Why do females always play as Elves?
doesn't matter if PnP, Tabletop, MMORPG, LARP or whatever. They always. play. Elves.
Why do females always play as Elves?
doesn't matter if PnP, Tabletop, MMORPG, LARP or whatever. They always. play. Elves.
Other urls found in this thread:
My sister played as a halfling for one character, and a gnome for the other.
She may be the rare exception, though.
> girl in my group: I want to play an anthropomorphic bird character
> girl: and I want to be a bard
> autist DM: ok but you can't speak Common or use your bard abilities because your beak can't handle it
> autist DM: also you can't wear armor and your stats will suck
> autist DM: and you can't fly, that's too powerful
> girl: I'm still doing it
>Why do females always play as Elves?
We get it, your experience and exposure is lacking, but at least contain yourself from making shit threads
I've asked my girlfriend this and it usually comes back to "elfs are pretty".
Elves have a somewhat more feminine image.
Also Elves are one of the obvious standard races in most fantasy so that's not surprising a lot of females are playing elves. (most other races are less cool and humans are vanilla)
Most male players play humans because they are more experienced and humans are mechanically the best in D&D, other races are thematically limited (dwarves, orcs,ect...) and male elves are often seen as gay.
You must lead a boring life.
As bad as OP might be, frogposting is worse.
Because Tyrannids aren't always an option.
>> girl: I'm still doing it
Yes, the two topics that exasperate Veeky Forums, women and elves, contained in one bait thread. This will be good.
Wife plays in a "all girls" group which are running a total of zero elves.
Her first character before that group was a Gnoll.
Can only speak of my experience
Can't speak for every girl
But I am adding to the demographic of "You're wrong."
I guess they like the bonuses elves possess like archery.
He's not that wrong if he speaks only of the super casual ones.
And statiscally, all the female players he know could be super casual ones.
The girls I've played with so far have played as a tiefling, a dwarf, a half-orc, 2 humans, a gnome, and an elf. That's 1 elf, out of 7.
> "Females"
>Wife plays in a "all girls" group
Why not play in a normal group with you?
>Veeky Forums
>Angry at frogposting
Nice anime post, fag. What are you trying to look like, some kind of weeb?
I'm not sure the fuck is going today on Veeky Forums. There are in the same fucking time 5 threads dedicated to "evil wymyn ruining my hobby forever".
Shouldn't /pol/ be busy with Trump posting, rather than doing this?
>he thinks Veeky Forums is /pol/ because we don't agree with him
>all the boards are /b/
Is this your first time stepping out of there? Or are you from /pol/ or /r9k/?
In fact, you can correlate how shitty a board is with how many frogposters it has.
Humans are generic
Dwarves are hairy, stinky manlets
Halflings are hairyfooted, stinkyfooted manlets
Gnomes are gay, twinkish manlets
Elves are perfect
t. male
obviously there's no need for them to signal by playing a feminine race like elves in an all-girls group.
Maybe they feel more comfortable between girls and all.
Some people are just not comfortable with the opposite sex except for a couple of friends, family and signifiant partner.
My girlfriend seems to only play gnomes.
>He thinks being beta neckbearder unable to handle human interaction makes him welcomed to the hobby or some sort of golden standard rather than obnoxious cancer
That sounds like literally feminist separatist tier lesbianism.
We know she has a husband, so that isn't it.
Also forgot to mention:
A friend of mine rolled a hyperactive gnome for Pathfinder, a tiefling for 5e, and a cat person for Rifts. She made a bunch of other characters for each of these systems because she finds it fun, and I think maybe 2 of them are elves or half-elves.
>you can't speak Common or use your bard abilities because your beak can't handle it
Dafuq. Birds use a syrinx to vocalize, and that's enough for several species to make a far, far greater range of sounds than any human.
interestingly you can also correlate how shitty a board is with how many people get mad when they see an image they do not like
I still maintain that adding a woman to an otherwise all-male group ruins its gender dynamics.
Perhaps it also works the other way around, and that's why she prefers an all-female group? It also has the added benefit that nobody will call women a sexist for doing this (they have fucking all-female gyms for fucks sake, are they afraid the "male gaze" will distract them from pretending to do cardio?).
Nah but seriously.
It's surprisingly common for men to not interact at all with females except for their girlfriend/wife and family, and it's maybe even more common for females to be agressive or even somewhat scared towards men trying to be friendly if they are not their boyfriend or are not interrested by them in that way at first glance.
Replace "image" with "OP" and you'll have said something that accurately describes how Veeky Forums has gone downhill.
To be honest you kinda sounds like the reason why some females can prefer a all-female group.
Don't forget: every time you make a post complaining about how Veeky Forums has gone downhill, you fail to make an interesting thread that will cause Veeky Forums to become a better place.
