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>How to Jumpchain
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as a wise user once put it: Any jump can be a shounen jump if you try hard enough
Nanalan is my favorite anime.
Jump #246: Ouran High School Host Club
>King of Wands: A dashing and magnetic personality, carrying authority naturally, and striking at the world with swiftness and grace.
>Age: 8
>Location: Ouran High School?
>Drawbacks: White Lily (+300)
Why do the girls keep stealing me. HALP.
>Accounting (1200)
Is it because they are terrible at balancing their books?!
>Cosplay (1000)
Is it my fancy outfits?!
>Impeccable Crossdresser (800)
>Tellspotter (600)
Oh well, at least I've learned a few handy things from the girls since they're stealing me regularly. (Usually on Tuesdays. Why is it always Tuesdays?)
>Princely Bearing (400)
Maybe this is the other reason that they keep swiping me. ...wait, does this mean they think I'm a pretty, pretty princess?
>Little Devil (200)
At least that means I can get away with more!
>Instant Coffee (100)
I have to wake up in the morning somehow. Eh? No, an eight year old drinking coffee is perfectly normal...
>Instant Ramen (0)
The food of the gods. I blame a certain blond-haired loudmouth for getting me hooked on this stuff. I guarantee this thirty-year supply will be gone in much less than that.
Ten years of being in a romantic comedy. And being kidnapped by the girls' academy. I'm sure that initially it's pretty rare, but once I get older, it becomes much more frequent. Instead of once or twice a year, it's once every few weeks, or at least it seems that way.
I mean, honestly, the rest of my time? I'm just going to run around and have fun. I'm not going to get involved in the inevitable love triangles/trapezoids/whatever polygons they want to make, I'm just going to have a ball. Though I'm putting that cosplay wardrobe in the warehouse so that I can abuse certain perks and change my outfit whenever someone looks away.
Because it's fun.
Though the later in my stay, the more I start wondering if there are ulterior motives behind all these 'kidnapping' attempts...
And if that's true, it logically follows that any shounen jump can be another genre if you don't try hard enough!
Wouldn't you need some way of making others not try hard as well though?
I'm afraid it doesn't logically follow.
(1) (Try Hard) => (Shonen Setting)
(2) ~(Try Hard) => ~(Shonen Setting)
Going from 1 to 2 is a logical fallacy called denying the antecedent. It doesn't logically follow.
I look forward to your thrilling interpretation of Lovecraft: The Shonen-ing.
That's easy, you just kill cthulhu with the awesome might of willpower and friendship and huge screams and then cthulhu goes "MA-MASAKA" while the screen grows gradually white as he witnesses the awesome might of shounen jumper in his last moments
I'm half-asleep sorry
Jump #247: Predator
>The High Priestess, reversed: The forces of nature unleashed.
Did someone say xenos? 'Cause I thought I heard someone say PURGE IT WITH FIRE.
>Age: 30
>Location: New York City, 1995
It's not quite the jungle, but it's still early enough in the game that I can deal with the xenos' bullshit and stop them before they get very far, every time. I'm not going to trade off any of my power for scenarios though - I'll happily crush them on whatever terms I see fit.
>Identity: Survivor
You were expecting maybe a buddy cop movie? Nah, not this time around.
>Defy Analysis (600)
What's that you say? Anything I leave behind, from material to DNA, defies analysis? ALL OF MY YES.
>Master of the Hunt (200)
To hunt a hunter, you must know how the hunter thinks.
>Resized Yaut'ja Armor (100)
Paid the 100cp surcharge so I can get a handheld cloaking device. I could Disillusion myself, but honestly, playing by the locals' rules is half the fun.
>Ancient Weapon: Silicon Staff (0)
It's a melee weapon. It works. Right? It's not like I'm enhancing any of its esoteric powers, I'm just making sure that if I face off against a yaut'ja with it, it'll be able to hold its own instead of being sliced in half by one of their frisbees.
New York City, 1995. A number of Hunters should have had a hell of a time. And yet, that never actually ended up happening - it's as though they got startled away every time they started to go after a target. And then the NYPD found a number of bodies that were burnt to a crisp... distinctly inhuman bodies. While the bodies had strange alloys in what little armor they wore, there was no salvagable technology to be had. The US government covers it all up very effectively while forwarding the surviving material for research.
