Filename Thread

Last one hit the image limit.

Player character morality edition.

Is this a Veeky Forums filename thread, or a regular filename thread like we usually have

>Veeky Forums filename thread, or a regular filename thread
It's whichever one doesn't include shitposting about the polish defense minister.

Seems to be Veeky Forums yet.

Needs a name



>Spent all the money on booze and whores, none left for food

Something, something, magical realm.

>Nobody bring the pizza

Minnesota red, I don't think so


>After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.


What in the fuck


Save to disbelieve

We have a winner ().

Since when does pokemon look so good?








Pokemon Generations, a series of anime shorts about the game stories

I'm sure there's a better name for this one but I can't think of it.

Needs a name.

>Introducing new players to D&D.jpg

lawful evil?




>elephant pesticide
Spice of choice for the suicidal, the hopeless, and the lovesick.




>not tracking inventory







Needs name


>leaked scene of Star Wars VIII



I lack any form of the simplest creativity and want everyone to know, come on, filename threads are not exactly a complicated creative constraint, you chose the picture AND the text.pdf



> Plot hooks

> Presenting your headcanon



Not Veeky Forums but

What did yoy just say about my hair

He took forty states!

Is that ben shapiro?


well played.

Advanced references here.

>better listen to the commissar





>It's fucking nothing.webm

>That guy in charge of snacks




>accidentally using shaping during sex
sids pls

Ugh, that comic.
It's has such nice art on a technical level, but fails so completely at everything else.

And that's horrible

>the perils of min-maxing.jpg

hahah you fucker


Perils of the warp

Oh fuck

>codex astartes for dummies



I remember having some fun reading it, but mostly because comic crazy mad science guys make me smile and some idea or place were cool. Otherwise, it's a mess and I can't even remember where the story went as it seemed to just constantly stumble forward step after step.

The early part was pretty well-plotted, but by the time they got to the Castle, it was labouring under heavy consecutive-twist problems.

They have the Rowling problem, where there's something great there, but they really need an editor to tell them "no" sometimes.

>that thumb





Reminds me of this

I fit that description pretty accurately. What should I watch out for?

casting heroes feast as an illusionist

You did it wrong, but I appreciate that you at least tried.

Holy shit, demi got an anime?


Remember that GURPS is a toolkit first, and a sourcebook second. You can choose yourself which rules do or don't come into play. Decide upon the theme of your campaign, and choose your books accordingly without using too many of them.

Inb4 nobody gets what exactly I'm talking about
