>there's gonna be a game today
>tell one of my players to bring a die
>he arrives
>with a D6
There's gonna be a game today
Your fault for not specifying which. Also, quality post.
Oh, sorry.
I forgot to mention the die I always use is D20 so I expected him to remember. Mine vanished, probably because of my nephew.
Is this seriously the calibur of threads that you guys put up with here on Veeky Forums?
>a die
>its still some gaming die
>not a wild tale of having lost his die casting equipment
2/10. Do better next time.
Superior choice by your friend.
WEG D6 Star Wars it is.
>A D6
Nigga fucked up, we ain't no sissy-ass-bitch-nigga, he better run to the store for at least 5 pound of plastic dice.
Old oriental ports of western RPGs had to include a few pages explaining how to get any probability distribution you want out of just d6s.
Apparently you couldn't get specialty dice there back then for some reason? To this day, oriental tRPGs are almost all d6 based.
Anyways, what I'm getting at here is: make do.
Also, you'll have a better time if you play a better system and own multiples of your dice.
>there's gonna be a game today
>tell one of my players to bring a die
>he arrives
>and promptly dies
Really old D&D doesn't use d10s (it uses d20s numbered twice) because the only way Gary and friends could get non-d6 dice was from a Japanese company making Platonic solids for geometry education purposes.
>Is this seriously the calibur of threads that you guys put up with here on Veeky Forums?
You've gotta realize that modern Veeky Forums is in a state of flux. We've got some new mods and janitors that seem to be more at odds with the /pol/fags than they maybe should be, but we've also got a lot of /pol/fags spilling onto the board who are pretty new to Veeky Forums in general. On top of that, a lot of people are mad that the Veeky Forums mod recently banned quests on Veeky Forums, so you've got people who are mad about that and people who are mad that they're mad about that.
Overall, the impetus to create low-effort joke threads is much greater than it's been in the past because more people (or perhaps just a larger percentage of people) are seeing Veeky Forums as more of a way to kill some time than as a community they want to better.
>there's gonna be a thread today
>tell user to make the first post
>he posts
>with four lines of greentext
It's a broader trend than that. The quality of people on the internet just gets shittier and shittier over time everywhere. Attention spans get shot to fuck so retarded shitposting dominates. People get used to being in ideologically isolated echo-chambers and as a result assume the absolute worst about anyone who disagrees with them. Civility declines, principle of charity disappears, debates get shriller and shriller. Veeky Forums held out for longer than some places but you can't stave off the entropy forever.
>assume the absolute worst about anyone who disagrees with them
This isn't a recent thing on Veeky Forums. Nowadays the irony behind it is lost though and people mean it. Thanks /pol/.
10/10, I actually laughed out loud
So... is there a story here? A lesson? Some clever pun?
I don't want to bring my d20's, you always lose yours.
He didn't lose it, his d20 vanished, possibly due to his nephew. See
>there's gonna be a game today
>tell one of my players to bring a die
>he arrives
>with a gun and shoots me
I've reported at least 120 posts this week, each total shitposts or obvious bait, and only 17 got deleted.
Rolled 20 (1d20)
>I've reported at least 120 posts this week
I haven't reported a post on Veeky Forums since 2011. It's better this way.
No, we have this problem because people care more about patrolling the board looking for off-topic content than about creating interesting new content.
In 2007 we ignored shitty bait threads.
In 2017 we max them out in under an hour.
>In 2017 we max them out in under an hour.
"The shitposters? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting them. You see, bait threads had a pre-set reply limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own posts at them, until they reached their limit and shut down"
>You see, bait threads had a pre-set reply limit.
> bait threads had a pre-set reply limit.
> bait threads had a
>bait thread
>only having 25 bait pics
>only having 25 bait pics
>tfw someone actually gets 300+ bait pics and a bot, then uses them to torpedo threads.