those.

What are metatype a you've house ruled?


Fair point. If I've got a Barghest that tries to scare off anything that approaches my property and eat anything that foolishly dares to trespass on my property, whether it be a mailman, a squirrel, the neighbor's cat, a spirit, ganger scum or a would-be assassin, I'm not going to correct that behavior; I'm going to put up warning signs and get my mail delivered by rotodrone.

I'm just thinking of how to weaponize this in a way that is gloriously fucked up.

Assuming you could find 1500 gallons of a liquid, what's the most disgusting liquid you could fire out of yourself at high speed specifically to demoralize a foe?

I've already discounted smuggling 1500 gallons of spiders, because there's no oxygen in the craw.

>gorgon metatype

Drop some more info about it, because why the hell not.

Are you going with "regular legs" or "snake bottom" variant?

Dear god, just imagine how much novacoke you could smuggle with that.

You could probably have both; after all, we have both horse-faced centaurs and human-faced centaurs in the setting.

Sounds like a mix of benzine and oil is what you want. Walking weapon of mass destruction indeed.

liquid nitroglycerin

That's only one orifice.

But if the spell fails, you have to deal with 1500 gallons attempting to exit you the fastest way possible.

You'd explode in a shower of gore and dust.

I wanna demoralize foes, not become a rocket.

they will be after you destroy the whole city block
Who much damage exactly would 1500 gallons of nitroglycerin do btw?

Regular legs. I've never really been a fan of the slippery snake body stuff.

It's pretty straightforward, pretty much just a human but with natural medusa extensions + injectors as a metagenetic positive quality, a slight modification to base stats, and an appropriately adjusted karma cost. I have it fluffed as sort of like Nartaki, in that they mainly popped up alongside surge but in a more uniform way. Only affecting women, and mainly around the Meditterean/North Africa but also a few elsewhere in the world. More common than Nartaki though, there are several thousand scattered about. Their hair takes on the appearance of snake species that don't exist, usually with traits of several existing species, and they gain eyes and small patches of scales to match. I'd post it but I'm on mobile right now. They don't actually have any gaze abilities, but the character I'm playing pretends to have one and wears sunglasses all the time and threatens people who are too dumb to realize it's just a myth.

Guys, I think we're all ignoring the important question here: what does it feel like when a woman uses magic to take a dick that would be far too large for her to take without magic? Is it a good feeling? Does it hurt? Is it a good pain? And what's it like on the guy's end.

well if I was some kind of degenerate I would say something like Kuroinu ep3. But I am not and would have no idea.

So, a question: Assuming I had cybereyes with thermographic vision, cyberears, and a few Noizquitos, could I turn off my hearing and standard vision, fire up the noisebots, and give -24 to everyone shooting at me while taking no penalties myself? I know my life is forfeit for even thinking of this.


What's the source of this picture? Couldn't find anything.

I remember that some time ago there was a pdf in this thread that listed the cost and upkeep of various critters, paracritters, mutant critters, technocritters, etc. I foolishly didn't download it and now I really want to look at it again. Does anyone feel like uploading it for me?

That's all I have

>I wanna demoralize foes
I feel pretty demoralized just reading this comment-chain

>eat anything that foolishly dares to trespass on my property, whether it be a mailman, a squirrel, the neighbor's cat, a spirit, ganger scum or a would-be assassin
I hope your character's family and loved ones don't try for a surprise visit. You might find thanksgiving dinners to be a little less crowded after that. And I'm sure you'll be real popular with the local police after your pet swallows the neighbors' kids.

Well it's a start, though the pdf I was thinking was more complete.

>I hope your character's family and loved ones don't try for a surprise visit. You might find thanksgiving dinners to be a little less crowded after that.
>having friends and/or family
>paying a surprised visit to a shadowrunner
>ever a good and/or safe idea

That said, I'd have a fence and keep the Barghest well-fed so that people would hear him long before he got he sunk his teeth into anyone. Also, I'd prioritize teaching him not to eat certain people.

>And I'm sure you'll be real popular with the local police after your pet swallows the neighbors' kids.
Omae, if a kid sees a fence with warning signs saying "No Tresspassing" "Beware of Barghest", hears the low rumbling growl of a Barghest and decides to hop that fence anyways, he deserves whatever happens to him. Really I'm doing the gene pool a favor here. And if he knocked a baseball with Babe Ruth's signature onto it into my backyard a la The Sandlot? Tough. He'll have to ask me for it when I get home.

be grateful for it have taken me many hours to traces down the source of this character when I first stumbled upon her

Why do people shit on 2E shadowrun? I played a one-shot yesterday and it's actually a pretty neat system. I runs much faster than modern editions, dice pools are way smaller and there are generally fewer dice rolls involved in most ordeals. I love the dice pool mechanics, and The Matrix, albeit a much slower deal indeed, is so fucking fun.