Siberia, 1996. An alien ship crash-landed. Sadly, by the time anyone investigated, the ship had been destroyed and reduced to slag by means unknown - nothing was salvagable aside from, perhaps, the metals and a few things that could be called trophies. The bodies were even less intact than the ones in New York.
Los Angeles, 1997. A bunch of Columbians got shot in the face, which confuses the hell out of a detective who had just been in a gun battle with them about thirty minutes prior. A crispy yaut'ja was delivered to the Other Worlds Lifeforms Taskforce with intact armor (but stripped of weapons) with a half-melted knife embedded in its forehead, which confuses the hell out of Gary Busey and makes him even more paranoid.
A UFO is seen shortly afterward at low altitude over Los Angeles before it streaks into the stratosphere. Its occupants carry a warning: "If your species comes to Earth to hunt again, your species will be exterminated in totality. You are not hunters. You are insects."
Antarctica, 2004: A UFO is spotted via satellites that don't officially exist. It is, shortly thereafter, speared by what looks like a lightning bolt that stretches from the moon to Earth.
Yaut'ja homeworld, three days later: an asteroid flies into the planet at a double-digit percentage of the speed of light. Over the course of the next three months, in a series of attacks that should have been impossible to coordinate, nine out of every ten yaut'ja who were offworld were annihilated. The xenomorphs' extinction followed, including the eggs on an uninhabitable world that the Nostromo would find later.
Because seriously, fuck those guys, the horse they rode in on, and the fleas that infest it.
Pretty much the the latter, but also jumper-me is so lazy it's almost a super power, so Git Gud / Training Montage perks don't do much for him.
You sound like Achilles, from Grrl Power.
His only power is being indestructible.
He gets thrown around a lot, but sometimes he can freak out the enemy by blocking attacks in ways no sane person would.
The blocks swords with his eye guy? I want that power.
You realize that in all actuality that sword should have slid under his eyelid and gotten stuck in a really unpleasant, if utterly non-harming-to-him-aside-from-the-squick way, right?
...fuck, now I want that power too.
Unfortunately it was claimed by someone who has left us for real world issues, perhaps the escapism will reclaim the soul it has been denied he will return to us one day?
If he had anything else, he'd be completely bullshit.
Apparently he's literally indestructible.
Here's part of his description on the characters page:
>Achilles can't be poisoned, suffocated, starved, irradiated, crushed, cut, pierced, burned, frozen or injured by any method yet discovered.
It may or may not have the downside of essentially freezing him in time, mentally and physically.
>Achilles doesn't know exactly how or when he got his powers (thought it would be patently obvious to anyone who was with him at the time).
Judging from his taste in music and clothes (his invincible hairstyle notwithstanding) Achilles seems to be stuck in the 80's to some degree. Whether this is a side effect of his powers and when he got them, or if he's just nostalgic and totally into glam rock is not known.
It's like he used that one perk-item combo involving SAO to make himself into an Immortal Object.
I miss somefaggit. He was cool. And he was trying so hard to keep up with the crazy fast world-building in Grrl Power too.
The world-building is the only thing fast about Grrl Power, fuck. It's been 3 days over 6 years.
Pick up K&K and EX God Hand in Fate? Something would need to be 50 times stronger than Excalibur before it could even get past your auto nope.
I don't believe you know how either of those work.
Jump #248: Rust
>The Empress: Initiative and practical actions that promote prosperity, comfort and luxury.
...how am I even supposed to pull that off in THIS jump?
>Location: The Plains, Hapis Island
>Identity: Naked
>Drawbacks: Civil War (0), Fresh Spawn (+300)
No warehouse access? No problem. I'll get right on the gaming, as soon as I achieve pants. --wait, shit, this means I have to pause on reconstructing Sajuuk. Argh! I always get sidetracked from that.
>Where Did It Go? (1200)
Raw materials can be replaced by the finished product without any intermediate steps in assembly? Well, that will certainly make it easier to get situated and make simple items when I wish, won't it?
