Space Ships Thread

Post about Space ships,your setting space navies or whatever tickles your space fancy.
Big evil empires. Better to fight aliens, humans or rogue AI's/Machines?

Or civil war. They are cool and can be full of drama.

Anyone has tried a planet conquest game? Or a rpg of space empire building.

I'm having trouble dealing with space settings that don't have drones as part of the standard offensive and defensive capabilities.

With a few exceptions; the ones that focus on civilian vessels and the ones that have an explanation for why spaceships are so technologically backwards (like uncontrollable energies between solar systems, for example).

But humans are the most interesting enemies by far. Aliens just seem implacable, which is boring. Rogue AIs play Xanatos Chess, which is boring to read about.


>backwards numbers

How do you guys like your space fighters?

Sleek and sexy, though I'm down for other types.





What is the size difference between the biggest and smallest FTL-capable ship in your setting?

500t is the smallest courier kind humans can have acces too, the biggest are the battle-stars at nearly 500.000t. Wormholes portals exist, and FTL-engines are considerable slower,but some systems don't have portals and the portals themselves are normally the most defended part of the system, so atacking through them is a bad idea, while the FTL-engines let's you outside any part of the heliosphere, so stational defense can be sorted but before you can do anything useful they can call for help (it's a nice excuse for space battles).



So not Top Gun shenaningans? No Temerary young ones in they hot-rod fighters in they daring quest for fame, money and respect?

Not any more. I don't find it realistic.

We're probably less than two decades away from human pilots retiring entirely. Cars, planes, trains, whatever you name.

Drones are the only thing that make sense for future settings.

So you play a hard-sci fi game? Do you use FTL?

No, I stick to space fantasy mostly.

I don't find hard scifi terribly interesting to play.

Just steal Kingmaker mechanics and refluff it.

I don't like drones nor androids with no emotions in my fiction.
I prefer humans since they have more characterization. Or robots with humanlike characterizations.

I will not pay money for media that don't pander to me.

Don't treat fiction as your non-fiction and non fiction as your fiction and you will enjoy life better, kid.

I will not touch filthy d20 stuff.
Jokes aside isn't there anything more related? Having to convert all of that seems a pain.

Sorry, alternatives, like reign are far worse.

Vertical, with a good field of view.

>Better to fight aliens, humans or rogue AI's/Machines?

Space vampires

Or spcae elves.
Abh genocide when.

>Drones are the only thing that make sense for future settings.

Not if we create a cyberwarfare first, Skynet.

We'll never fall for your robot revolution agenda again.

I prefer humans as a rule.
Space fantasy allow you to do crazy human groups like Elvis Presley impersonators who raid colonies to kidnap men to force them to either join them and become one of the impersonators or become their slave roadies.


Even a steaming turd of a movie can give rise to cool designs!


>Abh genocide when.

Why genocide when you can assimilate them trought CULTURE

>mfw I worked on Skynet
>yfw it's already too late


>Implying EMP is even hard against robots.
>Implying jamming tech isn't already good enough that drones crashed on their own due to absence of clear controller signal.


Hardening against EMP was like...step one. It's not perfect, but it's close.

Seriously, drone fighters aren't far off.

Lead isn't enough to stop EMP blast, champ.
Lots of distance and ground are the one that actually does the trick.

Hardening is only feasible in theory but impractical in actual field.
Just like most /k/ garbage.

>doesn't believe in Faraday cages
o-o-o-ok baka

Electronic and cyber warfare makes using drones a suicidal tactic, in my verse. Every ship has a suite enough to do so, and every fleet has a specialized ship to do the same. As the setting is in one system, secrets and advantages quickly disappear and it becomes a slugfest none the less.

>Implying that work against EMP.

Try to read more about it than just a cursory glance to masturbate, faggot.

You said it yourself, user.


Do you know what Faraday cages are? What they do?

This was influenced by,at first, a MMORPG called Star Quest Online, where multiple people per ship could fight against each other in a star trek proxy. Before the admins and creators dipped, they added electronic warfare suites to the communication consoles. It was also influenced by Legend of the Galactic Heroes, where communication warfare is used extensively (but never on the forefront of the series, just in the background) so much that communications has to be manual both in space and on the ground.

Are you stupid enough not to realize why I said this?

>Hardening is only feasible in theory but impractical in actual field.
>Just like most /k/ garbage.

Use your brain a bit and figure out why it is impractical for a bit.
Come on, there's a few brain matter in there. I believe in you.

The most common problem with a Faraday cage is that you can't communicate between the equipment inside the cage and the equipment outside the cage. The trick is in couplings that break on surge and a mechanical failsafe device that reconnects them.

Would you like to try again, user?

Because this is what I do.



How many of these spaceship compilation pictures are there?

So you drop your Cage thing huh?

Breakaway couplings means you killed your system midfield, makes them vulnerable.

And your system only work if you're against one shotted ECM, if it was a field, the chance you'll reconnect properly are slim, and by that time your drones are already blasted by enemies.

>he doesn't understand

Artist is probably Asian, characters are probably chosen because artist thought they looked cool.

Same as Western artists using random Asian glyphs

The G and the AC-87 are backwards as well.

I prefer my android/robot/synthetics to have emotions and attitudes similarly in line with the race or culture that produces them. I can understand the robots having lessened or barely any emotions at all, if the purpose they were designed for requires it, though.

Also, have a shitty picture

Care to explain then?

im not that user, and im just curious

He's confused about how mechanical switches work, basically. He's also trying to Xanatos chess a discussion about technologies he believes to be theoretical, which is laughable at best.