I don't even blame them. In fact, that was my entire point: I insist all-male groups are better than mixed groups. Assuming I don't want women to stop playing altogether (and I don't) that leaves them with all-female groups, which I'm sure can be fun.
>wah, people have standards
>wah they don't mindlessly repost shitty memes
>wah, let me frogpost because I have zero personality
>wah wah wah
>I still maintain that adding a woman to an otherwise all-male group ruins its gender dynamics.
>Perhaps it also works the other way around, and that's why she prefers an all-female group?
But the single woman in a male group thing happens because of the specifics of male-female relations, competing to be chosen by her. Why would it work the other way too?
>It also has the added benefit that nobody will call women a sexist for doing this (they have fucking all-female gyms for fucks sake, are they afraid the "male gaze" will distract them from pretending to do cardio?).
Do you WANT women to be eye-raped?
That sounds incredibly unhealthy and also sadly believable.
How do you know I'm not OP?
>Why would it work the other way too?
Not really. The reasoning there is probably that the women would feel "unsafe" because not only is every man a rapist but a man can easily overpower and rape five women at the same time amirite lads?
>Do you WANT women to be eye-raped?
Is it rape if I shove my foot up your ass?
> autist DM: ok but you can't speak Common or use your bard abilities because your beak can't handle it
Common I can understand, I guess, but it could play an instrument, hell, it couls still sing in tweets
> autist DM: also you can't wear armor and your stats will suck
What game are you playing where your stats will always suck if you choose a specific race. Also, they should be able to wear armor, but if they are, they can't fly.
>autist DM: and you can't fly, that's too powerful
That's part of the balance. Removing a key positive trait, but keeping all the negative traits is retarded.
> girl: I'm still doing it
I would say its great that she stuck to her guns, but her charter is mechnically useless.
>All this asshurt about the bestest of memes
Sorry user, i'll just say what I mean from now on. This way an autist like you can understand without subtext.
If you don't like a post/image just leave it for the janitors and fucking move on with your life.
My group is two guys, three girls.
First campaign, zero elves. Closest was that the other guy played a human who'd been kidnapped by the fey and raised in the woods.
Second campaign, zero elves.
Third campaign, one girl played a half-elf. Fun character, hyper-capitalist warlock.
Fourth campaign, no elves again.
I guess what I'm saying is OP is a fag.
>don't criticize me! Stop! I'm delicate!
>wah wah wah wah life is my hugbox!
GF is almost as tall as me and i'm 1,90 m tall.
Always plays a frail halfling.
I always play a lean woodelf.
>Supernaturally beautiful
>Naturally aloof and sophisticated
>Considered effeminate by many
This isn't rocked science OP.
bard abilities are based on telling your teammates inspiring stuff, and telling your enemies mean stuff
if nobody can understand you then it means your abilities don't work
artsy boy crush: i play this game where you can be anything you want!
girl: can you get me in?
boy: sure, wcgw
milk out nose, thank you
Honestly this thread is full of anecdotal evidence and a decent dose of sexism. Without any sort of empirical data we're not going to get anywhere with this discussion.
Code Pink - Threat of Withheld Affection
>Is it rape if I shove my foot up your ass?
Depends, am I a man or a woman?
girl: those guys were jerks! they acted like it was a major hassle that a girl was playing. what's wrong with them?
boy crush: idk i thot u did fine
girl: next time i'll show them! i can score way more Axe Pee than them
One of ours always plays dwarves.
What discussion is there to have?
Q: "Do women always play elves?"
A: No.
>Why do females always play as Elves?
Are you having a fucking chuckle or are you this retarded? If there's a race that women are known for playing it's Halflings/Gnomes. Even then it's usually when they're new to the game.
They don't. Try and speak to a woman face to face now and then. It will help you learn to not post retarded shit like this.
>ok but you can't speak Common or use your bard abilities because your beak can't handle it
So, do they not know about parrots and lyrebirds and shit?
Also, can they not play instruments? Or just sing without using human words? I mean, birds are pretty well known for their "songs".
Elves are often portrayed as beautiful, perfect aesthetics. I suppose that they project themselves into that perfect figure. I dunno.
Because they can pretend having "unearthly beauty" this way.
It's the female equivalent of having a character dual-wield katanas.
boy crush: lol why did you pick a bard, they're hard to play
girl: because I like music and cute little birds!
autist player: actually some bards can cast a spell called Fascinate-
every guy at table: CHUCKIE NO
girl: what's that?
autist player: you would just wave your hands and maybe dance around a little and then they hafta do whatever you tell them...
girl (to autist dm): can I be that?
autist dm: (beading sweat, Tenchi Muyo nosebleed from proximity to girl), it's only a 2nd level spell I don't see why not...
wifty guy: you can't Fascinate me, I'm gay!
