Honest question:
How many of you have stopped buying/started pirating RPG books because of preaching like this?
Honest question:
How many of you have stopped buying/started pirating RPG books because of preaching like this?
You are the only one climbing Mt. Molehill.
Nope. I definitely stopped supporting any RPG I haven't read first and all wotc products in the three or four years
Eat shit snowflakes
I don't play rpgs, because I got no friends, and I am a 40k fag.
My plastic dudemans are still pure and free of that sort of regressive garbage.
>mfw people keep saying that my gender dysphoria is a fetish and deep down I know that they're absolutely correct
fuck off
>implying the eldar isn't the pinnacle of a feminist society after 40,000 years
t b h I wouldn't mind being locked up in a breeding cell by the Farseer.
I stopped buying books because buying them from overseas is too fucking expensive. Have you seen how the dollar-rouble exchange rates?
Name 3 female farseers from the tabletop itself, and not from shit tier DoW games.
The Eldar society is not feministic. It is highly structured, and you don't have the freedom to indulge in every single one of your heart's desires.
If you do that, you get fucking exiled.
Luckily we'll be stopping all the democrat-fascist policies that our previous government was trying to use to start ww3.
Peace and prosperity, russiabro
Nah, doesn't bother me. The tone is preachy but their intentions are good, it's not hard to ignore it.
I've stopped buying CoD books because I don't like how they explain the system and mythology. I can get a good grasp of it, but my players have a difficult time.
The idea that wizards, vampires or "people made from other people" might not be in a gender binary is the easiest bit to parse.
Hell, Promethean could be used as a unsubtle metaphor for transition.
>virtue signaling
WoD is unbearable shit anyway, so I fail to see how this isn't par for the course.
It is hard to ignore it when the writers making these books complain incessantly on twitter/forums about how limited their space is, and they can't include all the neat fluff and mechanics people want in the compilation books. But, you know, it was just so important to get that full page "sidebar" in there. Limited writing space and all.
The author of the male pregnancy sidebar was talking in the WoD thread here a while back about how it was so important to include "little things" like that, despite the new Werewolf book being notorious for having content cut for space issues.
I love sucking dick
Non-vampire, non-changeling, and non-oneshot lines are pretty fun.
My shelf is full of old Werewolf, Hunter, and Mage stuff.
I'm strong-willed enough to resist one or two paragraphs of preaching in a product without magically being swayed and my ego is not so sensitive that I'm disgusted by one or two paragraphs of an opinion I disagree with.
I buy something based off of if I enjoy the majority of the content. You need to take a long, hard look at yourself if you were offended by a handful of paragraphs from one page of a book.
To be fair thats CotD not WoD.
WoD and White Wolf were always into the lefty alt-lifestyle punk stuff too but they never actually drank the kool-aid. Comperatively Onyx Path have turned fish in it.
The shitposter actually linked this thread in that one.
You linked this here? Thanks user.
Mage has a legacy that effortlessly turns you into your "female self", but I'm pretty sure it's been cut because despite being about the fluidity/transition of gender, it enforces in the lore that there is a gender binary, and we all know how bad that is now. :^)
Nope, never. I want to continue to support the industry, so I have a strict rule about not pirating RPG books. The advent of cheap PDF webshops has kind of made piracy obsolete.
You do have something of a point, but remember this is World of Darkness you're talking about. White Wolf have always leaned to the Left. Remember when they turned an RPG about playing as a Werewolf into a screed about Environmentalism and Native American relations? For fuck sake, the big bad's main agents were an evil corporation of environmental rapists.
White Wolf may be gone, but many if the writers who worked for them are still writing oWoD and nWoD material to this day, so SocJus themes coming up should come as no surprise.
Fair, I haven't actually looked into the other stuff much.
Playing confused weresharks exploring the surface and trying to act like normal humans (Hawaiian shirts, beer, flip flops) during spring break sounds like it'd be fun.
