Am I wrong for thinking that female players are more likely to make magical realm characters? I've played with way more dudes, so my sample pool for girls is very small, but all of them made characters who were either flamboyently gay, lesbian, crossdressers, or just generally more focused on that kind of stuff than anything the male players focused on.
Am I wrong for thinking that female players are more likely to make magical realm characters...
Not sure about magical realm, but bitches love attention. Especially when they're surrounded by (unspoken for) men. Even if they have zero interest in those men, they revel in the attention (and will therefore often subvert such groups by putting themselves and their interests at the center rather than the game).
I admire your tenacity at being a colossal faggot
>Am I wrong...
You're also full of shit.
Sit down and have a think about why you can only find degenerates to play with.
Yeah, you're wrong.
If anything, girls just want to buy new gear after each adventure and love the planning phase of a fight - both out-of-character discussions as in-character discussions.
The only chick I've played with tends to not do much of anything, except have her character threaten to kill someone with her smoking pipe and rape.
Almost everyone is liable to do/say/believe in /think things that you dislike or just find annoying. You've met enough males that you've been exposed to the relatively small number of ones that you can sorta get along with, at least briefly. This is not true for females.
Not only is this a terrible thread, you also used an image that made me think it might be a good thread before I clicked on it.
Fuck you
It's a mix of things, but generally: yes.
To spitball numbers, half of it is men having fetishized everything. The other half is women playing into those fetishes.
Unless you've let a fatty into your group (why) it's fine. Also, you all need to be chill about talking about dicks without someone thinking it's gay. Full on wew everytime some chucklefuck does that.
yeah, and they always play elves too
>tfw one is playing a twink elf
>the GM starts some real subtle shipping between her PC and my stud of a human fisherman.
>knew what was coming the moment he overstepped slightly by stating there was only room for one in my boat, therefore forcing separation for the two PCs to oh-so-conveniently get around when the party comes together and separates between happenings.
Incredibly halal.
>almost every month on Veeky Forums there's a thread about how some user's friend in their group who happens to be a girl unwittingly makes a character that panders in some way to a fetish he has
Why the fuck haven't I played in a group where a qt girl makes a giantess character yet then?
I don't care if the session or the whole campaign is awkward, I just want to feel like the size fetish community isn't a fucking sausage fest.
Because what fucking GM is going to unbalance shit by letting one of the PCs be a damn giant?
> Magical realm
Kill yourself.
The trick is to just make up the story
Not him, but narrative campaigns are a thing.
Run a game in 900s Ireland or something. If the giantess wants to get involved in the social game, she'll need the other party members building a cult for her/doing introductions between her and the townsfolk.
Same thing Black Crusade requires of GMs, really.
That was too hilarious to fap to.
Great read.
It's more like female players are more likely to make Mary Sues (personal experience)
>tfw no giant gf
hmm, did your female players happen to have any large weeners tucked into their skinny jeans
Counterpoint: It's easier for men to be scruffy, meaning female characters have a sliding axis of "ugly, plain, beautiful" that's hard to deviate from. Hence the "my character is good at many things, and also beautiful" issue that most sues have.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that female players are more likely to make sues, but part of that comes from the "intentionally ugly" sort of punk appearance more difficult.
Scruffy, or rough-looking women tend to look like men. Pic related.
Also because, y'know, low-class women either prettied up to to be prostitutes, got some intentional, functional, ugliness to put up at least a knee-high wall against rape, or lived in the countryside where family ties were stronger, and raping her would mean a lynching for the offender.
But hey, if that sort of thing comes up in your game, and your female player is fine with it, you've probably found someone down for a WoD campaign. More power to you both.
That's a fair point, but I've DMed a party with a "beautiful woman who does nothing wrong" that actually was a bard who conned people out of money and has serious abandonment issues (if left alone by party for more than a week she panics, and a panicking person with access to magic is not good) and was played well in my experience.
To the contrary I've DMed a game that had a "beautiful woman who cans do wrong" who played lawful good but acted chaotic neutral at times, acting on impulse. She also used dual katanas that were enchanted to cut anything (I shot that shit down right away, much to her chagrin) and we ended up compromising by having the party all chose one enchanted item at the start with a reasonable enchantment. Worked out ok for the party tho and the sue stopped showing up after I told her that the katanas won't do to well against a big ass iron golem the party was facing and she ended up breaking one and damaging another in an attempt to cut off its arm.
I've only ever met three people over internet gaming who I know were women, and all three were into the freakiest shit I'd ever heard of. Women who really get into "nerdy" hobbies the same way men do are always going to be fucking weird, one way or another. So no, you're probably not wrong.
This is why I love Maid RPG.
Great environment for figuring out everyone's kinks.
Care to say name of your fap-content? Cuz I'm russian retard sadly.
is the site blocked for Russians? I'm just curious why there's a problem.
Admin blocked all russian ops despite not even been blocked by roskomnadzor. And only answer he gave: go get proxy.
Posting from phone is pain in the ass.
>[Shimimaru] "Joou" Series | "Queen" Series Ch. 1-5 [English] [Hot Cocoa]
[Shimimaru] "Joou" Series | "Queen" Series Ch. 1-5 [English] [Hot Cocoa]
[紙魚丸] “女王”シリーズ 第1-5話 [英訳]
[Shimimaru] "Joou" Series | "Queen" Series Ch. 1-5 [English] [Hot Cocoa]
Thanks, guys!
You are just riding in the hate wave, you should have guessed by reading his post, utter imbecile
Yeah, thats some bullshit on highest level. I don't understand this decision: hey we *might* be blocked by roskomnadzor, but probably not. Lets block ourselves instead, that'll show `em!
I got a plugin for firefox, but it makes browsing that site painfully slow. Damn shame.
Great, page 1 and I already hate her.
Women are more likely to be magical realm because when a woman does it it's cute and the people around her reward her for it. When a man does it they treat him like a mad dog that needs to be put down.
>reading the first page only and making a blog post about it
>on the traditional games board where everything has a rulebook
You mean to say how a rulebook smells doesn't affect your opinion of a game?
I mean, I sent my copy of MYFAROG back after it arrived smelling like burned churches, but I've never had an issue like that before.
Now a woman's body odor. That does affect my judgement of her. If it's not musky it just won't do.
>Not the one where the girl murders all of them out of jealously in the end
One job.