>Tread Lightly (1100)
And carry a sharp stick. But no, walking around with complete silence is a very handy thing here.
>Dig In Your Heels (900)
Designing bases to repel attacks is the name of the game here.
>A Bad Dream (500, Naked)
Gotta get those extra lives, no matter how rare it is that I need them.
>Wall Hacks (0)
Complete awareness of all people within a two mile radius of me? This will compliment my other precog/clairvoyance perks perfectly...
So I'm on a beach full of rock-wielding naked cannibals. Isn't that nice?
Oh look I didn't take the drawback where if I use otherworldly powers I get the banhammer, this means I can happily walk away (at mach 25) and leave them behind me, very confused and hungry for the taste of delicious human flesh that they'll never get to enjoy from me.
So, a civil war has erupted on Hapis Island. One side looks like thugs with decent body armor, hoodies and bandanas, and seems based out of the mountains and the colder parts of the island, and the other side looks like they wouldn't be out of place in the Fallout wasteland with their improvised road sign armor and light apparel, covering the western desert and the southwestern part of the island. Meanwhile there are others in the southeastern part of the island that seem to just want to be left alone.
Well, there's only one thing to do: set up shop on the river that marks the line that the two factions' influence extends toward, build a massive trading camp, and profit off of everyone's suffering.
And man everything with clones, so that when they inevitably get shot in the face, the rest of them (of me?) is left to retaliate and render the offenders quite dead. Being able to detect everything within two miles means that raids are effectively impossible, because when large groups pop up, I can have my clones man the sniper rifles and rockets - when the stupidity starts, a number of well-placed bullets will deal with that problem quite handily. And I have QUITE the number of clone perks now. I could populate a small town without much concern, even if most of those clones are just peak-human and otherwise unpowered.
You may wonder of course why I've set up a trading outpost. Especially one with a courtyard, several separate stalls for purchases, and an overall appearance of a stone fortress. And well, that's very simple. The noncombatants have to be protected from the war, there's only one real solution to that.
I'm going to build a wall.
And I'm going to make the raiders pay for it.
K&K reduces the power of any attack to 10% of it's normal power. EX God Hand nulls any attack lower than EX and weaken those that are EX or above.
This means that the armor (K&K) will reduce damage you take to 10% and that 10% will go through to hit your body (EX God Hand). Unless that 10% is enough to equal an EX rank attack it will be nullified by EX God hand.
If EX = 500 and A++ = 150 it will take 33.3333etc. times the power of Excalibur to get through K&K with enough power to hurt someone with EX God Hand.
Curses! How do people keep track of all these logical fallacies anyway, on a good day I can rattle off reducto ad absurdum and ad hominem off the top of my head?
Ironically, one of the Kamen Rider jumps is perfect for that.
>initiative and practical actions that promote prosperity, comfort and luxury on a cannibal island
Wean everyone off onto lamb? Humans are actually awful in nutritional value.
Incidentally, after updating my build in accordance to the servant supplement update I now find myself in possesion of an Anti-Self/Anti-Thaumaturgy EX NP since I can't afford EX-level Territory Creation AND Item Creation/HSDW anymore.
I think I'll have it be my magic circuits.
Question is, what could they even do at that rank?
Considering I'm not restricted in what I can do, I can use certain powers to produce food. Like, actual food.
I figure a lot of people will be trading raw resources for steak dinner with mashed potatoes and broccoli, or even just ramen. Let alone the fun that I'll be having when people start buying spirits to drink (from Bastion).
Because this logical fallacy was relatively easy to pick apart.
On the other hand, most of the times you sprout some hy^per-complicated combo you become an embodiement of Jumpchain's corrolary to Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced Jumper is indistinguishable from complete bullshit".
Are there any perks other than the Alexandria Package that prevents others from affecting my insides?
...y'know, I have to wonder if Clarke ever read an actual story about magic before he came up with the 3rd law. It's always funny to me to think of it when I read something like the original Books of Magic miniseries. Or heck, even the Chronicles of Narnia.
Oranges, too. Scurvy's the real killer for a populace exposed to the elements.
I still have to wonder just what gets put in a drink to make it magnetise Shard fragments faster.