Did you love the bit about "Roleplaying the Other"? Did you know you can roleplay as something other than your real life identity? Who knew?! Thank God that was included!
You don't see me shitposting in a Malifaux thread because I like 40k now. Fuck off or contribute.
Please don't associate leftist ideologies like socialism with trans-sanity movements.
>everything I don't like is /pol/
whiny teenagers please go and stay go
But then who would be here to insist that transgender people exist and that it's not just a fetish
> Remember when they turned an RPG about playing as a Werewolf into a screed about Environmentalism and Native American relations?
Humanity/human development destroying the natural world has been a fantasy trope for decades now user, one that is constantly recycled. It was only natural for a line that developed a lore of "werewolves are Gaia's defenders".
Besides, they went overboard with their stereotypes even for themselves. Remember the "Children of Gaia"? It was all the laughable aspects of the hippies. God that sourcebook was awful.
Why does the alt-right feel the need to engage in perpetual assault on the regressive left wherever it goes?
It feels like I can't go anywhere on the internet without someone going on a personal crusade about how the future of the Western world is under attack because someone, somewhere wrote that zhe and zher are okay pronouns to use.
Literally nothing white wolf ever wrote is comparable to Onyx Path's stuff. The OP picture here is all from Onyx Path books.
White Wolf was lefty but there was only a minority of writers and devs that were batshit insane deluded cucks.
Whom then founded Onyx Path.
Because the alt-right is just as much about identity politics as the SJWs. They're a mirror of one another.
>It feels like I can't go anywhere on the internet without someone going on a personal crusade
Because its an omnipresent blight that saturated the internet thanks to white teenagers gobbling its shit ideology up.
Dunno, I liked the male pregnancy sidebar because it sets the tone of the game well. It's about a different world, you know?
>Why does the progressive left feel the need to engage in perpetual assault on the conservative right wherever it goes?
>It feels like I can't go anywhere on the internet without someone going on a personal crusade about how the future of freedom and democracy is under attack because someone, somewhere wrote that they think transgenderism is a mental issue.
I don't think that one is that bad.
It's only bad when you look and see how much content was cut from the new book. I'd rather that have been a paragraph on The Pure, or something.
And now people are eating the opposing ideology up and I can't go anywhere without someone trying to explain to me how niggers and bitches shouldn't be allowed to vote due to their inferiority to the white man.
I hate to break this to you, but society has already done that. Leftist ideologies in America are kind of a package deal. This is an artifact of our binary political system.
If you want to get anywhere politically, you are forced to tolerate the lunatic fringe. This is true of the Left who, in the pursuit of common sense measures like a public healthcare system or improving our social safety net, are forced to invite the worst elements of the SocJust movement. Or the Right, where we have Donald Trump a Social Liberal if ever there was one, having to court people who really honestly believe that a 3,000 year old book of fairy tales is an acceptable guide for making public policy decisions.
tl;dr These ideas are already associated. Deal with it.
>tfw the other day I saw someone in a plaid collared shirt buttoned up to the neck without a tie
Exactly, now that you know cancerously stupid this behaviour is maybe you'll stop doing it and tell others to stop too instead of picking sides and doubling down on your currently trendy flavour of autism.
please just go
you're not clever or insightful
you're just an underage shitposter
you're metastasised cancer
Yes, and Onyx Path's writers now control most of White Wolf's IPs.
>Donald Trump is a nationalist candidate
>announces a plan that guarantees 100% universal health care coverage
>le Drumpf is actually a National Socialist for the Worker's Party
Greatest Timeline
Alt right doesn't exist.
It is a label the media picked up from a small group of nobodies like Richard Spencer and his buttbuddies, and then labeled everyone who is even slightly right wing but not a generic GOP concervative as members of the "alt right" when they spoke against the current establishment and their left wing narrative.
