>GM or Player
>Times available
>Additional Notes
Old thread
>GM or Player
>Times available
>Additional Notes
Old thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>GM or Player
For me, MST but the group varies
>Times available
Rare midweek afternoons and the Weekend. Rest of the group is active most of the week.
Edge of the empire
Star wars of course. Galactic Civil War specifically.
>Additional Notes
The group is made up of 4 including me. Two in Poland one in Florida and one in AZ. We have our sheets, basic understanding of the system, enthusiasm. All we need is a god damned GM. As long as you arent autistic and have a good understanding of Eote we will take you.
Dead games, dead thread.
Shame we banished all the necromancers
>GM or Player
Europe-centric, most are GMT+1
>Times available
We're looking to start scheduling once we've got (You)
Northern region community building centered on a small town
>Additional Notes
Players have decided on a community building type campaign set in the Northern/Snowy regions. After an opening adventure you will be put up as caretakers of a small town and will aid and guide them. Roll20 forums will have text threads of varying issues cropping up in a King of Dragon Pass-esque style but more open choices, and weekly voice live sessions will address crises and time-critical decisions or things involving harsh travel or combat. Weather and environmental factors will apply.
Things are pretty low level and text discussion is not a PBP "I go off and do this for 5 days" type of thing but rather IC discussions between you, and NPCs if applicable.
Also there's a creepy guy who wants to watch as audience but he's okay.
For more information and/or to apply join discord.gg
Your life will be much easier if one of you just runs it and you look for another player if you need. Or have a rotating GM. Bounty Hunter's Guild, take turns running missions for each others' characters. Etc.
Quality GMs don't respond to looking for GM posts from groups. Not saying you guys are or aren't great, but nobody wants to take the risk of coming into the established dynamic of the group looking for a GM and feel obligated to meet some unspoken expectations.
>GM or Player
>Times available
Sunday, 4 to 9
Fantasy Flight Star Wars
Mostly Canon SW, roughly two years before ANH
>Additional Notes
It has been 17 years since the rise of Emperor Palpatine's New Order and the Corporate Sector has never had a more violent disruptive year. Tearing apart profit margins smugglers, rebels, and over zealous neighboring Moffs are on the increase. In order to restore proper order to the sector, a special unit within the Corporate Sector Authority is to be formed of beings from all walks of life in galaxy to preform independent investigations and counter-terrorism operations.
TL;DR: Cyberpunk/Animu inspired game involving PCs in a newly created special ops team of the CSA doing investigative ass kicking.
Only one player slot left. Game will be played online on roll20 with OOC being done on discord. discord.gg
>This shitty image
Why is nobody using the older, better image?
This one?
Shitty image and a shitty template.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Yeah your right and unfortunately the task of GMing falls to me
You're a savior
>System Preferred
Legend of the Five Rings First Edition
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Thursdays! I'm pst, the only confirmed player I have is est, so it would likely work for either, but no set time yet.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for voice, this is a voice game, so a reliable mic is a must. Roll20 for rolls, map, characters, etc
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
The way I run L5R is fairly roleplay heavy, making much more use of skills than combat, that said, combat does happen and in L5R it is quickly lethal. There isn't a set game type yet, I'd prefer a clan game but that will be up to the players.
Hey, I'm down for it.
>Thursdays and Voice
Dammit! Still, good luck to you user! We really need more L5R GMs in gamefinder threads.
Joined your Discord mang.
I guess I'll need to find 1st ed books, cuz I only got 4th.
>GM or Player
>Times available
First session is 4:30 or 5:30 PST on Thursday the 19th
>Additional Notes
oneshot that might turn into a full campaign if you can bear with my sporadic work schedule
>Contact Information
kingfr0g on skype
>being this antisocial and retarded
>being this worthless
That's not really a sensible argument for being so autistic and socially incompetent that you can't use your voice to play.
Let's bump this thread
GMs, and Players, tell us the things that would really irk you at the table you are playing?
I don't like when they just can't shut up OOC about what their character would do if another PC decides to take a certain course of action.
Something along the lines of: "Man, if PC (X) won't stop throwing my character's shortcomings into his face, he will literally punch her."
Then do so you prick, and stop trying to threaten me OOC into a different behavior.
I don't have working pc mic at the moment also as non native speaker it is easier for me to write than to talk, spelling errors are easier to get around than failing at pronunciation.
I hate players who can't make characters who will be friends with the group. I get it your idea of good inter party drama is being a humongous dickbag who will work with everyone else, but be a raging cuck about it because it's how his personality was written.