None as comprehensively, afaik.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has Ribbon Bearer, which gives you immunity to several status effects and a general resistance to all others, which might give you time to get out of dodge / apply a counter.
Van Helsing has He Who Fights Monsters, which prevents people from forcing transformations or conversions upon your body (and with training, also protects your mind).
So besides Rewind from Madoka (Wraith Timeline) does anyone know any "save point" style perks or gear? Like if I screw up superbad and need to rewind time back to a certain spot?
>can you use Predestined Delivery Shaping to mail someone a bomb
Of course.
The trick is then getting it to explode just when it arrives. But I'm sure that can be done easily enough.
Jump #249: Redline
>The Hanged Man: Pausing to reflect. Surrendering to an experience.
And man, if running the Redline isn't an experience, I don't know what is.
>Age: 22
>Identity: Mechanic (-100)
As if I'd trust anyone else to lay a hand on my car.
>Drawbacks: Sweet (+100), At The Speed Of Plot (+300)
If I were to use weapons, that would just be cheating. And come on... looking at everything, the more epic things are, the better the experience. I can't just reduce this to a mundane RACE. This is the Redline, baby.
>Helpful Radio Announcer (1200)
I can't wait until I get to Worm, tune the radio to a channel that should be static, and hear a nonexistent announcer tell me of the nonsense that is the local gang scene. But until then, it doesn't hurt to have an announcer to listen to for the local racing events!
>Driving (1100)
Driving here... it's on a different scale than it is in most places. Most places, you wouldn't be expected to maintain 300 miles per hour as a cruising speed.
>Basic Maintenance (Free, Mechanic)
Again, as if I'd trust the care of my car to anyone else. People are ruthless when it comes to racing around here.
>Wind Resistance (1000)
The perfect perk to help anyone who's gotta go fast. And boy, have I got to go fast.
>The Finder (900, Mechanic)
Always helps to be able to find that last elusive part I've been wanting to track down for who-knows-how-long.
>Engine-uity (600, Mechanic)
Ah, now here's the perk I've been looking for to unite the three cores of Sajuuk. But we'll discuss the wisdom of putting nitro gold into a starship later...
>Nitro Gold (400)
I'll have to go easy on these. Don't want to go crazy on the speed when I don't need to.
>Platinum Nitro Charge (100)
This, on the other hand... this gets saved for when it's needed. Sure, it replaces itself weekly, but if I just use it whenever I feel like it, what good will it do?
>Vehicle Import: Modified Highwayman (0)
It's a sturdy car, oh yes. Nothing can stop a Highwayman.
>Wheels [Free]
Of COURSE it's got wheels. What proper car wouldn't?
>Hover-Jets [100/400]
Fortunately I get 400 points toward my sweet ride. And that's a necessity. Not to mention you never know when you might blow a tire and have to rely on the backups. Or perhaps the tires should be a backup? Should I just have interchangeable modes?
>TRZ-Airmaster [300/400]
Now this is the sort of engine that I can respect. Especially in a car like this. It feels almost like it was made for the Highwayman.
>Secondary Cockpit (Upgraded) [Free, Mechanic]
Never hurts to rework the interior of the Highwayman. Though I suspect it just means that if the going gets messy, I can grab a new set of controls from the dash or something, or that I can jettison half the interior safely and reduce it to just the front seat.
>Modular Vehicle [Free, Mechanic]
The Redline is always a messy race. You never know how much of the car you might lose. Best to be prepared for every eventuality.
>Grappling Cannon [400/400]
Well, it's not a weapon per se, at least as long as I don't use it that way.
There's not a great deal of detail that I can really give for this jump, honestly. My companions and I ran around and didn't take most things too seriously, with of course the exception of the races because they were on a scale that we've never seen so far. And it helps that I had them on the sidelines rooting for me at every race.
I won some, I lost some, but I secured a place in the Redline five years after I arrived. And to be honest... being in that race, it was simply EPIC. I don't think it's something I could do forever, but racing here was exhilarating in a way that I rarely find.