Thanks you kindly user. I'd give you some pictures in return, but can't find anything good.

>And if he knocked a baseball with Babe Ruth's signature onto it into my backyard a la The Sandlot?
The milkiest of milk runs.
>kid wants you to get a very valuable baseball back from a backyard occupied by a barghest
>knock on the owner's door and ask for it because you're a fucking adult who knows it's easier these sort of problems with words
>alternatively if the owner is out and you're under a time limit, distract the Barghest with a big meaty steak, a hit or two of narcojet or both

Which edition would you say is the simplest when it comes to rules?
Which is the most complicated?
Which do you think just straight up sucks dick?

Are the Krime Wave and other GH3 guns considered stupid and cheesy? It's basically a better Valiant for less than half the price, so I feel like a munchkin strapping one onto my 'Lynx.

Not really, no. Yes, the MG42 is cheap, but it's still inferior to an Ares Alpha.

Was the Chicago CZ a dead, gray wasteland, or did it get overgrown with mutant/magical plant/animal life?

>open up Gun H(e)aven 3
>compare 5e prices to 4e prices
>guns generally more expensive, particularly the big ones
>price of heavy weapons went through the fucking roof

>mutant/magical plant/animal life?
Bug Spirits
and residue from the nuke

That's canon omae. CFD forced a rollback on nanotech-based assembly tech.

What kind of math are you talking about?

I'm talking pre-nuke, during the years where people were surviving in there in total isolation.

Krime wave is, rules-wise, like a giant AK with extended mags that's forbidden and only has FA. If you want your drones to pour autofire and suppression onto your enemies and not worry about reloading, krime wave seems like a great option.

As for balance, machine-guns need buffs like that just to stay viable next to automatics. So there's nothing munchkin-y about it. Better than being yet another runner that eats, lives, and breathes nothing but Ares Alpha.

Chummer, you do know that it only became a lawless wasteland AFTER it turned out there were Bugs in the city, right?
Before it was a normal city/sprawl

pic related is the timeline (from August 22 2056 to October 4 2056)

Again, I'm talking about the period of time between the setup of the quarantine and the nuking.

I'm fully aware of the presence of bug spirits. What I'm curious about is everything else. Whether it was overgrown with plants and overrun with feral and wild city animals, or if it was blasted, grey urban ruin.

What you'd see if you pointed your head out of your foxhole and looked around during the quarantine.

>Krime wave is, rules-wise, like a giant AK with extended mags that's forbidden and only has FA.
I find it funny that you use that particular comparison, because IRL the RPK is a light machine gun that is literally an AK with a longer, heavier barrel, a bigger stock, a bigger magazine and a few other small details I can't recall. Yet, somehow in the Shadowrun timeline it's ended up being a heavy machine gun.

>What you'd see if you pointed your head out of your foxhole and looked around during the quarantine.
Bug spirits as far as the eye can see

>the period of time between the setup of the quarantine and the nuking.
Chummer, look at my picture
the time between them was like 5 weeks
I can't imagine it being overrun by ANYTHING
more than likely it was just empty buildings
and of course like said more bug spirits than you could count

Fair enough. How long was it after the nuking before the quarantine was lifted? Because I recall the fact that it's since been lifted, with turbo-survivor hardened Zoners spilling out of the former CZ and fucking shit up ever since.

Sup Veeky Forums

Quick question about 4e. Does counterspelling light up the target of it on the astral plane in the same way a sustained spell does?


Do Seats in a vehicle count as a Drone Rack for Anthro drones?

How much Spanish is there in Aztlan Spanish? If a man who only spoke Spanish and a man who only spoke Aztlan Spanish tried to have a conversation, how much difficulty would they have trying to communicate with each other?

SWA puts it at Feb 26 2058

>February 26—UCAS: President Haeffner lifts the quarantine around the Chicago
>Containment Zone. Riots break out as refugees from the CCZ attempt to
>flee the area and surrounding areas push back. Civil authorities manage to
>broker a peace. Thousands stuck within the CCZ discover that despite the
>announcement, Chicago remains excised from the modern world.

Are there any new dragons being born or is the population stagnant?


Sauce of the original picture?

It's just a dialect? Hm. I expected Aztlan Spanish to be a thorough mix of Spanish and Nahuatl. So in the proposed scenario, the two men could have a conversation with minimal communication difficulties?

>Play the Dragonfall and Hong Kong games
>Makes me want to try the tabletop
>Grab the .pdfs
>Start reading
>Shit's confusing as fuck and really obtuse
>Everything's written as in-universe so, while entertaining, there's no short layman's edition
>Friends don't want to play/learn a new system and just want to stick to D20

I'm so fucking confused, Jesus.