My character has the personality trait that he kills anyone who behaves that way. Make a new character.
>GM or Player
>Times available
Weekends. Weekday evenings.
4e but with some custom stuff.
Imagine Girls und Panzer, but instead of tanks, you have small mechs that are like one man tanks. Specifically, the mecha that will be used will be from Votoms.
>Additional Notes
Discord is MelloVi#0704
You not having hardware for voice doesn't make it a bad form of communication, it just means you're too lazy to fix it.
Also, bummer that you are anxious about your pronunciation but you'll improve your speaking and understanding skills dramatically if you regularly are communicating with lots of people. It's mentally taxing, though, so I get you being too lazy
No antisocialness or retardation here, user.
I just like RPing, and I don't feel like that is done super well in voice, generally.
I hate GMs who try forcing me to stick to a character that doesn't fit the party and then guilt trip me into staying instead of at least letting me walk out.
See, I see where you're coming from. If it were a text game you'd be allowed to type much more detail, but that really slows the game which I feel takes away from the pace.
The fact that you jumped to arms though, yeah you might be autistic
>smoke signals
My nigga
I see... but is it not a bit overboard RPing with carrier pigeons?
>slows the game
Not innately, in my opinion. It certainly CAN if you're playing with people who can't type worth a damn, but it certainly doesn't have to be that way.
>jumped to arms
>GM or Player
>Game Time/Timezone
Western Hemisphere preferred. 6pm PST/9 EST Sundays
D&D 4e
Mostly PoL, with different map, and small bits from other-settings on a case-by-case basis
>Additional Notes
In need of defender, prefer non-essentials classes, as they can be broken super-bad
I'm just following my scorpion blood and being a shitposter, don't mind me. Maybe look up what that means before going straight to >wat though.
I can't/won't speak for others but some people just don't like having to h ear other people try to voice act someone. I find it to be really cringy but other people seem to be really find with it so it boils down to a matter of taste like I don't mind using a mic to talk to other people in the game but once I have to voice act my pc I start to drop off.
I'm looking for a D&D 5e game with non British people. Preferably with Americans.
I'm English myself, but I want a different perspective from the game than the usual British one I get from playing with friends.
Hit me up if you're interested.
>roll20 is only looking for dnd/PF games
I don't think I have ever been in a PF game that did not lasted more then 2 weeks.
>that did not lasted
Care to rephrase that?
That did not last more then two weeks*
Really? All the PF games you've been in lasted for over two weeks?
All the PF games I been in did not last more then 2 weeks at most.
ESL-kun, you're still making no sense.
"Every PF game I've been in lasted 2 weeks at most". That's the kind of phrasing you want to use there.
Closed for now.
How nice of you
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
7:00pm MT, Thursdays
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord, Roll20
>>Contact Info
>>Additional Notes
Need 1-2 players for a gestalt campaign in a homebrewed setting. We have some houserules in place, and the 'fantasy' genre is slightly complex, inquire for details.
Top cringe, lad.
>GM or Player
Player, but willing to GM
>Times available
Late Wednesday nights or Thursdays during the day
Dark Fantasy
>Additional Notes
I want to give this game a shot, but my group only wants to play 5e, so I'm trying to find a group online for it. I can GM the beginner adventure, but will need time to learn the ins and outs of the system first.
Can you talk about the system a little? I don't read swedish.
userscloud com t29loe5oofj5
Here's an English pdf. As far as the game mechanics go, basically you roll a d20 and if it is equal to or under the appropriate attribute for the task, you succeed. The GM rolls no dice, but adds modifiers to what needs to be rolled depending on the difficulty of the task.
For example, let's say you are trying to hit a bad guy with a sword. The GM subtracts the bad guy's Defense score from your Accurate attribute. If your Accurate is 13 and the bad guy's defense is -2, you need to roll 11 or under to hit. If you hit, you roll damage and the GM subtracts the bad guy's Armor from that. If the damage exceeds the bad guy's Pain Threshold (half of its HP rounded up), you can either knock him prone or get a free attack.
If a bad guy is trying to hit you, you roll Defense. Defense is Quick - any armor penalties. Unlike monsters and npcs, which all have a static armor value, a PC rolls his armor value (ex. Medium Armor is 1d6). If the damage exceeds your Pain Threshold, you get to choose whether to fall prone or take another hit.
If you are a magic user, you want to use your magic sparingly because every time you learn or cast a new spell, you gain Corruption. If you become too corrupted, it will become physically noticeable. If you still keep gaining corruption, you will eventually turn into an abomination and lose control of your character.