Even though I lost and a guy with a ridiculous pompadour won after his car basically disintegrated on the way to the finish line, I had a great time. Apparently, that guy and the girl who was riding with him had some kind of whirlwind romance and got married. I didn't follow it too much, though I wished them well and gave them a nice wedding present. That is, I gifted them a completely restored version of that car, without any bombs attached to it this time, and a steamlight hanging from the rearview mirror. Because I am a giant cheater and I got a hell of a kick out of the look on their faces, because it was the last thing anybody expected.
Sadly, he didn't show up at the next Redline, apparently he was busy raising a couple of kids with the cute mechanic girl that he married. Which is just as well - I don't think I would have won if he'd shown up again. It was nice to leave the jump with that notch in my belt, even if there was an angry giant cyborg chasing me until the jump ended at that point.
How does one get to learn LOTS OF THINGS?
I'm... pretty sure... there's a 1-up perk that rewinds time a half hour if you die, once per jump? But you don't remember that half hour, just that you will have died.
Is there any perk that prevents you from become Gilgamesh so you don't underestimate your enemies?
Overlord has Bard, which when taken with Level 100 allows you to know most things about the setting including some forbidden/forgotten information within five or so years.
Say your prayers.
Eat your vitamins.
Be true to yourself.
Be true to your country.
Yeah, in the new Fate jump. It's the 200cp Servant perk.
Overkill is the best kill, user. Just go all out against every enemy.
Learn your Time Magics.
You forgot 'Fuck your DJ friend's wife'.
Why are Republicans so anime?
Dude, what people do in private on their own time is their own business. Hulkamania can run wild on whoever the hell it wants in the bedroom, he sure didn't have a problem with it until years later, when he could get some money out of it. The DJ was there ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING.
Addendum: destroy yellow journalism rags, be hailed as a hero twice over.
There's save state from pokemon
If you get the hyper zecter in Kabuto you can run through time (though if the universe doesn't have regular-ish time travel you can only go a maximum of one hour)
5th magic from Fate/ could also help
>There's save state from pokemon
No there isn't. Nice try, though.
The fuck? When was that taken out?
An user managed to gain the name Rapestate through abusing the perk. People got tired of his posting.
When an asshole decided to post in great detail his plans to use it to rape various people without any consequences.
Years ago.
Somewhere around early 2014. Where have you BEEN?
>One user's posting ruins everything
Well, that's stupid but I won't disagree with it since I never bought the perk.
Is pokemon still a "first jump only" jump or was that changed too?
Last time I posted here Dragon Ball wasn't anywhere near completion.
It's traditional to do the Pokemon jump first but some don't. There's around 730 jumps now. How many when you were posting?
>Last time I posted here Dragon Ball wasn't anywhere near completion
Holy shit. Seriously? Uh, you've missed a lot, man. We've got over 700 jumps now. Oh, and yeah, Pokemon is still a "first jump only" jump.
>Is pokemon still a "first jump only" jump or was that changed too?
It is still first jump only but lots of people just ignore that at this point.
>Last time I posted here Dragon Ball wasn't anywhere near completion.
Seriously? Wow. Good to see an oldfag come back.
>Clairvoyance EX (Fate)
>Inference Engine (Worm)
>Clarivoyance (Railgun)
>Xeno-Anthropoligist (Hive Queen Quest)
>Cultural References (Archer)
>Pop culture relevance (Green Lantern)
I dunno, no more than 200. The last thing I remember reading were people talking about the Index and Railgun jumps and how the timeline would work. I think it was agreed that they would be separate universes. Though looking at newer jumps, if they were made now Index would have a 0cp drawback to add in your first 6 months from railgun.
So did the maybe-shitposter scare off Echogirl? She was in the middle of posting a build last thread
was he scoring it?
Doubt it. Echo probably just left for a bit. She'll be back later.
Are there any perks that grant wisdom?
The Gamer lets you level up and put all your points into WIS. Though after a few levels you might recognize that it's a bad idea.
People getting into pointless arguments≠shitposters.
There was no real flaming happening.
I don't really care either way, I was just answering the user's question about Echo.
For some reason, this reminds me of that one strip where a guy doesn't study for a test because he borrowed his brother's cloak of wisdom. The test starts, he puts it on, and...
>I should have studied for the test.
Forgotten Realms and Neverwinter Nights both have them.
Actually, I was asleep.
