Will the story for Dawn of War 3 be any good?
Will the story for Dawn of War 3 be any good?
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the story in dawn of war has never been very good
will it be entertaining? maybe
Is the Story for 40k right now any good? I doubt that it'll be much better.
the story in warhammer has never been any good
Well half the Blood Ravens are MIA
I fear it will loose that charm
Pretty much this. 40k stories were always done best through a third party. Usually the local Writefags.
>Two sides are punching and kicking each other, yelling mean words at each other
>Suddenly a bigger, meaner monster appears and starts kicking and punching the other two
>the two sides who formerly fought reluctantly team up to kick and punch the big third guy
>One stabs the other in the back afterwards
>the end
Hairgel apparently tricked to going on some crusade
Thaddesus is apparently with hairgel on said crusade
Tarkus maybe the new 4th company captain
Cyrus is well Cyrus gotta teach those Scouts
Diomedies said he couldnt serve the chapter how he used to
So Macha will finally not be a virgin?
Will the Blood Ravens tackle the hardest heist in 40k history?
I hope the story just doesnt feature Gabe and Jonah the 2 most boring blood ravens
Holy fuck are you not paying attention they've both already been featured in Mission 6 demos.
I meant the game better not feature just Jonah and gabe
Depends on how funny of an accent the main character has
I unironically adore the joke about Blood Ravens being space gypsies that steal everything not nailed down and completely deny culpability when questioned.
>>No Magos, I assure you the chapter was only borrowing the seven Titans, we were of course going to return them after purging the heretic scum.
>>Seven titans? But ten are missing. What happened to the other three?
>>I have no idea, the four titans we've requisitioned are more than enough to serve our needs. You'd better go look for those missing eight titans, however, techpriest.
>>Eight? What? But you took seven and there's three missi-
>>What do you mean? The single Titan our chapter borrowed was long since returned to you. You'd better hurry to find those missing ten Titans before somebody reports the loss to Terra!
>>These "lost" holy relics will serve the chapter well, once they've been repainted of course
Blood Ravens are my favorite chapter
Clearly they were gifts.
What if hairgel comes back all chaos influenced and shit
Jesus christ no, the further into the moba pit these games go (and DoW3 is pretty fucking far down there) the worse they get in every way, especially story-wise.
We're talking story /v/ not gameplay
>implying they were ever good story-wise
The main draw has always been making fun of them. Here, at least.
>can't read
>calling someone else /v/
Each Dow game had its moments
Thules bantz
Thaddeus dare I say had a great speech on what happens to ones hummanity when they become space marines
All the IG generals had great speeches
Thaddeus was the best blood raven
DoW3 looks more like the original release than DoW2 or any MOBA
You are entirely incorrect
No, I'm right
Can't wait to see you in six months trying to pretend you like DoWoba
You are both correct!
You are both incorrect!
>tfw no dark elder
lololol thieving magpies thieving magpies
totally no viral 'ere boyz
>the hardest heist in 40k history
What, stealing Macha's virginity?
I'd rate Castor a lot higher because of sheer entertainment value.
I still hold to the idea that 40k should be funny, and an upper-class fop of a general who treats a military campaign like a fucking safari, with a grizzled Sergeant Major telling him off (while hapless soldiers are dying in droves) is precisely the kind of thing Imperial Guard should be about.
I wish there was more banter between the various commanders in Retribution. Imagine the bantz he should have with Bluddflagg.
>I wish there was more banter between the various commanders in Retribution. Imagine the bantz he should have with Bluddflagg.
oh great thereĀ“s another nice thing we cant have, but really bluddflagg was extremely entertaining just on his own anyway
> the moba pit
By the Emperor, I want this meme to die.
Strong hero units have been a thing for fucking ages. Starcraft had them, both of the Star Wars RTS games had them, Warcraft III is the system that made them an integral part of the meta and it was a Warcraft III mod which popularized them as a standalone mechanic.
At it's heart, the MOBA genre is nothing more than a distillation of the RTS micro game down to it's simplest parts. Literally the only thing that separates the MOBA genre from the traditional RTS genre is the lack of macro. Once you add in base and army management it becomes just another RTS.
Castor is alright
His speech in the space hulk showed his true colors
I also liked his barks.
>You're a fearsome warrior, act like it!
>Noise Marines! Do you hear me!
once you add in the major elements of an RTS anything becomes an RTS.
Also there's a traitor.
>Vostroyan Heirloom
>Sniper Rifle
>A magnificently crafted and maintained rifle that has survived generations of use. Though it may never be reunited with the noble family to whom it belonged, it will find an enviable home among Castor's numerous antiques once this conflict has ended.
>Though it may never be reunited with the noble family to whom it belonged, it will find an enviable home among Castor's numerous antiques once this conflict has ended.
It seems the Blood Ravens aren't the only thieving magpies in the sub-sector Aurelia.
You know, when in Rome, steal Roman artifacts.
And he shoots it
If you ask Veeky Forums, literally nothing about DoW 3 will be good, because they don't like the art style and that's apparently a good indicator for the quality of all other aspects of a game.
I hope so. The game seems to have something of an apocalyptic feel to it, which I like. Hopefully, that translates into the story well.
>the story in dawn of war has never been very good
True, though it's story/characters are generally better than other entries in the RTS genre.
My god im fucking tempted to copy this entire army
Gabriel Mobalos
Am I the only one who loved the ambiace music in both missions shown so far?Not even /v/ could came up with a lamer surname.