Can we get a black (or at least ambiguously brown) character art thread going?
Character Art Thread
> subhumans
Sir, I would like to inform you that we were monarchs and such.
Get the fuck out of Veeky Forums you mindless, unimaginative little prick.
What he said.
/co/mrade I hope you followed the damn link to get here
Got any male dark elf artwork?
He wuz kings and shit
senpai I got you
Not at my PC at the moment but I hope this thread survives long enough for me to contribute. We need more good brown people fantasy art. Sci-fi too.
thanks mod
Also for people who would like NPC artwork of african-looking characters, I recommend you look up Guild Wars : Nightfall artworks.
>ambiguously brown
That's the best kind of brown!
We be wizards n sheit
At a quick glance, I thought that was titled dessert scholar, and that she was holding a giant chocolate cake.
Imagine my disappointment.
Also, best I can do is vaguely beige.
Anyone have art of bulky females?
I need some for some female ogryns but there's barely any art so I'm looking for something that looks "close enough". Doesnt have to be super ugly humongoloids, just stronk looking females with maybe square jaws or some other brutish features will do.
Cool pauldrons
I like this one for some reason.
Good thread so far anons.
Featuring a Dwemer prosthesis.
>clearly has something up her sleeve
What a terrible magician.
>vaguely beige
Dibs on band name.