Anti-SJWs are actually worse because they use all the same methods that make SJWs terrible but they don't even have the one redeeming feature of doing it for a good cause.
>they don't even have the one redeeming feature of doing it for a good cause.
subjective statement, not an argument
Alt right certainly exists and people willingly use the label, dipshit.
>tfw the other day I saw someone in a plaid collared shirt buttoned up to the neck without a tie
I live in northern Minnesota. Is this style of dress uncommon where you live? Everyone around here has been wearing plaid collared shirts without ties for at least the past 30 years.
"Alt right" exists as much as "fake news" does. It's an appropriated phrase used to blanket label anything someone doesn't like.
I think they can do it for a good cause. My issue is that the worst of them use the exact same tactics and are willfully blind to their own hypocrisy.
Holy shit.
It's a common enough set of politics that it can be labelled, just like SJW is a label given to regressive leftists.
>But SJWS gave themselves that name!
Yeah, and now it's being applied to people that have never called themselves SJWs. Just like alt-right was coined by Richard Spencer and now it's being applied to other people with similar politics.
Deal with it, alt-righty. You've been labelled.
>northern Minnesota
this doesn't count :^)
Yes, but again, that would refer to the "bunch of nobodies like Richard Spencer and his buttbuddies" not the whole wave of rising right wing movement on the internet.
/pol/ for example, is not alt right. That term wasn't used there and wast majority of /pol/ posters certainly did not refer themselves as parts of the alt right, until the media started blasting the term everywhere last year.
>having sex with your underwear on
>go on reddit
>internalized misogyny are used in non-joke manner
>read comments of a woman who already went through transition to male ONLY TO EXPRESS HIS INNER FEMININITY OF FAMME MALE because it feels more right
>go on /v/
>it's JoJoposting or gender politics in games
>go on /pol/
>same as always
>go on Veeky Forums
>this shit comes here
So is there any place safe from politics?
Right. But that doesn't stop people from actively self identifying as "alt right". Just like how "marxist" is a buzzword for the other side but people still self identify as "marxist".
The fact that people attempt to brand everyone with the label doesn't discount the fact that there are people who legitimately use that label for themselves.
I refuse to buy any RPG that doesn't have a section like that in the front. Thankfully that's the way the industry is going.
So, what does alt right stand for then?
>willfully blind to their own hypocrisy
Most actually aren't. Most deliberately use the same "logic" tactics that their opponents use in an effort to point out the flawed "logic".
There's also no point in taking the effort to make a good argument when the left will just flat out ignore it and scream "alt-right!"
Leasing it actually, White Wolf is back under Paradox (the guys that make Crusader Kings).
The day of the rope is closing in because WW is starting to take notice of the IP abuse Onyx Path is doing, and the fact that they seem to invest more in selling oWoD merchandise then fulfilling kickstarter promises or making books, and relations between the companies have been eroding quick. WW can any time legsweep all the IPs out from under Onyx Path. Originally they were fine with letting Onyx Path handle the tabletop part of the IPs but thats coming to a close.
Why do you think they renamed their shit "Chronicles of the Darkness" and implement more and more mechanics that don't fit the Storyteller system? While only really promoting Pugmire and Cavalier of Mars? Why did the only really productive members of the company completely fall off the face of the net? Especially considering that most writers are unpaid freelancers.
Shit's been going down hill since last year. Probably when the joint White Wolf and Onyx Path press conference happened and about 1,5 hours of it was nothing but dyed haired dykes ranting about how to lecture white males at their table at the dead silent Onyx Path people and the increasingly frustrated White Wolf ones.
>So is there any place safe from politics?
Your mother's bedroom. She is as apolitical as she is thirsty.
Yeah, except there is a war within the Alt Right between White Nationalists and Political Alt-Righters. Both claim to be the 'real Alt-Right'.
I kept pirating books, because I don't believe in paying for sub-par products. Nor do I believe in expansion packs and DLCs. Either you sell me the whole thing, or you can fuck right off, and I go to TPB or Demonoid.
