What kind of anti-infiltration protocals, if any, do your guards have, Veeky Forums? How well are they trained and equipped to deal with invisible persons and shapeshifters?
What kind of anti-infiltration protocals, if any, do your guards have, Veeky Forums...
I love how matter-of-factly this panel is presented.
They find punching people in the face works on like all problems.
You gonna be a problem, OP?
Genius! That way, the people who are okay with being punched in the face are definitely shapeshifters!
Since we installed the magical fingerprint scanner, we've got a grand total of zero unwanted visitors entering the place.
The guards patrol in groups of at least two, if not three or four. In most groups, there is a single hand that works on the tamper-resistant hand scanners. The selection of hands is changed occasionally, with no pattern that an outside observer could detect. Hand changes are signaled by a tone over the intercom. Some patrols won't have any access at all sometimes and just patrol between non-scanning rooms and hallways in the outer areas. All guards are trained to trigger an alarm if they suspect a problem. Using a wrong hand on a scanner will trigger a silent alarm.
With this system, someone trying to impersonate a guard will have to either already know whose hand works when (In which case the information leak is so severe that they could get away with anything if they tried) or hope that whichever hand they try on the scanners is currently active and they have enough time to get in and out before it stops working.
>Using a wrong hand on a scanner will trigger a silent alarm.
What if the infiltarors show up claiming to be investigating a triggered silent alarm?
They'd be caught as soon as anyone calls into dispatch or they actually try to get through a door and actually set off a silent alarm.
Look at his tiny face.
How do know who to punch though?
The Emperor's personal retinue of guards are all trained in basic Divination such as Detect Magic and the like, with some more dedicated Spellcasters taking up residence as specialists amongst them. Other than that they pretty much guard against infiltration as normal.
Guards in charge of security inside of the Castle and all government buildings are trained in minor magic skills so Detect Magic is a standard spell they all know as well as having a dedicated mage on hand at all times in the security rotation.
In the rooms that handle survallience there is always a mage who maintains a magic sensor at all times who is regularly swapped out at such times as they are able to handle keeping the sensor active.
Other security measures include Golems disguised as part of the structure of furniture as well as warding spaces that will create fields of force to trap anything that trips them.
As opposed to the device that only detects clayfaces. Or the one that is just a robot detector.
Hope you enjoy a dozen or so false alarms every single week. Your guards aren't that clever.
Mitsuhama Zero Zone. Anyone located in it is killed. Anyone
Remembering the pattern they're told at the start of their shift is part of their job description. We fire repeat fuckups until there aren't a ton of false alarms.
Also, having guards rush away from their patrol to respond to an alarm adds another level of unpredictability to the whole thing, further getting in the way of anyone trying to sneak in.
Presumably they work on the same mechanism.
Backscatter X-Ray, say. Either no bones at all(clayface), or the whole body is opaque(robot).
Having worked in an office where people have to use keycards for access to different sections, this plan will fail horribly. If workers in an engineering firm can't be relied upon to remember security procedures OR NOT SHIT ON THE TOILET SEATS then I doubt a bunch of mooks will operate an overly complicated security system that changes randomly.
Yeah but why did he have to specify the one that can detect Alien, clayface AND robot. It implies he has others that detect different subsets.
Using the security system isn't the job of engineer firm workers.
And it really isn't overly complicated.
"Bob's left hand works on the two doors you have to pass on your patrol this morning, then when you hear the chime, Fred's left hand is the one you need." is not that bad.
Don't have guards. Made my entire fortress, then used wall of iron spells to completely surround it. Over time, I continued to use wall of iron spells, until the fence was tall enough, then I cast several more to make a roof. To make sure it was sealed, I used a teleportation circle and ported outside my fortress. I then levitated all around it and used firebolt spells to make hillbilly welds. I left enough space for ventilation, but hopefully not enough to allow thieves to sneak inside.
It's just me in the fortress, so if I see anyone else, I screech autistically and run away.
...Now that you put it like that, that is a little strange. Perhaps he has detectors that work on other mechanisms?