>Try and speak to a woman face to face now and then.
You know I'm starting to like this chick.
You probably need to jump in a blender.
That entire group needs to take that leap.
Because they don't.
I've always found chicks more willing to play the bizarre races. They don't generally choose ugly shit like orcs, but they're more likely to go for weird stuff like Thri-Keen or Githzerai or Shardminds than dudes. That's my experience anyway.
girl: they tried to act like I couldn't play, but I showed them
friend: what did you do?
girl: i got them to all take their dicks out. Brian's is so cute!
friend: no way!
girl: then i made them put google eyes on them and dance the conga
friend: where did you get google eyes?
girl: art major, i use them for everything
autist player: dude, I can't play anymore
autist dm: what- why?
autist player: i gotta try to patch things up with my girlfriend. she thinks i'm gay because of our games
autist dm: Lord Salisbury's Irregulars are NOT gay!
autist player: Drew, she found a google eye in my underpants. i'm sorry
Imagine if the genders were switched.
>why do /pol/ always shitpost about girls?
>it doesn't matter if its Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /co/, /wsg/ whatever
>they always. shitpost. about girls.
I'm not sure how accurate that accutually is. For instance, I'm entirely sure that vicious mockery works on creatures that don't know your language.
>he thinks /r9k/ is /pol/
Wouldn't it just be the same
No, for example I'd find it hotter.
Everyone shitposts about girls because they're objectively terrible.
>I'm not sure the fuck is going today on Veeky Forums.
It's MLK Day so college kids in the US have the day off.
>MLK Day
>chimpout happens on Veeky Forums
How fitting.
If you want a redpilled answer it's because beauty and attractiveness is the sole thing women care about, deep within.
To be serious though, it's not that surprising. When you consider that when playing something that is basically escapism the game they probably want to be something more interesting than a boring human and out of the 4 classic fantasy races their only other choice are dwarves which are 100% focused around traits generally perceived as masculine and Halflings which are generally picked rather rarely(although I did see some women playing as hobbits) the choice is quite obvious.
When I first started playing as a kid, I went straight for elves, not any of the masculine races. What does that mean?
Yeah. Why doesn't everyone just date guys instead?
The girls in my group play a Dwarf and an Orc, possibly because they both somewhat resemble Elves IRL
Me too, as did many other people. Elves in most settings are almost perfect Mary Sues with qualities desired by both sexes, there is nothing necessarily concerning about it faggot
But I hadn't even mentioned the part about how now my characters are never elves but always female...
>Why doesn't everyone just date guys instead?
I don't know, they must be ignorant or uneducated.
>When I first started playing as a kid, I went straight for elves, not any of the masculine races. What does that mean?
For me, it was because my choices were:
>human, with no special bonuses
>elf, with 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells, bonuses when using swords and bows, bonuses to thief skills, etc.
My DM was so proud of me the first time I rolled up a fighter that didn't use CHA as his dump stat.
OP Here. this answer satisfies me. Thank you.
I joined a group and got a character that had been previously owned by two others, it was and old elf wizard, and basically i turned him it a suicidal crotchety smart-ass, oddly enough he has survived for a while
I would rape that elf
>Race that is known for being wonderfully beautiful all the time and graceful and highly desired
>Gender that goes out of their way to paint their own faces to look more attractive
Gee, OP, I dunno. I would be able to tell you if we got out of the basement and talked to people more often. Us nerds just don't understand women.
The girl in my group plays a half-orc bard
My group only has one grill, and they're perhaps the most helpful and informative player. They taught me the mechanics ground up. Dynamic works great.
>Group has one woman in it
>Has never once played an elf
>Has played a halfling, a dragonborn, and a couple humans
I'd watch this sitcom.
It must feel like having her own personal harem.
For a lot of players, particularly new players, playing ttrp's are partly power-fantasy.
>I want to be a hulking barbaring who can smash everyone
>I want to be a rogue who can sneak by everyone and stab them in the back
>I want to be a wizard who can kill with my mind.
Male power fantasies often involve physical dominance, and fighting. And most games are largely built around fighting systems, and character different flavors of physical dominance.
Female power-fantasies often involve being really pretty, or attractive. The prettiest in the room.
As a DM, I've had the question "But can I still be pretty with a low charisma-score" a bunch of times.
I don't say this in any venomous way. Typical male power-fantasies are every bit as silly and retarded as womens are. We should prolly reflect on the fact that the average game-system is a fighting-system with other stuff tacked on, too.
Elves are traditionally super pretty.
So, a lot of girls like to play elves.
It's not rocket surgery.