I finished my LotR build, user. You probably missed it because of the arguing.
Also, why does everyone think I'm a girl?
Coz you're a bitch.
Because your Jumper is a girl. Maybe you write in a feminine way?
pic related
Because everyone wants to waifu you, silly!
Some jumpers automatically assume anyone they talk to is female if there isn't anything that identifies them as male. Probably because of a waifu overdose.
Anyone can be female if you believe hard enough.
We do have a lot of waifu jumpmakers don't we?
What's Jumps grant you custom loyal without draining your CP (unlike Worm)?
So far, I only have:
>Batman: Dark Knight Trilogy
>Overlord (The Series)
>Death Note
Red is the only girl here. And she got banned.
Valeria is a crocodile
Don't be crazy, we only have Worm and Val and Red and...and...
You know you might be onto something here.
>Maybe you write in a feminine way?
Yes, because my posts full of curse words are very feminine. Actually, considering my mother, that isn't very far fetched.
>Because your jumper is a girl
Probably, and there is a reason I go with a female jumper a lot. I remember watching a very early LP Video a long time ago, and I remember hearing a quote that pretty much changed the way I play games.
"If I'm going to be staring at someone's ass this whole game, it might as well be a woman's."
I fell the concept applies to imaginary games.
You're such a tsundere.
>Yes, because my posts full of curse words are very feminine
You're being sarcastic, but most of the women in my family curse like sailors, except for my Grandma and my baby nieces.
Does the Eldritch Suit from Creepypasta allow you to go out in public and interact with people despite the Monster drawback?
what are the most milquetoast jumps Veeky Forums?
personally I think
any others?
also where is my generic harem jump?
Probably not, Drawbacks tend override other effects whether they come from perks, items or skills.
>"If I'm going to be staring at someone's ass this whole game, it might as well be a woman's."
That's the same thing my brother says when people ask why he plays females in video games.
I've never seen him do a tabletop roleplay game to find out if he would do the same there, however.
>i'm so fucking straight guys
Sure you are, you little cutie.
Is it possible to take the cadet origin in NuTrek without being sent on the suicide mission to Vulcan? I want to take it early chain but it seems like this would result in either my death or a court martial for skipping out on the mission.
Just go rogue. It's what the cool kids do.
Break a leg, as they say.
Get yourself court martialed for some other offence precluding you from joining in the mission.
My method: You start when Jimbo joins Star Fleet - three years before Vulcan gets hit by Nero.
Use those three years to hunt down Nero, get your ship to eat his ship, party hard and graduate Star Fleet with honors, leaving a trail of fond memories behind you.
Incidentally, this derails the plot hardcore so if you give a shit about Kirk you'll need to nudge events in a manner that hardens him up somehow.
Substitute method: Take Cadet. Be Awesome. Get assigned to the Enterprise as one of the bridge crew extras. Don't get killed.
Yes, but it doesn't completely negate the drawback; you're allowed to use disguises and the like with the Monster drawback, like it says in the text, but they'll eventually be seen through no matter how good they are.
Early chain, this is only an issue because I want to do this early chain. And because my favorite ship from the jump is the Enterprise making me to take cadet for the discount.
If I was doing this later on I'd just smack Nero' ship into a black hole using my dick but taking on his monstrous ship isn't an option for me at this stage of my chain.
hey YJ how is it going?
are you still working on the Batman TAS jump?
Would being caught binge drinking on the day of the launch get me disciplined or kicked out?
It's been going pretty good. Celebrated my birthday a few days ago, had cake for breakfast today. Haven't had a lot of time to watch Batman: The Animated Series unfortunately, so I've been getting the really obvious stuff (super powers, items, and companions mostly) out of the way first and doing a little work on Fables/The Wolf Among Us.
Happy cake for breakfast day!
Also glad to hear it's still happening. I think KOTOR is doing Superman TAS? Are you going to link the two in any way?
The Superman jump is a random user I think, not KOTOR.
What is the lewdest Jump?
I'd like to, but I'm not sure if we will since they both take place at around the same time, and there's not really an elegant solution to that. I liked the idea about the timelines being mashed together, though.
>inb4 "Any jump if you try hard enough"