The system is classless and you buy abilities with experience points that you earn, but there are suggested archetypes listed in the book that are a good idea to stick to.
>If you become too corrupted, it will become physically noticeable. If you still keep gaining corruption, you will eventually turn into an abomination and lose control of your character.
What's the downside?
The GM takes control of your character and you will have caused a tpk.
>GM or Player
>Times available
7PM EST Start Time, Friday.
Twilight 2000 V2.2 (houseruled)
Cleveland Ohio
>Contact Info
[email protected]
Please include any questions or comments you might have, as well as any information you think would be pertinent. We are only looking to fill out one to two slots, so if more than that apply, I'll be choosing the 'best' ones.
>Additional Notes
This is a campaign set during the near aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. The majority of people who who will die have done so. Government control has broken down to the local level at any place (un)lucky enough to still have it. There's no help coming, you are on your own.
The PCs have been fortunate enough to ride out the worst of the fall of modern civilization at the safe house of a mutual prepper friend. Unfortunately, said friend departed early into the event and has not yet returned. Food and supplies are running out, and soon the PCs will be forced back out into the world in order to survive.
Gameplay will mainly be based around foraging for food, material, medicine in the hostile and dangerous world. There will also be a base building/improvement section in order to fortify your base.
I'm interested in playing, not gming though
>gamefinder in a nutshell
>System Preferred
Mutants and Masterminds 3E
>Times Available (with timezone!)
We will discuss the preferred dates, once the players have all assembled.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for OOC and text roleplay. Roll20 for rolls, characters, and combat ecounters.
>Contact Info
I'll post the Discord link once interest has been shown.
>Additional Notes
This is a game inspired by the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. So there’s going to be a tremendous amount of nostalgia fag references and homages. Players should expect to play PL 10 characters from literature, movies, or television series that were released from the 80’s all the way up to le current year. The characters must be somewhat laced into the real world or have a means of getting into the real world within their pre-existing story. This is also my first time running Mutants and Masterminds, so I’ll leave you with the kind disclaimer: that I will come off as a little unpracticed at first running the system.
Consider me interested
Also I've never played M&M till now, so we could learn the system together.
Why isn't there ever an MnM game where you play as the villains? It sounds like it could be really cool.
Link is up.
Stickers and bumpers
>GM or Player
Whatever really. I think as of now we have 3 people. I think at least two of us are capable to run a game, even if that's not first preference.
>Times available
Sundays, I think is our day.
1 P.M. is our time.
Mutant Epoch
Post Apocalyptic stuff.
>Additional Notes
Discord link:
Core Ruleset: dropbox.com
Roll20 for medium
>GM or Player
Posting on behalf of GM. We're recruiting for 2 games
Games are set at GMT -5.
>Times available
MNM - -Saturdays at 1 PM EST (GMT-5)
Pathfinder - Allies - Sundays, 1 PM EST (GMT -5)
Pathfinder - Axis - Mondays, 8 PM est (Gmt-5)
Pathfinder/Mutants and Masterminds
Nazi elves vs Allies. Ask GM for more details. / Emerging superheroes in a custom city
>Additional Notes
Contact on Discord: Ark#4540
More like Bark, lmao.
Just need one more player.
On my way, tag is what even #6912
Rant moment; Flakey DMs are awesome. First game was a 'family issue' at least they said it wasn't happening. But next weeks first game (today) they just straight fucked off 10min before the game after they said 'hey game in 45min @everyone' and never came back. Just say 'hey I don't want to DM, my bad, I made a mistake', totally good. Don't just fucking say nothing and leave five people sitting in a voice channel with their thumbs in their asses.
Anyway, time to repost the LFG
* DM or Player
* your timezone
* your available schedule
M-Th after 3PM, F after 5PM, S All day, Sun until 5PM (Another game)
* your preferred systems
* your preferred format (voice, video, text, mix of them, etc.)
Voice with a program. Such as Discord with Roll20 for example.
* your preferred VTT/IM/VoIP platforms
Discord/Skype/TeamSpeak all good.
I idle in the /5eg/ discord, hit me up there. Should be able to see this same posting in the #lfg channel.
This user here
Uh, says your link's expired. Idk if you already got a player to fill or not
>Flakey DMs are awesome
You fucking know it m8
Need to find a new pathfinder game because our weekly session keeps canceling via GM on the afternoon of game 75% of the time.
People who don't step up to GM shouldn't talk.
People who can't GM shouldn't step up.
>t. GM for 718 straight sessions.