>Friends don't want to play/learn a new system and just want to stick to D20

Truly the worst of fates. Are they glued to D&D or Pathfinder?

D&D. 3.5 and 5e respectively.

Are they only glued to the system or the setting? If it's the system, then it might be workable from there, but if they are just there for fantasy stuff, then it's baaaad.

First of all: Yeah, the PC games are simple. You know why? Because all the shit you'd have to do is done by the computer
Second: depending on which edition you read there are cheat sheets, for 5e the Hayek Sheets in the mediafire, for 4e the cheat sheets in the pastebin
Third: There should be a Reduced version of 5e floating around here, check the previous threads
Fourth: pic related

>virtually eliminating the subjunctive mood
>in a language that expresses almost entirely in subjunctive mood

Little more than "just" a dialect

As a guy with no higher education in linguistics, what does that mean exactly?

Not unless your interpretation of "deployed" is quite underwhelming. My interpretation of "deployed" (which I arrogantly assume is everyone else's interpretation as well) is that the drone is now running/flying/whatever alongside my vehicle, ready to do whatever.

Just the system. But it's mainly because we've played it for years so we know 95% of it from memory.

They'll understand eachother but it'll be weird.
Imagine if you were to speak entirely in hypotheticals like this to someone who speaks only in a direct and "factual" sense.
You might sound a little mincing or limp-wristed.

Honestly, a nuke of the size described probably changed very little for most of the CZ. That timeline references a "sub-tactial nuke" (which is a vaguely defined term). The attached picture is of a 15 kiloton blast (the same yield as the Hiroshima blast, and within the range of what would be considered a modern "tactical" nuke) centered on the intersection of Racine and Cermak, and that blast doesn't even reach downtown (which would have already been fucked up for reasons completely unrelated to nukes OR bug spirits). It probably doesn't even blow out the glass in Wrigleyville.

The Des Plaines River (which I believe is the western boundary of the CZ) runs parallel to Lake Michigan all the way up into Wisconsin, so your guess is as good as mine for how far the CZ extends up north, but my guess is that a single low-yield nuclear detonation on Chicago's near south side five weeks after the quantine began never had any effect on the day-to-day lives of most CZ residents compared to being locked in for years with a hive of insect spirits.

Interesting, but how can one discuss unknowns and uncertain possibilities without using hypotheticals?

user, that looks very professionally done. Did you make that with some sort of google maps plug-in?


They got eggs, so presumably yes. Not like the scalies are keen to let metahumans know where their babies are, how old they are, what their grades are and what's their favorite color, trid show and snackfood (its dwarfs)

This thing?

>Are there any new dragons being born?
Yes, but very slowly.
There's two at least that we know of who have been born in the Sixth World, Perianwyr and Masaru.
>is the population stagnant?
The problem is that the process in which dragons are born is complex; laying the egg isn't enough, and there's some political stuff among the dragons as to whom gets to hatch the egg because whatever species of dragon hatches it causes the embryo to turn into the into that species of dragon.

Masaru's only a new Great Dragon, not a new Dragon, period.

Why the fuck is a flamethrower so expensive and illegal? Does nobody use these for construction, deforestation, or rural farming purposes?

>rural farming

Deforestation I can kinda understand, but how you'd do the other two with a flamethrower I can simply not understand

How exactly would one use a flamethrower for construction?

For constructing forest fires, I suppose.

Shadowrun weapon laws don't really make sense, so don't think about them too hard. How come its legal to own and conceal carry a full-auto Machine Pistol, but its illegal to load that Machine Pistol with hollow points?

Deconstruction would be a better word. And I've read of flamethrowers being used to clear brush, eliminate pests, and clear crop remains. I can understand a corp's hesitation to sell flamethrowers to civilians shopping in Stuffer Shack, but it seems extreme for the only two flamethrowers on the market to be Forbidden.

I'm guessing the ones in the books are flamethrowers specifically made for military use.

Some farms, especially sugar-cane farms, use flamethrowers for controlled burns. Smaller flamethrowers are also used for installing APP roofing or so I've heard.

>clear brush, eliminate pests, and clear crop remains
That seems a bit like overkill

It would, if magic didn't make all of nature deadlier on average.

It gets the job done with a decent degree of efficiency, and that's all that matters really. If you're gonna clear an area of dry leaves and varmints, clear it good.

>I'm guessing the ones in the books are flamethrowers specifically made for military use.

I could definitely understand this if they came with like, Smartlinks, expanded fuel canisters, or any number of other questionable weapons addons. But these things are vanilla as hell.

Start it up.