>what are fuses

m8 EMP is a Hollywood myth, nukes need an atmosphere to generate it anyway and it's easily hardened against (spoiler: it's so weak, you need long antennae to collect enough energy to hurt anything - literally, power lines dozens of km long). If you want to sound realistic use HPM [high powered microwaves].

With typical soft-SF magical engines, humans aren't a disadvantage. The ships are simply so fast, protected, and powerful that humans and life support are a tiny blip on the performance - like fighter jets today.

I think he just get the EMP and ECM switched out.

Yeah its kinda hillarious

ITT: Armchair experts who know beyond a doubt that drones will be fighting wars.

Yeah, I mean it's not like you need to put boots on the ground when you can just Macross Missle Massacre the opposition to the bargaining table.

>Yeah, I mean it's not like you need to put boots on the ground when you can just Macross Missle Massacre the opposition to the bargaining table.
Do you think drones will only be flying, user?

>ITT: DARPAfags that think drones are godlike, undefeated beings that can't be harmed in anyway.
>Thinking you can left a robots out of human hands

Yeah its like, people never used any countermeasures and let those robots at banging on your doors anyway.

>copy paste Tropes
>Impliying drones has somekind of tactical flexibility whatsoever.
>Impliying AMS is not a thing.

There's probably a point where you lose more from not having a sapient entity (or several) on the ground than you gain by not having them in harm's way.

Say, situations that requires a lot of thinking in a short amount of time in a complex environment, where outside CnC isn't fast enough and might even be counterproductive. Black ops, occupation of population centers, etc etc.
Or robustness-even if drones are the main fighting strength, on site CnC would be less vulnerable to jamming or other types of communications warfare than some bunker halfway across the world.

For the foreseeable future, ground warfare's probably going to still have infantry, AFVs, etc etc-unmanned fighting vehicles would be just another tool in the kit.

Not discounting sapient AI in any way, but that's another can of worms in and of itself.

Of course not. Only that they will replace the need for actual humans in fighting roles.

In my unsubstantiated opinion the role of drones is to augment your fighting capabilities not replace them.

>There's probably a point where you lose more from not having a sapient entity (or several) on the ground than you gain by not having them in harm's way.
But we already know where that point is, which is why everyone is developing drones /and/ lightweight ballistic armor.

We're not talking about replacing SOF with drones. We're talking about replacing regular armies with drones. They'll be capable of the primary job of infantry: holding physical territory, but without the drawback of potential casualties. Which is how you lose the hearts and minds at home, which are the ones that actually matter.

ECM, for the record, does not mean the same thing as offensive signal hacking. They're distinct disciplines with different objectives.

A brick with guns on it.

Preferably escorted by drone missile busses for optimal missile spam.

>Better to fight aliens, humans or rogue AI's/Machines?

Omnicidal alien zealots from beyond the stars.

The smallest FTL capable vessel of the Raumkriegsmarine is the Reliant-class corvette, which is all of 150 meters long. The largest is the Imperial-class battleship, which is 3,500 meters long. That's as big as it gets for human-built vessels.

That's really fucking gay though, and removes a lot of interesting character opportunities.

Not the cool kind of gay, either.

You can't win hearts and minds with toasters, dronefag.


Like they're still built of soviet titanium and vacuum tubes

That depends for most of the universe the smallest FTL capable ship barring the use of stationary jump stations is around the size of the Millennium Falcon with the largest being just under a kilometer long

For the almost magic Precursor race it ranges from single person craft around the size of a Saiyan Pod to structures better measured on a planetary scale


If I'm given the chance, I always include a crazy amount of aliumz into my sci-fi.

What kind of alium? Human culture with an orange face lift or true alien cultures?


>Space 1999
I ain't watched it in ages but you mah nig.
I prefer UFO

Most of the ships here are for combat... can we have some trading vessels? All rusty-dusty-beaten up merchants ships.

Go to /swg/ for that.
People don't like to draw trading vessels because it isn't fun for their fantasy, with exception of Star Wars.

but I don't like star wars...

And what about traveller? Pretty cool old school space traders in that game.

I got a couple

Yep, can't think of a single other sci-fi setting with cargo ships.


Not a single one

that's perfect


Okay, think I'm tapped out of freighters and junk buckets.

Happy to help, user

That is so goofy i love it

What about spaces bases? Asteroid bases, small planetary bases, etc

are there more of these? specifically, any Minmatar?

Human Culture with a facelift.

I understand why people would like truly bizarre aliens, but I figured it takes a particular brand of crazy to go out into space BUT their governments tend to make sure they aren't completely crazy, you know?

If you recall in Mass Effect where there were more than a few speciests (is that the right word) out in the Citadel, I was wondering why NASA didn't do a background check on them. Everyone is entitled to their position, but do I really want them taunting folks who could RKV the Earth. That and those guys who didn't listen to me as Cyborg Shepard when I warned them that the Collectors were coming. Why would the ESA send those folks out into space?

I shouldn't post first thing in the morning.

Aliens, and Humans, have to be a certain amount of alienaboo to be authorized into space. You have to know about them and their customs. You can't pull a "works alone" or "secretly hates them" in space because there is a very good chance you will not only encounter them, but work with them.

How big are the ships than do you let the PC to own?


Wish I had more for you, brother user. this one is pretty poor quality....we may be too old for this place! Cheers!

That way they're easily readable in the rear view mirror.



If I run a space pirate campaign?
Light freighter/free trader class at max so I don't have the campaign bogged down in details.

This is good shit.

Isn't that a bit dow-gunned for a space pirate? A few weapons at best in those, an a non retard trader would have the same guns than you.

Cooked from one thousand kilometers away