>the local orc tribes worship the gods of fitness and beach fun
What adventure hooks can you make based on this premise?
>the local orc tribes worship the gods of fitness and beach fun
What adventure hooks can you make based on this premise?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Gods of Fitness
Like, the shark people are totally going to ruin the clambake, man!
I'm glad we ousted quests so we could have more quality threads like this.
me too desu
at least here we can come up with creative ideas that can easily be worked into any setting
>>the local orc tribes worship the gods of fitness and beach fun
>the unfit gave the opportunity to flee towards the sea as the followers of fit get to pursue and slaughter them on the sands
>hilarity ensues as the local fit-buffon performs "the fake shark" on the unfit who have reached the sea
>the blood effects are not actually fake
This art is so terrible.
>Some Orcs have created a nation of Veeky Forumsizens
>Instead getting stronger to fight more, they fight more to get stronger
>No matter their Occupation, everyone from High born Fops to lowly peasants to the nerdiest of Nerds are focused with how to get buff in their free time
>Their Patron Diety is Zyzz, the God of Gains, who became so fit that he transcended the mortal plane
>Every morning on the day of a Full Moon, they pay tribute to his achievements by doing 1000 squats while shoveling oats into their mouths
>They then celebrate the night away with a beach party/feast
>Their Military, while unconventional, is still formidable in it's own right
>Don't use Seige machinery or crossbows because "That's pussy shit for weak-ass Nerds who can't fight"
>Make up for this by being able to throw boulders, cannon balls, and bombs with their bare hands.
>Their Naval force is reliant on Aquamancers, who create giant waves to surfboard across oceans with.
>Their Coming of age rite comes in the form of a Pentatholon: running, swimming, climbing, surfing, and of course, fighting
>Secretly plagued by a massive Drug running ring, selling illegal, dangerous, Sports drugs and steroids, causing numerous deaths and health problems
I feel like he hit his best in mid stardust, personally.
>orcs have a vested interest in beaches and now control most of them and inadvertently become a major player for ocean trade, insert any political plotline
>particularly hip locations show a habit of becoming boom towns before waning in popularity and falling apart, leading the residents to try dangerous ideas to rekindle or keep interest.
>some traditional orcs of the "blood and honor" variety have started evangalizing the Veeky Forumsness benefits of a life of eternal war, some young orcs are being swayed
the possibilities are only limited by the imagination!
me too user, best thing that has happened to Veeky Forums in a long time
>a kindly, hat wearing Druid, styled by many as the king of nature, wishes you to safeguard the realm by slaying a particularly vile breed of goblin, one that steals the vitality of those it attacks
>the prince has recently ascended unto the heavens via the holy sauna, and the realm needs aid to decide the next one.
>Jeff won't go. Make him
druids don't wear hats
this has to be a trick
late stardust to mid diamond is best art. SBR is great too but I miss the giant men of muscle a bit.
>The orcs have taken over a local beach. The only way to take it back is to beat them in a volleyball competition.
Question him not about his hat, lest his savage gnomes descend upon you
I'm gonna need to steal that idea and write it down for later.
>80s Orc fitness qt
She better have a god damn bush. I'm so sick of these hairless girls.
How do they make spandex????
Gift from the gods.
>gods of fitness
all orcs do this no matter what universe they belong to
>A local duchy has stopped paying tribute to the king for over half a year, and those who claim to have family living in the region haven't heard from their relatives either
>All scouts and envoys sent to the region never return
>The king hires a party of adventurers to investigate
>Turns out the orcs opened a new gym in the region, everyone who enters the region becomes a member by default
>Participation is obligatory, but their intense training regimen has a 85% mortality rate
>On the plus side, all the survivors become handsome studs and sexy musclegirls
>The Dark Lord's armies are utterly crushing the Alliance of the Light
>The soldiers describe the Dark Lord's troops as inhuman, with the strength of multiple men, and all confirm they weren't like this before
>The PCs are sent to investigate
>Turns out every batallion has an orc instructor assisting the military officers who oversees their training
>Squatz + Oatz = Good (territorial) gainz
I assist my liege, Scoobius the Natty in taking up the mantle the prince has left behind and drive away the hoard of goblins. Only then can I re-rack my sword and retire.