The last time and the first time I GMed, I had to deal with two SJW-types for a total of 2 months, while one derided all the shit I did in game and the second simply didn't show up. The second one was super rude the times she was there, and she got banned on a particularly bad night. The first one soon followed suit, since she though blowing up at me in PM was acceptable, over minor things in the game.
It was a really unpleasant experience, on top of getting everything ready every week, I was being scrutinized for what I was writing. It's not something I'd want to do again.
Welcome to GMing. The disrespect for your creative work and effort is really the worst.
And then you got posts in here of a bunch of players just looking for a DM to run exactly what they'd like and they're all like "we've got our sheets ready and waiting". Because obviously as a GM your input is so minimal it should in no way affect their character creation via setting or rules or anything.
One thing I love more and more as a GM is adjusting character creation rules for each game to suit the tone and mechanics of the game I want to run. It's like having game mechanics in a video game affect how the story is told; silent hill with its draw distance, etc.
>GM or Player
>Times available
hours vary
40k rpgs
>Additional Notes
Discord: Clink#8834
Be more concerned with creating a setting and characters within it, than powerful characters, but don't go making shit character builds because you forget it's a group game.
>Discord: Clink#8834
>Be more concerned with creating a setting and characters within it, than powerful characters, but don't go making shit character builds because you forget it's a group game.
Why are you posting this advice as a player
Why do you think a player would include notes? I want to find GMs who are at least somewhat inclined to agree.
If I had a dollar every time someone started talking about their build in terms of system mechanics, I'd be rich.
OTOH, I can count the number of times I've joined a game and people have started off talking about about their characters in ways that my character will be able to see or pick up. It's none.
>talking about their build in terms of system mechanics, I'd be rich.
How else would you talk about a build? A build is the mechanical setup of a character.
>missing the point this hard
It sounds to me like you're getting mad at people talking about what their character does in mechanical terms rather than being super fucking vague about it in a "he fights with axes", "he's an acrobatic swashbuckler" kind of way. Which is basically getting mad at people being specific and knowledgeable in the mechanics side with absolutely no implication that they value the RP side of things any less, but merely of them choosing one language over another to express an aspect that is better expressed in one of them.
People that somehow are under the impression that you have to HATE HATE HATE the mechanics side in order to provide good RP are the biggest fucking cancer and usually the greatest cause for ridiculously sluggish and slow gameplay.
Yeah ... really coming off like you're looking to fling shit or have previously been touched inappropriately, and aren't concerned with not straw-manning or putting words in someone's mouth now that you have a chance to say something.
I would be interested... but how am i supposed to contact you ?
>GM or Player
>Times available
Everyday except Saturdays & Fridays
Any edition of DnD, including Pathfinder.
>Additional Notes
Discord: Guts#1659
Run one, fag
I'm interested.
>>GM or Player
>>Times available
Pretty open except when I'm sick.
Pathfinder, DnD, MnM, WoD, CoC, Open to others
Fantasy/Horror Pref
>>Additional Notes
I Larp every other Sunday.
I am sick off and on due to Stage II cancer, I try my best.
Looking to fill my hospital time with fun, friends and laughter.
>GM or Player
>Times available
WoD: Mummy: The Resurrection
Let's Party like its 2500 B.C: It's modern day NA and the world is rapidly changing, forces are being unearthed. You're one of them, and brought back just in the nick of time. There is a greater force out there that wants what you have.
>Additional Notes
Looking for four players who are chill and lowkey veterans. Will accept chill noobs.
Get well soon, buddy.
Bumping question
Would there be more players for Traveller, Pendragon or Pokerole?
Skype is Gray
but that's almost impossible to find via search, so if you drop yours I'll add you
if you do search it, it's the one with the daft punk head
thanks buddy, your kind words are very much appreciated.
Veralyn Helskinfjord / photo of weebu anime man in hospital
... that's at least 4 time zones man
I'm pretty open, I work at odd hours.
So it's pretty chill.
I'd be down for Symbaroum, saw a thread about it a while back and it seemed cool. Can't be a GM though, already running two games, and it's already a bit much.
I've played in a few other WoD games but not mummy. I would be interested in hearing more about this if you want to put some contact details or something down.
>GM or Player:
Bizarre Adventures D6, I've finished it off with homebrew (or at least finished everything I needed for this game)
>Contact details
tommy.middleton8 on Skype
>Times available
We're on Saturdays, 20:00 GMT
>Additional Notes
Setting is the year 1666 players are Stand-using pirates on a ship called the Slow Dancer, though they only develop their Stands during session 0.
Here's the system: docs.google.com
Mummy's is super fun.