Still sounds like some drilling will be needed, but maybe workable.
Perhaps he means any of three possible detectors, all of which would be sufficient for sussing out a suspected imposter.
Maybe that one can't detect magic and interdimensional shit.
Dammit, Okuyasu.
Kill everything on sight.
Because Khorne dosen't care about "who's" or "what's"
It's possible his Complete 100%-Detectorator is still in prototype stage. The current functional detector might only be reliable on the specific 3 he mentioned.
Invisible persons and shapeshifters? Now everybody knows those are just tales we tell to the young ones to keep them in line. Why, next you'll be asking about our tarrasque contingency plan, I'll wager! Bwaahahahaha!
Why would I need guards for my private demiplane? It's not like anyone can reach it unless they have the Codex of Infinite Planes and a spiteful streak the size of the multiverse.
>It's not like anyone can reach it unless they have the Codex of Infinite Planes and a spiteful streak the size of the multiverse.
I can't imagine how you can seriously call yourself a powerful magician if you don't have enemies with both these things.
True invisibility has been rendered impossible in my setting, and shapeshifting is a lost art. Kind of hard to justify training and equipping the guards to combat techniques nobody remembers.
Dud.. srsly.. they just have to access the intercom..
There is only one Codex of Infinite Planes you fucking hipster
Even still, anything is possible with enough spite.
t. not him
None, but then again my forces are the french foreign legion of the setting, as we will recruit literally anyone.
Besides actually having antimagic zones or guards who can cast things like True Seeing and Dispel Magic, I like to include the following mundane measures:
>Plush carpets to show if someone invisible is walking on them.
>Chimneys and air vents that have fine wire mesh on them to block familiars, animal messengers, and polymorphed spies.
>Very strict guard post schedules and protocols for sounding alerts and changing the guard, so someone who looks like a guard but isn't where he's supposed to be will be caught immediately.
>Bags of flour
>Standing orders to kill or scare away any small animals and to fire on any weird human-sized mists that could be someone in gaseous form.
>Hawks trained to eat any small birds or bats that come near the roof
>Locked doors that everybody knows not to open because there's nothing on the other side but a death trap. Lately I've been going with a hwacha triggered by pulling the door open.
What's the context of this panel again?
Ambient mist makes the invisible folks look like bubbles. Since all my people are fellow shapeshifters in some way, except the cat, not as worried.
I hate this assumption that all guards/security are dumb mooks.
Why in the fuck would the Big Bad hire a bunch of morons to guard his base? I know that if I had lots of resources at my disposal, I'd hire top notch, experienced security operators.
My players are often surprised when the dudes guarding the politicians compound aren't goons with bad hearing and no situational awareness, but rather well equipped and highly aware elite soldiers trained specifically to communicate and raise an alarm at the slightest inkling of danger. Regular check ins, non-pattern based security protocols, infrared/magic detection, anti-tamper safeguards, silent alarms, multiple communication lines, multiple sealable layers of security so that if one is breached, the facility is still secure, etc.
>Why in the fuck would the Big Bad hire a bunch of morons to guard his base?
He didn't.
He told HR to do it and gave them a budget.
He told HR Giger to do it and now the walls are covered in dicks
Someone once infiltrated my head of state's compound and threatened him with a plastic knife from KFC.
It took security half an hour to respond, his wife had to beat the intruder over the head with a statue.
A continous and multilayered application of the banally simple and common sense. Vetting, patrols, codewords, encyrption, decoys, defense in depth and building a system where field commanders have lots of leeway to act, so they arent totally independent on orders and intel arriving like clockwork to function.
My favorite one was the elves trying to use their awesomely talented 800 year old mages to scry on sending spells and they were very smug about not detecting any "lmao dumb humies" They used simple horseback messengers.
Also, there was the time when a PC tried to seduce guards and threw a shitfit when the guard led her in for a tryst and got handcuffed and arrested instead.
>do you think we are morons? that its not blindingly obvious what are you doing?