>this shit comes here
This shit has been here. All you have to do is go into certain generals (like World of Darkness) where this inevitably gets posted, and the pseudo-goth new-age SJW transfats come out and scream that anyone who hates these sidebars are problematic. Some of these books have been published for years now too.
> it's JoJoposting or gender politics in games
Sounds fun, can you show me examples?
Yeah, I still take issue with it because it is still hypocritical and I'd prefer people take the high ground. Even using the same tactics to make a point, you're still using those tactics.
Thank God.
Vampire Kings and Uratha Universalis when? I'll even take Hearts of Atlantis.
>this rugged mandalorian female comes up and slaps your gf on the ass
>what do?
Artificial war between bunch of bandwagoning dipshits like Cernovich and the hardline natsoc larpers like Spencer.
Specer is arguably the "real alt right" because he coined that term and referred himself with it long before these elections, but when the media started using that term, they lumped it on all sorts of different right leaning groups so no wonder that there is this "war".
I don't care for your sophistry, one side is literally Nazis, pretty sure they're the bad guys.
Well of course "SJW" also only used to refer to "the worst of them" and not literally everyone with a left-leaning opinion.
Yeah, thanks for linking me the post I was replying to, but while we're on it, that picture itself is its own perfect counter-argument. It's a ridiculous strawman that suggests anyone who disagrees is "one of THEM". The reason anti-SJWs were able to become as bad as (if not worse than) SJWs is because they never really understood what they were supposed to be opposing and had zero self-awareness about it either.
Yes, when you literally become an SJW for the cause of opposing SJWs, you need to stop and take a look in the mirror.
Anyone that rabidly declares anyone that disagrees with them to be an SJW, while insisting that their own political views cannot be labelled.
That's a good way to identifying someone belonging to the alt right.
I would love to hear more about this press conference.
Is there an article discussing it or a link to the video?
>Vampire Kings
I'd kill for this.
The VtM mod is nice and all but I want the real deal.
Enjoy the ride, user. Enjoy the ride.
>one side is literally Nazis
>coming from the side that actually suppresses though and freedom of speech
>that has convinced the state media to cover their physical attacks on dissenters as heroic
>that try to label and drive people they don't like into hiding
Remember, Adolf Hitler was a liberal. :^)
If it quacks like a duck etc.
It walks like a goose though but that can't be helped.
With exception of 5e DnD, I don't buy those books nor do I care enough to pirate them in the first place.
5e DnD is because while I don't like gender nor race politics, reverse or otherwise, the book still panders to me with its lore and mechanics that I somewhat enjoyed.
My group don't give a damn and neither do I.
any thread about new Mario game, Bowser confirmed from Zeppeli family
Seeing as this is /pol/ thread:
>You won't feel comfortable in America, because you will get doxxed by Twitter autists the moment you say something even remotely incorrect publicly and it will destroy your life
>You won't feel comfortable in Japan, because it has retarded corporate culture that takes in account only how long you've been on the job and not your actual talent, and that's not even talking about their social culture
>You won't feel comfortable in Europe, because of their open-doors immigration policy and the fact that you have to tolerate the double standards of police and the law in general
>various Asian countries aren't waiting for you in the first place and are xenophobic as fuck
>Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are corrupt to the core and totalitarian/oligocratic as fuck, and the people in power there are above the law, meaning you can get murdered or have your business raided and you won't be able to do shit about it
>Indians still don't poo in the loo
>I don't know shit about South America, so I can't comment
Where the fuck do I go now? 5 years ago, I wanted to fuck off to live and work either in USA or Europe, but now my options are basically only Eastern Europe (like Poland or Baltic countries) and Canada.
I pirate everything because these companies are all fucking retards honestly. wotc are blown out cock cage wearing dumbasses who keep trying to market to people who have no interest in playing their games.